
The Spatial-Temporal Characteristics of Meteorological Disasters in the Southwest Region of Zhejiang Province during 1953-2022

The Spatial-Temporal Characteristics of Meteorological Disasters in the Southwest Region of Zhejiang Province during 1953-2022
摘要 Meteorological disasters are some of the most serious and costly natural disasters, which have larger effects on economic and social activity. Liuchun Lake is an ecotourism area in the southwest region of Zhejiang province, where also has experienced meteorological disasters including rainstorm and cold wave. Understanding the temporal-spatial characteristics of meteorological disasters is important for the local tourism and economic development. Based on the daily temperature and precipitation from 18 meteorological stations in the southwest of Zhejiang province during 1953-2022 and some statistical approaches, the temporal and spatial characteristics of meteorological disasters (Freezing, Rainstorm, Cold wave) are analyzed. The results indicate that 1) Rainstorm occurred frequently around the Liuchun lake, the frequency was about 8 times/a, it can also reach about 3 times/a in the other region. Freezing and cold wave (including strong cold wave and extremely cold wave) had the same spatial distribution as rainstorm, however, except for Liuchun lake, they occurred less than one time in the other regions;2) The trend of rainstorm had larger spatial difference, it increased in all the study area, but it increased more significantly around the study area than around Liuchun lake. Freezing was on the downtrend in the whole region, with 93.3% of the stations passed the 95% significant level. Cold wave also showed a declined trend, but it was insignificantly at most of the stations, only 33% of the stations passed the 90% significant level. Compared with cold wave, strong cold wave and extremely strong cold wave had weaker decline in all the regions. In general, from 1953 to 2022 rainstorm showed an increasing trend, it was the main meteorological disaster in the study area, cold wave displayed a decreasing trend, but it still occurred about 2 - 3 times/a in most regions. Meteorological disasters are some of the most serious and costly natural disasters, which have larger effects on economic and social activity. Liuchun Lake is an ecotourism area in the southwest region of Zhejiang province, where also has experienced meteorological disasters including rainstorm and cold wave. Understanding the temporal-spatial characteristics of meteorological disasters is important for the local tourism and economic development. Based on the daily temperature and precipitation from 18 meteorological stations in the southwest of Zhejiang province during 1953-2022 and some statistical approaches, the temporal and spatial characteristics of meteorological disasters (Freezing, Rainstorm, Cold wave) are analyzed. The results indicate that 1) Rainstorm occurred frequently around the Liuchun lake, the frequency was about 8 times/a, it can also reach about 3 times/a in the other region. Freezing and cold wave (including strong cold wave and extremely cold wave) had the same spatial distribution as rainstorm, however, except for Liuchun lake, they occurred less than one time in the other regions;2) The trend of rainstorm had larger spatial difference, it increased in all the study area, but it increased more significantly around the study area than around Liuchun lake. Freezing was on the downtrend in the whole region, with 93.3% of the stations passed the 95% significant level. Cold wave also showed a declined trend, but it was insignificantly at most of the stations, only 33% of the stations passed the 90% significant level. Compared with cold wave, strong cold wave and extremely strong cold wave had weaker decline in all the regions. In general, from 1953 to 2022 rainstorm showed an increasing trend, it was the main meteorological disaster in the study area, cold wave displayed a decreasing trend, but it still occurred about 2 - 3 times/a in most regions.
作者 Qi Zhang Yifan Wang Zhidan Zhu Hongxia Shi Wenhao Yang Shujie Yuan Qi Zhang;Yifan Wang;Zhidan Zhu;Hongxia Shi;Wenhao Yang;Shujie Yuan(Longyou Meteorological Administration, Quzhou, China;School of Atmospheric Sciences, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu, China)
出处 《Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection》 2024年第3期16-27,共12页 地球科学和环境保护期刊(英文)
关键词 Southwest of Zhejiang Province RAINSTORM Cold Wave Spatial Distribution Trend Analysis Southwest of Zhejiang Province Rainstorm Cold Wave Spatial Distribution Trend Analysis
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