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妊娠早期绵羊子宫和胎儿实测与超声探查比较 被引量:4
作者 陈兆英 论士春 +3 位作者 曹红 罗应荣 刘云海 朱成宽 《中国兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 1996年第2期136-140,共5页
用B超跟踪探查的9头妊娠母羊,分别于妊娠57、58、59、60、86、87、88、96和100d剖检,实测其于叶直径、胎儿冠一臀长、头长和胎儿主要内脏。结果发现,直径最大的子叶在妊娠86d,说明以测子叶直径来预测胎龄... 用B超跟踪探查的9头妊娠母羊,分别于妊娠57、58、59、60、86、87、88、96和100d剖检,实测其于叶直径、胎儿冠一臀长、头长和胎儿主要内脏。结果发现,直径最大的子叶在妊娠86d,说明以测子叶直径来预测胎龄,只适用于妊娠86d以前;妊娠59d观察到有胃液,妊娠86、96d先后在直肠和结肠观察到有胎粪蓄积,96和100d在羊水和胃内发现有小粪球,说明此时已有排粪和吞咽反射;妊娠87和88d观察到膀胱有尿蓄积和睾丸降入阴囊。 展开更多
关键词 绵羊 妊娠子宫 胎儿剖检 超声断层扫描 母羊
作者 杨德吉 杨明印 +2 位作者 徐在品 侯加法 范涤 《中国兽医杂志》 CAS 北大核心 1995年第6期12-12,共1页
犬腮腺X线造影解剖学研究杨德吉,杨明印,徐在品,侯加法,范涤(南京农业大学动物医学院,210095)腮腺是主要的唾液腺,病理情况下,临床检查主要通过视诊和触诊,故对其疾病的性质、程度及发展难以诊断和鉴别诊断 ̄[1]。... 犬腮腺X线造影解剖学研究杨德吉,杨明印,徐在品,侯加法,范涤(南京农业大学动物医学院,210095)腮腺是主要的唾液腺,病理情况下,临床检查主要通过视诊和触诊,故对其疾病的性质、程度及发展难以诊断和鉴别诊断 ̄[1]。据报道,犬腮腺的疾病有急、慢性炎症... 展开更多
关键词 腮腺 X线造影 解剖学
作者 焦河 王凤英 王滔 《动物医学进展》 北大核心 2017年第4期57-61,共5页
探索数字减影血管造影(DSA)定位引导技术在恒河猴脑脊液动态采集中的应用。将28只恒河猴随机均分为2组,经左前肢静脉推注30g/L戊巴比妥钠溶液全麻后,常规剔除背部脊柱周围体毛并消毒;试验组在DSA定向引导技术下行腰椎间隙穿刺蛛网膜下... 探索数字减影血管造影(DSA)定位引导技术在恒河猴脑脊液动态采集中的应用。将28只恒河猴随机均分为2组,经左前肢静脉推注30g/L戊巴比妥钠溶液全麻后,常规剔除背部脊柱周围体毛并消毒;试验组在DSA定向引导技术下行腰椎间隙穿刺蛛网膜下腔采集脑脊液,结果14只全部穿刺成功,穿刺后均有脑脊液从穿刺针中流出;对照组直接行腰椎间隙穿刺蛛网膜下腔,8只穿刺成功,6只穿刺失败,后经DSA定位引导技术调整针尖方向与位置,完成穿刺,采集到脑脊液;28只恒河猴穿刺成功后均在DSA定位引导下将硬膜外麻醉导管经蛛网膜下腔至枕大池,置泵于腰背部,通过所置的泵可实现恒河猴在清醒、全生理状态下对脑脊液进行动态多次采集,快速省时,由于采样导管置于枕大池,采集到的脑脊液无色透明、样品质量有保证,易于满足检验需要,具有一定的实用价值。 展开更多
关键词 恒河猴 腰椎穿刺术 脑脊液
作者 黄德军 《湖北畜牧兽医》 2008年第9期32-32,35,共2页
疝是兽医临床常见的外科疾病之一.犬的腹股沟疝是指因腹股沟内环先天闭合不全或后天由于腹压增大等多种因素的影响导致腹腔内容物经腹股沟环脱出至腹股沟处而形成的局限性隆起;疝内容物多为肠管、肠系膜、大网膜和脂肪等,也可为子宫... 疝是兽医临床常见的外科疾病之一.犬的腹股沟疝是指因腹股沟内环先天闭合不全或后天由于腹压增大等多种因素的影响导致腹腔内容物经腹股沟环脱出至腹股沟处而形成的局限性隆起;疝内容物多为肠管、肠系膜、大网膜和脂肪等,也可为子宫及膀胱等腹腔脏器,但很少为妊娠的子宫角。 展开更多
关键词 腹股沟疝 妊娠子宫 京巴犬 诊治 腹腔脏器 外科疾病 兽医临床 内容物
作者 黄德军 《兽医导刊》 2008年第10期47-47,共1页
关键词 腹股沟疝 妊娠子宫 京巴犬 手术疗法 外科疾病 兽医临床 综合诊断 手术治疗
作者 黄德军 《吉林畜牧兽医》 2008年第9期58-59,共2页
犬的腹股沟疝是指因腹股沟内环先天闭合不全或后天由于腹压增大等多种因素的影响导致腹腔内容物经腹股沟环脱出至腹股沟处而形成的局限性隆起。疝内容物多为肠管、肠系膜、大网膜和脂肪等,也可为子宫及膀胱等腹腔脏器,但很少为妊娠的... 犬的腹股沟疝是指因腹股沟内环先天闭合不全或后天由于腹压增大等多种因素的影响导致腹腔内容物经腹股沟环脱出至腹股沟处而形成的局限性隆起。疝内容物多为肠管、肠系膜、大网膜和脂肪等,也可为子宫及膀胱等腹腔脏器,但很少为妊娠的子宫角。笔者2008年5月12日,在淮安生物工程高等学校动物门诊部,接诊1只京巴犬,经临床检查及手术治疗,综合诊断该京巴犬为一例妊娠子宫性腹股沟疝,到分娩期时,该母犬顺利产下胎儿且母子平安。 展开更多
关键词 腹股沟疝 妊娠子宫 京巴犬 诊治 动物门诊 高等学校 生物工程 手术治疗
动物解剖互动式教学在电离辐射生物学效应实验教学中的应用 被引量:1
作者 陈芳 曾东风 +5 位作者 王军平 李蓉 孙慧勤 史春梦 徐辉 粟永萍 《局解手术学杂志》 2014年第6期677-678,共2页
电离辐射生物学效应这门课程是防原医学的重要教学内容,主要包括电离辐射的细胞学损伤效应、电离辐射躯体损伤效应和遗传效应[1]。传统的授课方式主要以理论讲解为主,学生在学习过程中缺乏感性认识;且简单地以动物模型为辅助的实验... 电离辐射生物学效应这门课程是防原医学的重要教学内容,主要包括电离辐射的细胞学损伤效应、电离辐射躯体损伤效应和遗传效应[1]。传统的授课方式主要以理论讲解为主,学生在学习过程中缺乏感性认识;且简单地以动物模型为辅助的实验教学由于缺乏对动物解剖结构的互动认知,学生被动接受相关知识,并无学习的积极性和主动性,因此教员无法达到预定的目的,充分发挥学生的学习自主性就显得尤为重要[2]。近年来,我们通过提高学生对动物解剖结构和电离辐射后相关解剖结构改变的认识,适当增加互动教学内容,探索了一种结合动物解剖互动式教学的新型电离辐射生物学效应实验课授课模式。通过对教学方法的探索,提高了学生对预防医学专业的学习兴趣,对于学员理解并掌握相关知识提供了帮助。本文将动物解剖互动式教学应用于电离辐射生物学效应实验课程的教学体会报告如下。 展开更多
