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高、低产双黄蛋高邮鸭卵巢结构及生殖激素和相关基因差异 被引量:4
作者 张蕾 张响英 +6 位作者 章敬旗 张扬 常国斌 陈国宏 董飚 吴炳鑫 王健 《江苏农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期385-389,共5页
为从组织学、生化指标及分子水平研究双黄蛋高、低产高邮鸭卵巢结构、生殖激素和繁殖关键基因的差异性,选择双黄蛋高、低产高邮鸭各6只,测定静脉血中相关激素含量,采用q RT-PCR技术检测下丘脑、垂体、肝脏以及卵巢组织中相关基因的表达... 为从组织学、生化指标及分子水平研究双黄蛋高、低产高邮鸭卵巢结构、生殖激素和繁殖关键基因的差异性,选择双黄蛋高、低产高邮鸭各6只,测定静脉血中相关激素含量,采用q RT-PCR技术检测下丘脑、垂体、肝脏以及卵巢组织中相关基因的表达,并对卵巢组织切片进行HE染色和FSHR免疫组化染色,观察卵巢形态结构。结果表明,高邮鸭双黄蛋高、低产组卵巢形态结构有显著差异,高产组卵巢卵泡发育良好,内外膜分界明显,颗粒细胞排列紧密;低产组卵巢卵泡发育不良,颗粒细胞松散。高产组血清中促卵泡素(FSH)、雌二醇(E2)和孕酮(P)水平显著高于低产组(P<0.01)。q RT-PCR结果显示,高、低产高邮鸭下丘脑、垂体及肝脏中生殖激素受体基因FSHR、ERβ和Gn RHR的m RNA表达存在极显著性差异(P<0.01),而在卵巢中差异不显著。可见,双黄蛋高、低产高邮鸭的卵巢结构存在显著差异,下丘脑、垂体以及肝脏是调控高邮鸭双黄蛋产蛋性能的重要因素。 展开更多
关键词 高邮鸭 双黄蛋 卵巢形态 基因表达 生殖激素
凤头白鸭与连城白鸭的群体遗传多样性分析 被引量:1
作者 张扬 姚文成 +5 位作者 卞友庆 王兆山 王维 徐琪 常国斌 陈国宏 《中国畜牧杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第4期33-36,共4页
为系统地评价、保护凤头白鸭资源的遗传多样性,进一步对其开发利用,本研究利用12个微卫星位点(STR分型技术)对凤头白鸭与连城白鸭(各60只)2个群体的遗传多样性参数进行检测和计算。结果表明:除位点AJ272578以外,凤头白鸭群体在APL2、AJ2... 为系统地评价、保护凤头白鸭资源的遗传多样性,进一步对其开发利用,本研究利用12个微卫星位点(STR分型技术)对凤头白鸭与连城白鸭(各60只)2个群体的遗传多样性参数进行检测和计算。结果表明:除位点AJ272578以外,凤头白鸭群体在APL2、AJ272577、AJ272579、AJ515884、APH01、AY493256、AY4932898、CMO11等8个STR位点上的等位基因多于连城白鸭,在AJ515887、AJ515893、AY493313等3个位点上与连城白鸭相等;凤头白鸭群体的有效等位基因数(Ne)、期望杂合度(He)、观察杂合度(Ho)、多态信息含量(PIC)均大于连城白鸭;2个群体的群体内近交系数(Fis)分别为-0.02、0.09,凤头白鸭群体表现为杂合子过剩。综上,凤头白鸭群体的遗传多样性较连城白鸭更为丰富。 展开更多
关键词 凤头白鸭 连城白鸭 STR自动分型 遗传多样性
不同饲养方式对优质肉鸭屠宰性能和肌肉营养成分的影响 被引量:6
作者 包强 仲黎 +7 位作者 沈徐 刘金璐 王兆山 刘本帅 白皓 徐琪 常国斌 陈国宏 《中国畜牧杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第8期132-134,139,共4页
为制定优质肉鸭最优饲养技术方案,提高优质肉鸭饲养的经济效益和品质,本研究选择900只1日龄优质肉鸭(益客集团E品系),随机分为3组,每组3个重复,分别采用地面平养、笼养、网上平养,在70日龄进行屠宰性能和肌肉主要营养成分测定。结果表明... 为制定优质肉鸭最优饲养技术方案,提高优质肉鸭饲养的经济效益和品质,本研究选择900只1日龄优质肉鸭(益客集团E品系),随机分为3组,每组3个重复,分别采用地面平养、笼养、网上平养,在70日龄进行屠宰性能和肌肉主要营养成分测定。结果表明:网上平养肉鸭的屠体重较其他2种饲养方式有显著提升(P<0.05);网上平养的全净膛重与半净膛重、头脚重、胸肌重与笼养无显著差异,但其半净膛重、头脚重、胸肌重、腹脂重高于地面平养(P<0.05);网上平养的腿肌重与其他2种饲养方式无显著性差异;网上平养肉鸭的胸肌中蛋白质含量较其他2种方式显著提升(P<0.05),在腿肌蛋白质含量上三者差异不显著;网上平养肉鸭的腿肌脂肪含量高于地面平养(P<0.05),而3种饲养方式的胸肌脂肪含量无显著差异;胶原及水分含量与笼养相比在胸腿肌中差异不显著。可见,优质肉鸭采用网上平养较为适合。 展开更多
关键词 优质肉鸭 饲养方式 屠宰性能 肌肉营养成分
我国部分地方蛋鸭品种鉴定 被引量:3
作者 王统苗 张莘 +7 位作者 刘本帅 陈博雯 常国斌 白皓 江勇 张扬 王志秀 陈国宏 《江西农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期143-149,共7页
【目的】研究选取我国部分地方蛋鸭品种(攸县麻鸭、三穗鸭、金定鸭、麻旺鸭、绍兴鸭、荆江麻鸭、山麻鸭),对其5个微卫星位点进行多态性分析,利用Microsatellite-Toolkit分析软件和Excel表格,实现对7个鸭品种的初步鉴别。【方法】以这7... 【目的】研究选取我国部分地方蛋鸭品种(攸县麻鸭、三穗鸭、金定鸭、麻旺鸭、绍兴鸭、荆江麻鸭、山麻鸭),对其5个微卫星位点进行多态性分析,利用Microsatellite-Toolkit分析软件和Excel表格,实现对7个鸭品种的初步鉴别。【方法】以这7种鸭为试验对象,对所选取的5个微卫星DNA座位进行STR分型测序,统计品种间有效等位基因数(Ne)、多态信息含量(PIC)、群体杂合度(He),辅以各品种共有的基因型对7个鸭品种进行初步鉴别。【结果】STR分型检测结果发现5个微卫星位点共检测到62个等位基因,多态信息含量(PIC)介于0.29~0.622,其中,3个座位为高度多态位点(PIC>0.50),2个座位为中度多态位点(0.25<PIC<0.50);7个鸭品种在微卫星座位的平均杂合度在0.27~0.61;有效等位基因数在1.330~2.762;聚类分析结果表明:金定鸭先与绍兴鸭聚为一类,再与荆江鸭聚为一类;山麻鸭与麻旺鸭聚为一类,攸县麻鸭与三穗鸭聚为一类;5个微卫星位点在7个鸭品种中均有共有基因型,统计不同位点共有基因型频率,绘制柱形图,从图中可以明显的看出7个鸭品种的基因型频率各不相同。【结论】可以通过所选微卫星标记的有效等位基因数,辅以各品种共有的基因型,从而达到初步鉴别7个鸭品种的目的。 展开更多
关键词 微卫星标记 共有基因型 品种鉴定
我国六个地方鸭品种的群体遗传结构及遗传分化 被引量:2
