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作者 林孝盛 杨大春 +1 位作者 杨四辈 袁文 《Acta Mathematica Scientia》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第2期484-514,共31页
Assume that L is a non-negative self-adjoint operator on L^(2)(ℝ^(n))with its heat kernels satisfying the so-called Gaussian upper bound estimate and that X is a ball quasi-Banach function space onℝ^(n) satisfying som... Assume that L is a non-negative self-adjoint operator on L^(2)(ℝ^(n))with its heat kernels satisfying the so-called Gaussian upper bound estimate and that X is a ball quasi-Banach function space onℝ^(n) satisfying some mild assumptions.Let HX,L(ℝ^(n))be the Hardy space associated with both X and L,which is defined by the Lusin area function related to the semigroup generated by L.In this article,the authors establish various maximal function characterizations of the Hardy space HX,L(ℝ^(n))and then apply these characterizations to obtain the solvability of the related Cauchy problem.These results have a wide range of generality and,in particular,the specific spaces X to which these results can be applied include the weighted space,the variable space,the mixed-norm space,the Orlicz space,the Orlicz-slice space,and the Morrey space.Moreover,the obtained maximal function characterizations of the mixed-norm Hardy space,the Orlicz-slice Hardy space,and the Morrey-Hardy space associated with L are completely new. 展开更多
关键词 Hardy space ball quasi-Banach function space Gaussian upper bound estimate non-negative self-adjoint operator maximal function
3D MERGE与3D SPACE STIR序列在腰椎间盘突出症检查中的应用比较
作者 李兰 殷小丹 +2 位作者 李旭雪 吴海燕 张滔 《中国医学物理学杂志》 CSCD 2024年第1期27-31,共5页
目的:对比三维多回波恢复梯度回波(3D MERGE)、三维可变反转角快速自旋回波(3D SPACE STIR)序列在腰椎间盘突出症(LDH)检查中的应用效果。方法:选择2020年1月~2022年11月收治的135例LDH患者,回顾性分析患者临床和磁共振成像(MRI)资料,... 目的:对比三维多回波恢复梯度回波(3D MERGE)、三维可变反转角快速自旋回波(3D SPACE STIR)序列在腰椎间盘突出症(LDH)检查中的应用效果。方法:选择2020年1月~2022年11月收治的135例LDH患者,回顾性分析患者临床和磁共振成像(MRI)资料,所有患者均接受常规MRI扫描及3D MERGE、3D SPACE STIR序列扫描,对比3D MERGE、3D SPACE STIR序列测量神经根直径的一致性,评价两种序列的图像质量参数[信噪比(SNR)、对比噪声比(CNR)]、图像清晰度评分。结果:3D MERGE和3D SPACE STIR序列测量的L3~S1神经根直径比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),且两组序列测量的L3、L4、L5和S1直径均显示出较高相关性(r=0.957,0.986,0.975,0.972,P<0.05);3D MERGE序列的SNR及CNR均高于3D SPACE STIR序列,神经根显示分级、图像清晰度评分优于3D SPACE STIR序列,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:3D MERGE、3D SPACE STIR序列在LDH神经根直径测量中具有极高一致性,3D MERGE序列较3D SPACE STIR序列能够更清晰显示神经跟的解剖形态,图像质量更好。 展开更多
关键词 腰椎间盘突出症 3D MERGE 3D space STIR 神经根直径 图像质量
基于Cite Space可视化分析我国多发伤急救研究热点及趋势
作者 郝庶涛 马文辉 +1 位作者 王小华 田梓蓉 《创伤外科杂志》 2024年第3期219-224,共6页
目的梳理国内多发伤急救相关研究文献,分析研究现状、热点和趋势,为我国多发伤急救研究提供借鉴和指导。方法检索中国知网数据库中2011—2021年关于多发伤急救的相关文献,使用Cite Space 6.1.R3可视化软件对该领域的年发文量、机构、作... 目的梳理国内多发伤急救相关研究文献,分析研究现状、热点和趋势,为我国多发伤急救研究提供借鉴和指导。方法检索中国知网数据库中2011—2021年关于多发伤急救的相关文献,使用Cite Space 6.1.R3可视化软件对该领域的年发文量、机构、作者、关键词进行分析。结果最终纳入多发伤急救研究文献2519篇,整体发文数量较平稳,以2016年为小高峰;发文量最高的机构是华中科技大学附属同济医院。多发伤急救研究热点包括院前急救、并发症护理、风险因素分析和预后效果评估,研究前沿包括不同多发伤人群的诊断、治疗、手术和护理体会等方面。结论本文通过可视化分析国内多发伤急救研究的热点及趋势,指明了多发伤目前研究存在的问题和未来研究发展的方向,为进一步完善多发伤急救卫生服务和管理体系提供指导。 展开更多
关键词 多发伤 急救 Cite space 热点 可视化分析
作者 沈俊婕 林楠 滕紫彤 《浙江体育科学》 2024年第1期95-101,共7页
高质量教师是高质量教育发展的中坚力量。教师信念作为教师专业素养构成的关键要素,对促进教师专业发展、提升教师质量具有重要作用与影响。为借鉴国际体育教师信念研究的成果与经验,促进国内对体育教师信念的研究,研究利用CiteSpace软... 高质量教师是高质量教育发展的中坚力量。教师信念作为教师专业素养构成的关键要素,对促进教师专业发展、提升教师质量具有重要作用与影响。为借鉴国际体育教师信念研究的成果与经验,促进国内对体育教师信念的研究,研究利用CiteSpace软件,对Web of Science核心合集数据库中1960—2022年的英文文献进行可视化研究。发现:体育教师信念研究高潮出现于2021年,载文数量最多的期刊是Journal of Teaching in Physical Education;研究中心度最高的国家是美国,核心圈层的代表学者是Richards KAR、Kulinna PH和Curtner-smith MD等人;研究热点趋势集中于体力活动促进、职业社会化、批判性教学法、职前体育教师、专业发展等方面。启示:国内未来研究应重点关注体育教师信念对课程改革的影响以及促进职前、职后阶段体育教师信念的发展。 展开更多
