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作者 王志鑫 刘云飞 +2 位作者 王灏 王海久 樊海宁 《器官移植》 CAS CSCD 2024年第2期171-177,共7页
肝包虫病为慢性寄生虫病,由多房棘球蚴的幼虫引发,此病具有相当高的致残率和死亡风险,又被称作“虫癌”。临床上将肝包虫病分为肝泡型包虫病和肝囊型包虫病,肝包虫病在世界各地广泛流行,我国主要在西部农牧区居民群体中发生,对该地区居... 肝包虫病为慢性寄生虫病,由多房棘球蚴的幼虫引发,此病具有相当高的致残率和死亡风险,又被称作“虫癌”。临床上将肝包虫病分为肝泡型包虫病和肝囊型包虫病,肝包虫病在世界各地广泛流行,我国主要在西部农牧区居民群体中发生,对该地区居民的生存质量构成了巨大的威胁。目前临床上治疗肝包虫病以手术治疗方式为主,伴随着外科诊治技术的迅速发展和对肝包虫病研究不断深入,其诊治方案也不断完善。本文将主要综述肝泡型包虫病的诊断和治疗进展,旨在为临床医务人员提供参考,以尽早发现和治疗,降低疾病对患者产生的不良影响,改善患者预后。 展开更多
关键词 肝泡型包虫病 多房棘球蚴 剪切波弹性成像 ^(18)F-氟代脱氧葡萄糖 正电子发射计算机体层显像仪(PET-CT) 肝切除术 肝移植 阿苯达唑
作者 庞北川 张娜 +3 位作者 左邦佑 杨冲 张宇 邓绍平 《器官移植》 CAS CSCD 2024年第2期163-170,共8页
肝泡型包虫病(HAE)是我国西部地区常见的人畜共患地方性寄生虫病,早期缺乏典型临床表现,症状明显时常已进入终末期,具有极高的致死率。在终末期HAE(es-HAE)治疗中,因残余肝体积不足、无法控制的出血、脉管在体重建困难等,同种异体原位... 肝泡型包虫病(HAE)是我国西部地区常见的人畜共患地方性寄生虫病,早期缺乏典型临床表现,症状明显时常已进入终末期,具有极高的致死率。在终末期HAE(es-HAE)治疗中,因残余肝体积不足、无法控制的出血、脉管在体重建困难等,同种异体原位肝移植几乎成为唯一根治的方式。但因供肝短缺、术后需长期使用免疫抑制药等因素限制了其应用,离体肝切除联合自体肝移植术(ELRA)的出现打破了这一窘境,极大拓宽了es-HAE手术指征。此外,我国多中心对ELRA进行了诸多优化与改良,进一步完善es-HAE的治疗体系。目前,es-HAE的肝移植(包括ELRA)治疗仍是临床医师研究的热点。本文对原位肝移植、ELRA、辅助性ELRA等多种手段在es-HAE的外科治疗进行综述,旨在进一步提升es-HAE的诊治水平,改善患者临床预后。 展开更多
关键词 肝泡型包虫病 终末期 原位肝移植 离体肝切除 自体肝移植 残余肝体积 肝静脉支架 手术桥接
美国《Emerging Infectious Diseases》2023年第12期有关人兽共患病论文摘译
作者 张智芳(译) 《中国人兽共患病学报》 CAS CSCD 2024年第2期F0003-F0004,共2页
P2417侵袭性诺卡菌感染跨越美国不同的地理区域//Simran Gupta,Leah M.Grant,Harry R.Powers,等诺卡菌在世界各地引起侵袭性感染,对有效抗菌药物的认识至关重要.我们回顾了2011-2018年美国3个非相邻地理区域的侵袭性诺卡氏菌感染情况.
