
Environmental Factors, Constraints and Risks of Rainwater Runoff in Commune II of Maradi (Republic of Niger)

Environmental Factors, Constraints and Risks of Rainwater Runoff in Commune II of Maradi (Republic of Niger)
摘要 The Urban Commune of Maradi in Niger experienced increasingly frequent flooding following rainy episodes generating volumes and water flows that are difficult to control in recent years. This study aims to determine the impacts of runoff water in Commune II of Maradi City and to assess the role of urban planning in runoff management, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of urban sanitation in Maradi. The methodological approach used consisted of: 1) an interpretation of documentary data, 2) gathering information on runoff at several sites in the study area, and 3) interviews and questionnaires with local communities. This approach made it possible to understand the degree of vulnerability of the populations to flooding and then to propose sustainable solutions to reduce the vulnerability of the affected populations, through the implementation of effective urban rainwater management practices (USWMP). The results show that the impacts of runoff are mainly related to the lack of adequate storm water drainage networks in the area, but also to the nature of the habitats. Geomorphological factors such as the nature of the soil, the slope of the terrain and the altitude increase the degree of risk. In addition, the inadequacy and dilapidation of the drainage systems of the canals and above all the anarchic occupation of the land linked to accelerated urbanization are the cause of flooding by stagnation of rainwater. A phenomenon now linked to numerous deteriorations of urban equipment, the runoff of rainwater in the city of Maradi carries so many pollutants that municipalities, businesses and individuals should put in place pollution prevention measures. The Urban Commune of Maradi in Niger experienced increasingly frequent flooding following rainy episodes generating volumes and water flows that are difficult to control in recent years. This study aims to determine the impacts of runoff water in Commune II of Maradi City and to assess the role of urban planning in runoff management, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of urban sanitation in Maradi. The methodological approach used consisted of: 1) an interpretation of documentary data, 2) gathering information on runoff at several sites in the study area, and 3) interviews and questionnaires with local communities. This approach made it possible to understand the degree of vulnerability of the populations to flooding and then to propose sustainable solutions to reduce the vulnerability of the affected populations, through the implementation of effective urban rainwater management practices (USWMP). The results show that the impacts of runoff are mainly related to the lack of adequate storm water drainage networks in the area, but also to the nature of the habitats. Geomorphological factors such as the nature of the soil, the slope of the terrain and the altitude increase the degree of risk. In addition, the inadequacy and dilapidation of the drainage systems of the canals and above all the anarchic occupation of the land linked to accelerated urbanization are the cause of flooding by stagnation of rainwater. A phenomenon now linked to numerous deteriorations of urban equipment, the runoff of rainwater in the city of Maradi carries so many pollutants that municipalities, businesses and individuals should put in place pollution prevention measures.
作者 Maman Sani Abdou Babaye Karimou Dia Hantchi Abdoulkader Moussa Issaka Ousmane Laminou Manzo Yahaya Saadou Labo Choukouriya Laouali Sannoussi Moussa Konaté Maman Sani Abdou Babaye;Karimou Dia Hantchi;Abdoulkader Moussa Issaka;Ousmane Laminou Manzo;Yahaya Saadou Labo;Choukouriya Laouali Sannoussi;Moussa Konaté(Department of Geology, Faculty of Science and Techniques, Dan Dicko Dankoulodo University, Maradi, Niger;Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science and Techniques, André Salifou University, Zinder, Niger;Department of Rural Engineering and Water & Forests, Faculty of Agronomy and Environmental Sciences, Dan Dicko Dankoulodo University, Maradi, Niger;Department of Geology, Faculty of Science and Techniques, Abdou Moumouni University, Niamey, Niger)
出处 《Open Journal of Modern Hydrology》 2023年第4期211-228,共18页 现代水文学期刊(英文)
关键词 NIGER Storm Water Impermeable Spaces Urban Runoff Flood VULNERABILITY Niger Storm Water Impermeable Spaces Urban Runoff Flood Vulnerability
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