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作者 郑晓华 单昭 《秘书》 2024年第3期3-15,共13页
随着城市化进程的演进和市场化改革的推进,商业性元素逐步进入城市社区,原本依靠血缘关系或文化习俗维系的社区邻里关系变得原子化、碎片化,社区各类成员的认同感、归属感、安全感日益匮乏,不同群体之间的矛盾冲突愈发凸显。社区平台组... 随着城市化进程的演进和市场化改革的推进,商业性元素逐步进入城市社区,原本依靠血缘关系或文化习俗维系的社区邻里关系变得原子化、碎片化,社区各类成员的认同感、归属感、安全感日益匮乏,不同群体之间的矛盾冲突愈发凸显。社区平台组织作为各方平等对话、交流、协作的载体,成为城市社区治理中化解矛盾的有力抓手。本文结合S居民区“商居联盟”平台组织的实践,总结平台组织的经验做法;建立公共价值计分卡模型,评估平台组织存在的问题及其原因。研究发现:联盟平台组织在价值目标设定方面行政化,解决专业性、复杂性矛盾的成效不足;在授权环境方面多元力量支持不足,主体参与积极性有待提高;在运作能力方面整合内外资源、化解矛盾的能力有待提高。对此,需要强化共同使命,增强组织向心力;加强内部建设,增强组织生命力;健全制度规范,增强组织稳定性,进一步优化联盟建设。 展开更多
关键词 社区平台组织 商居联盟 公共价值计分卡模型 社区治理
作者 郑子叶 田爽 +4 位作者 冯玉晓 赵珊 李鑫 王曙光 何作利 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第11期88-136,共49页
随着工业进步和人口增长,大量难降解的有机污染物被排放到水体中,环境污染成为一个日益严峻的全球性问题.大多数有机污染物具有致癌性、诱变性、细菌性和复杂多样性,难以通过传统的化学、生物和光解等处理方法有效去除,亟需探索环保有... 随着工业进步和人口增长,大量难降解的有机污染物被排放到水体中,环境污染成为一个日益严峻的全球性问题.大多数有机污染物具有致癌性、诱变性、细菌性和复杂多样性,难以通过传统的化学、生物和光解等处理方法有效去除,亟需探索环保有效的去除污染物技术.光催化技术可以直接利用太阳光进行污染物降解,对环境友好,然而,其实际应用受到太阳能利用率低、催化剂分离困难、催化剂稳定性低以及矿化率低等因素的限制.近年来,将光催化技术与其他技术耦合成为解决上述困难的新趋势.对光催化耦合技术的最新进展和工作机制进行系统地梳理和总结对进一步推动去除污染物技术的发展具有重要意义.本文系统总结了光催化耦合技术在废水处理中的最新研究进展.首先,简要介绍了光催化的机理和研究进展,总结了光催化技术在废水处理过程中存在的问题.然后,简要介绍了光催化耦合技术在解决上述问题过程中的研究进展和发展趋势.其后,通过重点介绍一些典型研究,详细地阐述了光催化技术与传统水处理技术(吸附法、膜分离法、生物降解法)、高级氧化技术(电催化法、臭氧化法、Fenton法、过硫酸盐法)和其他技术(热催化法、等离子体法、超声波法、压电催化法、磁场法)的耦合机制.此外,进一步探讨了光催化技术与各种技术耦合的独特优势,概述了不同光催化耦合技术的设计原理和具体应用.最后,简要总结了光催化耦合技术所面临的挑战和未来的研究方向:(1)在理论研究方面,目前缺乏对光催化耦合技术的深入机理分析和系统的研究,应结合光催化剂的特性并通过多种技术手段对耦合过程进行深入分析,并深入挖掘光催化耦合机理,以进一步指导催化剂的理性设计.(2)目前,光催化耦合技术研究主要集中在处理单一污染物或实验室模拟废水,未来需要进一步开发新型稳定、高效的催化剂以满足实际生产和生活中排放的污水处理要求.(3)应探索新型耦合技术,可以产生更多具有强氧化能力的自由基,以进一步提高污水处理的效率和经济可行性.(4)传统的光催化反应器在光催化耦合体系中可能不适用,应针对不同耦合系统探索新型反应器,以满足大规模工业应用的需要.综上,本综述系统地总结了光催化耦合技术的优势、研究进展、耦合机制、设计原理、具体应用以及目前存在的挑战,希望通过推动相关研究人员进一步思考,并为进一步推动光催化耦合技术在废水处理领域中的实际应用,开发高效的污染物处理技术而提供一定的参考和借鉴. 展开更多
关键词 光催化 耦合 技术 协同机理 有机污染物 污水处理
Countermeasures of“Post-Course Competition Certificate”Mode to Promote Innovation and Reform of BIM Course in Vocational Colleges
作者 Yuqing Yang shan zhao 《Journal of Contemporary Educational Research》 2023年第10期33-39,共7页
The model of“post-course competition certificate”can be the basic model of Building Information Modeling(BIM)course teaching in vocational colleges in the new era,and many vocational colleges have also made attempts... The model of“post-course competition certificate”can be the basic model of Building Information Modeling(BIM)course teaching in vocational colleges in the new era,and many vocational colleges have also made attempts to construct and apply this model in BIM courses and other professional courses.Based on the application of methods such as literature review and observation,it can be found that it is highly feasible in theory and practice to promote the innovation and reform of BIM curriculum based on this model.However,there are more influencing factors at the practical level,which can easily lead to some problems.In this paper,we will analyze the corresponding problems and put forward a more effective reform strategy of BIM course education innovation in combination with reality. 展开更多
关键词 Post-course competition certificate Vocational colleges and universities BIM course
Analysis of Intelligent Construction Technology of Building Prefabricated Components Based on BIM
作者 shan zhao Yuqing Yang 《Journal of World Architecture》 2023年第5期46-51,共6页
