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作者 费承 罗健旭 《华东理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期97-105,共9页
针对皮肤病变分割任务中病变区域大小不一、形状各异、内部像素差异大、边界模糊、周围存在气泡等问题,提出了一种基于密集多尺度特征和双注意力模块的U型分割网络DDAnet。该网络中的DenseASPP模块通过密集连接多个空洞卷积层来获取丰... 针对皮肤病变分割任务中病变区域大小不一、形状各异、内部像素差异大、边界模糊、周围存在气泡等问题,提出了一种基于密集多尺度特征和双注意力模块的U型分割网络DDAnet。该网络中的DenseASPP模块通过密集连接多个空洞卷积层来获取丰富的多尺度信息,同时由通道注意力模块(CAM)和位置注意力模块(PAM)构成的双注意力模块通过编码全局上下文信息,在通道和位置上对特征图进行重新配准,实现对相关特征的强调和对无关特征的抑制。两个模块并行连接、共同作用以提高分割精度。在ISIC2018数据集上,DDAnet的准确率(Acc)、Jaccard相似系数(JI)、Dice系数(DC)、敏感度(Sen)和特异性(Spec)指标值分别为96.75%、85.00%、91.36%、91.82%和97.42%,分割结果优于其他的分割网络,并且对于极具挑战的病例,DDAnet仍然能够产生准确、可靠的分割结果,说明其具备在临床诊断中辅助医生进行皮肤病变分割的潜力。 展开更多
关键词 皮肤病变分割 DenseASPP模块 CAM PAM 双注意力模块
作者 王晨 李婉婷 +8 位作者 王书芬 许冬梅 范丰梅 谷嘉宁 徐恩瑶 宋晨萌 费琤 张健一 张仁霞 《临床精神医学杂志》 CAS 2023年第6期466-469,共4页
目的:了解老年期精神分裂症患者衰弱状况,并探讨日常生活能力与衰弱的关系以及营养状况的中介效应。方法:采用便利抽样法,纳入2021年1月至8月北京市某三级甲等精神卫生专科医院191例老年期精神分裂症患者为研究对象,采用一般情况调查表... 目的:了解老年期精神分裂症患者衰弱状况,并探讨日常生活能力与衰弱的关系以及营养状况的中介效应。方法:采用便利抽样法,纳入2021年1月至8月北京市某三级甲等精神卫生专科医院191例老年期精神分裂症患者为研究对象,采用一般情况调查表、Frail指数量表、Barthel指数量表、简易营养状态评估表(MNA)进行调查。结果:191例老年期精神分裂症住院患者日常生活能力得分(70.34±16.66)分,衰弱水平得分(2.48±1.79)分,营养水平得分(8.68±4.13)分。老年期精神分裂症住院患者衰弱水平与日常生活能力和营养水平之间呈两两显著负相关(P<0.01)。老年期精神分裂症住院患者营养水平在衰弱和日常生活能力之间的中介作用显著。结论:日常生活能力及营养水平均与衰弱相关,营养水平是老年期精神分裂症症患者日常生活能力与衰弱的中介变量。 展开更多
关键词 老年期 精神分裂症 衰弱 营养 日常生活能力
智能技术赋能按需学习:理论进路与要素表征 被引量:4
作者 刘德建 费程 +1 位作者 刘嘉豪 蒋艳双 《电化教育研究》 北大核心 2023年第4期17-25,共9页
智能技术与教育的融合不断加深,教育的复杂性变局已逐步成为现实。教育资源和服务的供给与学习者多元化的学习需求之间矛盾突出,在基于智能技术带来的教育数字化转型的大趋势下,按照需求牵引、应用为王、服务至上、科技赋能的原则,文章... 智能技术与教育的融合不断加深,教育的复杂性变局已逐步成为现实。教育资源和服务的供给与学习者多元化的学习需求之间矛盾突出,在基于智能技术带来的教育数字化转型的大趋势下,按照需求牵引、应用为王、服务至上、科技赋能的原则,文章提出按需学习范式,即学习者在自然情境中,根据多样化的学习需求,满足多层次学习目标的进阶要求,以智能技术促进有效连接学习资源、环境与服务的一种学习范式。文章重点阐述按需学习范式的适切性及要素表征:学习者学习需求的动态生成性、匹配学习者按需学习路径的进阶性、教师与学习者的交互进化性、教师提供教学服务的适配性。同时,从数字资源、干系人及智能技术视角描述智能技术赋能的按需学习场景。 展开更多
关键词 智能技术 按需学习 学习范式 理论进路 要素表征
作者 费诚 董乙强 安沙舟 《中国草地学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第7期49-59,共11页
物种丰富度和多样性对荒漠生态系统的稳定和健康具有重要意义。以新疆北部荒漠群落为研究对象,设置527个野外样点,于2017~2019年期间连续调查取样,探讨北疆荒漠群落物种组成特征和物种多样性分布格局以及气候和海拔因子对物种多样性的... 物种丰富度和多样性对荒漠生态系统的稳定和健康具有重要意义。以新疆北部荒漠群落为研究对象,设置527个野外样点,于2017~2019年期间连续调查取样,探讨北疆荒漠群落物种组成特征和物种多样性分布格局以及气候和海拔因子对物种多样性的影响。结果表明:北疆荒漠群落物种多样性水平整体不高,塔城-伊犁荒漠区、阿勒泰荒漠区和昌吉-乌鲁木齐荒漠区的Simpson指数水平低于东天山荒漠区,Patrick指数和Shannon-Wiener指数水平高于东天山荒漠区。昌吉-乌鲁木齐荒漠区Pielou均匀度指数水平相对较低,塔城-伊犁荒漠区、阿勒泰荒漠区和东天山荒漠区均匀度指数水平相当。年均降水量和海拔是影响北疆荒漠物种多样性的主要驱动因子。北疆荒漠具有明显的过渡性和古老性特征,塔城-伊犁荒漠、阿勒泰荒漠和昌吉-乌鲁木齐荒漠物种多样性结构相对复杂,东天山荒漠群落结构相对较为简单,群落丰富度较低。 展开更多
关键词 北疆 荒漠 物种组成 生物多样性
作者 费诚 董乙强 安沙舟 《新疆农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第8期2055-2065,共11页
【目的】研究新疆北疆荒漠物种的种间联结特征及其对群落演替的影响,为北疆生态系统荒漠植被恢复与生态重建提供理论依据。【方法】使用二元数据关联矩阵模型,利用该模型矩阵计算方差模型(VR),计算北疆荒漠物种总体关联性,计算χ^(2)值... 【目的】研究新疆北疆荒漠物种的种间联结特征及其对群落演替的影响,为北疆生态系统荒漠植被恢复与生态重建提供理论依据。【方法】使用二元数据关联矩阵模型,利用该模型矩阵计算方差模型(VR),计算北疆荒漠物种总体关联性,计算χ^(2)值检验其显著性。结合Ochiai、Dice和Jaccard三种指数计算方法,降低指数计算误差,分析荒漠群落物种间的联系与区别。【结果】新疆北疆荒漠草本层和灌木层总体关联性VR>1,66个草本层和22个灌木层物种间呈现正关联。正负联结总数2145个种对,其中正联结率21.63%,不显著联结率66.8%,北疆荒漠区草本层中以不显著联结种对为主。灌木层中,正负联结总数231个种对,其中,正联结种对数60个,占总种数的26%,不显著联结种对占总种数的70.13%。在北疆荒漠区灌木层中以不显著联结种对为主。【结论】新疆北疆荒漠群落种间呈较独立分布的不显著正联结,是物种共同生存的机制之一。呈不显著正关联是北疆荒漠植物群落草本层、灌木以及草本和灌木层总体种间关系的表达。北疆荒漠群落中有较稳定和完善的种组成和群落结构。 展开更多