关键词 诺卡菌 诺卡氏菌 地理区域 有效抗菌药物 侵袭性 P24
作者 刘子铭 戴铭 +2 位作者 吕建林 张文富 黄晶晶 《中国医药科学》 2024年第5期173-176,185,共5页
目的分析1991-2023年的肝脓肿(LAs)合并糖尿病的现状、研究热点以及前沿趋势。方法数据均来自中国知网数据库,检索1991年1月至2023年2月收录的有关研究LAs合并糖尿病的相关文献,采用可视化文献分析软件CiteSpace 6.1.R6对检索到的文章... 目的分析1991-2023年的肝脓肿(LAs)合并糖尿病的现状、研究热点以及前沿趋势。方法数据均来自中国知网数据库,检索1991年1月至2023年2月收录的有关研究LAs合并糖尿病的相关文献,采用可视化文献分析软件CiteSpace 6.1.R6对检索到的文章的作者、发文量、关键词以及研究机构进行分析。结果最终共纳入333篇文献,该领域的文章2015年达到最高点后逐渐回落。发文量前3位的作者分别为崔彦、夏杰以及纪安来;主要的研究机构为安康市中心医院、南京医科大学附属医院以及四川大学华西医院;关键词聚类提示临床分析、超声介入及护理干预是LAs合并糖尿病的研究热点。结论在治疗LAs合并糖尿病方面应加强各机构、各地域的紧密联系,未来的研究热点将更多的聚焦在临床分析、超声介入、药学监护及预后,以更好地推动治疗LAs合并糖尿病方面的研究发展。 展开更多
关键词 肝脓肿 糖尿病 研究热点 CITESPACE 可视化分析
作者 陶春爱 《中国卫生标准管理》 2024年第3期151-155,共5页
医院感染的病原体中多重耐药菌已逐渐成为医院感染的重要病原菌。多重耐药菌的感染不仅给患者带来痛苦和经济负担,增加医务人员的工作量和临床治疗的难度,还给医务人员及健康人群构成传播和感染风险,造成不良的社会影响。如何降低多重... 医院感染的病原体中多重耐药菌已逐渐成为医院感染的重要病原菌。多重耐药菌的感染不仅给患者带来痛苦和经济负担,增加医务人员的工作量和临床治疗的难度,还给医务人员及健康人群构成传播和感染风险,造成不良的社会影响。如何降低多重耐药菌的传播和感染风险成为医院感染管理的一大难题。多重耐药菌的防控主要措施包括抗菌药物管理、环境清洁消毒和物品消毒灭菌、规范诊疗等内容,但近年来研究显示,多重耐药菌对常用消毒剂产生了抗性,增加了消毒的难度。文章通过对医院多重耐药菌对消毒剂的抗性研究新进展,及其消毒隔离防控措施进行综述,为医院多重耐药菌的消毒隔离防控措施制定提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 多重耐药菌 消毒剂抗性 消毒 隔离 医院感染 控制
作者 陈维英 杨秀丽 +2 位作者 陈瑞 乔玉霞 张有莉 《医药前沿》 2024年第10期79-82,共4页
本文分析1例罕见骨包虫肺转移典型病例的发病背景、诊疗过程、疗效评价情况,结合相关文献报道,分析骨包虫病初诊时的影像学检查结果及发病特点,以期为骨包虫病的筛查、早期诊断及治疗提供参考,提高骨包虫病治疗效果,降低其致残率,延长... 本文分析1例罕见骨包虫肺转移典型病例的发病背景、诊疗过程、疗效评价情况,结合相关文献报道,分析骨包虫病初诊时的影像学检查结果及发病特点,以期为骨包虫病的筛查、早期诊断及治疗提供参考,提高骨包虫病治疗效果,降低其致残率,延长骨包虫病患者总生存期,提高其生活质量。 展开更多
关键词 包虫病 骨盆 多发 肺转移性包虫
作者 张万军 王琳 +3 位作者 张瑾 李爱华 李莎莎 谈奕青 《江苏卫生保健》 2024年第1期10-12,共3页
目的了解镇江市人群土源性线虫病感染状况,为制定防控措施提供科学依据。方法2013—2022年以镇江市辖区内≥3周岁的常住居民及在本地居住满1年以上的外来人口作为监测对象,采集其粪便标本,采用改良加藤厚涂片法检测土源性线虫虫卵,12周... 目的了解镇江市人群土源性线虫病感染状况,为制定防控措施提供科学依据。方法2013—2022年以镇江市辖区内≥3周岁的常住居民及在本地居住满1年以上的外来人口作为监测对象,采集其粪便标本,采用改良加藤厚涂片法检测土源性线虫虫卵,12周岁及以下儿童采用透明胶纸肛拭法加做蛲虫检测。结果2013—2022年累计粪检102470人次,检出土源性线虫感染者175人,平均感染率为0.17%,感染率从2013年的0.39%降至2022年的0.12%,呈现下降趋势(χ_(趋势)^(2)=63.68,P<0.05);下辖各市(区)中句容市感染率最高(0.53%),京口区最低(0.00%),差异有统计学意义(χ^(2)=254.54,P<0.05)。感染以轻度、单虫感染为主,轻度感染159例,占比90.86%,中度感染15例,占比8.57%,重度感染1例,占比0.57%;单虫种感染173例,感染率0.16%,占比98.86%,同时感染两种虫种2例,占比1.14%,未发现同时感染3种及以上者。感染虫种,以蛔虫感染占比最高,为54.86%(96/175),感染率为0.09%;钩虫占比35.43%(62/175),感染率0.06%;鞭虫占比9.71%(17/175),感染率0.02%。蛲虫累计检查23001名儿童,检出感染者21例,平均感染率为0.09%,2013年感染率最高,为0.23%,2022年为0.13%,相比下降43.48%。结论镇江市土源性线虫病和蛲虫病均处于低流行水平,今后工作重点应放在巩固已取得的寄生虫病防治成果上。 展开更多
关键词 土源性线虫病 蛲虫病 感染 监测
作者 彭丽君 林佳慧 彭湘明 《临床医学进展》 2024年第1期351-356,共6页
分析FA280S全自动粪便分析仪、醛醚离心沉淀法(Aldehyde Ether Centrifugal Precipitation, AECP)、酶联免疫吸附试验法(Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay, ELISA)对早期华支睾吸虫病的检测效果。选择广州市红十字会医院139例疑似华... 分析FA280S全自动粪便分析仪、醛醚离心沉淀法(Aldehyde Ether Centrifugal Precipitation, AECP)、酶联免疫吸附试验法(Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay, ELISA)对早期华支睾吸虫病的检测效果。选择广州市红十字会医院139例疑似华支睾吸虫感染患者,分别采用FA280S全自动粪便分析仪,醛醚离心沉淀及ELISA法检测,比较3种方法的检测效果。结果显示FA280S全自动粪便分析仪检测华支睾吸虫阳性率为87.8%,醛醚离心沉淀法为76.3%,ELISA法为78.4%,FA280S全自动粪便分析仪检测华支睾吸虫的阳性率高于醛醚离心沉淀法(P 0.05)。因此在华支睾吸虫病的检测中,FA280S全自动粪便分析仪优于醛醚离心沉淀法及ELISA法,可作为诊断早期华支睾吸虫病的主要方法。 展开更多
