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滹沱河超采区地下水硫酸盐来源识别及迁移转化 被引量:8
作者 田夏 李亚松 +3 位作者 费宇红 曹胜伟 冯创业 孟艳 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2020年第7期2583-2589,共7页
近年调查和监测发现,滹沱河超采区地下水中硫酸盐含量日趋增高,范围逐渐扩大,高浓度的硫酸盐主要分布在滹沱河、石津灌渠及黄壁庄水库副坝附近,并有向地下水降落漏斗区扩散的趋势,使该地区水资源矛盾更为突出。以滹沱河超采区为研究范围... 近年调查和监测发现,滹沱河超采区地下水中硫酸盐含量日趋增高,范围逐渐扩大,高浓度的硫酸盐主要分布在滹沱河、石津灌渠及黄壁庄水库副坝附近,并有向地下水降落漏斗区扩散的趋势,使该地区水资源矛盾更为突出。以滹沱河超采区为研究范围,结合水文地球化学理论开展了野外调查及取样工作,并基于长时间序列、多点位交叉动态监测数据分析以及硫氧同位素技术进行研究,得出:滹沱河超采区地下水硫酸盐异常与上游地表水有着紧密联系,黄壁庄水库及入流冶河受上游采煤活动影响,硫酸盐含量较高,地表入渗补给造成研究区地下水硫酸盐污染。通过分析研究区地下水硫酸盐的迁移转化特征,建立了滹沱河超采区地下水硫酸盐在地表水-包气带-地下水中的迁移转化模式,指出上游防控是减缓滹沱河超采区地下水硫酸盐污染的有效方式,为石家庄地区的地下水环境污染防治与地下水可持续利用提供了科学依据,具有重要的理论和实际意义。 展开更多
关键词 滹沱河 地下水 硫酸盐 污染 防控
我国冰雪体育文化自信发展探析 被引量:13
作者 费郁红 冯靖媛 +1 位作者 姜洋 王志博 《山东体育学院学报》 北大核心 2019年第6期48-53,共6页
通过文献资料、实地调查等研究方法对冰雪体育文化发展的成就、问题进行梳理与分析。研究认为,我国冰雪体育文化发展迅速,但根基不牢,核心竞争力不强,文化集聚效应差;建议文化培育与开发同时进行,夯实体育文化根基,文化差异与共生共荣并... 通过文献资料、实地调查等研究方法对冰雪体育文化发展的成就、问题进行梳理与分析。研究认为,我国冰雪体育文化发展迅速,但根基不牢,核心竞争力不强,文化集聚效应差;建议文化培育与开发同时进行,夯实体育文化根基,文化差异与共生共荣并存,产生文化集聚效应,坚持文化特色与创新并重,打造文化核心竞争力,坚持冰雪体育文化非均衡性发展,满足文化供给需求,推动我国冰雪体育文化的健康发展,提升我国冰雪体育文化软实力。 展开更多
关键词 冰雪体育文化 区域特色 文化自信
足球守门员扑救难度定量化研究 被引量:2
作者 费郁红 李云广 +1 位作者 王志博 刘冬梅 《广州体育学院学报》 北大核心 2019年第3期78-83,89,共7页
以2016-2017赛季,英超、德甲、意甲、西甲等四大联赛共64场比赛551个射门数据为研究对象,运用logistic分析法建立守门员扑救难度多因素回归方程式,探究守门员扑救难度的主要影响因素,以达到定量化评价足球守门员扑救难度的目的。结果表... 以2016-2017赛季,英超、德甲、意甲、西甲等四大联赛共64场比赛551个射门数据为研究对象,运用logistic分析法建立守门员扑救难度多因素回归方程式,探究守门员扑救难度的主要影响因素,以达到定量化评价足球守门员扑救难度的目的。结果表明,影响守门员扑救难度的主要因素是:射门后球到达球门时间、射门者前方有无防守人员、射门者后方或侧后方有无防守人员、射门的部位(即头或腿),射门种类(即平直球、弧线球、地滚球)、射门路线选择,进球高度,球的运行轨迹是否因其他球员碰触发生改变、射门角度、进球距离。经检验,该回归方程预测守门员扑救成败的准确率达84.8%。这对于客观评价守门员扑救能力有现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 足球守门员 扑救能力 LOGISTIC回归分析
场域论视域下我国体育学独立建设的构想 被引量:3
作者 李彦龙 费郁红 +2 位作者 蔡维敏 顾慧娟 聂应军 《哈尔滨体育学院学报》 2020年第4期23-28,共6页
在《统筹推进世界一流大学和一流学科建设实施办法》作为高等教育改革与发展行动纲领和体育强国等政策时代语境下,征询全国体育学学科评议组专家意见,运用公共政策分析方法,基于场域论研究视角,系统分析我国高等教育核心政策,构建体育... 在《统筹推进世界一流大学和一流学科建设实施办法》作为高等教育改革与发展行动纲领和体育强国等政策时代语境下,征询全国体育学学科评议组专家意见,运用公共政策分析方法,基于场域论研究视角,系统分析我国高等教育核心政策,构建体育学内容核心、组织体系、学术水平指标体系,提出政府主导、社会治理、市场驱动的多元融合发展建设意见,以期为加快推进我国体育学建设提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 体育学 独立设置 场域
我国大型滑雪旅游度假区环境预警管理研究——以亚布力滑雪旅游度假区为例 被引量:2
作者 王萍 朱志强 +1 位作者 费郁红 丛军 《哈尔滨体育学院学报》 2020年第5期26-30,共5页
环境预警管理研究直接关系到旅游地区的生态平衡和旅游质量的高低,大型滑雪旅游度假区是滑雪产业发展的核心和滑雪人口培养的基地。因此,本文基于滑雪旅游资源的特点,借助改进的生态足迹评价模型,选择亚布力滑雪旅游度假区为测评对象,... 环境预警管理研究直接关系到旅游地区的生态平衡和旅游质量的高低,大型滑雪旅游度假区是滑雪产业发展的核心和滑雪人口培养的基地。因此,本文基于滑雪旅游资源的特点,借助改进的生态足迹评价模型,选择亚布力滑雪旅游度假区为测评对象,对度假区环境承载力进行分析,并在此基础上确立了滑雪旅游环境承载容量的预警区间和环境驱动因子。研究结果表明,2007—2016年间亚布力滑雪旅游度假区生态足迹随时间呈上升趋势(1.73~1.82 ha/cap),2014年滑雪旅游环境承载容量最低,环境预警指数(EEWI=2)等级最低,人均生态足迹受社会经济发展和滑雪旅游人口增长因素影响较大。未来可以通过建立生态基线、分区保护和开发等手段有效地将滑雪旅游环境承载容量控制在合理的区间之内。 展开更多
关键词 滑雪旅游度假区 环境承载容量 驱动因子 预警管理
Analysis on hydrochemical characteristics of groundwater in strongly exploited area in Hutuo River Plain 被引量:3
作者 TIAN Xia fei yu-hong +3 位作者 ZHANG Zhao-ji LI Ya-song DUN Yu GUO Chun-yan 《Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering》 2017年第2期130-139,共10页
The Hutuo River alluvial-proluvial fan is located in North China Plain, and groundwater is the main source of water supply for agriculture and domestic water. Shijiazhuang depression funnels due to the long-term exces... The Hutuo River alluvial-proluvial fan is located in North China Plain, and groundwater is the main source of water supply for agriculture and domestic water. Shijiazhuang depression funnels due to the long-term excessive exploitation are the bottleneck of the regional economic development. Analyzing the chemical characteristics of groundwater under the condition of strong human activities, can provide a scientific basis for further study of strong groundwater mining area environmental change. 143 groups of shallow groundwater samples are collected during the period of 2007-2008. In this paper, the hydrochemical characteristics of groundwater in the Hutuo River Plain area are analyzed systematically, using hydrogeochemical theory, combined with statistical methods and hydrochemical methods. Results are shown as follows: HCO_3^- and Ca^(2+) are major anion and cation. The variation coefficients of K^+, Ca^(2+), Mg^(2+) and HCO_3^- between 0.25 and 0.52, which means small and stable relatively. The variation coefficient of are Na^+, NO_3^-, Cl-, SO2-4 were large(0.89-1.01). They are sensitive and vulnerable to environmental change affect. Due to the impact of human activities, from the top to the edge of the alluvial-proluvial fan, the hydrochemical types of groundwater change from single to multiple, followed by HCO_3^-Ca·Mg, HCO_3·SO_4-Ca·Mg, HCO_3·SO_4·Cl-Ca·Mg, HCO_3·Cl-Ca·Mg and other types. 展开更多