关键词 教师信念 体育教师 Cite space 热点 趋势
基于Cite Space对近5年发酵领域的研究进展与热点分析
作者 刘腾 刘东波 《食品安全导刊》 2024年第6期143-150,共8页
近年来,我国生物产业快速发展,且发酵对身体和胃肠道健康具有很多益处,有关微生物发酵的研究逐渐增多。为探讨发酵领域近5年的研究现状与发展前景,对中国知网和Web of Science数据库中2019—2023年发表的文献进行检索并筛选,使用Cite Sp... 近年来,我国生物产业快速发展,且发酵对身体和胃肠道健康具有很多益处,有关微生物发酵的研究逐渐增多。为探讨发酵领域近5年的研究现状与发展前景,对中国知网和Web of Science数据库中2019—2023年发表的文献进行检索并筛选,使用Cite Space软件对文章发文量、研究团队、研究热点进行图谱分析。结果表明,近5年国内发酵领域发文量偏少,年发文量平稳上升;国外发文量较多,年发文量超过100篇,2023年发文量达到200篇;国内外研究群体主要是中医药高校和研究机构;国内外研究热点集中在抗氧化和肠道菌群,国内研究重点为发酵技术,而国外研究范围较广,重点为益生菌的研究;国内外学者间合作较为密切,但研究机构间尚未形成紧密的合作关系。高校和研究机构应突破地区间的限制,促进发酵研究领域的融合。肠道菌群是近5年发酵的研究热点,也是未来发酵研究深入的对象。 展开更多
关键词 食品 发酵 Cite space软件 文献计量学 热点分析
作者 唐可欣 楚鑫 +2 位作者 吴晨曦 程冬梅 任良娟 《卫生职业教育》 2024年第4期152-156,共5页
为了解国内外近10年护理不良事件的研究热点与前沿,为医院管理和临床护士提供参考,保障患者安全,通过检索中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)和Web of Science(WOS)数据库,检索时限为2012年1月—2022年8月,导入CiteSpace进行可视化分析。研究显示... 为了解国内外近10年护理不良事件的研究热点与前沿,为医院管理和临床护士提供参考,保障患者安全,通过检索中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)和Web of Science(WOS)数据库,检索时限为2012年1月—2022年8月,导入CiteSpace进行可视化分析。研究显示,从发文量看,国内外学者对护理不良事件的关注度整体较高,可视化分析结果并未发现作者之间、机构之间的联系。未来减少护理不良事件的方法一定会越来越紧贴科学技术,越来越多的新型信息化平台、App等会用于医疗行业,降低护理不良事件预防的难度,但护理人员仍要重视护理安全。 展开更多
关键词 护理 不良事件 患者安全 护理质量 Cite space
基于Cite space的我国蔬菜制种产业研究热点与趋势分析
作者 张悦 张爱宁 李滋婷 《管理科学与研究(中英文版)》 2024年第3期6-12,共7页
运用可视化工具Cite Space和文献计量方法,对刊载在中国知网数据库所有与蔬菜制种相关主题的1212篇相关文献进行分析,并总结了我国蔬菜制种产业的热点及发展趋势。研究发现,蔬菜制种产业的研究热点主要集中在制种技术、杂交制种、种子... 运用可视化工具Cite Space和文献计量方法,对刊载在中国知网数据库所有与蔬菜制种相关主题的1212篇相关文献进行分析,并总结了我国蔬菜制种产业的热点及发展趋势。研究发现,蔬菜制种产业的研究热点主要集中在制种技术、杂交制种、种子产量、杂交授粉、杂种纯度等方面。我们建议后续应加强核心技术攻关,加快生物技术在蔬菜制种上的应用、强化基地建设,提高蔬菜制种产业化水平、加强研究主体间的合作与交流,重视制种人才培养,打造智慧农业。本研究可为进一步完善我国蔬菜制种产业提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 蔬菜制种 研究热点 知识图谱 Cite space
A Privacy Preservation Method for Attributed Social Network Based on Negative Representation of Information
作者 Hao Jiang Yuerong Liao +2 位作者 Dongdong Zhao Wenjian Luo Xingyi Zhang 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第7期1045-1075,共31页
Due to the presence of a large amount of personal sensitive information in social networks,privacy preservation issues in social networks have attracted the attention of many scholars.Inspired by the self-nonself disc... Due to the presence of a large amount of personal sensitive information in social networks,privacy preservation issues in social networks have attracted the attention of many scholars.Inspired by the self-nonself discrimination paradigmin the biological immune system,the negative representation of information indicates features such as simplicity and efficiency,which is very suitable for preserving social network privacy.Therefore,we suggest a method to preserve the topology privacy and node attribute privacy of attribute social networks,called AttNetNRI.Specifically,a negative survey-based method is developed to disturb the relationship between nodes in the social network so that the topology structure can be kept private.Moreover,a negative database-based method is proposed to hide node attributes,so that the privacy of node attributes can be preserved while supporting the similarity estimation between different node attributes,which