关键词 荒漠群落 种间联结 群落演替
Pilomatrixoma causing irreversible peripheral eyebrow shedding:A case report
作者 Zeren Shen fei cheng +3 位作者 Yanqin Dai Yijia Yu Lulu Ye Jinghong Xu 《Chinese Journal Of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery》 2023年第1期30-32,共3页
Pilomatrixomas are benign tumors derived from hair stromal cells;however,their exact etiology is unknown.A 31-year-old woman presented with a subcutaneous mass located precisely above the left eyebrow,with shedding of... Pilomatrixomas are benign tumors derived from hair stromal cells;however,their exact etiology is unknown.A 31-year-old woman presented with a subcutaneous mass located precisely above the left eyebrow,with shedding of eyebrow hair around the mass,and the shedding area gradually expanded.Surgical removal of the mass failed to prevent eyebrow loss,and the entire left eyebrow shed 6 months postoperatively.Pathology and histology of the biopsy specimen revealed a pilomatrixoma comprising basaloid cells and ghost cells,with basaloid cells expressing high bcl-2 levels.Instead of apoptosis,the emergence and growth of pilomatrixoma-induced microinflammation around the hair follicles of the eyebrow may lead to eyebrow loss. 展开更多
基于LSTM神经网络的煤矿突水预测 被引量:31
作者 董丽丽 费城 +1 位作者 张翔 曹超凡 《煤田地质与勘探》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期137-143,共7页
针对煤层底板突水预测问题,在总结现有突水预测方法和理论的基础上,通过特征选择实验得出水压、距工作面距离、砂岩段厚度、煤层厚度、煤层倾角、断层落差、裂隙带、开采面积、采高、走向长度是影响突水发生的主要因素,这些因素具有复... 针对煤层底板突水预测问题,在总结现有突水预测方法和理论的基础上,通过特征选择实验得出水压、距工作面距离、砂岩段厚度、煤层厚度、煤层倾角、断层落差、裂隙带、开采面积、采高、走向长度是影响突水发生的主要因素,这些因素具有复杂、非线性的特点。提出基于长短时记忆(LSTM)神经网络构建的突水预测模型,将煤矿突水实例的数据作为样本数据对模型进行训练。最后,将LSTM神经网络模型与遗传算法–反向传播(GA-BP)神经网络模型和反向传播(BP)神经网络模型进行对比实验。实验结果表明,LSTM神经网络模型在测试集上的预测正确率更高,稳定性更好,更适用于煤层底板突水预测。 展开更多
关键词 长短时记忆 特征选择 煤层底板突水预测
气管支架术后气道高分泌窒息危险因素分析 被引量:2
作者 史晓宝 赵罡 +1 位作者 费城 孙玲玲 《中国临床医学影像杂志》 CAS 2018年第5期324-328,共5页
目的:探讨气管支架置入术后诱发痰液分泌增多、痰液潴留合并窒息的危险因素,并且分析其相关性。方法 :通过回顾性分析的方法,收集本院2011年1月—2016年1月因中心气道狭窄或气管瘘行气管支架置入患者的临床资料,共110例,基于是否发生痰... 目的:探讨气管支架置入术后诱发痰液分泌增多、痰液潴留合并窒息的危险因素,并且分析其相关性。方法 :通过回顾性分析的方法,收集本院2011年1月—2016年1月因中心气道狭窄或气管瘘行气管支架置入患者的临床资料,共110例,基于是否发生痰液潴留合并窒息分为两组,根据以往文献,筛选可能的危险因素,诸如性别、病因、支架类型、胸腔积液、肺内感染以及放疗史等,单因素分析使用卡方检验;多因素分析使用Logistics回归法,以确定危险因素,并且评价其与痰液潴留合并窒息的相关性。结果:18例(16.4%)患者均有痰液潴留合并窒息,最终死于呼吸、循环衰竭。在所有窒息的患者中,单因素分析提示:支架类型、胸腔积液、贫血及呼吸衰竭是独立的危险因素,而年龄、病因以及放疗史等因素的差别均无统计学意义。多因素分析提示术前Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭与术后窒息的发生显著相关。结论:术前Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭是导致气管支架置入术后患者出现痰液潴留并发窒息的显著危险因素。 展开更多
关键词 气管狭窄 窒息 支架
基于时空残差网络的区域客流量预测方法 被引量:2
作者 董丽丽 柳佳欢 +1 位作者 费城 张翔 《计算机测量与控制》 2020年第6期170-174,共5页
针对区域客流量波动性强、复杂非线性的特征,易受到季节性影响,并且单一神经网络模型无法同时学习时间与空间相关性问题,通过对区域客流量影响因素分析,结合残差网络和全连接网络,提出了用于区域客流量预测的改进Quad-ResNet模型;Quad-R... 针对区域客流量波动性强、复杂非线性的特征,易受到季节性影响,并且单一神经网络模型无法同时学习时间与空间相关性问题,通过对区域客流量影响因素分析,结合残差网络和全连接网络,提出了用于区域客流量预测的改进Quad-ResNet模型;Quad-ResNet模型融合了4个残差网络和一个全连接网络,该模型通过深层次的卷积学习空间相关性,结合4个残差网络学习时间邻近性、相似性、周期性、趋势性,使用全连接网络学习季节性影响;将Quad-ResNet模型与LSTM、CNN、STResNet模型在同一数据集上进行区域客流量预测对比实验,实验结果表明,Quad-ResNet模型误差小于其他对比模型,而且在训练和预测的操作上明显比LSTM模型更简便,更适用于区域客流量预测。 展开更多
