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作者 周书华(编译) 《物理》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第1期59-59,共1页
在粒子物理的标准模型中,物质是由称作夸克和轻子的基本粒子组成的。6种已知的夸克——上夸克与下夸克、粲夸克与奇异夸克、顶夸克与底夸克——分为3代。但是,有没有第4代夸克呢?为了回答这一问题,需要进行数百项物理学与核物理学的测... 在粒子物理的标准模型中,物质是由称作夸克和轻子的基本粒子组成的。6种已知的夸克——上夸克与下夸克、粲夸克与奇异夸克、顶夸克与底夸克——分为3代。但是,有没有第4代夸克呢?为了回答这一问题,需要进行数百项物理学与核物理学的测量。然而,并非所有的测量是可进行的或是足够精确的,许多参数只是推断出来或外推出来的。现在欧洲粒子物理中心CERN的Peter Plattner与他的合作者展示了如何用一种单独的测量就可改变我们对这一基本问题的认识。 展开更多
关键词 奇异夸克 上夸克 粒子物理 标准模型 顶夸克 粲夸克 基本粒子 轻子
作者 陈明君 黄天奇 《大学科普》 2024年第1期71-75,共5页
一、引言早在1912年,科学家就观测到了宇宙线,其主要成分是质子(约90%)和氦核(约9%)的高能微观粒子。迄今为止,观测到的宇宙射线中最高能量接近3×1020电子伏特,约等于48焦耳,相当于一颗时速150千米的网球的动能。一个直径远远小于... 一、引言早在1912年,科学家就观测到了宇宙线,其主要成分是质子(约90%)和氦核(约9%)的高能微观粒子。迄今为止,观测到的宇宙射线中最高能量接近3×1020电子伏特,约等于48焦耳,相当于一颗时速150千米的网球的动能。一个直径远远小于原子的微观粒子被加速到如此惊人的宏观能量,比地球上最大的粒子加速器LHC所能产生的最高能量大7到8个量级。这让我们很自然地产生疑问:如此高能的宇宙线来自哪里?它们是怎么被加速到这么高能量的? 展开更多
关键词 微观粒子 宇宙线 粒子加速器 宇宙射线 LHC 高能中微子 高能量
作者 李婷 庄凯 +7 位作者 李道武 梁秀佐 刘彦韬 张译文 孔令钦 章志明 帅磊 魏龙 《原子能科学技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期239-247,共9页
连续晶体闪烁体探测器可以实现γ射线作用点的三维位置定位。本文提出一种新的探测器结构,引入透镜阵列实现作用点定位。探测器采集多元聚焦图像,从而改变对连续晶体闪烁光分布探测的需求。文中建立连续晶体、透镜阵列和光子计数器阵列... 连续晶体闪烁体探测器可以实现γ射线作用点的三维位置定位。本文提出一种新的探测器结构,引入透镜阵列实现作用点定位。探测器采集多元聚焦图像,从而改变对连续晶体闪烁光分布探测的需求。文中建立连续晶体、透镜阵列和光子计数器阵列的模型进行模拟研究,建立多元聚焦的光路反演重建算法定位γ射线作用点的三维位置。通过重建结果分析评估基于透镜阵列的连续晶体探测器性能,这种结构具有较好的定位能力和位置分辨。对于尺寸为48 mm×48 mm×45 mm的硅酸钇镥(LYSO)闪烁晶体,实现了xy平面位置分辨优于1.54 mm,z方向位置分辨优于3.13 mm。基于连续晶体和透镜阵列结构的探测器还可对多作用点的情形进行重建,分析三组选定位置的重建结果,该结构对双作用点定位具有可行性。 展开更多
关键词 连续晶体探测器 透镜阵列 作用点定位 位置灵敏探测器
作者 罗淏天 张奇玮 +90 位作者 栾广源 王晓宇 邹翀 任杰 阮锡超 贺国珠 鲍杰 孙琪 黄翰雄 王朝辉 吴鸿毅 顾旻皓 余滔 解立坤 陈永浩 安琪 白怀勇 鲍煜 曹平 陈昊磊 陈琪萍 陈裕凯 陈朕 崔增琪 樊瑞睿 封常青 高可庆 韩长材 韩子杰 何泳成 洪杨 黄蔚玲 黄锡汝 季筱璐 吉旭阳 蒋伟 江浩雨 姜智杰 敬罕涛 康玲 康明涛 李波 李超 李嘉雯 李论 李强 李晓 李样 刘荣 刘树彬 刘星言 穆奇丽 宁常军 齐斌斌 任智洲 宋英鹏 宋朝晖 孙虹 孙康 孙晓阳 孙志嘉 谭志新 唐洪庆 唐靖宇 唐新懿 田斌斌 王丽娇 王鹏程 王琦 王涛峰 文杰 温中伟 吴青彪 吴晓光 吴煊 羊奕伟 易晗 于莉 于永积 张国辉 张林浩 张显鹏 张玉亮 张志永 赵豫斌 周路平 周祖英 朱丹阳 朱科军 朱鹏 朱兴华 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期104-113,共10页
中子辐射俘获反应在反应堆运行、核装置设计及核天体物理研究中起重要的作用.4πBaF_(2)探测装置有着高时间分辨能力、低中子灵敏度、高探测效率等优点,适合开展中子辐射俘获反应截面数据的测量.中国原子能科学研究院核数据重点实验室... 中子辐射俘获反应在反应堆运行、核装置设计及核天体物理研究中起重要的作用.4πBaF_(2)探测装置有着高时间分辨能力、低中子灵敏度、高探测效率等优点,适合开展中子辐射俘获反应截面数据的测量.中国原子能科学研究院核数据重点实验室建立了伽马全吸收装置(Gamma total absorption facility,GTAF),该装置用28块六棱BaF_(2)晶体和12块五棱BaF_(2)晶体构成了外径25 cm,内径10 cm的球壳,覆盖了95.2%的立体角.利用GTAF在中国散裂中子源Back-n束线上,测量了197Au(n,γ)的反应截面数据.测量数据通过能量筛选、PSD方法、晶体多重性筛选进行了初步本底扣除,随后结合对^(nat)C及空样品的测量数据对本底进行了分析及扣除,获得了197Au俘获反应的产额,利用SAMMY程序拟合得到了^(197)Au在1—100 e V的共振能量、中子共振宽度和伽马共振宽度参数.实验测量结果与ENDF/B-VIII.0数据库符合良好,其共振参数存在一定差异,分析原因可能与GTAF能量分辨率、Back-n的中子能谱测量精度、以及实验本底扣除方法相关,这也是下一步工作的重点. 展开更多
关键词 中子辐射俘获截面 共振参数 白光中子源 伽马全吸收装置
作者 杨威 丁士缘 孙保元 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期166-175,共10页
利用坐标空间的实稳定方法,在相对论Hartree-Fock(RHF)理论框架下发展了原子核单粒子共振态结构模型.具体以^(120)Sn的低激发中子共振态为例,探讨了交换项在影响共振能量、宽度以及自旋-轨道劈裂等性质中的作用.相较于一般的相对论平均... 利用坐标空间的实稳定方法,在相对论Hartree-Fock(RHF)理论框架下发展了原子核单粒子共振态结构模型.具体以^(120)Sn的低激发中子共振态为例,探讨了交换项在影响共振能量、宽度以及自旋-轨道劈裂等性质中的作用.相较于一般的相对论平均场(RMF)理论,RHF中交换项的引入改变了核介质中有效核力的动力学平衡机制,进而影响共振态单粒子势的描述.对于一般的宽共振态,这可能导致相对更低的共振能量和更小的共振宽度.此外,对^(120)Sn共振态中νi_(13/2)与νi_(11/2)自旋伙伴态,还分析了交换项对其自旋-轨道劈裂的相关效应.与束缚态情形相比,共振态中自旋伙伴态的波函数可能存在显著区别,单粒子有效势与能量也相应发生改变.结果表明,不仅自旋-轨道相互作用,单粒子有效势中其他成分也是影响共振态自旋-轨道劈裂的重要因素. 展开更多