作者 王统苗 张莘 +6 位作者 陈博雯 常国斌 白皓 江勇 张扬 王志秀 陈国宏 《甘肃农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期24-29,共6页
【目的】了解中国部分地方鸭品种的群体遗传结构和遗传分化.【方法】使用荧光标记的微卫星引物和ABI-3730XL型DNA测序仪器,对我国6个地方鸭品种(180只)在16个微卫星位点上的等位基因进行STR分型测序,利用Structure和Fstat软件对群体结... 【目的】了解中国部分地方鸭品种的群体遗传结构和遗传分化.【方法】使用荧光标记的微卫星引物和ABI-3730XL型DNA测序仪器,对我国6个地方鸭品种(180只)在16个微卫星位点上的等位基因进行STR分型测序,利用Structure和Fstat软件对群体结构和遗传分化进行分析.【结果】16个微卫星位点共检测到141个等位基因,具有高度多态性;F-统计量结果显示群体间存在显著的遗传分化;Structure程序成功构建出了6个鸭品种的遗传分化结构图;Structure程序构建的Neighbor Joining(NJ)图将‘润州凤头白鸭’‘于田麻鸭’聚为一类,‘北京鸭’与‘樱桃谷鸭’‘吉安红毛鸭’聚为一类.【结论】通过16个多态性较好的微卫星位点对中国6个地方鸭品种进行了遗传结构性和遗传分化研究,为获取我国地方鸭品种间的遗传信息和遗传关系提供更准确的依据. 展开更多
关键词 微卫星 遗传结构 Structure程序 地方鸭品种
不同鸡品种BTN2基因SNP和INDEL分析 被引量:2
作者 王统苗 郑圣晗 +6 位作者 张莘 陈博雯 刘本帅 张扬 王志秀 常国斌 陈国宏 《四川农业大学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期380-385,共6页
【目的】研究BTN2基因多态性,为鸡的免疫和抗病育种研究提供候选基因。【方法】选取26个不同鸡品种,对BTN2基因进行目标捕获测序,以NCBI中Gallus gallus的BTN2基因序列号(NC_006103.4)为参照,使用MEGA6软件进行不同鸡种基因序列比对,筛... 【目的】研究BTN2基因多态性,为鸡的免疫和抗病育种研究提供候选基因。【方法】选取26个不同鸡品种,对BTN2基因进行目标捕获测序,以NCBI中Gallus gallus的BTN2基因序列号(NC_006103.4)为参照,使用MEGA6软件进行不同鸡种基因序列比对,筛选出BTN2基因外显子和内含子中的SNP、INDEL以及氨基酸的变化,最后制成系统发育进化树。【结果】26个不同鸡种中,BTN2基因的外显子筛选出28个SNP位点,且SNP位点大多发生在Exon8上,氨基酸突变大多为错义突变;内含子筛选出48个SNP位点,多数发生在Intron7上;插入缺失多发生在外显子上。聚类分析图结果表明:26个鸡种分为3大类,文昌鸡、SPF-来航鸡、太湖鸡、萧山鸡等聚为一类,他们都具有耐粗饲、适应性强等特点;溧阳鸡、北京油鸡、如皋鸡等聚为一类,他们都具有肉质鲜美等优点;茶花鸡、仙居鸡、固始鸡、大骨鸡等聚为一类。【结论】不同鸡种中BTN2基因的具有遗传多样性,第8外显子中138 264~138 986位点的SNP可以作为鸡免疫特性的候选标记。 展开更多
关键词 BTN2基因 SNP INDEL 进化树
miRNA的非经典作用机制研究进展 被引量:2
作者 李潇凡 耿丹丹 +5 位作者 毕瑜林 江勇 王志秀 常国斌 陈国宏 白皓 《生物技术通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第12期1-10,共10页
microRNA(miRNA)是一类在进化上较为保守的内源性非编码单链RNA分子(ncRNAs),包含大约20-22个核苷酸,通过与靶基因mRNA互补作用参与调控基因表达及多种生理生化过程。目前研究主要集中于miRNA通过剪切mRNA或抑制翻译负调控基因表达的经... microRNA(miRNA)是一类在进化上较为保守的内源性非编码单链RNA分子(ncRNAs),包含大约20-22个核苷酸,通过与靶基因mRNA互补作用参与调控基因表达及多种生理生化过程。目前研究主要集中于miRNA通过剪切mRNA或抑制翻译负调控基因表达的经典作用机制上,但是针对miRNA非经典作用机制的研究较少。本文综述了近年来包括miRNA前体可编码多肽、miRNA可与其他功能蛋白相结合、miRNA可直接激活TLR受体蛋白、miRNA可提高蛋白表达水平、miRNA靶向调控线粒体相关基因mRNA以及miRNA可直接调控基因转录过程等6种miRNA的非经典作用机制,旨在能够更加深入和系统地理解miRNA的非经典作用模式,为解析miRNA在生物体内复杂的分子调控机制提供新的思路和方法。 展开更多
关键词 MIRNA 非经典作用机制 分子调控
高校智慧实验教室平台建设初探 被引量:1
作者 江勇 白皓 +2 位作者 王志秀 常国斌 陈国宏 《教育教学论坛》 2022年第47期33-36,共4页
近年来,新冠肺炎疫情不断反复,使得畜牧业损失惨重,这就对高校畜牧专业学生的教学实践提出了新的考验。如何在这种形势下安排好畜牧专业学生的教学实践环节,是相关高校需要重视的问题。5G技术和虚拟仿真教学的发展,为解决这一难题提供... 近年来,新冠肺炎疫情不断反复,使得畜牧业损失惨重,这就对高校畜牧专业学生的教学实践提出了新的考验。如何在这种形势下安排好畜牧专业学生的教学实践环节,是相关高校需要重视的问题。5G技术和虚拟仿真教学的发展,为解决这一难题提供了方法。其中,扬州大学率先依靠智慧教室和5G技术建设了智慧实验教室平台,以期实现畜牧专业学生只需在教室通过远程教学和虚拟仿真就能实现现场教学实践的目的。对扬州大学智慧实验教室的建设需求和建设功能进行了分析,探索智慧实验教室建设方案。 展开更多
关键词 智慧教室 教学实践 虚拟仿真
作者 刘本帅 郑圣晗 +8 位作者 原小雅 陈颖 张莘 王统苗 陈博雯 张扬 王志秀 常国斌 陈国宏 《西南农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第8期1961-1965,共5页
[目的]DMB2(major histocompatibility complex,class Ⅱ,DM beta 2)基因是鸡MHCⅡ类的典型基因座,通过比较不同鸡品种的DMB2基因序列探究该基因对鸡的免疫反应和抗病性的作用和意义。[方法]本研究对25个不同鸡种的DMB2基因序列进行目... [目的]DMB2(major histocompatibility complex,class Ⅱ,DM beta 2)基因是鸡MHCⅡ类的典型基因座,通过比较不同鸡品种的DMB2基因序列探究该基因对鸡的免疫反应和抗病性的作用和意义。[方法]本研究对25个不同鸡种的DMB2基因序列进行目标捕获测序,以NCBI上Gallusgallus的DMB2基因序列作为参考序列,通过MEGA6软件进行序列比对分析,筛选出不同鸡种DMB2基因序列上的SNPs和Indels位点以及氨基酸的变化,并根据基因序列的差异构建系统进化树,探究不同鸡种的同源性。[结果]结果表明DMB2基因表现其遗传多态性的同时呈现出较高的保守性,外显子上突变和插入缺失较少。进化树分析显示抗病性较强的鸡种广西黄鸡、SPF-来航鸡、藏鸡、雪山草鸡的同源性较高。[结论]不同鸡种中DMB2基因呈现出较高的保守性,在进化过程中不易发生突变,该基因在鸡的免疫反应中具有重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 DMB2基因 SNPS INDELS 进化树