关键词 区域客流量预测 残差网络 全连接网络 季节性影响
高校教师发展中心职能述评及启示 被引量:1
作者 费诚 张田祥 《天津中德应用技术大学学报》 2021年第6期44-48,共5页
作为教师成长的主阵地,高等学校教师发展中心历经半个多世纪发展,数量不断增加,服务领域不断扩展,工作机制和项目活动不断完善。但也面临着发展理念不够新、特色建设不够明显、体制机制有待完善等问题。通过分析中美高校教师发展中心职... 作为教师成长的主阵地,高等学校教师发展中心历经半个多世纪发展,数量不断增加,服务领域不断扩展,工作机制和项目活动不断完善。但也面临着发展理念不够新、特色建设不够明显、体制机制有待完善等问题。通过分析中美高校教师发展中心职能提出柔性发展、特色发展、创新机制三个高校教师发展中心建设策略。 展开更多
关键词 高校 教师发展中心 启示
基于FPGA的短波红外图像灰度级拉伸算法实现 被引量:1
作者 费宬 康佳龙 +7 位作者 刘俊良 康英杰 李华伟 李永富 顾溢 刘兆军 赵显 方家熊 《太赫兹科学与电子信息学报》 2022年第7期713-717,共5页
为了增强短波红外成像仪的成像对比度,提高目标的识别率,介绍了一种基于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)的灰度拉伸算法的实现方法。利用视频数据两帧之间灰度分布近似的特性,通过统计上一帧图像的灰度分布,计算图像拉伸所需要的参数,处理当前... 为了增强短波红外成像仪的成像对比度,提高目标的识别率,介绍了一种基于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)的灰度拉伸算法的实现方法。利用视频数据两帧之间灰度分布近似的特性,通过统计上一帧图像的灰度分布,计算图像拉伸所需要的参数,处理当前帧的图像,达到实时处理的效果。在灰度统计模块中,利用FPGA的片上块随机存储器(Block RAM)资源,采用非倍频的流水线数字逻辑设计,避免了跨时钟域的操作,降低了系统状态机的复杂度,提高了系统的工作频率。采用国产320×256元InGaAs面阵探测器,搭载了Xilinx Artix-7系列芯片的实验平台进行实验,仿真结果表明,该方法能有效提高短波红外图像的对比度,具有占用资源少、运算速度快、成本低、可移植性高等优点,满足短波红外成像仪实时灰度拉伸处理的设计要求。 展开更多
关键词 灰度统计 灰度拉伸 现场可编程门阵列 块随机存储器
基于机器视觉的汽车刹车片自动检测系统 被引量:3
作者 费成 黄影平 +1 位作者 胡兴 慈文彦 《光学仪器》 2018年第3期76-83,共8页
为了提高汽车刹车片的检测效率和准确性,设计了基于机器视觉的汽车刹车片自动化检测系统。针对自动化检测需求搭建了基于可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)的自动化测试平台,开发了相应的视觉系统。结合VisionPro和C#语言开发了检测软件,完成了图... 为了提高汽车刹车片的检测效率和准确性,设计了基于机器视觉的汽车刹车片自动化检测系统。针对自动化检测需求搭建了基于可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)的自动化测试平台,开发了相应的视觉系统。结合VisionPro和C#语言开发了检测软件,完成了图像获取、图像校准、图像定位、尺寸测量、缺陷标示、字符识别等任务。实验结果表明,系统可快速、准确地识别出工件的尺寸、表面缺陷和字符。 展开更多
关键词 机器视觉 可编程逻辑控制器(PLC) 尺寸测量 缺陷检测 字符识别
Annexin A1 Mimetic Peptide AC2-26 Inhibits Sepsis-induced Cardiomyocyte Apoptosis through LXA4/PI3K/AKT Signaling Pathway 被引量:9
作者 Li ZHANG Yan-lei ZHENG +5 位作者 Rong-hua HU Li ZHU Chen-chen HU fei cheng Shi LI Jian-guo LI 《Current Medical Science》 SCIE CAS 2018年第6期997-1004,共8页
The aim of the present study was to explore the effects of annexin A1(ANXA1) mimetic peptide AC2-26 on sepsis-induced cardiomyocyte apoptosis in vivo and in vitro and the underlying mechanisms.In the in vivo study,a r... The aim of the present study was to explore the effects of annexin A1(ANXA1) mimetic peptide AC2-26 on sepsis-induced cardiomyocyte apoptosis in vivo and in vitro and the underlying mechanisms.In the in vivo study,a rat septic model was established by the cecal ligation and puncture (CLP).The rats were divided into control group,sepsis group and AC2-26 group.The rats in the AC2-26 group were intraperitoneally injected with AC2-26(1mg/kg)2h before CLP,and those in the control group and sepsis group were injected with the same volume of normal saline.The myocardial tissue was examined by hematoxylin and eosin (HE)staining and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).Furthermore,myocardial apoptosis was measured by terminal dUTP nick end-labeling (TUNEL)assay.In the in vitro study,H9C2cells were cultured and divided into three groups:control group,in which cells were only given the basic culture medium;LPS