
Noninvasive Prenatal Testing for Fetal Chromosomal Abnormalities Using Massively Parallel Sequencing: Clinical Experience from 7910 Korean Pregnancies 被引量:2

Noninvasive Prenatal Testing for Fetal Chromosomal Abnormalities Using Massively Parallel Sequencing: Clinical Experience from 7910 Korean Pregnancies
摘要 Objective: The purpose of this study is to review the clinical experience and performance of noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) method, using cell-free DNAto detect chromosomes 21, 18, 13, X, and Y abnormalities in over 7910 clinical samples from South Korean population. Method: Pregnant women between 1st of November 2015 to 18th of February 2018, with obstetric clinical findings participated in the study. NIPT was performed based on masivelly parallel sequencing with 0.3× low coverage paired-end sequencing using cell-free DNA in maternal plasma. Further invasive prenatal testing was recommended for pregnant women with positive NIPT results. Results: Of the total 7910 participants, 7890 (99.75%) were tested for NIPT and the remaining 20 (0.25%) were below the Quality Control (QC) standards. T13, T18, XXX, XXY and XYY had 100% of sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive values (PPV) and accuracy. The overall sensitivity was 100% and specificity, PPV and accuracy of all chromosomal abnormalities with further validation were 99.92%, 94.25%, and, 99.92% respectively. Conclusion: Our NIPT results showed high positive predictive value for the detection of autosomal trisomies and sex chromosome aneuploidies in our sample cohort. Objective: The purpose of this study is to review the clinical experience and performance of noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) method, using cell-free DNAto detect chromosomes 21, 18, 13, X, and Y abnormalities in over 7910 clinical samples from South Korean population. Method: Pregnant women between 1st of November 2015 to 18th of February 2018, with obstetric clinical findings participated in the study. NIPT was performed based on masivelly parallel sequencing with 0.3× low coverage paired-end sequencing using cell-free DNA in maternal plasma. Further invasive prenatal testing was recommended for pregnant women with positive NIPT results. Results: Of the total 7910 participants, 7890 (99.75%) were tested for NIPT and the remaining 20 (0.25%) were below the Quality Control (QC) standards. T13, T18, XXX, XXY and XYY had 100% of sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive values (PPV) and accuracy. The overall sensitivity was 100% and specificity, PPV and accuracy of all chromosomal abnormalities with further validation were 99.92%, 94.25%, and, 99.92% respectively. Conclusion: Our NIPT results showed high positive predictive value for the detection of autosomal trisomies and sex chromosome aneuploidies in our sample cohort.
出处 《Open Journal of Genetics》 2018年第3期42-53,共12页 遗传学期刊(英文)
关键词 CELL-FREE DNA TRISOMY Clinical Performance MOSAICISM CPM FETAL Abnormality NONINVASIVE Prenatal Testing NIPT Cell-Free DNA Trisomy Clinical Performance Mosaicism CPM Fetal Abnormality Noninvasive Prenatal Testing NIPT
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