Follicle-stimulating hormone is expressed in ovarian follicles of chickens and promotes ovarian granulosa cell proliferation 被引量:5
作者 BI Yu-lin YANG Shu-yan +2 位作者 WANG Hai-yan chang guo-bin CHEN Guo-hong 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第10期2749-2757,共9页
Follicle-stimulating hormone(FSH),an important hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis(HPG)hormone,is secreted by the pituitary gland.This study confirms that FSH is expressed in chicken follicles at different stages,and ... Follicle-stimulating hormone(FSH),an important hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis(HPG)hormone,is secreted by the pituitary gland.This study confirms that FSH is expressed in chicken follicles at different stages,and positive FSHβ mRNA signals were stronger(P<0.05)in granulosa cells than in oocytes.The 369 bp coding sequence of FSHβ in ovaries is 100%identical to that in the pituitary gland.The experiment in vitro revealed that the ovary possessed FSH secretory capacity.Further,FSHβ mRNA was significantly upregulated(P<0.05)in follicles and significantly higher(P<0.05)than that in the pituitary gland by approximately 2–23 times with the development.The number of granulosa cells decreased significantly(P<0.05)in the cells with siRNA treatment,confirming that the ovarian FSH could promote granulosa cell proliferation.This view was supported by cell cycle analysis and CCND2 and CCNE2 expression.Further research indicated that no difference(P>0.05)was observed between the number of granulosa cells treated with FSHβ siRNA and in exogenous FSH.However,the number of granulosa cells without FSHβ siRNA transfection was significantly higher(P<0.05)for exogenous FSH.This finding suggests that the proliferative effect of exogenous FSH on ovarian granulosa cells depend on endogenous FSH.This study demonstrated that the FSH gene was expressed in chicken follicles and promoted ovarian granulosa cell proliferation,which enriched the theory on HPG axis. 展开更多
关键词 FSH expression follicle granulosa cell proliferation CHICKEN
Dietary threonine deficiency affects expression of genes involved in lipid metabolism in adipose tissues of Pekin ducks in a genotype-dependent manner 被引量:1
作者 JIANG Yong MA Xin-yan +5 位作者 XIE Ming ZHOU Zheng-kui TANG Jing chang guo-bin CHEN Guo-hong Hou Shui-sheng 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第9期2691-2699,共9页