关键词 单粒子共振态 实稳定方法 相对论Hartree-Fock理论 自旋-轨道劈裂
作者 肖石良 王朝辉 +5 位作者 吴鸿毅 陈雄军 孙琪 谭博宇 王昊 齐福刚 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期124-133,共10页
在中子反应截面测量中,瞬发γ射线法是一种通过测量核反应放出的特征γ射线来得到截面数据的方法,这种方法能够避免竞争反应道产生的干扰.但是瞬发γ射线法为在线实验,本底来源丰富,造成了在线实验谱分析难度大,结果不确定性高.本文研... 在中子反应截面测量中,瞬发γ射线法是一种通过测量核反应放出的特征γ射线来得到截面数据的方法,这种方法能够避免竞争反应道产生的干扰.但是瞬发γ射线法为在线实验,本底来源丰富,造成了在线实验谱分析难度大,结果不确定性高.本文研究了使用瞬发γ射线法测量中子诱发伽马产生截面的谱分析技术,总结了中子诱发伽马产生截面测量中不同特征峰形成的物理过程,降低了在线实验谱处理过程中计算效应峰净面积的不确定度.通过采用各种响应函数来对全能峰、本底以及干扰因素进行拟合的方法,精确提取了效应峰的净面积.针对弱峰的净面积,本方法可将峰区域选取引起的波动从30%降低到1%以内,且净面积拟合值与理论值的差距与统计不确定度相当;对于解重峰,本方法所得结果与理论值差距显著低于1%.通过效率曲线分析、拟合优度计算等方法同时验证了谱分析方法的可靠性. 展开更多
关键词 瞬发γ射线法 伽马产生截面 谱分析 中子 高纯锗
作者 孙宇梁 刘艳鑫 +2 位作者 王永佳 李庆峰 沈彩万 《物理实验》 2024年第2期46-51,共6页
利用虚拟仿真技术,结合教学团队的科研成果,设计开发了重离子加速器中的原子核碰撞等一系列实验教学项目.这些实验项目能够在电脑上再现真实的实验场景,解除了实验场地、费用、防护等方面的限制,为培养学生的实验探究设计能力、开拓学... 利用虚拟仿真技术,结合教学团队的科研成果,设计开发了重离子加速器中的原子核碰撞等一系列实验教学项目.这些实验项目能够在电脑上再现真实的实验场景,解除了实验场地、费用、防护等方面的限制,为培养学生的实验探究设计能力、开拓学生视野提供了重要支撑.结合虚拟仿真技术的特点,教师团队采用适应的教学方法进行授课,建立了完善的评价体系.经过3年的课程建设,该课程在学生培养、教师教学质量、推广应用方面取得了良好的效果. 展开更多
关键词 虚拟仿真实验 近代物理实验 原子核碰撞 课程建设
作者 赵艳红 马保龙 +5 位作者 町田治彦 沈云 张晓文 石骁萌 苏治祥 张涛 《宁夏医学杂志》 CAS 2024年第1期16-19,共4页
目的 探讨基于深度学习的图像重建算法(DLIR)对能谱CT单能量图像及能谱曲线图像质量的影响。方法 将9支装有不同管径及不同浓度碘造影剂及水和钙溶液的聚丙烯试管放置在1个直径为20 cm的圆柱形聚丙烯体模(QSP)内,采用Revolution APEX C... 目的 探讨基于深度学习的图像重建算法(DLIR)对能谱CT单能量图像及能谱曲线图像质量的影响。方法 将9支装有不同管径及不同浓度碘造影剂及水和钙溶液的聚丙烯试管放置在1个直径为20 cm的圆柱形聚丙烯体模(QSP)内,采用Revolution APEX CT对体模进行能谱CT成像,利用能谱分析软件重建出40~140 keV单能量图像及能谱曲线,选取碘造影剂浓度为3.75 mgI/mL(可模拟延迟期或实质脏器增强等)、15 mgI/mL(可模拟动脉期的腹主动脉)及Water(可模拟平扫期及囊肿、肌肉等用于图像背景的非增强物质)3支试管进行数据测量,分别在FBP、40%ASIR-V(常规临床检查参数)及True FidelityTM(DLIR-L、DLIR-M、DLIR-H)5组图像测量单能量图像(40 keV、70 keV、100 keV)的CT值,计算图像的信噪比(SNR),对比5组图像质量的差异。结果 低浓度碘造影剂(3.75 mgI/mL)、高浓度碘造影剂(15.00 mgI/mL)及水试管内FBP、40%ASIR-V及True FidelityTM(DLIR-L、DLIR-M、DLIR-H)5组图像40 keV、70 keV、100 keV的CT值比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。40 keV、70 keV、100 keV图像噪声及图像信噪比5组比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。True FidelityTM下的噪声值均较FBP及40%ASIR-V降低,图像信噪比提高(P<0.05),True FidelityTM-DLIR-H噪声最小,信噪比最高。结论 在能谱CT成像中,True FidelityTM较FBP及40%ASIR-V在单能量图像噪声降低,信噪比提高。 展开更多
关键词 体模 能谱 体层摄影术 X线计算机 深度学习 图像质量
作者 牛曼 王广达 +1 位作者 史英丽 史瑛楠 《金属世界》 CAS 2024年第2期28-32,共5页
近年来,随着核聚变、散裂中子源等大科学装置的建设和运行,钨作为一种具有优异性能的难熔金属材料,其重要性更加显著。本文介绍了世界散裂中子源的发展情况,重点阐述了散裂中子源对于钨靶材的要求及其研发技术。中国散裂中子源用钨靶组... 近年来,随着核聚变、散裂中子源等大科学装置的建设和运行,钨作为一种具有优异性能的难熔金属材料,其重要性更加显著。本文介绍了世界散裂中子源的发展情况,重点阐述了散裂中子源对于钨靶材的要求及其研发技术。中国散裂中子源用钨靶组件,创新性地通过钽包覆钨和高效散热结构的开发,成功解决了钨靶在高能量粒子辐照产热和冷却水腐蚀的技术难题,保证了散裂中子源设备的正常运行。 展开更多
关键词 散裂中子源 大科学装置 难熔金属材料 钨靶 高能量粒子 核聚变 高效散热 冷却水
作者 李泽琴 宁长春 +1 位作者 杨瑞 冯有亮 《物理与工程》 2024年第1期16-29,共14页
人类对宇宙最早的认识和观测始于可见光,之后由于有1865年麦克斯韦对电磁波的预言,1887年赫兹的证实,以及1933年杨斯基发现银河系的射电辐射,可见光观测自此扩展到电磁波多波段观测,出现了多波段天文学。1912年,赫斯发现宇宙线,使得天... 人类对宇宙最早的认识和观测始于可见光,之后由于有1865年麦克斯韦对电磁波的预言,1887年赫兹的证实,以及1933年杨斯基发现银河系的射电辐射,可见光观测自此扩展到电磁波多波段观测,出现了多波段天文学。1912年,赫斯发现宇宙线,使得天文观测在电磁波观测之外多了一种手段,拉开了多信使天文学的序幕。1987年,戴维斯和小柴昌俊发现了来自超新星爆发的中微子信号,这也是人类首次探测到了来自宇宙的中微子,至此又多了一种认识和观测宇宙的信使。此后,2016年美国激光干涉引力波观测站LIGO探测到引力波,在补齐对于验证爱因斯坦广义相对论的最后一块拼图的同时,也使得引力波成为多信使天文学中最新引入的一种信使。本文介绍了电磁波、宇宙线、中微子、引力波这四种信使的基本概念、发现历史以及探测宇宙的基本原理,对其代表性的实验进行了收集整理,并就其中的一个典型实验进行了简要介绍。期望能够就多波段多信使天文学的发展历程给出一个比较完整的描摹。 展开更多
