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作者 郑玉婷 黄鑫慧 +6 位作者 李浩 王彪 李攀锋 崔吉晓 隋鹏 高旺盛 陈源泉 《中国生态农业学报(中英文)》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期53-60,共8页
为探究有机和常规管理方式对茶园土壤有机碳的影响,选择云南省普洱市思茅区常规管理茶园、有机管理茶园和附近自然林地3种典型土地利用类型,通过测定0~20 cm和20~40 cm土层的土壤有机碳(SOC)、易氧化有机碳(EOC)、非活性有机碳(NLOC)、... 为探究有机和常规管理方式对茶园土壤有机碳的影响,选择云南省普洱市思茅区常规管理茶园、有机管理茶园和附近自然林地3种典型土地利用类型,通过测定0~20 cm和20~40 cm土层的土壤有机碳(SOC)、易氧化有机碳(EOC)、非活性有机碳(NLOC)、颗粒态有机碳(POC)和矿物结合态有机碳(MOC)含量,计算土壤各组分有机碳的分配比例以及土壤碳库管理指数(CPMI),研究3种土地利用方式下土壤有机碳各组分含量和质量的变化特征。结果显示:1)常规管理茶园的SOC含量和储量分别比自然林地低48.67%~51.94%和27.25%~35.71%(P<0.05),而有机管理茶园的SOC含量和储量比常规管理茶园分别高52.09%~62.86%、15.54%~20.26%(P<0.05)。2)常规管理茶园的EOC、NLOC、POC和MOC含量均低于自然林地(P<0.05),而有机管理茶园的EOC、NLOC、POC和MOC含量比常规管理茶园分别高出46.39%~57.89%、54.24%~66.15%、80.87%~121.01%和40.07%~46.28%(P<0.05)。3)与自然林地相比,常规管理茶园的POC/SOC、NLOC/SOC较低,有机管理茶园的POC/SOC、NLOC/SOC则高于常规管理茶园。4)常规管理茶园具有较高的CPAI和较低的CPMI,常规管理茶园的CPMI比自然林地低24.53%~46.12%,有机管理茶园的CPMI比常规管理茶园高67.88%~100.33%,其差异均显著(P<0.05)。以上研究结果表明,与自然林地相比,常规管理的茶园土壤有机碳含量和土壤碳库质量下降,存在一定程度的土地退化,而有机管理是提高茶园土壤碳库质量的有效措施。 展开更多
关键词 茶园 有机管理 土壤有机碳 土壤碳库管理指数 自然林地
作者 李少敏 隋鹏 +4 位作者 彭海春 丁超 张明亮 邵振宇 王海鹏 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2024年第29期12399-12410,共12页
复合材料的广泛应用是航空航天领域的重要趋势,优异的材料特性使其需求日益增长。然而,随着新材料的不断涌现及构件结构形式复杂化,带来制造成本不断提升,阻碍了复合材料的应用发展进程。目前,利用制造过程仿真技术提升复合材料制造水... 复合材料的广泛应用是航空航天领域的重要趋势,优异的材料特性使其需求日益增长。然而,随着新材料的不断涌现及构件结构形式复杂化,带来制造成本不断提升,阻碍了复合材料的应用发展进程。目前,利用制造过程仿真技术提升复合材料制造水平并降低制造成本是行之有效的重要途径。梳理了复合材料结构功能设计仿真技术,从力学性能、几何结构、特殊功能3个方面分析了仿真设计技术的发展动态;总结了材料成型过程中的力热特性及成型变形预测控制仿真方法;分析了材料去除过程中的切削界面力热状态、材料损伤过程及不同加工工艺带来的损伤差异。最后,从复合材料本构模型及损伤理论、复合材料成型过程影响因素、性能参数数据库、陶瓷基复合材料成型仿真、复合材料表面质量评价标准、制造过程仿真计算效率等方面给出了建议。 展开更多
关键词 复合材料 设计 成型 切削 仿真
中国马铃薯地膜覆盖增产效应及其影响因素的Meta分析 被引量:3
作者 徐菊祯 张梦璐 +3 位作者 何文清 隋鹏 陈源泉 崔吉晓 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第15期2895-2906,共12页
【目的】地膜覆盖具有增温、保墒和抑制杂草等多方面作用,是一种缓解马铃薯生产限制的高效且简便的技术措施。基于全国数据,量化地膜对马铃薯的产量和水分利用效率的影响,进一步分析其中的影响因素,为马铃薯可持续生产提供参考。【方法... 【目的】地膜覆盖具有增温、保墒和抑制杂草等多方面作用,是一种缓解马铃薯生产限制的高效且简便的技术措施。基于全国数据,量化地膜对马铃薯的产量和水分利用效率的影响,进一步分析其中的影响因素,为马铃薯可持续生产提供参考。【方法】基于1981—2021年在Web of Science和知网公开发表的291篇关于中国马铃薯地膜覆盖的大田试验文献数据,包括北方一作区、西南混作区、南方冬作区、中原二作区共4个区域,利用Meta分析方法量化地膜对马铃薯的产量与水分利用效率的影响,并从不同区域、不同自然条件(年均降水、土壤容重、土壤有机质含量)、不同栽培管理措施(钾肥施用量、种植密度、地膜颜色、栽培方式)角度出发,研究地膜覆盖对马铃薯产量和水分利用效率的影响。【结果】与不覆盖相比,地膜覆盖使马铃薯产量和水分利用效率分别提高24.9%和28.3%;不同区域地膜增产与提升水分利用效率的效果不同,依次为:北方一作区(27.2%)、西南混作区(18.1%)、南方冬作区(23.6%)、中原二作区(10.1%)。而水分利用效率只在北方一作区表现明显,提高29.1%。在不同区域,地膜提高产量与水分利用效率受自然条件与栽培管理措施影响。不同自然条件下,不同区域地膜提高产量的响应不同。种植密度与栽培方式在各区域的响应一致,即低密度种植与垄作条件下,地膜增产效应最好。在北方一作区,地膜在低等降水量,较低的土壤有机质含量与低等土壤容重以及低施肥水平,中等种植密度,黑色与垄作条件下,提高水分利用效率的效果最好。【结论】地膜覆盖在我国具有良好的应用效果,可以提高马铃薯的产量,不同区域的增产效果依次为:北方一作区、南方冬作区、西南混作区、中原二作区,水分利用效率仅在北方一作区有所改善。在降水少、土壤较贫瘠、土壤疏松的自然条件下,以及较低水平的施肥量、较低种植密度、黑色与垄作的栽培管理措施下,地膜更能发挥其增产作用。在北方一作区,地膜使马铃薯增产与保水达到最佳效果所需的条件相似。 展开更多
关键词 地膜覆盖 马铃薯 产量 水分利用效率 META分析
作者 隋鹏 申永军 温少芳 《振动工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期979-987,共9页
在Voigt吸振器的基础上进行变形,设计了一种接地刚度吸振器,提出了基于固定点理论的改进方法,计算出系统固定点坐标的闭式解。使用解析和数值方法研究了主系统响应最大幅值,并根据固定点幅值特征进行全局优化,推导出最优固有频率比和最... 在Voigt吸振器的基础上进行变形,设计了一种接地刚度吸振器,提出了基于固定点理论的改进方法,计算出系统固定点坐标的闭式解。使用解析和数值方法研究了主系统响应最大幅值,并根据固定点幅值特征进行全局优化,推导出最优固有频率比和最优阻尼比设计公式。通过数值仿真验证了解析解的正确性。在谐波力激励下,与局部、全局优化后的Voigt吸振器和接地阻尼吸振器进行对比,发现接地刚度吸振器经全局优化后的响应峰值和接地阻尼吸振器一致,均小于Voigt吸振器的全局优化峰值和接地阻尼吸振器的局部优化峰值,减振频带宽度最大。与同样应用全局优化的接地阻尼吸振器相比,接地刚度吸振器在接地阻尼吸振器的减振频带内减振性能更好,达到常用阻尼比所需的子系统质量更小。 展开更多
关键词 动力吸振器 接地刚度 参数优化 固定点理论
作者 隋鹏 申永军 王晓娜 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第10期289-296,共8页
