
The Practical Enlightenment of Chinese Modernization to the Modernization of Ideological and Political Education in Universities

The Practical Enlightenment of Chinese Modernization to the Modernization of Ideological and Political Education in Universities
摘要 The report approved on The 20th National Congress of The Communist Party of China (CPC) explained deep meaning of Chinese modernization, which provided practical enlightenment and value guidance for the modernization of ideological and political education in universities. The five distinctive characteristics of Chinese modernization, including “huge population”,“common prosperity for all”, “harmony between material and spiritual civilization”, “harmony between humanity and nature”, “following the path of peaceful development”, guided universities to build a more targeted ideological and political education system. In this way, universities can cultivate more talents for modernization cause. The report approved on The 20th National Congress of The Communist Party of China (CPC) explained deep meaning of Chinese modernization, which provided practical enlightenment and value guidance for the modernization of ideological and political education in universities. The five distinctive characteristics of Chinese modernization, including “huge population”,“common prosperity for all”, “harmony between material and spiritual civilization”, “harmony between humanity and nature”, “following the path of peaceful development”, guided universities to build a more targeted ideological and political education system. In this way, universities can cultivate more talents for modernization cause.
作者 Zhuli Feng Zhuli Feng(Department of Marxism, Shandong Women’s University, Jinan, China)
机构地区 Department of Marxism
出处 《Open Journal of Applied Sciences》 CAS 2023年第5期636-642,共7页 应用科学(英文)
关键词 Chinese Modernization UNIVERSITIES Ideological and Political Education Practical Enlightenment Chinese Modernization Universities Ideological and Political Education Practical Enlightenment
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