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低电价与高赔偿2种可中断负荷的协调 被引量:50
作者 罗运虎 薛禹胜 +3 位作者 gerard ledwich Zhaoyang DONG 刘华伟 胡伟 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第11期17-21,共5页
可以按对用户的补偿方式,将可中断负荷(IL---interruptible load)分为停电前低电价补偿和停电后高赔偿2类。迄今为止,对低电价IL与高赔偿IL的研究一直是孤立的。为有效遏制用户侧的市场力,提高备用容量配置和稳定控制的经济性,应充分利... 可以按对用户的补偿方式,将可中断负荷(IL---interruptible load)分为停电前低电价补偿和停电后高赔偿2类。迄今为止,对低电价IL与高赔偿IL的研究一直是孤立的。为有效遏制用户侧的市场力,提高备用容量配置和稳定控制的经济性,应充分利用这2种方式的不同经济特性及其互补性。为此,从风险管理观点提出这2种IL的协调模型和优化算法,使对低电价IL的确定性补偿与对高赔偿IL的风险补偿之和最小,其中暂不涉及与发电侧备用市场的协调。仿真验证该模型的合理性和算法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 低电价可中断负荷 高赔偿可中断负荷 风险管理 协调优化 电力市场
关于低频振荡分析方法的评述 被引量:82
作者 薛禹胜 郝思鹏 +2 位作者 刘俊勇 Zhaoyang DONG gerard ledwich 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期1-8,共8页
为更好地梳理概念,将低频振荡分析方法分为两大类,即针对系统模型平衡点的特征根方法以及沿着系统受扰轨迹的模式提取方法。平衡点特征根方法可进一步按采用的系统模型分为确定性的线性化模型、确定性的非线性模型和概率模型。这类方法... 为更好地梳理概念,将低频振荡分析方法分为两大类,即针对系统模型平衡点的特征根方法以及沿着系统受扰轨迹的模式提取方法。平衡点特征根方法可进一步按采用的系统模型分为确定性的线性化模型、确定性的非线性模型和概率模型。这类方法与具体扰动无关,但只能反映系统在该平衡点附近的动态行为,故不适用于包含强非线性、变系数、相继故障或有离散控制的系统。受扰轨迹模式分析方法则从特定扰动下的时间响应曲线中提取振荡信息的时间序列,包括系统模型未知情况下(如实测轨迹)的信号处理法和系统模型已知情况下(如仿真轨迹)的分时段定常线性化法。在评述各种方法的基础上,提出改进的思路及有望突破的研究方向。 展开更多
关键词 低频振荡 平衡点特征根 轨迹特征根时间序列 信号处理 保稳降维线性变换 分时段定常线性化
关于暂态稳定不确定性分析的评述 被引量:78
作者 薛禹胜 刘强 +2 位作者 Zhaoyang DONG gerard ledwich 袁越 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第14期1-6,75,共7页
从随机变量、概率模型、概率算法以及特定场景下的暂态稳定评估等方面,回顾国内外对暂态稳定概率分析和风险分析的研究和现状,归纳各种分析方法的原理及优缺点,讨论减少计算量的技术,探讨暂态稳定性概率分析及风险分析的发展方向。指出... 从随机变量、概率模型、概率算法以及特定场景下的暂态稳定评估等方面,回顾国内外对暂态稳定概率分析和风险分析的研究和现状,归纳各种分析方法的原理及优缺点,讨论减少计算量的技术,探讨暂态稳定性概率分析及风险分析的发展方向。指出在计算失稳概率时尽量采用灵敏度分析技术来代替抽样仿真,将大大减少计算量。提出用最优稳定控制的代价来反映经济损失,即用主动停电造成的损失代替系统失稳后不受控停电的损失,使风险值可以实际计算。 展开更多
关键词 暂态稳定 概率分析 风险评估 条件概率 蒙特卡罗仿真
电力市场环境下互联电网恢复控制的评述 被引量:27
作者 薛禹胜 王昊昊 +2 位作者 董朝阳 gerard ledwich 文福拴 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第21期110-115,共6页
阐述现代互联电网对恢复控制的要求;比较不同的恢复控制策略,包括自下至上(bottom-up)、自上至下(top-down)及混合策略;讨论其优化与协调。根据各种恢复策略涉及的技术与经济因素,讨论决策支持系统应具备的功能。提出基于风险的自适应... 阐述现代互联电网对恢复控制的要求;比较不同的恢复控制策略,包括自下至上(bottom-up)、自上至下(top-down)及混合策略;讨论其优化与协调。根据各种恢复策略涉及的技术与经济因素,讨论决策支持系统应具备的功能。提出基于风险的自适应决策优化,分析市场环境对启动电源(包括黑启动)服务和恢复控制的影响,提出经济层面的优化及其与技术层面的协调。强调以量化指标反映启动电源服务的技术性能及停电风险,兼顾启动电源的经济性与可靠性。 展开更多
关键词 恢复控制 黑启动 电力市场 风险 自适应 决策支持系统
发电容量充裕性的混合优化 被引量:13
作者 罗运虎 薛禹胜 +3 位作者 董朝阳 gerard ledwich 鲁庭瑞 王小英 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第12期30-35,共6页
