
Local Polynomial Regression Estimator of the Finite Population Total under Stratified Random Sampling: A Model-Based Approach

Local Polynomial Regression Estimator of the Finite Population Total under Stratified Random Sampling: A Model-Based Approach
摘要 In this paper, auxiliary information is used to determine an estimator of finite population total using nonparametric regression under stratified random sampling. To achieve this, a model-based approach is adopted by making use of the local polynomial regression estimation to predict the nonsampled values of the survey variable y. The performance of the proposed estimator is investigated against some design-based and model-based regression estimators. The simulation experiments show that the resulting estimator exhibits good properties. Generally, good confidence intervals are seen for the nonparametric regression estimators, and use of the proposed estimator leads to relatively smaller values of RE compared to other estimators. In this paper, auxiliary information is used to determine an estimator of finite population total using nonparametric regression under stratified random sampling. To achieve this, a model-based approach is adopted by making use of the local polynomial regression estimation to predict the nonsampled values of the survey variable y. The performance of the proposed estimator is investigated against some design-based and model-based regression estimators. The simulation experiments show that the resulting estimator exhibits good properties. Generally, good confidence intervals are seen for the nonparametric regression estimators, and use of the proposed estimator leads to relatively smaller values of RE compared to other estimators.
作者 Charles K. Syengo Sarah Pyeye George O. Orwa Romanus O. Odhiambo Charles K. Syengo;Sarah Pyeye;George O. Orwa;Romanus O. Odhiambo(Pan African University Institute for Basic Sciences, Technology and Innovation, Nairobi, Kenya;Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi, Kenya)
出处 《Open Journal of Statistics》 2016年第6期1085-1097,共13页 统计学期刊(英文)
关键词 Sample Surveys Stratified Random Sampling Auxiliary Information Local Polynomial Regression Model-Based Approach Nonparametric Regression Sample Surveys Stratified Random Sampling Auxiliary Information Local Polynomial Regression Model-Based Approach Nonparametric Regression
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