is crucial to the analysis of social networks.To evaluate the performance of the AttNetNRI,empirical studies have been conducted on various attribute social networks and compared with several state-of-the-art methods tailored to preserve the privacy of social networks.The experimental results show the superiority of the developed method in preserving the privacy of attribute social networks and demonstrate the effectiveness of the topology disturbing and attribute hiding parts.The experimental results show the superiority of the developed methods in preserving the privacy of attribute social networks and demonstrate the effectiveness of the topological interference and attribute-hiding components. 展开更多
关键词 Attributed social network topology privacy node attribute privacy negative representation of information negative survey negative database
The characteristics of negative corona discharge and radio interference at different altitudes based on coaxial wire-cylinder gap
作者 何旺龄 魏宏宇 +6 位作者 张胤禄 刘永聪 刘云鹏 万保权 周阳 王延召 干喆渊 《Plasma Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期77-85,共9页
The corona discharge from transmission lines in high-altitude areas is more severe than at lower altitudes. The radio interference caused thereby is a key factor to be considered when designing transmission lines. To ... The corona discharge from transmission lines in high-altitude areas is more severe than at lower altitudes. The radio interference caused thereby is a key factor to be considered when designing transmission lines. To study the influence of altitude on negative corona characteristics, an experimental platform comprising a movable small corona cage was established: experiments were conducted at four altitudes in the range of 1120-4320 m, and data on the corona current pulse and radio interference level of 0.8-mm diameter fine copper wire under different negative voltages were collected. The experimental results show that the average amplitude, repetition frequency and average current of the corona current pulse increase with increasing altitude. The dispersion of pulse amplitude increases with increase in altitude, while the randomness of the pulse interval decreases continuously. Taking the average current as an intermediate variable,the relationship between radio interference level and altitude is obtained. The result of this research has some significance for understanding the corona discharge characteristics of ultra-highvoltage lines. 展开更多
关键词 ALTITUDE negative corona corona current pulse radio interference level
Scheme of negative acoustic radiation force based on a multiple-layered spherical structure
作者 宫门阳 徐鑫 +3 位作者 乔玉配 刘杰惠 何爱军 刘晓宙 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第1期477-487,共11页
Acoustic radiation force(ARF), as an important particle manipulation method, has been extensively studied in recent years. With the introduction of the concept of “acoustic tweezers”, negative acoustic radiation has... Acoustic radiation force(ARF), as an important particle manipulation method, has been extensively studied in recent years. With the introduction of the concept of “acoustic tweezers”, negative acoustic radiation has become a research hotspot. In this paper, a scheme of realizing negative ARF based on the multiple-layered spherical structure design is proposed. The specific structure and design idea are presented. Detailed theoretical calculation analysis is carried out.Numerical simulations have been performed to verify the correctness of this prediction. The conjecture that the suppression of backscattering can achieve negative ARF is verified concretely, which greatly expands the application prospect and design ideas of the ARF. This work has laid a theoretical foundation for realizing precise control of the structure. 展开更多