复变量平均法因其通用性和实用性受到学界的大量关注,但在求解系统响应时会产生一定误差。该研究旨在通过比较不同近似方法间的区别揭示各方法的精度差异和适用条件。应用复变量平均法、多尺度法和谐波平衡法获得单自由度自治和非自治... 复变量平均法因其通用性和实用性受到学界的大量关注,但在求解系统响应时会产生一定误差。该研究旨在通过比较不同近似方法间的区别揭示各方法的精度差异和适用条件。应用复变量平均法、多尺度法和谐波平衡法获得单自由度自治和非自治系统的近似解析解,并以Duffing振子为算例进行数值验证。随后针对二自由度非线性能量阱系统,推导出系统稳态响应的半解析解,以振幅和均方根值为评价指标描述系统的响应情况。结果表明:对于单自由度系统,复变量平均法和多尺度法得到的衰减振动瞬态解相同,不同于谐波平衡法;三种方法获得的受迫振动稳态解相同。三者对于弱非线性自治系统和非自治系统响应的近似准确率较高。复变量平均法和谐波平衡法均能良好地描述二自由度耦合系统的稳态周期运动且精度较高。当出现拟周期运动时,以均方根值为指标,复变量平均法的解析效果更好;以振幅为指标,谐波平衡法的近似程度更高。 展开更多
关键词 复变量平均法 多尺度法 谐波平衡法 非线性系统 拟周期响应
基于组合POA模型的硕曲河梯级水库短期优化调度 被引量:1
作者 王向伟 刘建飞 +5 位作者 李勇 隋鹏 肖涛 李铁 单鹏珠 王军 《西华大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2023年第6期19-25,共7页
反调节频繁以及水力联系关系处理困难一直是梯级水库短期联合优化调度模型中的重点和难点问题,为此本文提出一种基于组合POA(逐步优化)模型的梯级水库短期优化调度模型。该模型以逐步优化方法为框架,对梯级各库运行方式进行组合,形成多... 反调节频繁以及水力联系关系处理困难一直是梯级水库短期联合优化调度模型中的重点和难点问题,为此本文提出一种基于组合POA(逐步优化)模型的梯级水库短期优化调度模型。该模型以逐步优化方法为框架,对梯级各库运行方式进行组合,形成多种梯级运行方案,最后通过POA求解,对比各方案结果,筛选出梯级水库最佳运行方案,完成对梯级水库的过程优化。对硕曲河梯级水库短期联合调度的结果表明,该模型能够快速地优化出符合水力联系且兼顾反调节的梯级水库运行方案,解决了梯级水库短期联合优化调度中反调节频繁以及水力联系处理困难的问题,提高了硕曲河流域水资源的利用率。 展开更多
关键词 反调节 短期优化调度 组合POA 梯级水库 水力联系
Intratumoral Bacteria Dysbiosis Is Associated with Human Papillary Thyroid Cancer and Correlated with Oncogenic Signaling Pathways
作者 Shuang Yu Yanqiang Ding +15 位作者 Xuejie Wang Siu Kin Ng Siting Cao Weixin Liu Zhuming Guo Yubin Xie Shubin Hong Lixia Xu Xiaoxing Li Jie Li Weiming Lv sui peng Yanbing Li Joseph J.Y.Sung Jun Yu Haipeng Xiao 《Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第9期179-192,共14页
Emerging evidence suggests that microbial dysbiosis plays vital roles in many human cancers.However,knowledge of whether the microbial community in thyroid tumor is related to tumorigenesis remains elusive.In this stu... Emerging evidence suggests that microbial dysbiosis plays vital roles in many human cancers.However,knowledge of whether the microbial community in thyroid tumor is related to tumorigenesis remains elusive.In this study,we aimed to explore the microbial community in thyroid tissues and its contribution to papillary thyroid cancer(PTC).In parallel,we performed microbial profiling and transcriptome sequencing in the tumor and adjacent normal tissues of a large cohort of 340 PTC and benign thyroid nodule(BTN)patients.Distinct microbial signatures were identified in PTC,BTN,and their adjacent nontumor tissues.Intra-thyroid tissue bacteria were verified by means of bacteria staining,fluorescence in situ hybridization,and immunoelectron microscopy.We found that 17 bacterial taxa were differentially abundant in PTC compared with BTN,which included enrichment in PTC of the pathobionts Rhodococcus,Neisseria,Streptococcus,Halomonas,and Devosia,and depletion of the beneficial bacteria Amycolatopsis.These differentially abundant bacteria could differentiate PTC tumor tissues(PTC-T)from BTN tissues(BTN-T)with an area under the curve(AUC)of 81.66%.Microbial network analysis showed increased correlation strengths among the bacterial taxa in PTC-T in comparison with BTN-T.Immunefunction-corresponding bacteria(i.e.,Erwinia,Bacillus,and Acinetobacter)were found to be enriched in PTC with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.Moreover,our integrative analysis revealed that the PTC-enriched bacteria had a positive association with key PTC-oncogenic pathway-related genes,including BRAF,KRAS,IRAK4,CTNNB1,PIK3CA,MAP3K7,and EGFR.In conclusion,our results suggest that intratumor bacteria dysbiosis is associated with the thyroid tumorigenesis and oncogenic signaling pathways of PTC. 展开更多