关键词 电磁波 宇宙线 中微子 引力波 多信使天文学
作者 葛浩煜 许金艳 +4 位作者 李奇特 边佳伟 赵月悦 罗嘉雯 楼建玲 《物理实验》 2024年第1期1-13,共13页
时间投影室是广泛用于高能核物理实验径迹成像的探测器,近些年来经过改造后多用于低能核物理实验.小体积、大的能量动态范围以及近4π的可探测立体角范围,使时间投影室具备完整重建三维动力学的功能.时间投影室工作腔室中填充的气体既... 时间投影室是广泛用于高能核物理实验径迹成像的探测器,近些年来经过改造后多用于低能核物理实验.小体积、大的能量动态范围以及近4π的可探测立体角范围,使时间投影室具备完整重建三维动力学的功能.时间投影室工作腔室中填充的气体既被作为探测器的工作介质,同时又被当作靶材料,即为活性靶时间投影室.为实现上述功能,可在探测器结构中引入微结构气体放大器,并在数据分析中引入三维径迹重建算法.本文阐释了活性靶时间投影室的工作原理,分析比较了其相对于传统固体靶的独特优势,概述了活性靶时间投影室结构设计所涉及的技术,包括场笼的设计、工作气体的选择原则、气体倍增技术以及读出技术,最后介绍了数据分析流程及方法,重点介绍了噪声分离、径迹识别和物理参量提取步骤. 展开更多
关键词 时间投影室 活性靶 径迹重建
The energy response of LaBr_(3)(Ce),LaBr_(3)(Ce,Sr),and NaI(Tl)crystals for GECAM
作者 Pei-Yi Feng Xi-Lei Sun +19 位作者 Zheng-Hua An Yong Deng Cheng-Er Wang Huang Jiang Jun-Jie Li Da-Li Zhang Xin-Qiao Li Shao-Lin Xiong Chao Zheng Ke Gong Sheng Yang Xiao-Jing Liu Min Gao Xiang-Yang Wen Ya-Qing liu Yan-Bing Xu Xiao-Yun Zhao Jia-Cong Liu Fan Zhang Hong Lu 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期110-122,共13页
The GECAM series of satellites utilizes LaBr_(3)(Ce),LaBr_(3)(Ce,Sr),and NaI(Tl)crystals as sensitive materials for gamma-ray detectors(GRDs).To investigate the nonlinearity in the detection of low-energy gamma rays a... The GECAM series of satellites utilizes LaBr_(3)(Ce),LaBr_(3)(Ce,Sr),and NaI(Tl)crystals as sensitive materials for gamma-ray detectors(GRDs).To investigate the nonlinearity in the detection of low-energy gamma rays and address the errors in the calibration of the E-C relationship,comprehensive tests and comparative studies of the three aforementioned crystals were conducted using Compton electrons,radioactive sources,and mono-energetic X-rays.The nonlinearity test results of the Compton electrons and X-rays demonstrated substantial differences,with all three crystals presenting a higher nonlinearity for X/-rays than for Compton electrons.Despite the LaBr_(3)(Ce)and LaBr_(3)(Ce,Sr)crystals having higher absolute light yields,they exhibited a noticeable nonlinear decrease in the light yield,especially at energies below 400 keV.The NaI(Tl)crystal demonstrated an"excess"light output in the 6-200 keV range,reaching a maximum"excess"of 9.2%at 30 keV in the X-ray testing and up to 15.5%at 14 keV during Compton electron testing,indicating a significant advantage in the detection of low-energy gamma rays.Furthermore,we explored the underlying causes of the observed nonlinearity in these crystals.This study not only elucidates the detector responses of GECAM,but also initiates a comprehensive investigation of the nonlinearity of domestically produced lanthanum bromide and sodium iodide crystals. 展开更多
关键词 LaBr_(3)(Ce)detector LaBr_(3)(Ce Sr)detector NaI(Tl)detector GECAM Energy response Light yield nonlinearity
Measurement of the high energyγ-rays from heavy ion reactions usingČerenkov detector
作者 Da-Wei Si Yan Zhou +7 位作者 Sheng Xiao Zhi Qin Dong Guo Yu-Hao Qin Yi-Jie Wang Bo-Yuan Zhang Bai-Ting Tian Zhi-Gang Xiao 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期123-130,共8页
