
Individuation and the Feminine Soul: Study of Feminine Archetypal Images Carried out on Surgical Patients

Individuation and the Feminine Soul: Study of Feminine Archetypal Images Carried out on Surgical Patients
摘要 This article is the result of a research carried out in a private hospital of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The patient care model of the Mastology Department includes an interdisciplinary staff that aims for the comprehensive treatment of these surgical patients. The research is based on clinical approach, under the framework of Analytical Psychology. Feminine archetypal images are symbolically represented by the Main Goddesses of the Olympus. It is natural for one of these expressions to prevail throughout a woman’s life, or even in specific moments of her life, but it is important to recognize that all of them are part of the feminine soul. We can, therefore, define and understand the Goddesses from Greek Mythology symbolically as being representative of the various feminine psychogenic forces that are projected. In reality, they are internal images that can be used to help know and understand personal issues and changes that are necessary in a woman’s life, enabling personal growth and the possibility to identify herself with the more authentic elements of her being. In this work experience, the feminine force showed itself to be a force of creation, of expression and of overcoming. This article is the result of a research carried out in a private hospital of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The patient care model of the Mastology Department includes an interdisciplinary staff that aims for the comprehensive treatment of these surgical patients. The research is based on clinical approach, under the framework of Analytical Psychology. Feminine archetypal images are symbolically represented by the Main Goddesses of the Olympus. It is natural for one of these expressions to prevail throughout a woman’s life, or even in specific moments of her life, but it is important to recognize that all of them are part of the feminine soul. We can, therefore, define and understand the Goddesses from Greek Mythology symbolically as being representative of the various feminine psychogenic forces that are projected. In reality, they are internal images that can be used to help know and understand personal issues and changes that are necessary in a woman’s life, enabling personal growth and the possibility to identify herself with the more authentic elements of her being. In this work experience, the feminine force showed itself to be a force of creation, of expression and of overcoming.
出处 《Open Journal of Medical Psychology》 2015年第4期99-110,共12页 医学心理学(英文)
关键词 Mastology HOSPITAL Analytical PSYCHOLOGY INDIVIDUATION FEMININE Archetypal Images MYTHOLOGY Mastology Hospital Analytical Psychology Individuation Feminine Archetypal Images Mythology
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