关键词 Shallow groundwater Hydrochemical characteristics Hutuo River Alluvial Plain
Quality evaluation of groundwater in the North China Plain 被引量:1
作者 fei yu-hong ZHANG Zhao-ji +2 位作者 LI Ya-song GUO Chun-yan TIAN Xia 《Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering》 2015年第4期306-315,共10页
This paper presents a method combining single-indicator comprehensive evaluation and influence factor identification to measure groundwater quality. This method not only reflects groundwater quality classification wit... This paper presents a method combining single-indicator comprehensive evaluation and influence factor identification to measure groundwater quality. This method not only reflects groundwater quality classification with clear physical significance, but also divides the possibilities of man-made pollution in regional groundwater. The paper selects 6 063 representative groundwater wells in the North China Plain to evaluate 49 groundwater inorganic and organic index and comes to a conclusion: Controlled by geological environment and hydrogeological conditions, the groundwater quality in the North China Plain deteriorates from the bottom of maintain to coastal area, with Class I to III groundwater decreasing from 49% to 3.9% while Class V groundwater increasing from 21% to 86.9%; the quality of deep groundwater is better than that of shallow groundwater; the contribution rate of manganese, total hardness, total dissolved solids and iodide in shallow groundwater to over-III type water exceeds 50%; the contribution rate of nitrite in pollution index reaches 20%; while heavy metal and organic indexes have limited impact on regional groundwater quality. The North China Plain is an important economic area in China. Over decades, it has witnessed intense human activities, and water resource quantity demanded has been far greater than quantity supplied. Due to scarce surface water resource, groundwater becomes the pillar supporting regional economic development. This has led to increasing groundwater exploitation and development. According to statistics, the exploitation degree of shallow groundwater reaches 105% in the North China Plain and 118% in the Hebei Plain; the exploitation degree of deep groundwater reaches 143% in the North China Plain and 163% in the Hebei Plain. The serious over-exploitation of groundwater brings various geological environmental problems, with the worsening of groundwater quality being a typical one. Besides impact brought by human activities, the poor quality of natural water in the North China Plain is also an important factor. Therefore, to understand the current regional groundwater quality situation and to master influence factors and influence degree can provide reliable scientific protection for regional economic development. 展开更多
关键词 North China plain Groundwater quality EVALUATION Contribution rate
Research on Migration Features of Salt-Fresh Water Interface on the North China Plain 被引量:2
作者 WANG Chun-xiao ZHANG Zhao-ji +1 位作者 fei yu-hong QIAN Yong 《Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering》 2014年第2期68-79,共12页