group,in which cells were treated with 10μg/mL LPS;AC2-26 group,in which cells were treated with 0.5μmol/L AC2-262h before 10μg/mL LPS was given.The apoptosis of H9C2 cells was detected by flow cytometry.The levels of lipoxin A4 receptor (LXA4),phosphoinositide3-kinase (PI3K)and protein kinase B (PKB or AKT)protein were measured by Western blotting, the activity of NF-KB and the level of TNF-α by ELISA and the activities of caspase-3/8by using the caspase activity kits.The in vivo study showed that the myocardial pathological damage and myocardial ultrastructural damage were significantly alleviated and the myocardial apoptosis significantly decreased in the AC2-26 group as compared with the sepsis group (P<0.05 for all). The in vivo study revealed that the apoptosis of H9C2 cells was profoundly ameliorated in the AC2-26 group relative to the sepsis group (P<0.05).The protein expression levels of LXA4 were significantly up-regulated,and those of PI3K and AKT prominently down-regulated in the AC2-26 group when compared with those in the LPS group (P<0.05 for all).The activity of NF-κB was greatly inhibited and the level of TNF-α markedly decreased in the AC2-26 group as compared with those in the LPS group (P<0.05 for all).AC2-26 treatment also significantly suppressed the activities of caspase-3/8 in H9C2 cells.In conclusion,these findings suggest that AC2-26 may alleviate the sepsis-induced cardiomyocyte apoptosis in vivo and in vivo through the LXA4/PI3K/ AKT signaling pathway. 展开更多
关键词 SEPSIS AC2-26 H9C2 apoptosis inflammation
Augmenting Intrinsic Fenton-Like Activities of MOF-Derived Catalysts via N-Molecule-Assisted Self-catalyzed Carbonization 被引量:3
作者 chengdong Yang Mi Zhou +7 位作者 Chao He Yun Gao Shuang Li Xin Fan Yi Lin fei cheng Puxin Zhu Chong cheng 《Nano-Micro Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第4期536-548,共13页
To overcome the ever-growing organic pollutions in the water system,abundant efforts have been dedicated to fabricating efficient Fenton-like carbon catalysts.However,the rational design of carbon catalysts with high ... To overcome the ever-growing organic pollutions in the water system,abundant efforts have been dedicated to fabricating efficient Fenton-like carbon catalysts.However,the rational design of carbon catalysts with high intrinsic activity remains a long-term goal.Herein,we report a new N-molecule-assisted self-catalytic carbonization process in augmenting the intrinsic Fenton-like activity of metal-organic-framework-derived carbon hybrids.During carbonization,the N-molecules provide alkane/ammonia gases and the formed iron nanocrystals act as the in situ catalysts,which result in the elaborated formation of carbon nanotubes(in situ chemical vapor deposition from alkane/iron catalysts)and micro-/meso-porous structures(ammonia gas etching).The obtained catalysts exhibited with abundant Fe/Fe-Nx/pyridinic-N active species,micro-/meso-porous structures,and conductive carbon nanotubes.Consequently,the catalysts exhibit high efficiency toward the degradation of different organic pollutions,such as bisphenol A,methylene blue,and tetracycline.This study not only creates a new pathway for achieving highly active Fenton-like carbon catalysts but also takes a step toward the customized production of advanced carbon hybrids for diverse energy and environmental applications. 展开更多