关键词 acoustic tweezers negative acoustic radiation force particle manipulation
作者 王博 张若薇 陈玉兰 《新疆农机化》 2024年第1期45-48,共4页
为了解中国红枣产业的研究进展、热点及趋势,基于中国知网数据库,依据文献计量学理论,运用Cite Space软件对1994~2023年红枣产业领域的759篇文章进行共被引聚类分析、关键节点分析以及突现词分析等可视化展示。结果表明年红枣产业领域... 为了解中国红枣产业的研究进展、热点及趋势,基于中国知网数据库,依据文献计量学理论,运用Cite Space软件对1994~2023年红枣产业领域的759篇文章进行共被引聚类分析、关键节点分析以及突现词分析等可视化展示。结果表明年红枣产业领域相关文章在2012年达到最高;塔里木大学、巴州林业科学技术推广中心和新疆农业大学发表文章数量居前三。从国内的研究进展看,经历了缓慢发展期、波动攀升期和骤落衰减阶段三个阶段,研究热点主要集中于红枣产业、红枣加工生产和产业对策。从作者及研究机构分布说明大学在学术、科研上起着重要作用,但机构间的合作较为缺乏,不利于红枣产业领域的深度研究。综合中国当前研究现状及关注热点,未来的研究趋势将集中于红枣产业与乡村振兴、产业发展及新疆红枣等方面的研究。 展开更多
关键词 红枣产业 文献计量 Cite space 知识图谱
我国创业投资研究热点及发展趋势分析——基于Cite Space的科学计量知识图谱分析
作者 李浩 郑子卓 《山东商业职业技术学院学报》 2024年第1期1-8,共8页
创业企业成长离不开财务资本和实物资源的双重支持,创业投资已经成为创业企业创新生态中不可或缺的一部分。聚焦CNKI数据库,以“中文社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)来源期刊”(2023-2024年)和“中文核心期刊”(1997—2022年)收录的2,422篇文... 创业企业成长离不开财务资本和实物资源的双重支持,创业投资已经成为创业企业创新生态中不可或缺的一部分。聚焦CNKI数据库,以“中文社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)来源期刊”(2023-2024年)和“中文核心期刊”(1997—2022年)收录的2,422篇文献作为数据样本进行科学计量分析,运用Cite space软件展现25年来我国创业投资的整体图景。结果显示,我国创业投资的研究人员、研究机构之间没有形成紧密的合作关系;高校与其他领域研究机构之间合作不够紧密;研究热点涉及“风险投资”“科技金融”“高新技术”等;通过关键词聚类分析总结了四个核心区域与两个次要区域。运用关键词突现功能并结合新时代背景,对未来投资创业的发展提供方向性建议,以推动创业投资研究的进一步深入,为实践运行提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 创业投资 Cite space 知识图谱
The Negative Thermal Expansion Property of NdMnO_(3) Based on Pores Effect and Phase Transition
作者 李玉成 张扬 +2 位作者 ZHANG Muqun DUAN Rong LIU Xiteng 《Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第1期39-43,共5页
A novel negative thermal expansion(NTE) material NdMnO_(3) was synthesized by solid-state method at 1 523 K. The crystal structure, phase transition, pores effect and negative expansion properties of NdMnO_(3) were in... A novel negative thermal expansion(NTE) material NdMnO_(3) was synthesized by solid-state method at 1 523 K. The crystal structure, phase transition, pores effect and negative expansion properties of NdMnO_(3) were investigated by variable temperature X-ray diffraction(XRD), scanning electron microscope(SEM) and variable temperature Raman spectra. The compound exhibits NTE properties in the orderly O' phase crystal structure. When the temperature is from 293 to 759 K, the ceramic NdMnO_(3) shows negative thermal expansion of-4.7×10^(-6)/K. As temperature increases, the ceramic NdMnO_(3) presents NTE property range from 759 to 1 007 K. The average linear expansion coefficient is-18.88×10^(-6)/K. The physical mechanism of NTE is discussed and clarified through experiments. 展开更多
关键词 negative thermal expansion NdMnO_(3) pores effect phase transition
Topology Optimization of Metamaterial Microstructures for Negative Poisson’s Ratio under Large Deformation Using a Gradient-Free Method
作者 Weida Wu Yiqiang Wang +1 位作者 Zhonghao Gao Pai Liu 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第5期2001-2026,共26页