关键词 Papillary thyroid cancer Benign thyroid nodule BACTERIA TRANSCRIPTOME Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
华北平原春玉米多熟种植模式对土壤真菌群落的影响 被引量:6
作者 陈兴琼 李金娜 +6 位作者 国一凡 陈琳 徐洁 隋鹏 刘瑾 高旺盛 陈源泉 《中国生态农业学报(中英文)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第10期1588-1600,共13页
为探究华北平原春玉米多熟种植模式对土壤质量的影响,基于田间定位试验,利用DNA Illumina高通量测序方法从土壤微生物的角度对6种种植模式0~20 cm耕层土壤真菌群落多样性进行了研究。结果表明:1)与春玉米单作(MM,对照)相比,5种多熟种植... 为探究华北平原春玉米多熟种植模式对土壤质量的影响,基于田间定位试验,利用DNA Illumina高通量测序方法从土壤微生物的角度对6种种植模式0~20 cm耕层土壤真菌群落多样性进行了研究。结果表明:1)与春玉米单作(MM,对照)相比,5种多熟种植模式[黑麦-春玉米(MR)、冬小麦-夏玉米(MW)、菠菜-春玉米(MSp)轮作模式及马铃薯/春玉米(MPo)、豌豆/春玉米(MP)套作模式]均能够显著提高土壤真菌群落多样性(P<0.05),Shannon指数分别较MM提高12.18%、12.17%、10.37%、11.69%及8.44%,各模式间土壤真菌丰富度无显著性差异。2)各种植模式中,土壤子囊菌门(Ascomycota)、被孢霉门(Mortierellomycota)、担子菌门(Basidiomycota)、壶菌门(Chytridiomycota)、隐菌门(Rozellomycota)是优势种群,其中子囊菌门相对丰度达80%以上。3)多熟种植模式有利于增加有益真菌,MR、MW及MSp中被孢霉属(Mortierella)及绿僵菌属(Metarhizium)等潜在有益菌相对富集,MSp中绿僵菌属尤为丰富;而有作物致病风险的拟棘壳孢属(Pyrenochaetopsis)在各种植模式中相对丰度表现为:MM>MW>MP>MR>MSp>MPo。4)FUNGuild功能预测结果表明,种植模式改变了土壤真菌营养型的占比:MM处理主要为腐生型(26.09%)、病理型(22.48%)及病理-腐生-共生过渡型(26.39%),MW处理主要为腐生型(29.99%),其他多熟模式中腐生型(21.11%~27.88%)及病理型(23.74%~30.40%)均占较大比例。5)相关分析表明,土壤田间持水量、有机质含量及容重是影响土壤真菌群落结构的主要环境因子。综上,与春玉米单作相比,春玉米轮、套作其他作物能够显著提高土壤真菌群落的多样性。其中黑麦-春玉米、菠菜-春玉米及冬小麦-夏玉米轮作模式在提高土壤真菌多样性,富集有益微生物群落均有良好表现。此外,春玉米-黑麦、菠菜-春玉米轮作模式在一定程度上能降低潜在致病菌丰度。因此,从土壤微生物角度,综合节水与保地的需求,春玉米与黑麦或菠菜轮作的模式或是更合适的模式。 展开更多
关键词 土壤质量 粮食安全 种植制度 春玉米 真菌群落 DNA高通量测序 真菌功能类型
能值方法在农业系统应用中的常见问题及其纠正思路探讨 被引量:8
作者 王小龙 刘星星 +1 位作者 隋鹏 陈源泉 《中国生态农业学报(中英文)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期503-512,共10页
能值方法是美国生态学家H.T.Odum在20世纪80年代创立的生态经济系统分析方法,近年来被广泛应用于农业系统分析当中。但是,目前已发表的大量论文中对于能值评价过程中的重要细节常会出现不同的处理方式,造成评价结果不确定性增加、可比... 能值方法是美国生态学家H.T.Odum在20世纪80年代创立的生态经济系统分析方法,近年来被广泛应用于农业系统分析当中。但是,目前已发表的大量论文中对于能值评价过程中的重要细节常会出现不同的处理方式,造成评价结果不确定性增加、可比较性降低,影响了能值评价方法在农业研究领域的深入应用和发展。因此,本研究梳理了国内外农业生态系统能值研究的基本概况,并总结了相关研究中常见的五大问题,包括:全球能值基准变化所引发的能值转换率选择混乱问题、农业生态系统评价边界界定的问题、农业生产过程环境资源贡献的不合理计算问题、农业生态系统投入资源的分类问题和系统能值投入与产出不守恒问题。在此基础上,基于我们目前的认识提出了相关问题的解决思路:第一,规范能值评价中的能值转换率(UEV)参数的选择原则;第二,基于“四维时空尺度”标准界定系统边界;第三,构建公式合理体现土壤、农业用水在农业系统能值分析中的能量贡献;第四,基于农业生态系统能值常用指标设定4组标准规范农业生态系统投入资源的分类;第五,遵循能值代数规则保证能值守恒。通过以上分析,以期引起广大学界的讨论和批评,共同促进能值方法在全球农业系统分析中的规范化应用。 展开更多
关键词 能值评价 农业生态系统 能值转换率 系统边界 环境资源贡献 投入资源 投入-产出守恒
一种含惯容和接地刚度的动力吸振器参数优化 被引量:9
作者 隋鹏 申永军 杨绍普 《力学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期1412-1422,I0003,共12页
大多数机械振动属于有害振动,不仅会产生噪声还会降低设备的使用寿命和工作性能.接地刚度和惯容这两种器件均能改变系统的固有频率,在振动控制领域中有着良好的效果.但目前的大部分研究仅着眼于单一元件对系统产生的影响,而此类吸振器... 大多数机械振动属于有害振动,不仅会产生噪声还会降低设备的使用寿命和工作性能.接地刚度和惯容这两种器件均能改变系统的固有频率,在振动控制领域中有着良好的效果.但目前的大部分研究仅着眼于单一元件对系统产生的影响,而此类吸振器逐渐难以满足设备对振动控制需求的增长.在Voigt型动力吸振器模型的基础上,提出了一种含有惯容和接地刚度的新型动力吸振器模型,详细研究了该模型的最优设计参数,推导出最优设计公式的解析解.首先通过牛顿第二定律建立起二自由度系统的运动微分方程,计算出系统解析解,发现系统存在3个与阻尼比无关的固定点,利用固定点理论得到了动力吸振器的最优频率比.为保证系统稳定性,筛选最优接地刚度比时,发现不恰当的惯容系数会导致系统产生失稳现象,进而推导出惯容最佳工作范围,最终得到了最优接地刚度比和近似最优阻尼比.分析了惯容系数取值在最佳范围以外时系统的工作情况,并给出了实际应用中的建议.通过数值仿真验证了推导得到解析解的正确性.与多种已有的动力吸振器在简谐激励和随机激励的工况下进行对比,说明了该模型能够大幅降低主系统振幅,拓宽减振频带,为设计新型吸振器提供了理论依据. 展开更多
关键词 动力吸振器 惯容 接地刚度 参数优化
尸体肛温与死亡时间推断 被引量:2
作者 杨安顺 权国林 +7 位作者 高云贵 汪君 隋鹏 黎光锋 龙定峰 林少磊 吴锡福 罗斌 《法医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2019年第6期726-732,共7页
测量尸温主要用于早期死亡时间推断,肛温因其测量简便、快捷及无创常被作为尸体核心温度的代表用于实际检案。目前,HENSSGE列线图法是被普遍接受并广泛运用的肛温推断死亡时间法,国内很多学者也通过大量案例数据推导出各自的回归方程。... 测量尸温主要用于早期死亡时间推断,肛温因其测量简便、快捷及无创常被作为尸体核心温度的代表用于实际检案。目前,HENSSGE列线图法是被普遍接受并广泛运用的肛温推断死亡时间法,国内很多学者也通过大量案例数据推导出各自的回归方程。肛温推断死亡时间还有很多未知领域有待探索,列线图法也有待优化及扩展,其对影响因素的量化有待更科学地处理。平台期的发生概率及持续时长尚缺乏统一认识,各种原因导致初始温度改变的发生率及程度亦无明确认识。新的方法及思路丰富了方法学研究,但尚缺乏系统性及实用性。本文对肛温推断死亡时间的研究进行综述,旨在总结当前研究的现状并寻求突破点。由于尸温的下降易受体内外诸多因素的影响,不同地区的影响因素差异较大,地区化研究及应用也许是提高死亡时间推断精度的实用性探索。 展开更多