关键词 华支睾吸虫 FA280S全自动粪便分析仪 醛醚离心沉淀法 酶联免疫吸附试验法
Iron supplementation during malaria infection in pregnancy and childhood:A review
作者 Neha Surela Amrendra Chaudhary +1 位作者 Poonam Kataria Jyoti Das 《Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine》 SCIE CAS 2024年第1期12-20,共9页
Malaria presents a significant global public health challenge,with severe malarial anaemia being a primary manifestation of the disease.The understanding of anaemia caused by malaria remains incomplete,making the trea... Malaria presents a significant global public health challenge,with severe malarial anaemia being a primary manifestation of the disease.The understanding of anaemia caused by malaria remains incomplete,making the treatment more complex.Iron is a crucial micronutrient essential for haemoglobin synthesis,oxygen delivery,and other vital metabolic functions in the body.It is indispensable for the growth of human beings,as well as bacteria,protozoa,and viruses in vitro and in vivo.Iron deficiency is among the most common nutritional deficiencies and can have detrimental effects during developmental stages of life.Malaria-induced iron deficiency occurs due to the hemolysis of erythrocytes and the suppression of erythropoiesis,leading to anaemia.Meeting iron requirements is particularly critical during pivotal life stages such as pregnancy,infancy,and childhood.Dietary intake alone may not suffice to meet adequate iron requirements,thus highlighting the vital role of iron supplementation.While iron supplementation can alleviate iron deficiency,it can exacerbate malaria infection by providing additional iron for the parasites.However,in the context of pregnancy and childhood,iron supplementation combined with malaria prevention and treatment has been shown to be beneficial in improving birth outcomes and ensuring proper growth and development,respectively.This review aims to identify the role and impact of iron supplementation in malaria infection during the life stages of pregnancy and childhood. 展开更多
关键词 Iron supplementation MALARIA PREGNANCY CHILDHOOD
作者 何杰明 付立主 +4 位作者 马丽雯 卜崇晔 张丽萍 周本江 张伟琴 《临床肺科杂志》 2024年第2期306-308,共3页
水蛭病多见于体外水蛭病,体内水蛭病稀少,危害大,多发生在农村和山区有接触、饮用野外生水或游泳史的人群,南方和热带地区相对高发。该病的临床表现因寄生部位不同而异,通常有流血、阻塞和异物感。尽量不接触或饮用生水就能预防水蛭病... 水蛭病多见于体外水蛭病,体内水蛭病稀少,危害大,多发生在农村和山区有接触、饮用野外生水或游泳史的人群,南方和热带地区相对高发。该病的临床表现因寄生部位不同而异,通常有流血、阻塞和异物感。尽量不接触或饮用生水就能预防水蛭病的感染。通过病例报告和收集已报告的病例资料,归纳分析水蛭病的感染方式、临床表现、分布特点、诊疗和预防。 展开更多
关键词 异物感 感染方式 病例报告 寄生部位 病例资料 水蛭病 归纳分析 预防
作者 邢国强 张慧 吕海龙 《河北医药》 CAS 2024年第4期516-519,524,共5页