关键词 电离辐射 动物解剖 实验教学
Diagnosis and treatment of diverticulum of the uterus in pregnancy through hysteroscopy and methotrexate: a case report 被引量:2
作者 Pan Qiong Xue Min Li Xiang Wan Yajun Cheng Chunxia 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2010年第2期119-121,共3页
A 27-year-old patient was diagnosed by hysteroscopy with uterine diverticulum in pregnancy and admitted to the hospital. Under the guidance of hysteroscopy combined with methotrexate, the scraping of the uterus was do... A 27-year-old patient was diagnosed by hysteroscopy with uterine diverticulum in pregnancy and admitted to the hospital. Under the guidance of hysteroscopy combined with methotrexate, the scraping of the uterus was done and operation successfully completed. The management of this case showed that hysteroscopy was a kind of valuable approach to the diagnosis and treatment of uterine diverticulum and curettage of the uterus under hysteroscope combined with drug was a safe, effective and conservative treatment. 展开更多
关键词 HYSTEROSCOPY Diverticulum of the uterus in pregnancy METHOTREXATE
作者 刘赞侠 《广东奶业》 2006年第1期12-13,共2页
奶牛子宫扭转,是指怀孕母牛子宫角围绕子宫纵轴发生的扭转。奶牛子宫扭转多发生于临产阶段,是奶牛常见的产道性难产的一种。子宫扭转的程度多为90度-180度,个别病例也可达360度。奶牛的子宫扭转方向向右扭转比向左扭转多,这是因为... 奶牛子宫扭转,是指怀孕母牛子宫角围绕子宫纵轴发生的扭转。奶牛子宫扭转多发生于临产阶段,是奶牛常见的产道性难产的一种。子宫扭转的程度多为90度-180度,个别病例也可达360度。奶牛的子宫扭转方向向右扭转比向左扭转多,这是因为庞大的瘤胃占据腹腔的左侧,妊娠子宫多被挤向右侧的原因。 展开更多
关键词 子宫扭转 临产奶牛 治疗 诊断 怀孕母牛 妊娠子宫 子宫角 难产 产道 腹腔
Ly49 receptors activate angiogenic mouse DBA+ uterine natural killer cells 被引量:3
作者 Patricia DA Lima Megan M Tu +3 位作者 Mir Munir A Rahim Annie R Peng B Anne Croy Andrew P Makrigiannis 《Cellular & Molecular Immunology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第5期467-476,共10页
In humans, specific patterns of killer immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) expressed by uterine natural killer (uNK) cells are linked through HLA-C with pregnancy complications (infertility, recurrent spontaneou... In humans, specific patterns of killer immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) expressed by uterine natural killer (uNK) cells are linked through HLA-C with pregnancy complications (infertility, recurrent spontaneous abortion, intrauterine growth restriction and preeclampsia). To identify mechanisms underpinning the associations between NK cell activation and pregnancy success, pregnancies were studied in mice with genetic knockdown (KD) of the MHC-activated Ly49 receptor gene family. B6.Ly49KD pregnancies were compared to normal control B6.Ly49z29 and C57BL/6 (B6) pregnancies. At mid-pregnancy (gestation day (gd9.5)), overall uNK cell (TCRI^-CD122+DBA+DX5- (DBA+DX5-)) and TCRIβ-CD122+DBA-DX5+ (DBA-DX5+)) frequencies in pregnant uterus were similar between