关键词 法医病理学 温度 尸体 直肠 死亡时间推断 综述
The causes and impacts for heat stress in spring maize during grain filling in the North China Plain--A review 被引量:17
作者 TAO Zhi-qiang CHEN Yuan-quan +5 位作者 LI Chao ZOU Juan-xiu YAN peng YUAN Shu-fen WU Xia sui peng 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第12期2677-2687,共11页
High-temperature stress (HTS) at the grain-filling stage in spring maize (Zea mays L.) is the main obstacle to increasing productivity in the North China Plain (NCP). To solve this problem, the physiological mec... High-temperature stress (HTS) at the grain-filling stage in spring maize (Zea mays L.) is the main obstacle to increasing productivity in the North China Plain (NCP). To solve this problem, the physiological mechanisms of HTS, and its causes and impacts, must be understood. The HTS threshold of the duration and rate in grain filling, photosynthetic characteristics (e.g., the thermal stability of thylakoid membrane, chlorophyll and electron transfer, photosynthetic carbon assimilation), water status (e.g., leaf water potential, turgor and leaf relative water content) and signal transduction in maize are reviewed. The HTS threshold for spring maize is highly desirable to be appraised to prevent damages by unfavorable temperatures during grain filling in this region. HTS has negative impacts on maize photosynthesis by damaging the stability of the thylakoid membrane structure and degrading chlorophyll, which reduces light energy absorption, transfer and photosynthetic carbon assimilation. In addition, photosynthesis can be deleteriously affected due to inhibited root growth under HTS in which plants decrease their water-absorbing capacity, leaf water potential, turgor, leaf relative water content, and stomatal conductance. Inhibited photosynthesis decrease the supply of photosynthates to the grain, leading to falling of kernel weight and even grain yield. However, maize does not respond passively to HTS. The plant transduces the abscisic acid (ABA) signal to express heat shock proteins (HSPs), which are molecular chaperones that participate in protein refolding and degradation caused by HTS. HSPs stabilize target protein configurations and indirectly improve thylakoid membrane structure stability, light energy absorption and passing, electron transport, and fixed carbon assimilation, leading to improved photosynthesis. ABA also induces stomatal closure to maintain a good water status for photosynthesis. Based on understanding of such mechanisms, strategies for alleviating HTS at the grain-filling stage in spring maize are summarized. Eight strategies have the potential to improve the ability of spring maize to avoid or tolerate HTS in this study, e.g., adjusting sowing date to avoid HTS, breeding heat-tolerance varieties, and tillage methods, optimizing irrigation, heat acclimation, regulating chemicals, nutritional management, and planting geometric design to tolerate HTS. Based on the single technology breakthrough, a com- prehensive integrated technical system is needed to improve heat tolerance and increase the spring maize yield in the NCP. 展开更多
关键词 North China Plain spring maize grain filling heat-tolerance heat-avoidance gas exchange water status
Subsoiling and Ridge Tillage Alleviate the High Temperature Stress in Spring Maize in the North China Plain 被引量:20