In this paper,the intelligent construction of prefabricated components is analyzed based on building information modeling(BIM).It includes an overview of BIM-based prefabricated components and intelligent construction... In this paper,the intelligent construction of prefabricated components is analyzed based on building information modeling(BIM).It includes an overview of BIM-based prefabricated components and intelligent construction,intelligent production lines in BIM-based intelligent construction systems,and analysis of the application of intelligent manufacturing in BIM-based prefabricated components.It was found that the determination of construction goals,the establishment of intelligent construction systems,and the application of intelligent construction systems are all areas that need to be emphasized in producing prefabricated building components through intelligent construction.It is hoped that this analysis can provide some reference for the application of intelligent construction and the improvement of the quality of prefabricated building components. 展开更多
关键词 Construction engineering Prefabricated components Intelligent construction technology
基于迁移学习与卷积神经网络的玉米植株病害识别 被引量:24
作者 陈桂芬 赵姗 +2 位作者 曹丽英 傅思维 周佳鑫 《智慧农业》 2019年第2期34-44,共11页
大数据背景下产生了海量图像数据,传统的图像识别方法识别玉米植株病害准确率较低,已远远不能满足需求。卷积神经网络作为深度学习中的常用算法被广泛用于处理机器视觉问题,能自动识别和提取图像特征。因此,本研究提出一种基于数据增强... 大数据背景下产生了海量图像数据,传统的图像识别方法识别玉米植株病害准确率较低,已远远不能满足需求。卷积神经网络作为深度学习中的常用算法被广泛用于处理机器视觉问题,能自动识别和提取图像特征。因此,本研究提出一种基于数据增强与迁移学习相结合的卷积神经网络识别玉米植株病害模型。该算法首先通过数据增强方法增加数据,以提高模型的泛化性和准确率;再构建基于迁移学习的卷积神经网络模型,引入该模型的训练方式,提取病害图片特征,加速卷积神经网络的训练过程,降低网络的过拟合程度;最后将该模型运用到从农田采集的玉米病害图片,进行玉米病害的精确识别。识别试验结果表明:使用数据增强与迁移学习的卷积神经网络优化算法对玉米主要病害(玉米大斑病、小斑病、灰斑病、黑穗病及瘤黑粉病)的平均识别准确度达96.6%,和单一的卷积神经网络相比,精度提高了25.6%,处理每张图片时间为0.28s,比传统神经网络缩短了将近10倍。本算法的精确度和训练速度上比传统卷积神经网络有明显提高,为玉米等农作物植株病害的识别提供了新方法。 展开更多
关键词 深度学习 卷积神经网络 迁移学习 数据增强 玉米病害识别
Risk Analysis of Chemical Hazards Based on the Case of EU Children’s Products Recalled and Study on the Reasonable Limitation of Harmful Element in Toys
作者 Weiqiang Huo Han Fang +5 位作者 Xiaoting Chen shan zhao Zhiyong Ding Lin Zhe Yang Chen Jin Luo 《Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering》 2022年第1期1-5,共5页
The trade situation about China’s export of toy products to the EU was introduced. The recall characteristics of China’s toy products by the EU “Safety Gate” in terms of recall frequency, notified countries, taken... The trade situation about China’s export of toy products to the EU was introduced. The recall characteristics of China’s toy products by the EU “Safety Gate” in terms of recall frequency, notified countries, taken measures, and reasons for recall were analyzed in this paper, and the risk factors of human health of unqualified products in terms of chemical hazards were studied in this paper. It is found that phthalate, boron, plumbum and cadmium were the main factors. Assessment of risk for boron in toys was conducted. It is suggested to limit the boron element in Slime: the limit of migration of boron in Slime toys for 3- to 6-year-old children shall be less than 704 mg/kg, and the limitation of migration of boron in Slime toys for 7- to 12-year-old children shall be less than 1268 mg/kg. 展开更多
关键词 Products for Children Chemical Hazard Risk Factors Limitation of Boron
作者 赵姗 曾鸿鹄 +2 位作者 孙昊宇 林志芬 莫凌云 《环境化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期1352-1360,共9页
群体感应抑制剂(quorum sensing inhibitor,QSIs)是作用于细菌群体感应系统的一类新型抗菌药物。目前关于QSIs引起Hormesis效应的机制探究较少。本文以费氏弧菌(Aliivibrio fischeri,A.fischeri)为模式生物,测定了3种高丝氨酸内酯(N-Acy... 群体感应抑制剂(quorum sensing inhibitor,QSIs)是作用于细菌群体感应系统的一类新型抗菌药物。目前关于QSIs引起Hormesis效应的机制探究较少。本文以费氏弧菌(Aliivibrio fischeri,A.fischeri)为模式生物,测定了3种高丝氨酸内酯(N-Acyl homoserine lactone,AHL)类QSIs(AHL-QSIs)对A.fischeri生物荧光的影响,发现AHL-QSIs对A.fischeri生物荧光产生了随时间变化的Hormesis效应。通过测定AHL-QSIs对A.fischeri生长量、相关蛋白表达量及模拟发光反应的影响,推测随时间变化Hormesis的机制如下:AHL-QSIs在低浓度时可以通过增强荧光素酶的活性进而促进个体发光反应,最终刺激A.fischeri的生物荧光;而当AHL-QSIs处于高浓度时,更多的AHL-QSIs不仅会通过改变细胞膜功能抑制细菌的生长,还可以与C6竞争结合LuxR影响荧光素酶的含量,最终抑制A.fischeri的生物荧光;AHL-QSIs对A.fischeri生物荧光的刺激作用和抑制作用会随细菌生长阶段状态的不同而发生变化,最终导致了随时间变化的Hormesis效应。研究结果可为今后AHL-QSIs的生态风险及其进一步的广泛应用提供一定的数据基础和理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 群体感应抑制剂 HORMESIS 群体感应系统 费氏弧菌 随时间变化