The energetic bremsstrahlung photons up to 100 MeV produced in heavy ion collisions can be used as a sensitive probe for short-range correlation in atomic nuclei. The energy of the γ-rays can be measured by collectin... The energetic bremsstrahlung photons up to 100 MeV produced in heavy ion collisions can be used as a sensitive probe for short-range correlation in atomic nuclei. The energy of the γ-rays can be measured by collecting the Čerenkov light in the medium induced by the fast electrons generated in the Compton scattering or electromagnetic shower of the incident γray. Two types of detectors based on pure water and lead glass as sensitive materials were designed for this purpose. The γresponse and optical photon propagation in the detectors were simulated based on electromagnetic and optical processes in Geant4. The inherent energy resolutions of 0.022(4) + 0.51(2)∕E^(1/2)_(γ) for water and 0.0026(3) + 0.446(3)∕E^(1/2)_(γ) for lead glass were obtained. The geometry sizes of the lead glass and water were optimized to 30 cm × 30 cm × 30 cm and 60 cm × 60 cm ×120 cm, respectively, to detect high-energy γ-rays at 160 MeV. The Hough transform method was applied to reconstruct the direction of the incident γ-rays, providing the ability to experimentally distinguish the high-energy γ-rays produced in the reactions on the target from random background cosmic-ray muons. 展开更多
关键词 Bremsstrahlungγ-rays Čerenkov GEANT4 Energy resolution Direction reconstruction Hough transform
Multi-objective optimization and evaluation of supercritical CO_(2) Brayton cycle for nuclear power generation
作者 Guo-Peng Yu Yong-Feng Cheng +1 位作者 Na Zhang Ping-Jian Ming 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期183-209,共27页
The supercritical CO_(2) Brayton cycle is considered a promising energy conversion system for Generation IV reactors for its simple layout,compact structure,and high cycle efficiency.Mathematical models of four Brayto... The supercritical CO_(2) Brayton cycle is considered a promising energy conversion system for Generation IV reactors for its simple layout,compact structure,and high cycle efficiency.Mathematical models of four Brayton cycle layouts are developed in this study for different reactors to reduce the cost and increase the thermohydraulic performance of nuclear power generation to promote the commercialization of nuclear energy.Parametric analysis,multi-objective optimizations,and four decision-making methods are applied to obtain each Brayton scheme’s optimal thermohydraulic and economic indexes.Results show that for the same design thermal power scale of reactors,the higher the core’s exit temperature,the better the Brayton cycle’s thermo-economic performance.Among the four-cycle layouts,the recompression cycle(RC)has the best overall performance,followed by the simple recuperation cycle(SR)and the intercooling cycle(IC),and the worst is the reheating cycle(RH).However,RH has the lowest total cost of investment(C_(tot))of$1619.85 million,and IC has the lowest levelized cost of energy(LCOE)of 0.012$/(kWh).The nuclear Brayton cycle system’s overall performance has been improved due to optimization.The performance of the molten salt reactor combined with the intercooling cycle(MSR-IC)scheme has the greatest improvement,with the net output power(W_(net)),thermal