在发电容量充裕性的研究中,需求侧管理及需求侧备用市场通常是与发电侧备用市场孤立的。为改进发电容量充裕性控制,在低电价可中断负荷和高赔偿可中断负荷协调控制的基础上,将实施分时电价作为预防控制,将调用发电侧备用容量、中断需求... 在发电容量充裕性的研究中,需求侧管理及需求侧备用市场通常是与发电侧备用市场孤立的。为改进发电容量充裕性控制,在低电价可中断负荷和高赔偿可中断负荷协调控制的基础上,将实施分时电价作为预防控制,将调用发电侧备用容量、中断需求侧低电价与高赔偿可中断负荷容量作为事故后控制。基于其不同的技术特性和经济特性,提出协调模型和优化算法,定量研究预防、事故后控制及其协调控制的效果。仿真验证了风险协调对备用服务的显著改善。 展开更多
关键词 发电容量充裕性 可中断负荷 备用发电容量 多市场协调优化
线路故障位置对暂态稳定性的异常影响及其机理 被引量:12
作者 刘强 薛禹胜 +2 位作者 Zhaoyang DONG gerard ledwich 袁越 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第18期1-5,65,共6页
发现稳定裕度除了随线路上的故障位置单调增加、单调减小、凸状变化外,还可能呈现凹状分布的形态。通过扩展等面积准则(EEAC)理论揭示其机理,以解析方式得到稳定裕度随故障位置凹状变化的条件,并在多机系统的仿真中验证了稳定裕度随故... 发现稳定裕度除了随线路上的故障位置单调增加、单调减小、凸状变化外,还可能呈现凹状分布的形态。通过扩展等面积准则(EEAC)理论揭示其机理,以解析方式得到稳定裕度随故障位置凹状变化的条件,并在多机系统的仿真中验证了稳定裕度随故障位置的异常变化形式。该现象的发现和剖析不但有利于深入理解电力系统暂态稳定性的物理本质,也对工程分析提出了新的注意点。 展开更多
关键词 暂态稳定 稳定裕度 稳定机理 故障位置 扩展等面积准则(EEAC)
基于稳定域及条件概率的暂态稳定不确定性分析 被引量:11
作者 刘强 薛禹胜 +2 位作者 Zhaoyang DONG gerard ledwich 袁越 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第19期1-6,共6页
以随机变量可信区间内最严重的取值为基本工况,利用稳定裕度及其灵敏度分析技术计算连续参数空间中的稳定域边界;根据概率分布密度函数,计算不确定工况处于该稳定域内(或其外)的联合概率,得到系统稳定(或失稳)的概率。在分析不同的2维... 以随机变量可信区间内最严重的取值为基本工况,利用稳定裕度及其灵敏度分析技术计算连续参数空间中的稳定域边界;根据概率分布密度函数,计算不确定工况处于该稳定域内(或其外)的联合概率,得到系统稳定(或失稳)的概率。在分析不同的2维参数稳定域的基础上,给出由负荷水平、故障位置与故障切除时间构成的3维参数稳定域。同时,采用条件概率方法处理电网拓扑、故障元件和故障类型等离散型随机变量。将条件概率方法与稳定域方法相结合,计算电力系统的失稳概率。定义新的风险指标来评估失稳风险。对IEEE 39节点和山东500kV系统的仿真表明该方法具有较好的实用价值。 展开更多
关键词 暂态稳定 EEAC 条件概率 稳定域法
计及时变系统完整非线性的振荡模式分析 被引量:22
作者 薛禹胜 潘学萍 +2 位作者 Guorui ZHANG Zhaoyang DONG gerard ledwich 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第18期1-7,共7页
提出评估非自治非线性因素对振荡行为影响程度的指标。其绝对值在定常的线性模型下严格为0,并随着时变性或非线性影响的增强而增加。据此,可量化地比较不同因素的影响。受扰轨迹完整地反映了时滞环节及离散控制等本质非线性因素和时变... 提出评估非自治非线性因素对振荡行为影响程度的指标。其绝对值在定常的线性模型下严格为0,并随着时变性或非线性影响的增强而增加。据此,可量化地比较不同因素的影响。受扰轨迹完整地反映了时滞环节及离散控制等本质非线性因素和时变因素对系统动态行为的影响。采用小波脊方法估算受扰轨迹在适当宽度的时间窗口内的振荡模式,并随着窗口的滑动得到振荡模式的时间序列。用该序列可以量化非自治非线性振荡的特性,并指导对大振幅低频振荡的分析与控制。仿真发现,即使是3机9节点的小系统,其动态行为也可能不同于平衡点特征根的描述,而平衡点特征根甚至可能丢掉最危险的非线性模式。 展开更多
关键词 振荡模式 非线性影响度 特征根分析 轨迹特征根 小波脊法
互联电网恢复控制的自适应优化 被引量:7
作者 王昊昊 薛禹胜 +2 位作者 Zhaoyang DONG gerard ledwich 刘玉田 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第22期1-5,共5页
建立统一考虑负荷恢复的收益、控制代价及恢复过程中系统风险的恢复控制优化模型。提出2层优化框架,按"分区独立优化、协调动态分区"方式自适应优化,克服离线预案依据的场景及措施优先顺序不变的缺点。同时将研究从自下而上(b... 建立统一考虑负荷恢复的收益、控制代价及恢复过程中系统风险的恢复控制优化模型。提出2层优化框架,按"分区独立优化、协调动态分区"方式自适应优化,克服离线预案依据的场景及措施优先顺序不变的缺点。同时将研究从自下而上(bottom-up)策略拓展到自上而下(top-down)策略和混合策略,包括各类策略内部的优化和不同策略之间的协调。基于自适应优化和风险决策的观点,设计模块算法。按大停电防御体系的信息、分析、控制3个要素,设计在线决策支持系统的框架模型,阐明各功能模块间的逻辑关系,并用仿真验证了其有效性和自适应性。 展开更多