Gastroretentive drug delivery systems for the treatment of Helicobacter pylori 被引量:5
作者 shan zhao Yan Lv +3 位作者 Jian-Bin Zhang Bing Wang Guo-Jun Lv Xiao-Jun Ma 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2014年第28期9321-9329,共9页
Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori)is one of the most common pathogenic bacterial infections and is found in the stomachs of approximately half of the world’s population.It is the primary known cause of gastritis,gastroduo... Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori)is one of the most common pathogenic bacterial infections and is found in the stomachs of approximately half of the world’s population.It is the primary known cause of gastritis,gastroduodenal ulcer disease and gastric cancer.However,combined drug therapy as the general treatment in the clinic,the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria,adverse reactions and poor patient compliance are major obstacles to the eradication of H.pylori.Oral site-specific drug delivery systems that could increase the longevity of the treatment agent at the target site might improve the therapeutic effect and avoid side effects.Gastroretentive drug delivery systems potentially prolong the gastric retention time and controlled/sustained release of a drug,thereby increasing the concentration of the drug at the application site,potentially improving its bioavailability and reducing the necessary dosage.Recommended gastroretentive drug delivery systems for enhancing local drug delivery include floating systems,bioadhesive systems and expandable systems.In this review,we summarize the important physiological parameters of the gastrointestinal tract that affect the gastric residence time.We then focus on various aspects useful in the development of gastroretentive drug delivery systems,including current trends and the progress of novel forms,especially with respect to their application for the treatment of H.pylori infections. 展开更多
Mechanisms of resveratrol in the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal cancer 被引量:2
作者 Li-Yan Wang shan zhao +2 位作者 Guo-Jun Lv Xiao-Jun Ma Jian-Bin Zhang 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2020年第12期2425-2437,共13页
Gastrointestinal(GI)cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths worldwide.According to the Global Cancer Statistics,colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related mortality,closely fo... Gastrointestinal(GI)cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths worldwide.According to the Global Cancer Statistics,colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related mortality,closely followed by gastric cancer(GC).Environmental,dietary,and lifestyle factors including cigarette smoking,alcohol intake,and genetics are the most important risk factors for GI cancer.Furthermore,infections caused by Helicobacter pylori are a major cause of GC initiation.Despite improvements in conventional therapies,including surgery,chemotherapy,and radiotherapy,the length or quality of life of patients with advanced GI cancer is still poor because of delayed diagnosis,recurrence and side effect.Resveratrol(3,4,5-trihydroxy-trans-stilbene;Res),a natural polyphenolic compound,reportedly has various pharmacologic functions including anti-oxidant,anti-inflammatory,anti-cancer,and cardioprotective functions.Many studies have demonstrated that Res also exerts a chemopreventive effect on GI cancer.Research investigating the anti-cancer mechanism of Res for the prevention and treatment of GI cancer has implicated multiple pathways including oxidative stress,cell proliferation,and apoptosis.Therefore,this paper provides a review of the function and molecular mechanisms of Res in the prevention and treatment of GI cancer. 展开更多
