
One Parameter Family of N-Qudit Werner-Popescu States: Bipartite Separability Using Conditional Quantum Relative Tsallis Entropy

One Parameter Family of N-Qudit Werner-Popescu States: Bipartite Separability Using Conditional Quantum Relative Tsallis Entropy
摘要 The conditional version of sandwiched Tsallis relative entropy (CSTRE) is employed to study the bipartite separability of one parameter family of N-qudit Werner-Popescu states in their 1:N-1 partition. For all N, the strongest limitation on bipartite separability is realized in the limit and is found to match exactly with the separability range obtained using an algebraic method which is both necessary and sufficient. The theoretical superiority of using CSTRE criterion to find the bipartite separability range over the one using Abe-Rajagopal (AR) q-conditional entropy is illustrated by comparing the convergence of the parameter x with respect to q, in the implicit plots of AR q-conditional entropy and CSTRE. The conditional version of sandwiched Tsallis relative entropy (CSTRE) is employed to study the bipartite separability of one parameter family of N-qudit Werner-Popescu states in their 1:N-1 partition. For all N, the strongest limitation on bipartite separability is realized in the limit and is found to match exactly with the separability range obtained using an algebraic method which is both necessary and sufficient. The theoretical superiority of using CSTRE criterion to find the bipartite separability range over the one using Abe-Rajagopal (AR) q-conditional entropy is illustrated by comparing the convergence of the parameter x with respect to q, in the implicit plots of AR q-conditional entropy and CSTRE.
出处 《Journal of Quantum Information Science》 2018年第1期12-23,共12页 量子信息科学期刊(英文)
关键词 Entropic SEPARABILITY Criterion q-Conditional ENTROPIES Non-Commuting Version of RELATIVE Entropy Entropic Separability Criterion q-Conditional Entropies Non-Commuting Version of Relative Entropy
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