underground water is the important water resources for the North China Plain, but due to long-time exhaustive exploitation, a series of problems about environmental geology including salt water migration appears. The ... underground water is the important water resources for the North China Plain, but due to long-time exhaustive exploitation, a series of problems about environmental geology including salt water migration appears. The salt groundwater that distributed widely moved downward vertically, triggering a strong impact on the water supply safety in this area;simultaneously, its large storage capacity brought great resources potential. Thus it had practical guiding significance to develop research on migration of salt-fresh water interface in the North China Plain and discuss the space distribution and migration features for improvement of groundwater environment and mitigation of water resource shortage status.This paper described migration features of salt-fresh water interface through changes in boundary line of salt water and fresh water and vertical interface of salt water and found out major causes for migration of salt-fresh water interface in the area were water level difference between salt water and fresh water area, saline concentration difference in salt water and fresh water, stratigraphic structure and artificial skylight based on analysis on the influence factors. 展开更多
Distribution and migration of lead in soil of Xiao River, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province
作者 CUI Xiang-xiang fei yu-hong +1 位作者 ZHANG Zhao-ji LI Ya-song 《Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering》 2015年第1期98-104,共7页
The Xiao River sewage irrigation area in Luancheng where wastewater from Shijiazhuang flows through was taken as the research area. Five groundwater monitoring wells were set perpendicular to Xiao River, the research ... The Xiao River sewage irrigation area in Luancheng where wastewater from Shijiazhuang flows through was taken as the research area. Five groundwater monitoring wells were set perpendicular to Xiao River, the research reveals the migration law and distribution characteristics of poisonous metal lead, through collecting and analyzing soil samples at different depths, investigating lithologic structure and pollution. The result shows that soil type has great impact on vertical lead distribution in aeration zone, which means that lead concentrates more in clay than in sand. Lead migrates fast in silty soil and silty clay, but slow in sand. The content of lead soil adsorbed decreases with grain size increasing. The most important factor influencing the distribution of lead is the soil type. 展开更多
关键词 Sewage irrigation SOIL LEAD Vertical migration
Research on numerical simulation of the groundwater funnels restoration in Shijiazhuang
作者 GUO Chun-yan CUI Ya-li +2 位作者 LIU Wen-na CUI Xiang-xiang fei yu-hong 《Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering》 2018年第2期126-135,共10页
In order to simulate the recovery of groundwater funnels under the condition of reducing groundwater abstraction, hydrogeological conditions of recoverability construction of Shijiazhuang groundwater funnel were analy... In order to simulate the recovery of groundwater funnels under the condition of reducing groundwater abstraction, hydrogeological conditions of recoverability construction of Shijiazhuang groundwater funnel were analyzed, and a numerical simulation method was used based on the change of various parameters. The results show that the groundwater flow model can accurately reflect groundwater hydrogeological characteristics, and can guarantee the reliability of groundwater restoration prediction. The research has set up four schemes for rural water-saving, planting structure adjustment, urban reducing abstraction and integrated method. The effect of four restoration schemes on the restoration of groundwater funnels was compared with water table variations of two observation well. Comparison results show that the level changes of plan Three and Four are different from the other two kinds of exploitation and the drop trend of water table in the funnel area is flat. So we can conclude that Plan Three and Four have significant effect on the groundwater funnel restoration of Shijiazhuang. 展开更多
关键词 Shijiazhuang Reducing groundwater abstraction Groundwater funnel Numeric simulation Restoration scheme
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