efficiencyη_(t),and exergy efficiency(η_(e))improved by 8.58%,8.58%,and 11.21%,respectively.The performance of the lead-cooled fast reactor combined with the simple recuperation cycle scheme was optimized to increase C_(tot) by 27.78%.In comparison,the internal rate of return(IRR)increased by only 7.8%,which is not friendly to investors with limited funds.For the nuclear Brayton cycle,the molten salt reactor combined with the recompression cycle scheme should receive priority,and the gas-cooled fast reactor combined with the reheating cycle scheme should be considered carefully. 展开更多
关键词 Supercritical CO_(2)Brayton cycle Nuclear power generation Thermo-economic analysis Multi-objective optimization Decision-making methods
αDecay in extreme laser fields within a deformed Gamow-like model
作者 Qiong Xiao Jun-Hao Cheng +3 位作者 Yang-Yang Xu You-Tian Zou Jun-Gang Deng Tong-Pu Yu 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期131-144,共14页
In this study, the effect of extreme laser fields on the α decay process of ground-state even–even nuclei was investigated.Using the deformed Gamow-like model, we found that state-of-the-art lasers can cause a sligh... In this study, the effect of extreme laser fields on the α decay process of ground-state even–even nuclei was investigated.Using the deformed Gamow-like model, we found that state-of-the-art lasers can cause a slight change in the α decay penetration probability of most nuclei. In addition, we studied the correlation between the rate of change of the α decay penetration probability and angle between the directions of the laser electric field and α particle emission for different nuclei. Based on this correlation, the average effect of extreme laser fields on the half-life of many nuclei with arbitrary α particle emission angles was calculated. The calculations show that the laser suppression and promotion effects on the α decay penetration probability of the nuclei population with completely random α particle-emission directions are not completely canceled.The remainder led to a change in the average penetration probability of the nuclei. Furthermore, the possibility of achieving a higher average rate of change by altering the spatial shape of the laser is explored. We conclude that circularly polarized lasers may be helpful in future experiments to achieve a more significant average rate of change of the α decay half-life of the nuclei population. 展开更多
关键词 αDecay Deformed Gamow-like model HALF-LIVES Extreme laser field Penetration probability
Properties of collective flow and pion production in intermediate-energy heavy-ion collisions with a relativistic quantum molecular dynamics model
作者 Si-Na Wei Zhao-Qing Feng 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第1期155-169,共15页