关键词 Gastrointestinal cancer RESVERATROL FUNCTION Molecular mechanisms PREVENTION TREATMENT
士官院校军事体育教学训练实战化改革探析 被引量:3
作者 单召 郭志超 邓维霞 《军事体育学报》 2018年第2期14-16,共3页
关键词 军事体育 教学训练 实战化 突出问题 解决策略
Ensemble Learning Based on GBDT and CNN for Adoptability Prediction
作者 Yunfan Ye Fang Liu +2 位作者 shan zhao Wanting Hu Zhiyao Liang 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2020年第11期1361-1372,共12页
By efficiently and accurately predicting the adoptability of pets,shelters and rescuers can be positively guided on improving attraction of pet profiles,reducing animal suffering and euthanization.Previous prediction ... By efficiently and accurately predicting the adoptability of pets,shelters and rescuers can be positively guided on improving attraction of pet profiles,reducing animal suffering and euthanization.Previous prediction methods usually only used a single type of content for training.However,many pets contain not only textual content,but also images.To make full use of textual and visual information,this paper proposed a novel method to process pets that contain multimodal information.We employed several CNN(Convolutional Neural Network)based models and other methods to extract features from images and texts to obtain the initial multimodal representation,then reduce the dimensions and fuse them.Finally,we trained the fused features with two GBDT(Gradient Boosting Decision Tree)based models and a Neural Network(NN)and compare the performance of them and their ensemble.The evaluation result demonstrates that the proposed ensemble learning can improve the accuracy of prediction. 展开更多
关键词 Adoptability of pets multimodal representation CNN GBDT ensemble learning
An Opinion Spam Detection Method Based on Multi-Filters Convolutional Neural Network
作者 Ye Wang Bixin Liu +4 位作者 Hongjia Wu shan zhao Zhiping Cai Donghui Li Cheang Chak Fong 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2020年第10期355-367,共13页
With the continuous development of e-commerce,consumers show increasing interest in posting comments on consumption experience and quality of commodities.Meanwhile,people make purchasing decisions relying on other com... With the continuous development of e-commerce,consumers show increasing interest in posting comments on consumption experience and quality of commodities.Meanwhile,people make purchasing decisions relying on other comments much more than ever before.So the reliability of commodity comments has a significant impact on ensuring consumers’equity and building a fair internet-trade-environment.However,some unscrupulous online-sellers write fake praiseful reviews for themselves and malicious comments for their business counterparts to maximize their profits.Those improper ways of self-profiting have severely ruined the entire online shopping industry.Aiming to detect and prevent these deceptive comments effectively,we construct a model of Multi-Filters Convolutional Neural Network(MFCNN)for opinion spam detection.MFCNN is designed with a fixed-length sequence input and an improved activation function to avoid the gradient vanishing problem in spam opinion detection.Moreover,convolution filters with different widths are used in MFCNN to represent the sentences and documents.Our experimental results show that MFCNN outperforms current state-of-the-art methods on standard spam detection benchmarks. 展开更多
关键词 Opinion spam detection deceptive reviews deep learning convolutional neural network activation function
NVM Storage in IoT Devices:Opportunities and Challenges
作者 Yang Liu shan zhao +4 位作者 Wenhan Chen Xuran Ge Fang Liu Shuo Li Nong Xiao 《Computer Systems Science & Engineering》 SCIE EI 2021年第9期393-409,共17页