作者 TAO Zhi-qiang sui peng +5 位作者 CHEN Yuan-quan LI Chao NIE Zi-jin YUAN Shu-fen SHI Jiang-tao GAO Wang-sheng 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第12期2179-2188,共10页
High temperature stress(HTS) on spring maize(Zea mays L.) during the filling stage is the key factor that limits the yield increase in the North China Plain(NCP).Subsoiling(SS) and ridge tillage(R) were intr... High temperature stress(HTS) on spring maize(Zea mays L.) during the filling stage is the key factor that limits the yield increase in the North China Plain(NCP).Subsoiling(SS) and ridge tillage(R) were introduced to enhance the ability of spring maize to resist HTS during the filling stage.The field experiments were conducted during the 2011 and 2012 maize growing seasons at Wuqiao County,Hebei Province,China.Compared with rotary tillage(RT),the net photosynthetic rate,stomatal conductance,transpiration rate,and chlorophyll relative content(SPAD) of maize leaves was increased by 40.0,42.6,12.8,and 29.7% under SS,and increased by 20.4,20.0,5.4,and 14.2% under R,repectively.However,the treatments reduce the intercellular CO 2 concentration under HTS.The SS and R treatments increased the relative water content(RWC) by 11.9 and 6.2%,and the water use efficiency(WUE) by 24.3 and 14.3%,respectively,compared with RT.The SS treatment increased the root length density and soil moisture in the 0-80 cm soil profile,whereas the R treatment increased the root length density and soil moisture in the 0-40 cm soil profile compared with the RT treatment.Compared with 2011,the number of days with temperatures 33°C was more 2 d and the mean day temperature was higher 0.9°C than that in 2012,whereas the plant yield decreased by 2.5,8.5 and 10.9%,the net photosynthetic rate reduced by 7.5,10.5 and 18.0%,the RWC reduced by 3.9,5.6 and 6.2%,and the WUE at leaf level reduced by 1.8,5.2 and 13.1% in the SS,R and RT treatments,respectively.Both the root length density and the soil moisture also decreased at different levels.The yield,photosynthetic rate,plant water status,root length density,and soil moisture under the SS and R treatments declined less than that under the RT treatment.The results indicated that SS and R can enhance the HTS resistance of spring maize during the filling stage,and led to higher yield by directly improving soil moisture and root growth and indirectly improving plant water status,photosynthesis and grain filling.The study can provide a theoretical basis for improving yield of maize by adjusting soil tillage in the NCP. 展开更多
关键词 high temperature stress spring maize filling stage SUBSOILING ridge tillage
Review of Current Status and Research Approaches to Nitrogen Pollution in Farmlands 被引量:23
作者 NIE Sheng-wei GAO Wang-sheng +2 位作者 CHEN Yuan-quan sui peng A Egrinya Eneji 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2009年第7期843-849,共7页
In this paper, the history, current status, and research approaches to nitrogen pollution were reviewed using systems analysis and deductions. The seriousness of N pollution world-wide was highlighted and recommendati... In this paper, the history, current status, and research approaches to nitrogen pollution were reviewed using systems analysis and deductions. The seriousness of N pollution world-wide was highlighted and recommendations were made to address the situation. A new hypothesis based on phytoremediation, which means the use of plants to directly or indirectly degrade or remove contaminats from soil and water, was proposed. 展开更多