The relativistic mean-field approach was implemented in the Lanzhou quantum molecular dynamics transport model(LQMD.RMF). Using the LQMD.RMF, the properties of collective flow and pion production were investigated sys... The relativistic mean-field approach was implemented in the Lanzhou quantum molecular dynamics transport model(LQMD.RMF). Using the LQMD.RMF, the properties of collective flow and pion production were investigated systematically for nuclear reactions with various isospin asymmetries. The directed and elliptic flows of the LQMD.RMF are able to describe the experimental data of STAR Collaboration. The directed flow difference between free neutrons and protons was associated with the stiffness of the symmetry energy, that is, a softer symmetry energy led to a larger flow difference. For various collision energies, the ratio between the π^(-) and π^(+) yields increased with a decrease in the slope parameter of the symmetry energy. When the collision energy was 270 MeV/nucleon, the single ratio of the pion transverse momentum spectra also increased with decreasing slope parameter of the symmetry energy in both nearly symmetric and neutron-rich systems.However, it is difficult to constrain the stiffness of the symmetry energy with the double ratio because of the lack of threshold energy correction on the pion production. 展开更多
关键词 Heavy-ion collision Collective flow Pion production Symmetry energy Relativistic mean field
The study of intelligent algorithm in particle identification of heavy-ion collisions at low and intermediate energies
作者 Gao-Yi Cheng Qian-Min Su +1 位作者 Xi-Guang Cao Guo-Qiang Zhang 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期170-182,共13页
Traditional particle identification methods face timeconsuming,experience-dependent,and poor repeatability challenges in heavy-ion collisions at low and intermediate energies.Researchers urgently need solutions to the... Traditional particle identification methods face timeconsuming,experience-dependent,and poor repeatability challenges in heavy-ion collisions at low and intermediate energies.Researchers urgently need solutions to the dilemma of traditional particle identification methods.This study explores the possibility of applying intelligent learning algorithms to the particle identification of heavy-ion collisions at low and intermediate energies.Multiple intelligent algorithms,including XgBoost and TabNet,were selected to test datasets from the neutron ion multi-detector for reaction-oriented dynamics(NIMROD-ISiS)and Geant4 simulation.Tree-based machine learning algorithms and deep learning algorithms e.g.TabNet show excellent performance and generalization ability.Adding additional data features besides energy deposition can improve the algorithm’s performance when the data distribution is nonuniform.Intelligent learning algorithms can be applied to solve the particle identification problem in heavy-ion collisions at low and intermediate energies. 展开更多
关键词 Heavy-ion collisions at low and intermediate energies Machine learning Ensemble learning algorithm Particle identification Data imbalance
Artificial neural network-based method for discriminating Compton scattering events in high-purity germaniumγ-ray spectrometer
作者 Chun-Di Fan Guo-Qiang Zeng +5 位作者 Hao-Wen Deng Lei Yan Jian Yang Chuan-Hao Hu Song Qing Yang Hou 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期64-84,共21页