关键词 恢复控制 自适应优化 协调优化 风险管理 决策支持系统
计及分布式电源和负荷静态特性的最优低频减载 被引量:1
作者 刘志鹏 文福拴 gerard ledwich 《华南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第10期139-145,共7页
低频减载被认为是当电力系统发生频率严重下降事故时所能采取的最后一项补救措施.针对配电系统中的低频减载问题,文中提出了计及分布式电源和负荷静态特性的最优低频减载策略.该策略以频率及频率变化率为执行依据,并由几个基本轮和一个... 低频减载被认为是当电力系统发生频率严重下降事故时所能采取的最后一项补救措施.针对配电系统中的低频减载问题,文中提出了计及分布式电源和负荷静态特性的最优低频减载策略.该策略以频率及频率变化率为执行依据,并由几个基本轮和一个特殊轮组成.在基本轮中,按反馈控制律分轮次快速切除负荷,以保证频率摆脱紧急状态.而在特殊轮中,则优化分布式电源的出力和调整部分负荷,以保证频率恢复到安全状态并使系统运行参数最优.最后,以修改的IEEE 37节点配电系统为例来验证所提出的最优低频减载策略的有效性. 展开更多
关键词 配电系统 分布式电源 低频减载 基本轮 特殊轮 负荷静态特性
An Optimization Model for Reliability Improvement and Cost Reduction Through EV Smart Charging
作者 Jinping Zhao Ali Arefi +1 位作者 Alberto Borghetti gerard ledwich 《Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第2期608-620,共13页
There is a general concern that the increasing penetration of electric vehicles(EVs)will result in higher aging failure probability of equipment and reduced network reliability.The electricity costs may also increase,... There is a general concern that the increasing penetration of electric vehicles(EVs)will result in higher aging failure probability of equipment and reduced network reliability.The electricity costs may also increase,due to the exacerbation of peak load led by uncontrolled EV charging.This paper proposes a linear optimization model for the assessment of the benefits of EV smart charging on both network reliability improvement and electricity cost reduction.The objective of the proposed model is the cost minimization,including the loss of load,repair costs due to aging failures,and EV charging expenses.The proposed model incorporates a piecewise linear model representation for the failure probability distributions and utilizes a machine learning approach to represent the EV charging load.Considering two different test systems(a 5-bus network and the IEEE 33-bus network),this paper compares aging failure probabilities,service unavailability,expected energy not supplied,and total costs in various scenarios with and without the implementation of EV smart charging. 展开更多
关键词 Aging failure electric vehicle(EV) EV charging power system reliability expected energy not supplied distribution network.
