
Macrosegregation Quality Criteria and Mechanical Soft Reduction for Central Quality Problems in Continuous Casting of Steel 被引量:3

Macrosegregation Quality Criteria and Mechanical Soft Reduction for Central Quality Problems in Continuous Casting of Steel
摘要 In order to study the central quality of continuously cast tool steel slabs, the simple model has been developed to simulate the macrosegregation quality criteria. The model calculates different quality criteria such as average macro-segregation level criterion “ASL”, its fluctuation level “FSL” and its segregation quality number “SQN”. These criteria are calculated based on the previous measurements of carbon and sulfur concentrations distributions in final region of spray zones and centerline area of lower and upper slab sides. The effect of mechanical soft reduction Technique “MSR” on the slab centerline quality is examined and analyzed. The model results show that MSR affects the quality of centerline areas significantly by different ways based on the casting speed. The experimental and theoretical results clarify that the qualities of different slab sides are different for all collected samples. The model results show also that the accuracy of the macro-segregation quality criteria increases quantitatively with increasing the number of analyzed segregated elements. Therefore, the macrosegregation quality criteria and their distributions can be considered as the most simple and vital tool to evaluate the various slab qualities. Finally, the mechanism of centerline segregation formation with mechanical soft reduction is discussed in this study. In order to study the central quality of continuously cast tool steel slabs, the simple model has been developed to simulate the macrosegregation quality criteria. The model calculates different quality criteria such as average macro-segregation level criterion “ASL”, its fluctuation level “FSL” and its segregation quality number “SQN”. These criteria are calculated based on the previous measurements of carbon and sulfur concentrations distributions in final region of spray zones and centerline area of lower and upper slab sides. The effect of mechanical soft reduction Technique “MSR” on the slab centerline quality is examined and analyzed. The model results show that MSR affects the quality of centerline areas significantly by different ways based on the casting speed. The experimental and theoretical results clarify that the qualities of different slab sides are different for all collected samples. The model results show also that the accuracy of the macro-segregation quality criteria increases quantitatively with increasing the number of analyzed segregated elements. Therefore, the macrosegregation quality criteria and their distributions can be considered as the most simple and vital tool to evaluate the various slab qualities. Finally, the mechanism of centerline segregation formation with mechanical soft reduction is discussed in this study.
出处 《Materials Sciences and Applications》 2014年第10期724-744,共21页 材料科学与应用期刊(英文)
关键词 Continuous Casting of Steel MACROSEGREGATION CENTERLINE SEGREGATION MACROSEGREGATION Quality Criteria MECHANICAL Soft Reduction Technique Continuous Casting of Steel Macrosegregation Centerline Segregation Macrosegregation Quality Criteria Mechanical Soft Reduction Technique
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