To detect radioactive substances with low activity levels,an anticoincidence detector and a high-purity germanium(HPGe)detector are typically used simultaneously to suppress Compton scattering background,thereby resul... To detect radioactive substances with low activity levels,an anticoincidence detector and a high-purity germanium(HPGe)detector are typically used simultaneously to suppress Compton scattering background,thereby resulting in an extremely low detection limit and improving the measurement accuracy.However,the complex and expensive hardware required does not facilitate the application or promotion of this method.Thus,a method is proposed in this study to discriminate the digital waveform of pulse signals output using an HPGe detector,whereby Compton scattering background is suppressed and a low minimum detectable activity(MDA)is achieved without using an expensive and complex anticoincidence detector and device.The electric-field-strength and energy-deposition distributions of the detector are simulated to determine the relationship between pulse shape and energy-deposition location,as well as the characteristics of energy-deposition distributions for fulland partial-energy deposition events.This relationship is used to develop a pulse-shape-discrimination algorithm based on an artificial neural network for pulse-feature identification.To accurately determine the relationship between the deposited energy of gamma(γ)rays in the detector and the deposition location,we extract four shape parameters from the pulse signals output by the detector.Machine learning is used to input the four shape parameters into the detector.Subsequently,the pulse signals are identified and classified to discriminate between partial-and full-energy deposition events.Some partial-energy deposition events are removed to suppress Compton scattering.The proposed method effectively decreases the MDA of an HPGeγ-energy dispersive spectrometer.Test results show that the Compton suppression factors for energy spectra obtained from measurements on ^(152)Eu,^(137)Cs,and ^(60)Co radioactive sources are 1.13(344 keV),1.11(662 keV),and 1.08(1332 keV),respectively,and that the corresponding MDAs are 1.4%,5.3%,and 21.6%lower,respectively. 展开更多
关键词 High-purity germaniumγ-ray spectrometer Pulse-shape discrimination Compton scattering Artificial neural network Minimum detectable activity
Measurement of the neutron-induced total cross sections of ^(nat)Pb from 0.3 eV to 20 MeV on the Back-n at CSNS
作者 Jie-Ming Xue Song Feng +14 位作者 Yong-Hao Chen Han Yi Min Xiao Pin-Jing Cheng Xin-Xiang Li Rong Liu Yi-Wei Yang Zi-Jie Han Da-Jun Zhao Hao-Qiang Wang Bao-Qian Li Ji-Rong Zhao Lei-Xun Tang Wen Luo Bo Zheng 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期85-93,共9页
The neutron-induced total cross sections of natural lead have been measured in a wide energy range(0.3 eV-20 MeV)on the back-streaming white neutron beamline(Back-n)at the China Spallation Neutron Source.Neutron energ... The neutron-induced total cross sections of natural lead have been measured in a wide energy range(0.3 eV-20 MeV)on the back-streaming white neutron beamline(Back-n)at the China Spallation Neutron Source.Neutron energy was determined by the neutron total cross-section spectrometer using