Enhancing scalability of peer-to-peer energy markets using adaptive segmentation method 被引量:4
作者 Mohsen KHORASANY Yateendra MISHRA +1 位作者 Behrouz BABAKI gerard ledwich 《Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy》 SCIE EI CSCD 2019年第4期791-801,共11页
This paper proposes an adaptive segmentation method as a market clearing mechanism for peer-to-peer(P2P)energy trading scheme with large number of market players.In the proposed method,market players participate in th... This paper proposes an adaptive segmentation method as a market clearing mechanism for peer-to-peer(P2P)energy trading scheme with large number of market players.In the proposed method,market players participate in the market by announcing their bids.In the first step,players are assigned to different segments based on their features,where the balanced k-means clustering method is implemented to form segments.These segments are formed based on the similarity between players,where the amount of energy for trade and its corresponding price are considered as features of players.In the next step,a distributed method is employed to clear the market in each segment without any need to private information of players.The novelty of this paper relies on developing an adaptive algorithm for dividing large number of market players into multiple segments to enhance scalability of the P2P trading by reducing data exchange and communication overheads.The proposed approach can be used along with any distributed method for market clearing.In this paper,two different structures including community-based market and decentralized bilateral trading market are used to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method.Simulation results show the beneficial properties of the proposed segmentation method. 展开更多
关键词 Energy TRADING MARKET segmentation Distributed optimization Peer-to-peer(P2P)market ALTERNATING direction method of MULTIPLIERS
Small signal stability analysis of power systems with high penetration of wind power 被引量:6
作者 Ping HE Fushuan WEN +1 位作者 gerard ledwich Yusheng XUE 《Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy》 SCIE EI 2013年第3期241-248,共8页
The integration of large amount of wind power into a power system imposes a new challenge for the secure and economic operation of the system.It is necessary to investigate the impacts of wind power generation on the ... The integration of large amount of wind power into a power system imposes a new challenge for the secure and economic operation of the system.It is necessary to investigate the impacts of wind power generation on the dynamic behavior of the power system concerned.This paper investigates the impacts of large amount of wind power on small signal stability and the corresponding control strategies to mitigate the negative effects.The concepts of different types of wind turbine generators(WTGs)and the principles of the grid-connected structures of wind power generation systems are first briefly introduced.Then,the state-of-the-art of the studies on the impacts of WTGs on small signal stability as well as potential problems to be studied are clarified.Finally,the control strategies on WTGs to enhance power system damping characteristics are presented. 展开更多
关键词 Wind turbine generators Wind farm integration Small signal stability Damping characteristic
The operating schedule for battery energy storage companies in electricity market 被引量:4
作者 Shengqi ZHANG Yateendra MISHRA +1 位作者 gerard ledwich Yusheng XUE 《Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy》 SCIE EI 2013年第3期275-284,共10页
This paper presents a series of operating schedules for Battery Energy Storage Companies(BESC)to provide peak shaving and spinning reserve services in the electricity markets under increasing wind penetration.As indiv... This paper presents a series of operating schedules for Battery Energy Storage Companies(BESC)to provide peak shaving and spinning reserve services in the electricity markets under increasing wind penetration.As individual market participants,BESC can bid in ancillary services markets in an Independent System Operator(ISO)and contribute towards frequency and voltage support in the grid.Recent development in batteries technologies and availability of the day-ahead spot market prices would make BESC economically feasible.Profit maximization of BESC is achieved by determining the optimum capacity of Energy Storage Systems(ESS)required for meeting spinning reserve requirements as well as peak shaving.Historic spot market prices and frequency deviations from Australia Energy Market Operator(AEMO)are used for numerical simulations and the economic benefits of BESC is considered reflecting various aspects in Australia’s National Electricity Markets(NEM). 展开更多
关键词 Battery energy storage systems Peak shaving Spinning reserve Energy market Ancillary services market
Measurement Sensitivity and Estimation Error in Distribution System State Estimation using Augmented Complex Kalman Filter 被引量:2
作者 Alan Louis gerard ledwich +1 位作者 Geoff Walker Yateendra Mishra 《Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy》 SCIE EI CSCD 2020年第4期657-668,共12页