关键词 Carbon CATALYSTS Metal-organic-framework Self-catalytic CARBONIZATION FENTON-LIKE reactions Organic pollutions
Suboptimal Temperature Acclimation Enhances Chilling Tolerance by Improving Photosynthetic Adaptability and Osmoregulation Ability in Watermelon 被引量:8
作者 Junyang Lu Muhammad Azher Nawaz +2 位作者 Nannan Wei fei cheng Zhilong Bie 《Horticultural Plant Journal》 2020年第1期49-60,共12页
The temperature drop of plants from the optimal requirements can increase tolerance to severe chilling stress. Photosynthesis and osmoregulators were analyzed during chilling stress to explore the adaptation mechanism... The temperature drop of plants from the optimal requirements can increase tolerance to severe chilling stress. Photosynthesis and osmoregulators were analyzed during chilling stress to explore the adaptation mechanisms that underlie the induction of chilling tolerance in response to suboptimal temperature. The relationships of these processes to suboptimal temperature acclimation in watermelon were then determined.Suboptimal temperature-acclimated watermelon plants demonstrated tolerance during chilling stress, as indicated by the decreased electrolyte leakage and malondialdehyde accumulation compared with those non-acclimated watermelon plants. Chilling-induced photoinhibition and reduction in CO2 assimilation rate were alleviated after suboptimal temperature acclimation. The xanthophyll cycle level was enhanced by improving thermal dissipation ability and avoiding light damage. Consequently, the chilling tolerance of suboptimal temperature-acclimated watermelon plants was enhanced. The osmoregulation ability induced by suboptimal temperature acclimation protected watermelon plants against chilling injury because of the accumulation of small molecular substances, such as soluble sugar and proline. The protein levels of Rubisco activase(ClRCA) and the gene expression of the Benson–Calvin cycle simultaneously increased in suboptimal temperature-acclimated watermelon plants during chilling stress. Chilling tolerance in watermelon plants induced by suboptimal temperature acclimation is associated with enhanced photosynthetic adaptability and osmoregulation ability. 展开更多
A comparison of zooplankton assemblages in Nansi Lake and Hongze Lake,potential influences of the East Route of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project,China 被引量:4
作者 Kandathil Radhakrishnan DIVYA Shasha ZHAO +6 位作者 Yushun CHEN fei cheng Lei ZHANG Jiao QIN Thundiparambil Sathrajith ARUNJITH V.Bjorn SCHMIDT Songguang XIE 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第2期623-636,共14页