目的研究体外条件下三氧化二砷(ATO)联合阿苯达唑(ABZ)对细粒棘球蚴原头节生长作用的影响,初步探讨联合用药治疗肝包虫病的可行性。方法采用不同浓度的ATO(3和6μmol/L)联合ABZ在体外条件下作用于原头节,分组如下:3μmol/L ATO、6μmol/... 目的研究体外条件下三氧化二砷(ATO)联合阿苯达唑(ABZ)对细粒棘球蚴原头节生长作用的影响,初步探讨联合用药治疗肝包虫病的可行性。方法采用不同浓度的ATO(3和6μmol/L)联合ABZ在体外条件下作用于原头节,分组如下:3μmol/L ATO、6μmol/L ATO、100μmol/L ABZ、3μmol/L ATO+100μmol/L ABZ和6μmol/L ATO+100μmol/L ABZ。光镜下通过0.1%伊红染色法观察原头节的活力及形态变化;扫描电子显微镜下观察原头节的超微结构变化;各组药物作用2 d后,借助半胱氨酸天冬氨酸蛋白酶-3(caspase-3)活性检测试剂盒测定caspase-3酶活力。采用ELISA法检测原头节内抗氧化酶(SOD、HO-1)活性水平。结果6μmol/L ATO+100μmol/L ABZ组原头节的抑制作用最强,3μmol/L ATO+100μmol/L ABZ组次之。联合作用组对原头节超微结构的损伤明显大于ABZ单独作用组,6μmol/L ATO+100μmol/L ABZ作用3 d后原头节表层出现虫蚀样改变、顶突变形、头钩缺损及微毛脱落。原头节在培养4d后,联合作用组原头节caspase-3活力[(43.34±1.07)μmol/L]显著高于ABZ单药作用组[(32.58±0.73)μmol/L](F=859.754,P<0.05),且具有剂量依赖性。ATO作用后原头节内SOD、HO-1活性显著下降(P<0.05),呈现时间及剂量依赖性。结论ATO与ABZ联合可显著抑制细粒棘球蚴原头节生长,且抑制作用强于单独用药,其协同作用机制可能与改变原头节内氧化应激系统有关,然而其具体机制尚需进一步研究。 展开更多
关键词 三氧化二砷 原头节 阿苯达唑 联合作用
Extension of Chemoprevention of Seasonal Malaria to Five Cycles and to Children from the Age of 6 to 9 Years in Africa: Analysis of Its Acceptability, Feasibility, Cost and Impact A Systematic Review
作者 N’Kpingou Théodore Nadakou Moussiliou Noel Paraïso +6 位作者 Ounoussa Tapha Mahamane Moustapha Lamine Jean Blaise Yobo Salifou Ibrahim Alkassoum Fidel Tossou Hamidou Ramatoulaye Lazoumar Eric Omar Adehossi 《Advances in Infectious Diseases》 CAS 2024年第1期74-86,共13页
Introduction: Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention (SMC) aims at preventing malaria in children during the high transmission season. It has been recommended by the WHO since 2013 for children from the age of 3-59 months. ... Introduction: Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention (SMC) aims at preventing malaria in children during the high transmission season. It has been recommended by the WHO since 2013 for children from the age of 3-59 months. However, despite the impact of this intervention, a peak in the prevalence and incidence of malaria is observed in children from the age of 5-9 years. The aim of this study is to determine from the current literature the feasibility, impact and cost-effectiveness of extending SMC to five cycles and to older children. Methods: A litterature search of PubMed/Medline, NCBI and Google scholar identified 1333 articles. After reading the titles and abstracts by two authors, 24 articles were selected and submitted for full reading. Random control studies on the extension of SMC, malaria, feasibility of SMC, impact of SMC and cost-effectiveness of SMC were selected. A total of 16 articles were included for the qualitative synthesis after excluding 8 studies. Results: Following the summary of the evidence, we conclude that the extension is feasible but will be confronted with the unavailability of older children. The intervention period coincides with field work. SMC is effective in reducing the prevalence and incidence of malaria and the parasite density in children. The financial cost of administering SMC is lower than that of treating a child suffering from malaria. Conclusion: After analysing the information, it was found that the majority of the African population supports the extension of the SMC to the number of cycles and the age group in order to alleviate the high mortality and morbidity rates among children due to malaria. 展开更多
关键词 SMC FEASIBILITY IMPACT Profitability and Africa
