
A Review of Biochemical Processes and Techniques for Soil Stabilization and Resilience

A Review of Biochemical Processes and Techniques for Soil Stabilization and Resilience
摘要 Biochemical, chemical, and mechanical, techniques have been employed to enhance soil resilience for decades. While the use of mechanical techniques requires transporting huge amounts of soil materials, the cement used in chemical techniques may lead to increase atmospheric carbon dioxide. Numerous studies indicate that biochemical techniques may be less expensive, cost effective, and environmentally friendly. Biopolymers and enzymes derived from microorganisms have been suggested as biological enhancers in strengthening and fortifying soils used for earthen structures. Lime and other treatment techniques used as biobased materials have been shown to be less effective for stabilizing soils. Here, we review biochemical processes and techniques involved in the interactions of soil enzymes, microorganisms, microbial extracellular polymeric substances, and other biopolymers with soil particles, and the challenges and strategies of their use as biobased materials for stabilizing soils. This review provides their impacts on various soil properties and the growth potentials of agricultural crops. . Biochemical, chemical, and mechanical, techniques have been employed to enhance soil resilience for decades. While the use of mechanical techniques requires transporting huge amounts of soil materials, the cement used in chemical techniques may lead to increase atmospheric carbon dioxide. Numerous studies indicate that biochemical techniques may be less expensive, cost effective, and environmentally friendly. Biopolymers and enzymes derived from microorganisms have been suggested as biological enhancers in strengthening and fortifying soils used for earthen structures. Lime and other treatment techniques used as biobased materials have been shown to be less effective for stabilizing soils. Here, we review biochemical processes and techniques involved in the interactions of soil enzymes, microorganisms, microbial extracellular polymeric substances, and other biopolymers with soil particles, and the challenges and strategies of their use as biobased materials for stabilizing soils. This review provides their impacts on various soil properties and the growth potentials of agricultural crops. .
作者 Jonathan A. Metuge Zachary N. Senwo Jonathan A. Metuge;Zachary N. Senwo(Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Alabama A & M University, Normal, USA)
出处 《Advances in Biological Chemistry》 CAS 2024年第1期40-54,共15页 生物化学进展(英文)
关键词 BIOCHEMICAL Earthen Structures Soil Resilience Biopolymers Soil Enzymes AGRICULTURE MICROORGANISMS Extracellular Polymeric Substances Biochemical Earthen Structures Soil Resilience Biopolymers Soil Enzymes Agriculture Microorganisms Extracellular Polymeric Substances
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