Dietary threonine(Thr) deficiency increases hepatic triglyceride content and reduces sebum and abdominal fat percentages in lean type(LT), but not in fatty type(FT) Pekin ducks. However, the molecular changes regardin... Dietary threonine(Thr) deficiency increases hepatic triglyceride content and reduces sebum and abdominal fat percentages in lean type(LT), but not in fatty type(FT) Pekin ducks. However, the molecular changes regarding the role of Thr in lipid metabolism in LT and FT ducks induced by Thr deficiency remains unknown. This study compared differential expression gene profiles related to lipid metabolism in FT and LT Pekin ducks affected by Thr deficiency. We performed transcriptomic profiling and scanned the gene expression in the liver, sebum, and abdominal fat of Pekin ducks fed either Thr-deficient or Thr-adequate diet for 21 days from 14 to 35 days of age. There were 187, 52, and 50 differentially expressed genes(DEGs) identified in the liver, sebum, and abdominal fat of LT ducks affected by Thr deficiency, of which 12, 9, and 5 genes were involved in lipid metabolism, respectively. Thr deficiency altered the expression of 27, 6, and 3 genes in FT ducks’ liver, sebum, and abdominal fat, respectively. None of the DEGs had a relationship with lipid metabolism in FT ducks. KEGG analysis showed that the DEGs in the LT ducks’ livers were enriched in lipid metabolism pathways(linolenic acid metabolism, glycerophospholipid metabolism, and arachidonic acid metabolism) and amino acid metabolism pathways(biosynthesis of amino acids, phenylalanine metabolism, β-alanine metabolism, and glycine, serine and threonine metabolisms). The DEGs in the sebum and abdominal fat of LT ducks were not enriched in lipid and amino acid metabolic pathways. Additionally, DEGs involved in lipid metabolism were found to be upregulated by Thr deficiency in LT ducks, such as malic enzyme 3(ME3), acyl-Co A synthetase short-chain family member 2(ACSS2) in liver, and lipase member M(LIPM) in sebum. In summary, dietary Thr deficiency regulated the gene expression involved in lipid metabolism in the liver, sebum, and abdominal fat of Pekin ducks in a genotype-dependent manner. 展开更多
关键词 THREONINE lipid metabolism gene expression Pekin ducks
The Levels of Genetic Differentiation of Small-Tailed Han Sheep and Tan Sheep Populations Using Structural Loci 被引量:1
作者 LU Sheng-xia chang Hong +6 位作者 JI De-jun Tsunoda Kenji REN Zhan-jun REN Xiang-lian SUN Wei YANG Zhang-ping chang guo-bin 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2006年第11期865-872,共8页
Using the method of "random sampling in typical colonies of the central area of the habitat" and several electrophoresis techniques, the variations of 17 structural loci encoding blood proteins in 60 Small-Tailed Ha... Using the method of "random sampling in typical colonies of the central area of the habitat" and several electrophoresis techniques, the variations of 17 structural loci encoding blood proteins in 60 Small-Tailed Han sheep and 73 Tan sheep were examined and compared with those of 14 other sheep populations in China and other countries to investigate their levels of genetic differentiation. The average heterozygosities of Small-Tailed Han sheep and Tan sheep were 0.2360 and 0.2587, respectively. The average polymorphic information content values were 0.1974 and 0.2102, respectively. The average effective numbers of alleles were 1.5723 and 1.5751, respectively. The