关键词 REVIEW METHODS N pollution farmlands China
Nitrate Leaching from Maize Intercropping Systems with N Fertilizer Over-Dose 被引量:24
作者 NIE Sheng-wei AEgfinya Eneji +3 位作者 CHEN Yuan-quan sui peng HUANG Jian-xiong HUANGShao-min 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第9期1555-1565,共11页
A 2-yr field experiment was conducted on a calcareous alluvial soil with four summer maize intercropping systems at Shangzhuang Experiment Station (116.3°E, 39.9°N) in the North China Plain. The objective ... A 2-yr field experiment was conducted on a calcareous alluvial soil with four summer maize intercropping systems at Shangzhuang Experiment Station (116.3°E, 39.9°N) in the North China Plain. The objective was to determine nitrate leaching from intercropping systems involving maize (Zea mays L.): sole maize (CK), maize + soybean (CST), maize + groundnut (CGT), maize + ryegrass (CHM), and maize + alfalfa (CMX). Intercropping greatly reduced nitrate accumulation in the 100-200 cm soil layers compared with maize monoculture. Nitrate accumulation under intercropping systems decreased significantly at the 140-200 cm soil depth; the accumulation varied in the order CK〉CST〉CMX〉CHM〉CGT. However, compared to the CK treatment, nitrate leaching losses during the maize growing period were reduced by 20.9- 174.8 (CGT), 35.2-130.8 (CHM), 60.4-122.0 (CMX), and 30.6-82.4 kg ha-1 (CST). The results also suggested that intereropping is an effective way to reduce nitrogen leaching in fields with N fertilizer over-dose. 展开更多
关键词 NO3-N leaching MAIZE INTERCROPPING over-dose
Soil Nitrous Oxide Emissions Under Maize-Legume Intercropping System in the North China Plain 被引量:15
作者 HUANG Jian-xiong CHEN Yuan-quan +2 位作者 sui peng NIE Sheng-wei GAO Wang-sheng 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第6期1363-1372,共10页
Many studies have focused on various agricultural management measures to reduce agricultural nitrous oxide (N2O) emission. However, few studies have investigated soil N2O emissions in intercropping systems in the No... Many studies have focused on various agricultural management measures to reduce agricultural nitrous oxide (N2O) emission. However, few studies have investigated soil N2O emissions in intercropping systems in the North China Plain. Thus, we conducted a ifeld experiment to compare N2O emissions under monoculture and maize-legume intercropping systems. In 2010, ifve treatments, including monocultured maize (M), maize-peanut (MP), maize-alfalfa (MA), maize-soybean (MS), and maize-sweet clover (MSC) intercropping were designed to investigate this issue using the static chamber technique. In 2011, M, MP, and MS remained, and monocultured peanuts (P) and soybean (S) were added to the trial. The results showed that total production of N2O from different treatments ranged from (0.87&#177;0.12) to (1.17&#177;0.11) kg ha-1 in 2010, while those ranged from (3.35&#177;0.30) to (9.10&#177;2.09) kg ha-1 in 2011. MA and MSC had no signiifcant effect on soil N2O production compared to that of M (P&lt;0.05). Cumulative N2O emissions from MP in 2010 were signiifcantly lower than those from M, but the result was the opposite in 2011 (P&lt;0.05). MS signiifcantly reduced soil N2O emissions by 25.55 and 48.84%in 2010 and 2011, respectively (P&lt;0.05). Soil N2O emissions were signiifcantly correlated with soil water content, soil temperature, nitriifcation potential, soil NH4+, and soil NO3-content (R2=0.160-0.764, P&lt;0.01). A stepwise linear regression analysis indicated that soil N2O release was mainly controlled by the interaction between soil moisture and soil NO3-content (R2=0.828, P&lt;0.001). These results indicate that MS had a coincident effect on soil N2O lfux and signiifcantly reduced soil N2O production compared to that of M over two growing seasons. 展开更多
