
Low Temperature Performance Prediction Model of Cold-Filled SMA-13 Asphalt Mixture

Low Temperature Performance Prediction Model of Cold-Filled SMA-13 Asphalt Mixture
摘要 Sets of cold-filled SMA-13 asphalt mixture were designed by means of orthogonal design method. The bending and low temperature creep tests of the cold-filled SMA-13 asphalt mixture were carried out. The related models of the fractal dimension and the road performance evaluation index including low temperature bending failure strain εB and bending strength RB are established by using fractal theory. The model can be used to predict the low temperature performance of cold-filled SMA-13 asphalt mixture according to the design gradation, which can reduce the test workload and improve the working efficiency, so as to provide the reference for engineering design. Sets of cold-filled SMA-13 asphalt mixture were designed by means of orthogonal design method. The bending and low temperature creep tests of the cold-filled SMA-13 asphalt mixture were carried out. The related models of the fractal dimension and the road performance evaluation index including low temperature bending failure strain εB and bending strength RB are established by using fractal theory. The model can be used to predict the low temperature performance of cold-filled SMA-13 asphalt mixture according to the design gradation, which can reduce the test workload and improve the working efficiency, so as to provide the reference for engineering design.
出处 《Materials Sciences and Applications》 2018年第13期1066-1072,共7页 材料科学与应用期刊(英文)
关键词 Low Temperature Performance Prediction Model Cold-Filled SMA-13 ASPHALT MIXTURE FRACTAL Dimension Evaluation Index Low Temperature Performance Prediction Model Cold-Filled SMA-13 Asphalt Mixture Fractal Dimension Evaluation Index
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