Distribution state estimation(DSE)is an essential part of an active distribution network with high level of distributed energy resources.The challenges of accurate DSE with limited measurement data is a well-known pro... Distribution state estimation(DSE)is an essential part of an active distribution network with high level of distributed energy resources.The challenges of accurate DSE with limited measurement data is a well-known problem.In practice,the operation and usability of DSE depend on not only the estimation accuracy but also the ability to predict error variance.This paper investigates the application of error covariance in DSE by using the augmented complex Kalman filter(ACKF).The Kalman filter method inherently provides state error covariance prediction.It can be utilized to accurately infer the error covariance of other parameters and provide a method to determine optimal measurement locations based on the sensitivity of error covariance to measurement noise covariance.This paper also proposes a generalized formulation of ACKF to allow scalar measurements to be incorporated into the complex-valued estimator.The proposed method is simulated by using modified IEEE 34-bus and IEEE 123-bus test feeders,and randomly generates the load data of complex-valued Wiener process.The ACKF method is compared with an equivalent formulation using the traditional weighted least squares(WLS)method and iterated extended Kalman filter(IEKF)method,which shows improved accuracy and computation performance. 展开更多
关键词 Augmented complex Kalman filter direct load flow distribution system state estimation error variance sensitivity analysis
Indices of Congested Areas and Contributions of Customers to Congestions in Radial Distribution Networks 被引量:1
作者 Jinping Zhao Ali Arefi +1 位作者 Alberto Borghetti gerard ledwich 《Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy》 SCIE EI CSCD 2022年第3期656-666,共11页
Congestions are becoming a significant issue with an increasing number of occurrences in distribution networks due to the growing penetration of distributed generation and the expected development of electric mobility... Congestions are becoming a significant issue with an increasing number of occurrences in distribution networks due to the growing penetration of distributed generation and the expected development of electric mobility.Fair congestion management(CM)policies and prices require proper indices of congested areas and contributions of customer to congestions.This paper presents spatial and temporal indices for rapidly recognizing the seriousness of congestions from the perspectives of both magnitude violation and duration to prioritize the affected areas where CM procedures should be primarily activated.Besides,indices are presented which describe the contributions of customers to the congestions.Simulation tests on IEEE 123-bus and Australian 23-bus low-voltage distribution test feeders illustrate the calculation and capabilities of the proposed indices in balanced and unbalanced systems. 展开更多
关键词 Congestion management spatial index temporal index distribution network contribution of customer
Electromechanical wave in power systems:theory and applications 被引量:1
作者 Yan XU Fushuan WEN +1 位作者 gerard ledwich Yusheng XUE 《Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy》 SCIE EI 2014年第2期163-172,共10页
The continuum model is a key paradigm describing the behavior of electromechanical transients in power systems.In the past two decades,much research work has been done on applying the continuum model to analyze the el... The continuum model is a key paradigm describing the behavior of electromechanical transients in power systems.In the past two decades,much research work has been done on applying the continuum model to analyze the electromechanical wave in power systems.In this work,the uniform and non-uniform continuum models are first briefly described,and some explanations borrowing concepts and tools from other fields are given.Then,the existing approaches of investigating the resulting wave equations are summarized.An application named the zero reflection controller based on the idea of the wave equations is next presented. 展开更多
关键词 Power system Electromechanical wave propagation Continuum model Zero reflection controller
A Grid-friendly Neighborhood Energy Trading Mechanism
作者 Anula Abeygunawardana Aaron Liu gerard ledwich 《Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy》 SCIE EI CSCD 2022年第5期1349-1357,共9页
More customers are tending to install batteries with photovoltaic(PV), so they can better control their electricity bills. In this context, customers may be tempted to go offgrid at a substantial up-front cost, leadin... More customers are tending to install batteries with photovoltaic(PV), so they can better control their electricity bills. In this context, customers may be tempted to go offgrid at a substantial up-front cost, leading electricity companies into a death spiral, thereby raising electricity price further on those remaining on grid. Neighborhood energy markets can promote the sharing of locally generated renewable energy and encourage prosumers to stay on grid with financial incentives. A novel neighborhood energy trading(NET) mechanism is developed using the topology of existing radial distribution network to encourage sustainable energy sharing in neighborhood and encourage prosumers to stay on grid. This mechanism considers loss, congestion management, and voltage regulation, and it is scalable with low computation and communication overhead.An IEEE test system is used to validate the NET mechanism.The simulation shows that the price and flow results are obtained with fast computation speed(within 10 iterations) and with loss reflected, flow limit reinforced, and voltage regulated.This study proves that the economic demand-supply-based pricing mechanism can be applied effectively in distribution networks to help encourage more renewable energy sharing in sustainable neighborhood and avoid energy network death spiral. 展开更多
关键词 Direct power flow directional adjacency local energy market PEER-TO-PEER prosumer solar community sustainable building transdisciplinary research
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