
Evaluation of the Bacteriological Pollution of the Waters of the Lake of Sonfonia Commune of Ratoma (Republic of Guinea) 2021

Evaluation of the Bacteriological Pollution of the Waters of the Lake of Sonfonia Commune of Ratoma (Republic of Guinea) 2021
摘要 The quality of surface waters is often altered by the presence of bacteria of faecal origin, as a result of untimely discharge of solid and liquid waste from households. The Sonfonia Lake located in the commune of Ratoma is under the influence of various forms of pollution resulting for the most part from anthropic activities. Field visits, interviews with resource persons and bacteriological analysis were carried out to assess the level of this pollution. Two water sampling campaigns were carried out during the low-water period and two others during the flood period of 2021. The comparison of the levels of faecal contamination bacteria in the present study with a previous one carried out in 2018 on the waters of the same lake, indicates an increase in the level of faecal coliforms and faecal streptococci that exceed the indicator values recommended by the WHO. These results show that Lake Sonfonia is polluted. This could be related to the increase in anthropogenic and demographic activities during the last four years. On the other hand, the analysis of the results showed the absence of pathogenic germs such as salmonella. The Mann-Whitney U statistical test was used to compare the value of the means of each of the variables observed during the two seasons. The quality of surface waters is often altered by the presence of bacteria of faecal origin, as a result of untimely discharge of solid and liquid waste from households. The Sonfonia Lake located in the commune of Ratoma is under the influence of various forms of pollution resulting for the most part from anthropic activities. Field visits, interviews with resource persons and bacteriological analysis were carried out to assess the level of this pollution. Two water sampling campaigns were carried out during the low-water period and two others during the flood period of 2021. The comparison of the levels of faecal contamination bacteria in the present study with a previous one carried out in 2018 on the waters of the same lake, indicates an increase in the level of faecal coliforms and faecal streptococci that exceed the indicator values recommended by the WHO. These results show that Lake Sonfonia is polluted. This could be related to the increase in anthropogenic and demographic activities during the last four years. On the other hand, the analysis of the results showed the absence of pathogenic germs such as salmonella. The Mann-Whitney U statistical test was used to compare the value of the means of each of the variables observed during the two seasons.
作者 Mohamed Lamine Komara Cheick Ahmed Tawel Camara Nènè N’koya Bangoura Kande Bangoura Sekou Traore Mohamed Lamine Komara;Cheick Ahmed Tawel Camara;Nènè N’koya Bangoura;Kande Bangoura;Sekou Traore(Department of Biology Gamal Abdel Nasser University of Conakry, Conakry, Republic of Guinea;The Biochemistry Degree Programme Gamal Abdel Nasser University of Conakry, Conakry, Republic of Guinea;Laboratory of the Center for Environmental Studies and Research (CERE), Conakry, Republic of Guinea;Scientific Research Center of Conakry Rogbané (CERESCOR), Conakry, Republic of Guinea;Department of Advanced Studies and University Research at the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, Conakry, Republic of Guinea)
出处 《Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment》 CAS 2023年第2期142-151,共10页 农业化学和环境(英文)
关键词 Surface Water ANTHROPOGENIC Lake Sonfonia Wastewater FAECES Surface Water Anthropogenic Lake Sonfonia Wastewater Faeces
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