Edge storage stores the data directly at the data collection point,and does not need to transmit the collected data to the storage central server through the network.It is a critical technology that supports applicati... Edge storage stores the data directly at the data collection point,and does not need to transmit the collected data to the storage central server through the network.It is a critical technology that supports applications such as edge computing and 5G network applications,with lower network communication overhead,lower interaction delay and lower bandwidth cost.However,with the explosion of data and higher real-time requirements,the traditional Internet of Things(IoT)storage architecture cannot meet the requirements of low latency and large capacity.Non-volatile memory(NVM)presents new possibilities regarding this aspect.This paper classifies the different storage architectures based on NVM and compares the system goals,architectures,features,and limitations to explore new research opportunities.Moreover,the existing solutions to reduce the write latency and energy consumption and increase the lifetime of NVM IoT storage devices are analyzed.Furthermore,we discuss the security and privacy issues of IoT devices and compare the mainstream solutions.Finally,we present the opportunities and challenges of building IoT storage systems based on NVM. 展开更多
关键词 IOT NVM storage system energy efficiency security and privacy
Hybrid PMM-MoM Method for the Analysis of Finite Periodic Structures
作者 shan zhao Naiqian Zhang +1 位作者 Dong Li Jianxun Su 《Open Journal of Applied Sciences》 2012年第4期175-178,共4页
In this paper, a hybrid method (hybrid PMM-MoM method) is presented for the effective and accurate analysis of finite periodic structures. This method divides a finite periodic structure into two parts. The inner part... In this paper, a hybrid method (hybrid PMM-MoM method) is presented for the effective and accurate analysis of finite periodic structures. This method divides a finite periodic structure into two parts. The inner part of an approximate infinite periodic structure is analyzed by periodic method of moment (PMM);the outer part is then analyzed by method of moments (MoM). For the finite periodic structures, the accuracy of the new method is much better than that of the pure PMM, and is almost the same as that of pure MoM. Because pure PMM uses the periodic boundary conditions, it takes much less memory resources and computation time. For hybrid PMM-MoM method, because the inner part is calculated by PMM, the calculation work concentrates on the outer part. Consequently, compared with the exact MoM, the new method saves much more memory resources and computation time, which provides a drastic reduction of unknowns. 展开更多
Research on Construction Technology of Prefabricated Structure Based on BIM Technology
作者 shan zhao Lin Zhang 《Journal of Architectural Research and Development》 2022年第5期14-19,共6页
Building information modeling(BIM)technology simulates visual information data by integrating the information data of construction projects.The presentation of information parameters allows better collaborative manage... Building information modeling(BIM)technology simulates visual information data by integrating the information data of construction projects.The presentation of information parameters allows better collaborative management of the construction process.BIM technology is applied to integrate information data during the construction of prefabricated structures,analyze the source of information data of construction projects,and build a digital information model.BIM technology consists of information integration function,information data simulation,cross-region coordination and more.Therefore,this paper applies it to the process of prefabricated structure design,puts forward relevant technical research strategies,establishes relevant models,ensures the accuracy of drawing,and simulates the final construction effect according to the combination of arranged relevant parameters. 展开更多