genotypes. Ly49KD lowered the normal frequencies of Ly49+ uNK cells from 90.3% to 47.8% in DBA-DX5+ and 78.8% to 6.3% in DBA+DX5- uNK cell subtypes. B6.Ly49KD matings frequently resulted in expanded blastocysts that did not implant (subfertility). B6.Ly49KD mice that established pregnancy had gestational lengths and litter sizes similar to controls. B6.Ly49KD neonates, however, were heavier than controls. B6.Ly49KD implantation sites lagged in early (gd6.5) decidual angiogenesis and were deficient in mid-pregnancy (gd 10.5) spiral arterial remodelling. Ultrastructural analyses revealed that B6.Ly49KD uNK cells had impaired granulogenesis, while immunocytochemistry revealed deficient vascular endothelial cell growth factor (VEGFA) production. Perforin and IFNG expression were normal in B6.Ly49KD uNK cells. Thus, in normal mouse pregnancies, Ly49 receptor signaling must promote implantation, early decidual angiogenesis and mid-pregnancy vascular remodelling. Disturbances in these functions may underlie the reported genetic associations between human pregnancy complications and the inability of specific conceptus MHCs to engage activating KIR on uNK cells. 展开更多
关键词 fetal growth deviation granule biogenesis MHC-I receptors uterine natural killer cells vascular endothelialcell growth factor
Expression of Ceramide Kinase (Cerk) and Related Regulation in Early Pregnant Uterus of Mice
作者 Fu-niu QIN Jing CONG +1 位作者 Shi-jun HU Xiao-huan LIANG 《Journal of Reproduction and Contraception》 CAS 2011年第2期113-125,共13页
Objective To investigate the expression of ceramide kinase (Cerk) and related regulation in mouse uterus during early pregnancy. Methods Several mouse models, including early pregnancy, pseudopregnancy, delayed or a... Objective To investigate the expression of ceramide kinase (Cerk) and related regulation in mouse uterus during early pregnancy. Methods Several mouse models, including early pregnancy, pseudopregnancy, delayed or activated implantation, artificial decidualization, and steroid hormonal treatment were performed (n=10). Immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization were used to detect the expression of Cerk protein and mRNA in uterus. Results Expression of Cerk mRNA and protein was strongly detected in the luminal and glandular epithelium on day 1 of pregnancy. However, Cerk mRNA and protein signals were strongly detected in the subluminal stroma surrounding the implanting blastocyst on day 5 and decidua from day 6 to day 8 whereas not in the luminal epithelium. The expression of Cerk in luminal and glandular epithelium of pseudopregnancy was similar to that of early pregnancy from day 1 to day 4 whereas on day 5 of pseudoprgenancy still with remarkable signals in the luminal epithelium. Under