Evaluation of the Use of Long-Lasting Impregnated Mosquito Nets (LLINs) in the Health District of Dimbokro (Center of Côte d’Ivoire)
作者 Ellélé Aimé Marius Yapi Tanoh Amany Serge Raymond N’krumah +4 位作者 Bi Yourou Guillaume Zamina Martial Bama Assikohon Pulchérie Gouzilé Amoin Nadège Abo Issaka Tiembre 《Journal of Biosciences and Medicines》 2024年第3期44-61,共18页
The Dimbokro health district has one of the highest incidences of malaria in Côte d’Ivoire, despite numerous campaigns to distribute Long-Acting Impregnated Mosquito Nets (LLINs). Given this observation, what ar... The Dimbokro health district has one of the highest incidences of malaria in Côte d’Ivoire, despite numerous campaigns to distribute Long-Acting Impregnated Mosquito Nets (LLINs). Given this observation, what are the population’s attitudes towards LLINs that could explain the high endemicity of malaria in Dimbokro? The aim of this study is to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices of people in the health area of Nofou, one of the villages in the Dimbokro health district where malaria is most prevalent, with a view to strengthening malaria control strategies. A collection of historical health data (malaria cases and LLIN usage rates) and a cross-sectional questionnaire survey was carried out from July 20 to August 03, 2022 in 400 households selected by systematic random sampling. Data were entered using Epi Info 7 and multivariate statistical analyses were performed using IBM SPSS 22 software. In the Dimbokro health district, the rate of LLIN use was negatively correlated (r = -0.771) with malaria incidence over the six years of historical data collection. Households had an average of 53% good knowledge, 68.6% good practices and 28.4% good attitudes towards LLINs. The study also revealed that the main factors explaining LLIN use in the Nofou health area are mosquito bite (ORa = 5.29 (1.12 - 25.04)), age of household members (ORa = 1.07 (1.01 - 1.14)) and marital status (ORa = 8.45 (1.70 - 45.02)). Awareness-raising on the use of LLINs should be intensified in the Dimbokro health district. Other control strategies, such as vector control and environmental sanitation, should be considered to combat malaria. 展开更多
关键词 MALARIA LLINs Knowledge ATTITUDES PRACTICES Dimbokro Côte d’Ivoire
In silico antiplasmodial effects of phytocompounds derived from Andrographis paniculata on validated drug targets of different stages of Plasmodium falciparum
作者 Funmilayo I.D.Afolayan Sayo Ebenezer Oladokun 《Infectious Diseases Research》 2024年第2期1-11,共11页
