
Collaborative Design Theory and Related Key Technology Study Based on Cloud Computing

Collaborative Design Theory and Related Key Technology Study Based on Cloud Computing
摘要 Analyzes the main way of product distribution for collaborative design. According to the requirement of manufacturing collaborative design, apply cloud computing in manufacturing collaborative design and come up the concept of product collaborative cloud design. Study the product collaborative design theory based on cloud computing and the general key technology of cloud computing, semantic web, intelligent matching selection algorithm, STEP and XML technology, version management and conflict resolution arithmetic and so on which related to this theory. The study object of this article is automotive product. Construct an automotive collaborative design system with the key technology to verify the feasibility and validity of the cloud basing collaborative design theory and related technology. This collaborative design system will overcome the weakness that resource and information can not be shared between different department in the same enterprise or different enterprises. Join up this system will help directly enterprise for collaborative design and the repetition construction of collaborative design platform of each enterprise will be avoid. It will reduce the investment of enterprises for constructing and managing collaborative design platform and further reduce the cost of product R&D with a better and more efficient design. Analyzes the main way of product distribution for collaborative design. According to the requirement of manufacturing collaborative design, apply cloud computing in manufacturing collaborative design and come up the concept of product collaborative cloud design. Study the product collaborative design theory based on cloud computing and the general key technology of cloud computing, semantic web, intelligent matching selection algorithm, STEP and XML technology, version management and conflict resolution arithmetic and so on which related to this theory. The study object of this article is automotive product. Construct an automotive collaborative design system with the key technology to verify the feasibility and validity of the cloud basing collaborative design theory and related technology. This collaborative design system will overcome the weakness that resource and information can not be shared between different department in the same enterprise or different enterprises. Join up this system will help directly enterprise for collaborative design and the repetition construction of collaborative design platform of each enterprise will be avoid. It will reduce the investment of enterprises for constructing and managing collaborative design platform and further reduce the cost of product R&D with a better and more efficient design.
出处 《Journal of Software Engineering and Applications》 2013年第3期18-22,共5页 软件工程与应用(英文)
关键词 CLOUD Computing CLOUD DESIGN COLLABORATIVE DESIGN SEMANTIC Web Intelligent MATCHING Version Management Cloud Computing Cloud Design Collaborative Design Semantic Web Intelligent Matching Version Management
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