Negative Poisson’s ratio(NPR)metamaterials are attractive for their unique mechanical behaviors and potential applications in deformation control and energy absorption.However,when subjected to significant stretching... Negative Poisson’s ratio(NPR)metamaterials are attractive for their unique mechanical behaviors and potential applications in deformation control and energy absorption.However,when subjected to significant stretching,NPR metamaterials designed under small strain assumption may experience a rapid degradation in NPR performance.To address this issue,this study aims to design metamaterials maintaining a targeted NPR under large deformation by taking advantage of the geometry nonlinearity mechanism.A representative periodic unit cell is modeled considering geometry nonlinearity,and its topology is designed using a gradient-free method.The unit cell microstructural topologies are described with the material-field series-expansion(MFSE)method.The MFSE method assumes spatial correlation of the material distribution,which greatly reduces the number of required design variables.To conveniently design metamaterials with desired NPR under large deformation,we propose a two-stage gradient-free metamaterial topology optimization method,which fully takes advantage of the dimension reduction benefits of the MFSE method and the Kriging surrogate model technique.Initially,we use homogenization to find a preliminary NPR design under a small deformation assumption.In the second stage,we begin with this preliminary design and minimize deviations in NPR from a targeted value under large deformation.Using this strategy and solution technique,we successfully obtain a group of NPR metamaterials that can sustain different desired NPRs in the range of[−0.8,−0.1]under uniaxial stretching up to 20% strain.Furthermore,typical microstructure designs are fabricated and tested through experiments.The experimental results show good consistency with our numerical results,demonstrating the effectiveness of the present gradientfree NPR metamaterial design strategy. 展开更多
关键词 Topology optimization microstructural design negative Poisson’s ratio large deformation
《量表》视域下近年我国英语考试研究透析——基于Cite Space可视化计量分析
作者 孙萌 陈思 《考试研究》 2024年第2期62-69,共8页
基于Cite Space软件,围绕国内近年来“《中国英语能力等级量表》视域下的英语考试”的365篇学术论文,开展可视化图谱分析。研究现状表现为:以部分学者为中心形成研究团队,研究热点经历了三个阶段的发展,研究已取得具体成果。存在的问题... 基于Cite Space软件,围绕国内近年来“《中国英语能力等级量表》视域下的英语考试”的365篇学术论文,开展可视化图谱分析。研究现状表现为:以部分学者为中心形成研究团队,研究热点经历了三个阶段的发展,研究已取得具体成果。存在的问题表现为:基础教育研究滞后,研究合作范围受限,一线实践研究相对较少。建议扩大研究区域,强化合作研究,推动基础教育学段研究。 展开更多
关键词 英语考试 能力等级量表 Cite space 可视化图谱分析
Automatic Generation of Artificial Space Weather Forecast Product Based on Sequence-to-sequence Model
作者 罗冠霆 ZOU Yenan CAI Yanxia 《空间科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期80-94,共15页
Both analyzing a large amount of space weather observed data and alleviating personal experience bias are significant challenges in generating artificial space weather forecast products.With the use of natural languag... Both analyzing a large amount of space weather observed data and alleviating personal experience bias are significant challenges in generating artificial space weather forecast products.With the use of natural language generation methods based on the sequence-to-sequence model,space weather forecast texts can be automatically generated.To conduct our generation tasks at a fine-grained level,a taxonomy of space weather phenomena based on descriptions is presented.Then,our MDH(Multi-Domain