Background:Andrographis paniculata has been widely reported as an herbal plant for malaria treatment.The increasing rate of resistance to recommended antimalarial drugs has justified the need for a continuous search f... Background:Andrographis paniculata has been widely reported as an herbal plant for malaria treatment.The increasing rate of resistance to recommended antimalarial drugs has justified the need for a continuous search for new and more potent drugs that target all stages of the Plasmodium falciparum life cycle from natural plant sources.This study aimed to determine the antiplasmodial effect of phytocompounds derived from A.paniculata on the stages of plasmodium falciparum.Methods:Phytocompounds from A.paniculata were identified by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrophotometry(GCMS)analysis.The phytocompounds were screened for their druggability using Lipinski’s rule of five and subjected to Absorption,Distribution,Metabolism,Excretion,Toxicity(ADMET)and druglikeness analysis.The phytocompounds were docked against some validated drug targets at different stages of Plasmodium falciparum(hepatic,asexual,sexual,and vector targets)using PyRx software to analyze the inhibitory potential and protein-ligand interaction.Thereafter,the stability and flexibility of the best complexes were assessed through molecular dynamics simulations at 50ns using WebGRO.Result:The 7a-Isopropenyl-4,5-dimethyloctahydroinden-4-yl exhibited a higher binding affinity and better stability throughout the simulation period with P.falciparum dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase and Plasmodium falciparum M1 alanyl aminopeptidase for asexual blood stage and gametocyte stage of Plasmodium falciparum,respectively than the existing drugs.Meanwhile,N-Ethyl-3-methoxy-4-methylphenethylamine was also found to have a higher binding affinity and more stability throughout the simulation period with P.falciparum purine nucleoside phosphorylase and Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte surface protein for Hepatic schizonts stage of Plasmodium falciparum and gametocyte transmission blocking stage,respectively,than the existing drugs.Conclusion:The 7a-Isopropenyl-4,5-dimethyloctahydroinden-4-yl and N-Ethyl-3-methoxy-4 methylphenethylamine from A.paniculata are predicted as an antimalarial drug candidate.Thus,it is recommended that in vitro and in vivo bioassays be conducted on these hit compounds to validate these predictions. 展开更多
关键词 Plasmodium falciparum drug targets Andrographis paniculata molecular docking molecular dynamics
On the Range of Action of Adult Culex pipiens s.l.
作者 Maria da Conceição Proença Maria Teresa Rebelo 《Journal of Biosciences and Medicines》 2024年第3期113-121,共9页
Mosquitoes are an interesting topic due to their medical importance, as they play an active role in the transmission of many pathogens and parasites, acting as vectors for various pathologies that are deadly to humans... Mosquitoes are an interesting topic due to their medical importance, as they play an active role in the transmission of many pathogens and parasites, acting as vectors for various pathologies that are deadly to humans, such as dengue, yellow fever, chikungunya, West Nile virus, encephalitis and malaria, among many others that are less common. In terms of morbidity and