Nansi Lake and Hongze Lake are both water storage lakes along the East Route of the South-to-North Water Transfer project(ESNT).Frequent changes in hydrologic properties are responsible factors for controlling the zoo... Nansi Lake and Hongze Lake are both water storage lakes along the East Route of the South-to-North Water Transfer project(ESNT).Frequent changes in hydrologic properties are responsible factors for controlling the zooplankton community assemblages in both lakes,so we studied the possible influence of water transfer and environmental factors on zooplankton community structure and abundance.Zooplankton assemblages were investigated seasonally for one year in both lakes;a total of 133 and 122 zooplankton taxa were identified in Nansi Lake and Hongze Lake,respectively.The most dominant rotifer species were littoral,e.g.,Keratella tecta,Keratella valga and Lecane lunaris in Nansi Lake and Brachionus angularis,Brachionus forficula and Polyarthra vulgaris in Hongze Lake.Comparatively,Nansi Lake had a higher Shannon-Wiener diversity index value(5.13),while Hongze Lake had a higher species richness index(4.21).The average number of zooplankton across seasons in Nansi Lake(protozoa:774±63 ind./L,rotifers:4817±212 ind./L,cladocerans:896±14 ind./L,copepod:435±42 ind./L)was comparatively lower than Hongze Lake(protozoa:1238±63 ind./L,rotifers:6576±112 ind./L,cladocerans:1013±20 ind./L,copepod:534±25 ind./L).Canonical correspondence analysis identified differing environmental gradients that were most responsible for influencing zooplankton communities in the two lakes(Hongze Lake:NH4-N,total nitrogen,transparency and pH;Nansi:pH,temperature and total phosphorus).Frequent changes related to water transfer in lakes favoured the diversity of rotifers and protozoa communities.Zooplankton habitat preference,changes in community structure and opportunistic peaks and extinction of certain taxa were also observed in the study lakes. 展开更多
关键词 zooplankton assemblage water transfer Hongze Lake Nansi Lake
Controllable synthesis of high loading LiFePO_4/C nanocomposites using bimodal mesoporous carbon as support for high power Li-ion battery cathodes 被引量:2
作者 fei cheng Duo Li +1 位作者 Anhui Lu Wencui Li 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第6期907-913,共7页
Mesoporous LiFePO4/C composites containing 80 wt% of highly dispersed LiFePO4 nanoparticles(4-6 nm) were fabricated using bimodal mesoporous carbon(BMC) as continuous conductive networks. The unique pore structure of ... Mesoporous LiFePO4/C composites containing 80 wt% of highly dispersed LiFePO4 nanoparticles(4-6 nm) were fabricated using bimodal mesoporous carbon(BMC) as continuous conductive networks. The unique pore structure of BMC not only promises good particle connectivity for LiFePO4, but also acts as a rigid nano-confinement support that controls the particle size. Furthermore, the capacities were investigated respectively based on the weight of LiFePO4 and the whole composite. When calculated based on the weight of the whole composite, it is 120 mAh·g-1at 0.1 C of the high loading electrode and 42 mAh·g-1at 10 C of the low loading electrode. The electrochemical performance shows that high LiFePO4 loading benefits large tap density and contributes to the energy storage at low rates, while the electrode with low content of LiFePO4 displays superior high rate performance, which can mainly be due to the small particle size, good dispersion and high utilization of the active material, thus leading to a fast ion and electron diffusion. 展开更多