Hybrid)model is proposed for generating space weather summaries in two stages.This model is composed of three sequence-to-sequence-based deep neural network sub-models(one Bidirectional Auto-Regressive Transformers pre-trained model and two Transformer models).Then,to evaluate how well MDH performs,quality evaluation metrics based on two prevalent automatic metrics and our innovative human metric are presented.The comprehensive scores of the three summaries generating tasks on testing datasets are 70.87,93.50,and 92.69,respectively.The results suggest that MDH can generate space weather summaries with high accuracy and coherence,as well as suitable length,which can assist forecasters in generating high-quality space weather forecast products,despite the data being starved. 展开更多
关键词 space weather Deep learning Data-to-text Natural language generation
Effect of cardiac rehabilitation care after coronary intervention on cardiac function recovery and negative mood in patients with myocardial infarction
作者 Ming Yang Yuan-Tao Huang +1 位作者 Xi-Wen Hu Chun-Ling Wu 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2024年第1期59-67,共9页
BACKGROUND Cardiovascular disease,particularly myocardial infarction(MI)profound impact on patients'quality of life and places a substantial burden on the healthcare and economy systems.Developments in medical tec... BACKGROUND Cardiovascular disease,particularly myocardial infarction(MI)profound impact on patients'quality of life and places a substantial burden on the healthcare and economy systems.Developments in medical technology have led to the emer-gence of coronary intervention as an essential method for treating MI.AIM To assess the effects of cardiac rehabilitation care on cardiac function recovery and negative emotions in MI after coronary intervention.METHODS This study included a total of 180 patients with MI during the period from June 2022 to July 2023.Selected patients were divided into two groups:An observation group,which receiving cardiac rehabilitation care;a control group,which re-ceiving conventional care.By comparing multiple observation indicators such as cardiac function indicators,blood pressure,exercise tolerance,occurrence of adverse cardiac events,and negative emotion scores between the two groups of patients.All the data were analyzed and compared between two groups.RESULTS There were 44 males and 46 females in the observation group with an average age of 36.26±9.88 yr;there were 43 males and 47 females in the control group,with an average age of 40.87±10.5 yr.After receiving the appropriate postoperative nursing measures,the results of the observation group showed significant improvement in several indicators compared with the control group.Indicators of cardiac function,such as left ventricular end-diastolic internal diameter and left ventricular ejection fraction were significantly better in the observation group than in the control group(P<0.05).Exercise endurance assessment showed that the 6-minute walking test distance was significantly increased in the patients of the observation group(P<0.01).In addition,the incidence of adverse cardiac events was significantly lower in the observation group,and negative mood scores were significantly reduced(P<0.05).CONCLUSION Cardiac rehabilitation care after coronary intervention has a significant positive impact on functional recovery.This emphasizes the importance of cardiac rehabilitation care to improve patient recovery. 展开更多