关键词 BIM technology Fabricated structure Construction technique
作者 赵闪 《葛洲坝集团科技》 2019年第4期58-60,共3页
本文结合唐山丰南化工产业区雨水泵站项目工程实例,针对软弱地层深厚、承载能力不足和基坑降水效果差等情况下的深基坑开挖与支护,对比研究采用水泥深层搅拌桩支护技术,满足了安全、快速、有效地进行深基坑开挖支护施工要求,大幅度缩短... 本文结合唐山丰南化工产业区雨水泵站项目工程实例,针对软弱地层深厚、承载能力不足和基坑降水效果差等情况下的深基坑开挖与支护,对比研究采用水泥深层搅拌桩支护技术,满足了安全、快速、有效地进行深基坑开挖支护施工要求,大幅度缩短了施工工期,保证了施工质量及安全,创造了良好的经济效益和社会效益,对类似工程提供了借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 水泥搅拌桩 深基坑支护 软弱地层
Exploration and Research on the Category Management for the Chain Retail Enterprises: Taking Jiajiayue as Example
作者 shan zhao 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第2期45-47,共3页
Hydroxyl radical production by abiotic oxidation of pyrite under estuarine conditions:The effects of aging,seawater anions and illumination 被引量:1
作者 Ruixue Liu Yinshun Dai +4 位作者 Yucheng Feng Shiwen Sun Xiaodong Zhang Chunjiang An shan zhao 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第1期715-727,共13页
Pyrite is widely distributed in estuarine sediments as an inexpensive natural Fenton-like reagent,however,the mechanism on the hydroxyl radical(HO^(·))production by pyrite under estuarine environmental conditions... Pyrite is widely distributed in estuarine sediments as an inexpensive natural Fenton-like reagent,however,the mechanism on the hydroxyl radical(HO^(·))production by pyrite under estuarine environmental conditions is still poorly understood.The batch experiments were performed to investigate the effects of estuarine conditions including aging(in air,in water),seawater anions(Cl^(-),Br^(-)and HCO_(3)^(-))and light on the HO^(·)production by pyrite oxidation.The one-electron transfer dominated the process from O_(2) to HO^(·)induced by oxidation of pyrite.The Fe(oxyhydr)oxide coatings on the surface of pyrite aged in air and water consumed hydrogen peroxide while mediating the electron transfer,and the combined effect of the two resulted in a suppression of HO^(·)production in the early stage of aging and a promotion of HO^(·)production in the later stage of aging.Corrosion of the surface oxide layers by aggressive anions was the main reason for the inhibition of HO^(·)production by Cl^(-)and Br^(-),and the generation of Cl^(·)and Br^(·)may also play a role in the scavenging of HO^(·).HCO_(3)^(-)increased the average rate of HO^(·)production through surface-CO_(2) complexes formed by adsorption on the surface of pyrite.The significant enhancement of HO^(·)production under light was attributed to the formation of photoelectrons induced by photochemical reactions on pyrite and its surface oxide layers.These findings provide new insights into the environmental chemical behavior of pyrite in the estuary and enrich the understanding of natural remediation of estuarine environments. 展开更多
关键词 Hydroxyl radical Pyrite oxidation AGING ANIONS IRRADIATION
IGF2BPs as novel m^(6)A readers:Diverse roles in regulating cancer cell biological functions,hypoxia adaptation,metabolism,and immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment
作者 Meiqi Duan Haiyang Liu +6 位作者 Shasha Xu Zhi Yang Fusheng Zhang Guang Wang Yutian Wang shan zhao Xiaofeng Jiang 《Genes & Diseases》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第2期890-920,共31页