关键词 LIFEPO4 HIGH loading fast ion diffusion HIGH rate performance LITHIUM-ION batteries
Effect of Rice Breeding Process on Improvement of Yield and Quality in China 被引量:3
作者 fei cheng Xu Quan +1 位作者 Xu Zhengjin Chen Wenfu 《Rice science》 SCIE CSCD 2020年第5期363-367,I0002-I0007,共11页
Rice,Oryza sativa,is a major global food staple,90%of which is cultivated in Asian countries.Its two major subspecies are japonica and indica,differing in geographical distribution and morphological characteristics(Wa... Rice,Oryza sativa,is a major global food staple,90%of which is cultivated in Asian countries.Its two major subspecies are japonica and indica,differing in geographical distribution and morphological characteristics(Wang W S et al,2018).The indica subspecies occupies 90%of the rice cultivation area,as opposed to only 10%occupied by the japonica subspecies,which is mainly distributed in northern China,Japan and Korea(Xu and Chen,2016).China is the only country in which japonica and indica are of equal importance.Two-thirds of the rice grown in China is indica,which is cultivated mostly in low-altitude and low-latitude regions,and one-third is japonica,farmed prevalently in high-altitude and high-latitude regions(Wang Y H et al,2018).After the introduction of semi-dwarf gene sdl,the ideal plant architecture breeding and the application of the Fi hybrid,accompanied by the improvement of cultivation methods and field management。 展开更多
CNT toughened aluminium and CFRP interface for strong adhesive bonding 被引量:1
作者 Gang Han Bo Tan +3 位作者 fei cheng Binhua Wang Yee-Kwong Leong Xiaozhi Hu 《Nano Materials Science》 EI CAS CSCD 2022年第3期266-275,共10页
This study presents a simple technique for strengthening the adhesive-bond strength between aluminium(Al)substrate and carbon fibre reinforced polymer(CFRP) utilising resin pre-coating(RPC) with carbon nanotubes(CNTs)... This study presents a simple technique for strengthening the adhesive-bond strength between aluminium(Al)substrate and carbon fibre reinforced polymer(CFRP) utilising resin pre-coating(RPC) with carbon nanotubes(CNTs). The CNT-containing RPC solution with 90 wt% acetone and 10 wt% resin(without hardener) was applied onto Al substrates, where micro-/nano-vertical channels had been created by chemical or mechanical surface treatments to accommodate CNTs. RPC was able to fill all micro-/nano-cavities over the Al substrate surface, then CNTs were pulled into those vertical micro-channels by the capillary action generated from acetone evaporation.Normal epoxy adhesive(resin + hardener) was applied after the CNT-containing RPC treatment. CNTs bridging across the interface between the adhesive joint and Al substrate and sealing of micro-/nano-cavities by RPC effectively enhanced the interfacial shear bond strength between the Al substrate and CFRP by 30–100%depending on the Al substrate surface profiles. Al substrates with two different chemical treatments were compared in this study for the effectiveness of CNT interfacial reinforcement. Results from a steel substrate after sandblasting were also included for comparison. 展开更多
