
Use of Natural Coagulants in Removing Organic Matter, Turbidity and Fecal Bacteria from Hospital Wastewater by Coagulation-Flocculation Process

Use of Natural Coagulants in Removing Organic Matter, Turbidity and Fecal Bacteria from Hospital Wastewater by Coagulation-Flocculation Process
摘要 Hospital wastewater represents an infectious and toxic risk to human health and the environment due to its contents. Most hospitals in developing countries, including Benin, do not have a wastewater treatment plant. In this study, the wastewater from two hospitals in northern Benin was characterized and then treated with Azadirachta indica leaves, Moringa oleifera and Luffa cylindrica seeds by coagulation/flocculation process. The wastewater characteristics showed that the collected samples are greatly polluted by organic matter and fecal bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Enterococcus fecal and Total coliforms. Jar-test results revealed that 95.74%, 78%, 49.19% of turbidity, 51.35%, 38.32%, 22.19% of COD, 93.16%, 85.26%, 83.30% against Escherichia coli, 92.11%, 90.93%, 94.60% against total Coliforms and 99.37%, 91%, 99%, 55.07% against Enterococcus were removed from hospital wastewater using Moringa oleifera, Luffa cylindrica seed and Azadirachta indica leaves respectively at dose of 100 mg/L. The results highlighted that the natural coagulants could be successfully used for the removal of turbidity and fecal bacteria from hospital wastewater. Hospital wastewater represents an infectious and toxic risk to human health and the environment due to its contents. Most hospitals in developing countries, including Benin, do not have a wastewater treatment plant. In this study, the wastewater from two hospitals in northern Benin was characterized and then treated with Azadirachta indica leaves, Moringa oleifera and Luffa cylindrica seeds by coagulation/flocculation process. The wastewater characteristics showed that the collected samples are greatly polluted by organic matter and fecal bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Enterococcus fecal and Total coliforms. Jar-test results revealed that 95.74%, 78%, 49.19% of turbidity, 51.35%, 38.32%, 22.19% of COD, 93.16%, 85.26%, 83.30% against Escherichia coli, 92.11%, 90.93%, 94.60% against total Coliforms and 99.37%, 91%, 99%, 55.07% against Enterococcus were removed from hospital wastewater using Moringa oleifera, Luffa cylindrica seed and Azadirachta indica leaves respectively at dose of 100 mg/L. The results highlighted that the natural coagulants could be successfully used for the removal of turbidity and fecal bacteria from hospital wastewater.
作者 Lyde A. S. Tometin Odilon M. Nonfodji Waris K. Chouti Marius Dannon Akim Aboubakari Jacques K. Fatombi Lyde A. S. Tometin;Odilon M. Nonfodji;Waris K. Chouti;Marius Dannon;Akim Aboubakari;Jacques K. Fatombi(Laboratoire Kaba de Recherche en Chimie et Applications ( LakReCA), Ecole Normale Supérieure de Natitingou, Natitinqou, Bénin;Laboratoire de Chimie Inorganique et Environnementale (LaCIE), Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, UAC, Cotonou, Bénin)
出处 《Journal of Water Resource and Protection》 CAS 2022年第11期719-730,共12页 水资源与保护(英文)
关键词 Hospital Wastewater Fecal Bacteria Organic Matter Natural Coagulants REMOVAL Hospital Wastewater Fecal Bacteria Organic Matter Natural Coagulants Removal
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