关键词 MAIZE LEGUME INTERCROPPING soil nitrous oxide environmental factors
Aggregate stability and associated C and N in a silty loam soil as affected by organic material inputs 被引量:7
作者 LONG Pan sui peng +6 位作者 GAO Wang-sheng WANG Bin-bin HUANG Jian-xiong YAN peng ZOU Juan-xiu YAN Ling-ling CHEN Yuan-quan 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第4期774-787,共14页
To make recycling utilization of organic materials produced in various agricultural systems, five kinds of organic materials were applied in a field test, including crop straw (CS), biogas residue (BR), mushroom r... To make recycling utilization of organic materials produced in various agricultural systems, five kinds of organic materials were applied in a field test, including crop straw (CS), biogas residue (BR), mushroom residue (MR), wine residue (WR), pig manure (PM), with a mineral fertilizer (CF) and a no-fertilizer (CK) treatment as a control. Our objectives were: i) to quantify the effects of organic materials on soil C and N accumulation; ii) to evaluate the effects of organic materials on soil aggregate stability, along with the total organic carbon (TOC), and N in different aggregate fractions; and iii) to assess the relationships among the organic material components, soil C and N, and C, N in aggregate fractions. The trial was conducted in Wuqiao County, Hebei Province, China. The organic materials were incorporated at an equal rate of C, and combined with a mineral fertilizer in amounts of 150 kg N ha^-1, 26 kg P ha^-1 and 124 kg K ha-1 respectively during each crop season of a wheat-maize rotation system. The inputted C quantity of each organic material treatment was equivalent to the total amount of C contained in the crop straw harvested in CS treatement in the previous season. TOC, N, water-stable aggregates, and aggregate-associated TOC and N were investigated. The results showed that organic material incorporation increased soil aggregation and stabilization. On average, the soil macroaggregate proportion increased by 14%, the microaggregate proportion increased by 3%, and mean-weight diameter (MWD) increased by 20%. TOC content followed the order of PM〉WR〉MR〉BR〉CS〉CK〉CF; N content followed the order WR〉PM〉MR〉BR〉CS〉CF〉CK. No significant correlation was found between TOC, N, and the quality of organic material. Soil silt and clay particles contained the largest part of TOC, whereas the small macroaggregate fraction was the most sensitive to organic materials. Our results indicate that PM and WR exerted better effects on soil C and N accumulation, followed by MR and BR, suggesting that organic materials from ex situ farmland could promote soil quality more as compared to straw returned in situ. 展开更多
关键词 organic materials AGGREGATES soil organic carbon soil nitrogen stabilization
Yield penalty of maize(Zea mays L.) under heat stress in different growth stages: A review 被引量:5
作者 LI Teng ZHANG Xue-peng +3 位作者 LIU Qing LIU Jin CHEN Yuan-quan sui peng 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第9期2465-2476,共12页