关键词 Shear bond strength Interfacial toughening CNT Resin pre-coating(RPC) Chemical surface treatment Aluminium/CFRP Laminate
Ang-(1-7)exerts anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities on high glucose-induced injury by prohibiting NF-κB-IL-1βand activating HO-1 pathways in HUVECs
Previous reports have suggested that Ang-(1-7)may have a protective effect in endothelial cells against high glucose(HG)-induced cell injury thanks to a modulatory mechanism in the NF-κB signaling pathway.In this stu... Previous reports have suggested that Ang-(1-7)may have a protective effect in endothelial cells against high glucose(HG)-induced cell injury thanks to a modulatory mechanism in the NF-κB signaling pathway.In this study,we have examined whether NF-κB-IL-1βand Heme oxygenase-1(HO-1)pathways contribute to the protection of Ang-(1-7)against hyperglycemia-induced inflammation and oxidative stress in human umbilical vein endothelial cells(HUVECs).Our results indicate that time-varying exposures of HUVECs,from 1 h to 24 h,to high glucose concentrations result in an increased expression of phosphorylated(p)-p65 and HO-1 in a time-dependent manner.As an inhibitor of NF-κB,pyrrolidinedithiocarbamic acid(PDTC)suppressed IL-1βproduction induced by HG.Of note,HUVECs previously treated with Ang-(1-7)(2μM)for 30 min before being exposed to HG concentrations significantly ameliorated the HG-increased in p-p65 and IL-1βexpression;whereas obviously up-regulated the level of HO-1,along with inhibition of oxidative stress,inflammation,and the HG-induced cytotoxicity.Importantly,when HUVECs were previously treated either with PDTC or IL-1Ra for 30 min before being exposed to HG,it significantly prevented damages caused by high glucose concentrations mentioned above,while the treatment of HO-1 inhibitor Sn-protoporphyrin(SnPP)before exposure to both HG and Ang-(1-7)significantly blocked the protective effect exerted by Ang-(1-7)on endothelial cells against injuries induced by HG mentioned above.To conclude,the data of this study showed that activation and inhibition of the NF-κB-IL-1βpathway and HO-1 pathway may constitute an important defense mechanism against endothelial cell damage caused by HG concentrations.We additionally gave new evidence showing that exogenous Ang-(1-7)exerts a protective effect on HUVECs against the HG-induced cell injury via the inhibition and the activation of the NF-κB-IL-1βpathway and the HO-1 pathway,respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Angiotensin-(1-7) High glucose Human umbilical vein endothelial cells NF-ΚB IL-1Β HO-1
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