m^(6)A methylation is the most frequent modification of mRNA in eukaryotes and plays a crucial role in cancer progression by regulating biological functions.Insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA-binding proteins(IGF2BP)ar... m^(6)A methylation is the most frequent modification of mRNA in eukaryotes and plays a crucial role in cancer progression by regulating biological functions.Insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA-binding proteins(IGF2BP)are newly identified m^(6)A‘readers’.They belong to a family of RNA-binding proteins,which bind to the m^(6)A sites on different RNA sequences and stabilize them to promote cancer progression.In this review,we summarize the mechanisms by which different upstream factors regulate IGF2BP in cancer.The current literature analyzed here reveals that the IGF2BP family proteins promote cancer cell proliferation,survival,and chemoresistance,inhibit apoptosis,and are also associated with cancer glycolysis,angiogenesis,and the immune response in the tumor microenvironment.Therefore,with the discovery of their role as‘readers’of m^(6)A and the characteristic re-expression of IGF2BPs in cancers,it is important to elucidate their mechanism of action in the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment.We also describe in detail the regulatory and interaction network of the IGF2BP family in downstream target RNAs and discuss their potential clinical applications as diagnostic and prognostic markers,as well as recent advances in IGF2BP biology and associated therapeutic value. 展开更多
关键词 Cancer IGF2BP Immunosuppressive TME m^(6)A Molecular mechanism Therapy
Gut bacterium promotes host fitness in special ecological niche by affecting sugar metabolism in Drosophila suzukii
作者 Huan-Huan Gao shan zhao +6 位作者 Rui-Juan Wang Dong-Yun Qin Peng Chen An-Sheng Zhang Qian-Ying Zhuang Yi-Fan Zhai Xian-Hong Zhou 《Insect Science》 SCIE CSCD 2023年第6期1713-1733,共21页
As an important fruit pest of global significance,Drosophila suzukii occupies a special ecological niche,with the characteristics of high sugar and low protein contents.This niche differs from those occupied by other ... As an important fruit pest of global significance,Drosophila suzukii occupies a special ecological niche,with the characteristics of high sugar and low protein contents.This niche differs from those occupied by other fruit-damaging Drosophila species.Gut bacteria substantially impact the physiology and ecology of insects.However,the contribution of gut microbes to the fitness of D.suzukii in their special ecological niche remains unclear.In this study,the effect of Klebsiella oxytoca on the development of D.suzukii was examined at physiological and molecular levels.The results showed that,after the removal of gut microbiota,the survival rate and longevity of axenic D.suzukii decreased significantly.Reintroduction of K.oxytoca to the midgut of D.suzukii advanced the development level of D.suzukii.The differentially expressed genes and metabolites between axenic and K.oxytoca-reintroduced D.suzukii were enriched in the pathways of carbohydrate metabolism.This advancement was achieved through an increased glycolysis rate and the regulation of the transcript level of key genes in the glycolysis/gluconeogenesis pathway.Klebsiella oxytoca is likely to play an important role in increasing host fitness in their high-sugar ecological niche by stimulating the glycolysis/gluconeogenesis pathway.As a protein source,bacteria can also provide direct nutrition for D.suzukii,which depends on the quantity or biomass of K.oxytoca.This result may provide a new target for controlling D.suzukii by inhibiting sugar metabolism through eliminating the effect of K.oxytoca and thus disrupting the balance of gut microbial communities. 展开更多
关键词 carbohydrate metabolism Drosophila suzuki glycolysis/gluconeogenesis Klebsiella oxytoca symbiotic bacteria
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