
Algorithm for Visualization of Zero Divisor Graphs of the Ring &#8484;<sub>n</sub> Using MAPLE Coding

Algorithm for Visualization of Zero Divisor Graphs of the Ring &#8484;<sub>n</sub> Using MAPLE Coding
摘要 This research investigates the comparative efficacy of generating zero divisor graphs (ZDGs) of the ring of integers ℤ<sub>n</sub> modulo n using MAPLE algorithm. Zero divisor graphs, pivotal in the study of ring theory, depict relationships between elements of a ring that multiply to zero. The paper explores the development and implementation of algorithms in MAPLE for constructing these ZDGs. The comparative study aims to discern the strengths, limitations, and computational efficiency of different MAPLE algorithms for creating zero divisor graphs offering insights for mathematicians, researchers, and computational enthusiasts involved in ring theory and mathematical computations. This research investigates the comparative efficacy of generating zero divisor graphs (ZDGs) of the ring of integers ℤ<sub>n</sub> modulo n using MAPLE algorithm. Zero divisor graphs, pivotal in the study of ring theory, depict relationships between elements of a ring that multiply to zero. The paper explores the development and implementation of algorithms in MAPLE for constructing these ZDGs. The comparative study aims to discern the strengths, limitations, and computational efficiency of different MAPLE algorithms for creating zero divisor graphs offering insights for mathematicians, researchers, and computational enthusiasts involved in ring theory and mathematical computations.
作者 Nasir Ali Nasir Ali(Department of Mathematics, Lahore Campus, COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore, Pakistan;Department of Mathematics, Vehari Campus, COMSATS University Islamabad, Vehari, Pakistan)
出处 《Open Journal of Discrete Mathematics》 2024年第1期1-8,共8页 离散数学期刊(英文)
关键词 Zero Divisor Graph Ring Theory Maple Algorithm ℤ<sub>n</sub> Modulo n Graph Theory Mathematical Computing Zero Divisor Graph Ring Theory Maple Algorithm ℤ<sub>n</sub> Modulo n Graph Theory Mathematical Computing
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