the time-of-flight technique.A fast multi-cell fission chamber was used as the neutron detector,and a 10-mm-thick high-purity natural lead sample was employed for the neutron transmission measurements.The on-beam background was determined using Co,In,Ag,and Cd filters.The excitation function of ^(nat)Pb(n,tot)reaction below 20 MeV was calculated using the TALYS-1.96 nuclear-reaction modeling program.The present results were compared with previous results,the evaluated data available in the five major evaluated nuclear data libraries(i.e.,ENDF/B-VIII.0,JEFF-3.3,JENDL-5,CENDL-3.2,and BROND-3.1),and the theoretical calculation curve.Good agreement was found between the new results and those of previous experiments and with the theoretical curves in the corresponding region.This measurement obtained the neutron total cross section of natural lead with good accuracy over a wide energy range and added experimental data in the resonance energy range.This provides more reliable experimental data for nuclear engineering design and nuclear data evaluation of lead. 展开更多
关键词 Neutron-induced total cross section Natural lead TIME-OF-FLIGHT TALYS-1.96 CSNS Back-n white neutron beamline
A hierarchical salt-rejection strategy for sustainable and high-efficiency solar-driven desalination
作者 Zhengyi Mao Xuliang Chen +7 位作者 Yingxian Chen Junda Shen Jianpan Huang Yuhan Chen Xiaoguang Duan Yicheng Han Kannie Wai Yan Chan Jian LU 《Nano Materials Science》 EI CAS CSCD 2024年第1期38-43,共6页
Solar steam generation(SSG)is widely regarded as one of the most sustainable technologies for seawater desalination.However,salt fouling severely compromises the evaporation performance and lifetime of evaporators,lim... Solar steam generation(SSG)is widely regarded as one of the most sustainable technologies for seawater desalination.However,salt fouling severely compromises the evaporation performance and lifetime of evaporators,limiting their practical applications.Herein,we propose a hierarchical salt-rejection(HSR)strategy to prevent salt precipitation during long-term evaporation while maintaining a rapid evaporation rate,even in high-salinity brine.The salt diffusion process is segmented into three steps—insulation,branching diffusion,and arterial transport—that significantly enhance the salt-resistance properties of the evaporator.Moreover,the HSR strategy overcomes the tradeoff between salt resistance and evaporation rate.Consequently,a high evaporation rate of 2.84 kg m^(-2) h^(-1),stable evaporation for 7 days cyclic tests in 20 wt%NaCl solution,and continuous operation for 170 h in natural seawater under 1 sun illumination were achieved.Compared with control evaporators,the HSR evaporator exhibited a>54%enhancement in total water evaporation mass during 24 h continuous evaporation in 20 wt%salt water.Furthermore,a water collection device equipped with the HSR evaporator realized a high water purification rate(1.1 kg m^(-2) h^(-1)),highlighting its potential for agricultural applications. 展开更多
关键词 Solar water evaporation 3D printing Salt-rejection Hierarchical structures High efficiency
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