Maize(Zea mays L.) can exhibit yield penalties as a result of unfavorable changes to growing conditions. The main threat to current and future global maize production is heat stress. Maize may suffer from heat stress ... Maize(Zea mays L.) can exhibit yield penalties as a result of unfavorable changes to growing conditions. The main threat to current and future global maize production is heat stress. Maize may suffer from heat stress in all of the growth stages, either continuously or separately. In order to manage the impact of climate driven heat stress on the different growth stages of maize, there is an urgent need to understand the similarities and differences in how heat stress affects maize growth and yield in the different growth stages. For the purposes of this review, the maize growth cycle was divided into seven growth stages, namely the germination and seedling stage, early ear expansion stage, late vegetative growth stage before flowering, flowering stage, lag phase, effective grain-filling stage, and late grain-filling stage. The main focus of this review is on the yield penalty and the potential physiological changes caused by heat stress in these seven different stages. The commonalities and differences in heat stress related impacts on various physiological processes in the different growth stages are also compared and discussed. Finally, a framework is proposed to describe the main influences on yield components in different stages, which can serve as a useful guide for identifying management interventions to mitigate heat stress related declines in maize yield. 展开更多
关键词 growth stage heat stress MAIZE yield penalty
基于多智能体共享认知的车间动态调度方法研究 被引量:6
作者 秦军 睢鹏 +1 位作者 李昌玲 翁佩佳 《制造技术与机床》 北大核心 2020年第1期161-168,共8页
在实际生产中,车间的扰动会造成原有调度计划受到影响。为了减少扰动带来的影响并尽快恢复车间正常运行,需要根据车间当前的状态对受到影响的任务进行动态调度。针对加工车间在受到扰动影响后的任务调度问题,提出了一种基于多智能体共... 在实际生产中,车间的扰动会造成原有调度计划受到影响。为了减少扰动带来的影响并尽快恢复车间正常运行,需要根据车间当前的状态对受到影响的任务进行动态调度。针对加工车间在受到扰动影响后的任务调度问题,提出了一种基于多智能体共享认知的车间动态调度方法。将车间中每一个制造单元映射为一个智能体,采用共享心智模型实现智能体之间的共识协商和信息传递,从而形成多个智能体之间的调度方案共享心智模型实现生产的动态调度。最后,在车间智能传感网络系统的基础上,通过实例验证说明了该方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 动态调度 扰动 共享心智模型 多智能体系统 强化学习
Yield and quality of maize stover: Variation among cultivars and effects of N fertilization 被引量:3
作者 LIANG Ming-yuan WANG Gui-yan +4 位作者 LIANG Wei-li SHI peng-fei DANG Jing sui peng HU Chun-sheng 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第8期1581-1587,共7页
Biomass yields and concentrations of crude protein(CP), ether extract(EE), neutral detergent fiber(NDF), acid detergent fiber(ADF), and crude fiber(CF) were analyzed for five cultivars of summer-sown maize(... Biomass yields and concentrations of crude protein(CP), ether extract(EE), neutral detergent fiber(NDF), acid detergent fiber(ADF), and crude fiber(CF) were analyzed for five cultivars of summer-sown maize(Zea mays L.) stover grown in field trials at three rates of N fertilization, and sampled immediately after grain harvest.The results revealed differences in yields and concentrations of nutrients according to stalk height and hence harvest portion among the cultivars.N application greatly increased biomass yield and CP, especially in upper stalks and to a lesser extent, EE.Concentrations of NDF and ADF decreased as N rate increased.The results show that stovers from all local popular maize cultivars are suitable as animal fodder and that moderate N application improves feed quality of stover. 展开更多
关键词 MAIZE STOVER FODDER quality yield CULTIVAR nitrogen
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