关键词 Myocardial infarction Coronary artery intervention Cardiac rehabilitation Cardiac function recovery negative emotions
Detection accuracy of target accelerations based on vortex electromagnetic wave in keyhole space
作者 郭凯 雷爽 +2 位作者 雷艺 周红平 郭忠义 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期283-290,共8页
The influence of the longitudinal acceleration and the angular acceleration of detecting target based on vortex electromagnetic waves in keyhole space are analyzed.The spectrum spreads of different orbital angular mom... The influence of the longitudinal acceleration and the angular acceleration of detecting target based on vortex electromagnetic waves in keyhole space are analyzed.The spectrum spreads of different orbital angular momentum(OAM)modes in different non-line-of-sight situations are simulated.The errors of target accelerations in detection are calculated and compared based on the OAM spectra spreading by using two combinations of composite OAM modes in the keyhole space.According to the research,the effects about spectrum spreads of higher OAM modes are more obvious.The error in detection is mainly affected by OAM spectrum spreading,which can be reduced by reasonably using different combinations of OAM modes in different practical situations.The above results provide a reference idea for investigating keyhole effect when vortex electromagnetic wave is used to detect accelerations. 展开更多
关键词 vortex electromagnetic waves detect accelerations keyhole space spectrum spread
基于Cite Space的村落空间结构研究文献计量与知识图谱分析
作者 杨谦 宋建军 +2 位作者 彭李 鲍敏昕 魏帅 《现代园艺》 2024年第6期31-35,共5页
国家先后通过人居环境整治、统筹城乡发展、乡村振兴等一系列顶层设计战略把控和指导乡村建设。由于乡村建设的加快和保护意识的缺乏,全国各地的古村落正在逐渐消失,而村落空间结构作为乡村空间的重要构成部分,对其保护传承与优化利用... 国家先后通过人居环境整治、统筹城乡发展、乡村振兴等一系列顶层设计战略把控和指导乡村建设。由于乡村建设的加快和保护意识的缺乏,全国各地的古村落正在逐渐消失,而村落空间结构作为乡村空间的重要构成部分,对其保护传承与优化利用刻不容缓。以文献计量工具Cite Space为研究工具,以“CNKI”数据库“、Web of Science”数据库中2013-2023年的中英文文献作为研究对象进行可视化分析。通过分析国内外村落空间结构的研究概况、研究趋势、研究热点,旨在梳理该领域的研究现状和发展趋势,形成客观总结并提出展望:构建学科交叉研究平台、实践导向创新研究视角、创新研究方式与手段。为下一步我国村落空间结构的优化保护与设计利用提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 乡村建设 村落空间 空间结构 可视化分析 Cite space
Effects of psychological intervention on negative emotions and psychological resilience in breast cancer patients after radical mastectomy
作者 Jing Wang Dong-Xue Kang +1 位作者 Ai-Jun Zhang Bing-Rui Li 《World Journal of Psychiatry》 SCIE 2024年第1期8-14,共7页
Breast cancer(BC)is the most common malignant tumor in women,and the treatment process not only results in physical pain but also significant psychological distress in patients.Psychological intervention(PI)has been r... Breast cancer(BC)is the most common malignant tumor in women,and the treatment process not only results in physical pain but also significant psychological distress in patients.Psychological intervention(PI)has been recognized as an important approach in treating postoperative psychological disorders in BC patients.It has been proven that PI has a significant therapeutic effect on postoperative psychological disorders,improving patients'negative emotions,enhancing their psychological resilience,and effectively enhancing their quality of life and treatment compliance. 展开更多
关键词 Breast cancer Psychological intervention negative emotions Psychological resilience Radical surgery
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