mortality caused by vector-borne diseases, mosquitoes are the most dangerous animals for humanity and, although they also play a role in the ecosystem as a food source for other organisms, their importance for public health cannot be overlooked. As highly efficient vectors, they put more than three billion people at risk, mainly in tropical and subtropical regions as well as in Europe, since heat waves and flooding are becoming more frequent and severe, and summers are getting longer and warmer, accelerating mosquito development, biting rates, and the incubation of the pathogens within their bodies. Female mosquitoes bite to acquire proteins for the development of their ovaries and eggs and, in the process, acquire pathogens and/or parasites from one vertebrate host and transmit them to another, usually after a short period of replication. Three of their four life stages are lived in still freshwater, so it is crucial to understand their range of action when they reach adulthood and leave the water, in order to plan and implement local prevention measures. A set of georeferenced abundance data collected in mainland Portugal over seven years was linked to cartographed water bodies in a geographic information system to estimate the distances at which Culex pipiens s.l. had a significant presence, with criteria based on the size of the catches. The result allows for an estimate of the fly range of those mosquitoes, which can be used to focus countermeasures. 展开更多
关键词 Mosquito Fly Distance Vector-Borne Diseases Culex pipiens s.l. Geographic Information Systems
Low Birth Weight and Intermittent Preventive Treatment of Malaria in Pregnant Women in Lomé (Togo) in 2021: A Cross-Sectional Study
作者 Roméo Mèdéssè Togan Ounoo Elom Takassi +7 位作者 Fifonsi Gbeasor-Komlanvi Arnold Junior Sadio Rodion Yao Konu Martin Kouame Tchankoni Iwone Oumarou Adama Latame Komla Adoli Dzayissé Yawo Atakouma Didier Koumavi Ekouévi 《Open Journal of Epidemiology》 2024年第1期31-44,共14页
Background: Since 2012, the World Health Organization has recommended intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (IPT-SP) to prevent malaria-related complications in pregnant women. Ten years fol... Background: Since 2012, the World Health Organization has recommended intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (IPT-SP) to prevent malaria-related complications in pregnant women. Ten years following these recommendations, we conducted this study to estimate the coverage for three doses of IPT-SP (IPT3) as well as the prevalence of low birth weight (LBW), and its associated factors in Lomé (Togo) in 2021. