
Grid System Analysis of Urban Flora of Bukhara City (Uzbekistan)

Grid System Analysis of Urban Flora of Bukhara City (Uzbekistan)
摘要 This article presents information on the study of the flora of Uzbekistan based on grid system mapping. The urban flora of the city of Bukhara was researched in it. As a result of research, the territory of Bukhara city was divided into 85 indexes based on 1 × 1 km<sup>2</sup> grid mapping system. The diversity and density of species in the indexes are determined. The influence of anthropogenic factors on the diversity of species in the indexes is determined. This article presents information on the study of the flora of Uzbekistan based on grid system mapping. The urban flora of the city of Bukhara was researched in it. As a result of research, the territory of Bukhara city was divided into 85 indexes based on 1 × 1 km<sup>2</sup> grid mapping system. The diversity and density of species in the indexes are determined. The influence of anthropogenic factors on the diversity of species in the indexes is determined.
作者 Abdulla M. Umedov Husniddin K. Esanov Abdulla M. Umedov;Husniddin K. Esanov(Department of Botany and Plant Physiology, Bukhara State University, Bukhara, Uzbekistan)
出处 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 CAS 2024年第2期139-144,共6页 美国植物学期刊(英文)
关键词 Bukhara City Urban Flora INDEX Grid Map System HERBARIUM Geoinformation Bukhara City Urban Flora Index Grid Map System Herbarium Geoinformation
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