coefficients of gene differentiation in the four groups (including 4, 6, 13, and 16 sheep populations, respectively) were 0.049323, 0.059987, 0.1728, and 0.201256, respectively, indicating that the degree of gene differentiation at the structural loci was the least in Hu sheep, Tong sheep, Small-Tailed Hart sheep, and Tan sheep; followed by the above-mentioned four sheep populations and two Mongolian sheep populations; and was the highest in sheep populations belonging to the Mongolian sheep group, South Asian sheep, and European sheep. The earlier researchers' conclusions that both Small-Tailed Han sheep and Tan sheep evolved from Mongolian sheep were further verified by the results of this study. Hu sheep, Tong sheep, Small-Tailed Han sheep, and Tan sheep were decreasingly affected by the bloodline of Mongolian sheep to different degrees. The relationships among sheep populations were not closely related to the geographical distances among sheep populations. 展开更多
关键词 Small-Tailed Han sheep Tan sheep structural loci genetic differentiation
Two new lncRNAs regulate the key immune factor NOD1 and TRAF5 in chicken lymphocyte
作者 BI Yu-lin YUAN Xiao-ya +2 位作者 CHEN Ying chang guo-bin CHEN Guo-hong 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第11期2589-2597,共9页
Reticuloendotheliosis virus(REV)causes the atrophy of immune organs and immuno-suppression in chickens,but the underlying molecular mechanism of the immune response after infection by REV is not well understood.Presen... Reticuloendotheliosis virus(REV)causes the atrophy of immune organs and immuno-suppression in chickens,but the underlying molecular mechanism of the immune response after infection by REV is not well understood.Presently,the RNA-seq was used to analyze the regulation of immune response to REV in chicken lymphocytes from peripheral blood.Overall,134 differentially expressed long non-coding RNAs(lncRNAs)between cells with REV infection or without in vitro were screened.Based on the differentially expressed protein-coding genes,the nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain(NOD)-like receptor pathway related to immune regulation was enriched.Two lncRNAs(L11530 and L09863)were predicted to target the NOD1 and tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 5(TRAF5)gene,respectively,which are involved in the NOD-like receptor pathway with cis-regulation way.The in vitro results revealed the significantly up-regulated(P<0.01)levels of lncRNA-L11530 and its target gene,NOD1,and the significantly down-regulated(P<0.05)levels of lncRNA-L09863 and its target gene,TRAF5,in lymphocytes after REV infection.These changes also occurred in vivo in blood lymphocytes of chickens infected with REV.Further,L09863 and L11530 were respectively interfered,the expression levels of their target genes NOD1 or TRAF5 were significantly down-regulated,accompanied by the change of IL-8 and IL-18 secretions in lymphocytes.The NOD-like receptor pathway appears to be important in the immune response to REV,LncRNA-11530 and lncRNA-09863 might involve in the immune regulation on REV infection by targeting NOD1 or TRAF5 in blood lymphocytes of chickens.Our findings reveal a new regulation of lncRNAs(L11530 and L09863)on immunity in chicken peripheral blood lymphocytes for REV infection by changing the expression of the target genes via the NOD-like receptor pathway. 展开更多