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted between January and March 2021. An exhaustive recruitment of women and their newborns was carried out in the maternity wards of the Sylvanus Olympio University Hospital Center. Data from antenatal consultations and clinical data of the newborns were collected. Multivariate logistic regression was carried out to determine factors associated with LBW. Results: A total of 252 mother-child pairs were included in this study. Median age of the mothers was 27 years, IQR [24-31]. More than a third (35.3%) of the mothers were primigravida. IPT3 coverage was 66.7% and 14.7% of newborns had a LBW. The prevalence of LBW was 33.3% [23.3-43.4] in women who had received fewer than 3 doses of IPT-SP and 5.4% [2.0-8.8] in those who had received at least 3 doses of IPT-SP (p Conclusion: Ten years following recommendations of the WHO on IPT-SP, malaria prevention based on IPT-SP is not optimal among pregnant women in Lomé, and the proportion of LBW children remains high. Actions to strengthen the three-dose IPT-SP policy are needed to prevent malaria and its consequences among newborns in Togo. 展开更多
关键词 MALARIA Intermittent Preventive Treatment Low Birth Weight TOGO
作者 柳素珍 纪锋颖 +4 位作者 石李梅 梁纪伟 窦晓娟 冯恩强 刘小艺 《中国乡村医药》 2024年第9期43-44,共2页
疟疾是由雌性按蚊叮咬吸血传播的寄生虫病。我国虽已实现消除疟疾目标,但是随着国际贸易深入发展,青岛市往返非洲、东南亚等疟疾流行区人员日益增多,近年来该市时有重症、危重症甚至死亡病例发生^([1-3])。本文报道输入性恶性疟致昏迷患... 疟疾是由雌性按蚊叮咬吸血传播的寄生虫病。我国虽已实现消除疟疾目标,但是随着国际贸易深入发展,青岛市往返非洲、东南亚等疟疾流行区人员日益增多,近年来该市时有重症、危重症甚至死亡病例发生^([1-3])。本文报道输入性恶性疟致昏迷患者1例,因跨地市多次转院延误诊治进展为危重症,后成功治愈。1病历摘要患者男,54岁,农民,山东诸城市人。 展开更多
关键词 恶性疟 输入性疟疾 昏迷
作者 蔡璇 杨亚明 +3 位作者 李奔福 彭佳 字金荣 吴方伟 《热带病与寄生虫学》 CAS 2024年第1期12-15,22,共5页
目的分析云南省阿米巴痢疾流行状况,为制定防治策略和措施提供科学依据。方法采用描述流行病学方法对中国疾病预防控制信息系统中2005年1月—2020年12月的云南省阿米巴痢疾报告病例进行分析,对其人群、时间和地区等分布特征进行描述。结... 目的分析云南省阿米巴痢疾流行状况,为制定防治策略和措施提供科学依据。方法采用描述流行病学方法对中国疾病预防控制信息系统中2005年1月—2020年12月的云南省阿米巴痢疾报告病例进行分析,对其人群、时间和地区等分布特征进行描述。结果2005—2020年云南省累计报告阿米巴痢疾病例3315例,其中临床诊断病例697例(占21.03%),确诊病例2618例(占78.97%)。年报告发病率为0.06/10万~1.45/10万,年均报告发病率为0.46/10万,发病率在2005年最高(1.45/10万),其后呈波动下降。报告病例中,男性1838例(占55.44%),女性1477例(占44.56%),性别比为1∶0.8;0~9岁人群报告病例最多(1675例,占50.53%);散居儿童和农民报告病例较多,分别为1276例(占38.49%)和1011例(占30.50%)。报告病例主要集中在4—7月(1925例,占58.07%)。地区分布中,报告病例数前3位的地区分别为临沧市(1526例,占46.03%)、楚雄州和红河州(均为273例,各占8.23%)。其中临沧市耿马县报告1380例,占全省报告病例数的41.63%。结论云南省阿米巴痢疾报告发病率总体呈下降趋势,儿童和农民为主要发病群体,临沧市耿马县报告病例数最多。今后应加强对重点地区和重点人群的健康教育。同时,要进一步提高医疗机构的诊断能力和疾控机构的监测能力,不断提升阿米巴痢疾的防控水平。 展开更多
关键词 阿米巴痢疾 流行特征 云南省
作者 王利平 《健康生活》 2024年第2期26-26,共1页
康医生:我今年72岁,1957年患过血吸虫病并治愈,去年B超检查显示为血吸虫性肝改变,肝脏表面呈网格状。请问我该如何治疗血吸虫病?如何保养肝脏?江苏省屠先生屠先生:您好!血吸虫病是由于血吸虫寄生于人体门静脉系统所致的一种有严重危害... 康医生:我今年72岁,1957年患过血吸虫病并治愈,去年B超检查显示为血吸虫性肝改变,肝脏表面呈网格状。请问我该如何治疗血吸虫病?如何保养肝脏?江苏省屠先生屠先生:您好!血吸虫病是由于血吸虫寄生于人体门静脉系统所致的一种有严重危害性的地方病。血吸虫寄居在门静脉系统,虫卵随血流沉积在肝内,可引起门静脉小分支阻塞。一般来说,虫卵会栓塞在汇管区,引起炎症肉芽肿及纤维组织增生,以及汇管区扩大,从而破坏肝组织,造成肝组织营养不良,最终导致肝硬化、门静脉高压等。 展开更多
关键词 门静脉高压 汇管区 门静脉系统 血吸虫病 严重危害性 地方病 网格状 肉芽肿
作者 韦宏缅 《家庭医药(就医选药)》 2024年第4期86-86,共1页
广西,以其独特的地理环境和丰富的水资源,孕育了众多美食。其中,淡水鱼生以其鲜嫩的口感和独特的风味,成为了不少人的心头好。然而,这道看似美味的食物背后,却隐藏着一种名叫华支睾吸虫(肝吸虫)的寄生虫,给人们的健康带来了严重的威胁... 广西,以其独特的地理环境和丰富的水资源,孕育了众多美食。其中,淡水鱼生以其鲜嫩的口感和独特的风味,成为了不少人的心头好。然而,这道看似美味的食物背后,却隐藏着一种名叫华支睾吸虫(肝吸虫)的寄生虫,给人们的健康带来了严重的威胁。本文将带您深入了解肝吸虫病的危害、传播途径,并提供切实有效的预防和治疗方法,以期提高公众对肝吸虫病的认识和警惕。 展开更多
关键词 肝吸虫病 华支睾吸虫 淡水鱼 地理环境 传播途径 寄生虫 预防和治疗
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