delayed implantation, no obvious Cerk expression was detected in the uterus. After delayed implantation was terminated by estrogen treatment and embryo implantation was initiated, both Cerk mRNA and protein were detected in the subluminal stroma surrounding the implanted blastocyst. A strong Cerk signal was detected in decidualized cells under artificial decidualization, whereas only a basal level of Cerk signal was observed in the control uterus which did not inject sesame oil. Progesterone induced a slight expression of Cerk in the luminal and glandular epithelium. Both estradiol and a combination of progesterone with estradiol strongly increased the level of Cerk signal in the luminal and glandular epithelium. Conclusion Cerk expression is under the regulation of progesterone and estrogen. The strong expression of Cerk in implantation site and decidua suggests that Cerk might play an important role during implantation and decidualization. 展开更多
Regulation and Expression of Tagln2 in Early Rabbit Pregnant Uterus
作者 Xiao-juan LI Zhen-ao ZHAO Li GAO 《Journal of Reproduction and Contraception》 CAS 2010年第1期27-34,共8页
Objective To examine the expression and regulation of Tagln2 gene in rabbit uterus during early pregnancy. Methods In situ hybridization was used to detect the expression of Tagln2 mRNA in rabbit uterus during early p... Objective To examine the expression and regulation of Tagln2 gene in rabbit uterus during early pregnancy. Methods In situ hybridization was used to detect the expression of Tagln2 mRNA in rabbit uterus during early pregnancy and their regulation under pseudopregnancy and hormonal treatment. Results In situ hybridization analysis revealed Tagln2 mRNA expression in a spatiotemporally regulated pattern in early pregnant uterus. Tagln2 mRNA was highly expressed in the uterine epithelium from days 2 to 4. A low expression level was detected in the glandular epithelium near the myometrium on days 5 and 6. On days 7.0 and 7.25, Tagln2 expression was upregulated at implantation sites and mainly expressed in luminal epithelium and blastocyst at the anti-mesometrial and lateral sides. On day 8, Tagln2 expression was mainly detected in fusion area and glandular epithelium at anti-mesometrial sides, and became stronger in trophectoderm and luminal epithelium at mesometrial side. Tagln2 expression was not detected in inter-implantation sites from days 6 to 8 of pregnancy and from days 6 to 8 of peudopregnancy. In the ovariectomized rabbit uteri, Tagln2 expression was upregulated by either estrogen or progesterone. Conclusion Tagln2 was highly expressed in the endometrium at implantation sites and need actived embryo, upregulated by steroid hormones. 展开更多
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