关键词 lncRNA NOD-like receptor pathway CHICKEN LYMPHOCYTE REV IMMUNE regulation
Effects of rearing system(floor vs.cage)and sex on performance,meat quality and enteric microorganism of yellow feather broilers
作者 WANG Lai-di ZHANG Yang +6 位作者 KONG Ling-ling WANG Zhi-xiu BAI Hao JIANG Yong Bl Yu-lin chang guo-bin CHEN Guo-hong 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第7期1907-1920,共14页
This study investigated the effects of floor and cage rearing systems on performance,meat quality,and enteric microorganisms of male and female yellow feather broilers.Two hundred Xueshan chickens(42 days old;100 of e... This study investigated the effects of floor and cage rearing systems on performance,meat quality,and enteric microorganisms of male and female yellow feather broilers.Two hundred Xueshan chickens(42 days old;100 of each sex)were divided into four groups,according to sex and rearing system(stainless-steel cage or litter floor).Male and cage-reared broilers exhibited better(P<0.001)performance and higher(P≤0.001)eviscerated percentage than female and floor-reared broilers.The interaction between rearing system and sex had an effect(P<0.05)on the percentage of breast and thigh muscles.Female floor-reared broilers presented the highest(P<0.02)percentage of breast and thigh muscles among all the groups.In both sexes,the abdominal fat content in cage-reared broilers was higher(P<0.01)than that in floor-reared broilers.Female cage-reared broilers exhibited better(P<0.05)meat quality of breast muscle than other groups.An analysis of welfare observations indicated that the feather quality of floor-reared broilers was better(P<0.01)than that of cage-reared broilers,whereas the gait scores were not significantly affected(P>0.05)by rearing system.The enteric microbiota assessment by 16 S rRNA amplicon-based sequencing showed that Firmicutes,Proteobacteria,and Bacteroidetes were the most prevalent phyla in both rearing systems,and that the cecum was relatively stable in terms of microbiome composition.Floor-reared broilers exhibited a richer diversity of bacteria in the intestinal tract than cage-reared broilers,while alpha diversity was not significantly different(P>0.05)among the groups.The ratio of Bacteroidetes to Firmicutes and the abundance of Helicobacter and Romboutsia could potentially affect the production of broilers.These findings indicate that cage rearing improved the production of male Xueshan broilers,which may be due to the difference in enteric microbiota between cage and floor rearing systems. 展开更多
关键词 cage rearing yellow feather broilers PERFORMANCE meat quality microbiome
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