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欧洲体育俱乐部现在怎么样了?——Sports Clubs in Europe:A Cross-national Comparative Perspective评介 被引量:1
作者 薄纯磊 高奎亭 王永顺 《成都体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期136-141,共6页
作为现代体育的发源地,欧洲体育一直以来都是世界各国研究和学习的对象。体育俱乐部作为欧洲体育的根基,被置于研究的中心。Sports Clubs in Europe:A Cross-national Comparative Perspective一书基于标准化的层次分析框架,在比较视阈... 作为现代体育的发源地,欧洲体育一直以来都是世界各国研究和学习的对象。体育俱乐部作为欧洲体育的根基,被置于研究的中心。Sports Clubs in Europe:A Cross-national Comparative Perspective一书基于标准化的层次分析框架,在比较视阈中系统地介绍了欧洲各国体育俱乐部的发展历史、基本特征、机遇与挑战,呈现出了一些重要的研究成果。基于这些重要的研究成果,得出一些值得国内体育俱乐部研究与实践的启示。 展开更多
关键词 欧洲体育 体育俱乐部 跨国比较 体育组织 体育强国
Journal Club教学法用于临床药学专业硕士研究生理论教学实践
作者 蒋为薇 钱妍 《中国药业》 CAS 2024年第4期30-32,共3页
目的探讨Journal Club教学法在临床药学专业硕士研究生理论教学中的应用效果。方法选取重庆医科大学2022年的2020级(4名)、2021级(6名)临床药学专业硕士研究生为研究对象。课前,2个年级的学生分别以小组为单位,围绕与“临床药物治疗学... 目的探讨Journal Club教学法在临床药学专业硕士研究生理论教学中的应用效果。方法选取重庆医科大学2022年的2020级(4名)、2021级(6名)临床药学专业硕士研究生为研究对象。课前,2个年级的学生分别以小组为单位,围绕与“临床药物治疗学前沿”授课内容相关的2个临床用药问题,通过设定关键词、检索文献、分析评价、证据分级,制订最优用药方案;课中以幻灯片形式分享经典文献,并对最优用药方案进行循证药学证据分析。采用匿名问卷调查法统计对该教学法8个条目完全赞同、基本同意及否定的人数,并计算占比;授课教师对学生撰写的综述进行评分(90~100分、80~89分、70~79分、60~69分分别为优、良、中、及格);统计学生通过本轮教学的论文发表情况。结果2020级、2021级分别发放调查问卷4份、6份,均全部回收,有效回收率均为100.00%;对所有调查项目均完全赞同或基本同意的分别有29人次、47人次。期末考试成绩为优、良、中的,2020级分别有2名(50.00%)、1名(25.00%)、1名(25.00%),优良率为75.00%;2021级分别有2名(33.33%)、3名(50.00%)、1名(16.67%),优良率为83.33%。2021级学生有1篇综述发表在科学引文索引(SCI)期刊上。结论Journal Club教学法有助于提高学生的文献查阅能力和英文阅读能力,可调动自主学习的积极性,增强独立思考能力和科研创新意识。 展开更多
关键词 Journal club教学法 临床药学 硕士研究生 教学教育
Orientation and Decision-Making for Soccer Based on Sports Analytics and AI:A Systematic Review
作者 Zhiqiang Pu Yi Pan +4 位作者 Shijie Wang Boyin Liu Min Chen Hao Ma Yixiong Cui 《IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第1期37-57,共21页
Due to ever-growing soccer data collection approaches and progressing artificial intelligence(AI) methods, soccer analysis, evaluation, and decision-making have received increasing interest from not only the professio... Due to ever-growing soccer data collection approaches and progressing artificial intelligence(AI) methods, soccer analysis, evaluation, and decision-making have received increasing interest from not only the professional sports analytics realm but also the academic AI research community. AI brings gamechanging approaches for soccer analytics where soccer has been a typical benchmark for AI research. The combination has been an emerging topic. In this paper, soccer match analytics are taken as a complete observation-orientation-decision-action(OODA) loop.In addition, as in AI frameworks such as that for reinforcement learning, interacting with a virtual environment enables an evolving model. Therefore, both soccer analytics in the real world and virtual domains are discussed. With the intersection of the OODA loop and the real-virtual domains, available soccer data, including event and tracking data, and diverse orientation and decisionmaking models for both real-world and virtual soccer matches are comprehensively reviewed. Finally, some promising directions in this interdisciplinary area are pointed out. It is claimed that paradigms for both professional sports analytics and AI research could be combined. Moreover, it is quite promising to bridge the gap between the real and virtual domains for soccer match analysis and decision-making. 展开更多
关键词 Artificial intelligence(AI) DECISION-MAKING FOOTBALL review SOCCER sports analytics
An integrated spatial planning of the mountainous landscapes for ski sports in a case area at the eastern Türkiye
作者 SATIR Onur TOSUN Busra +2 位作者 COSKUN OZYOL Funda OZDEMIR Omer Faruk BERBEROGLU Suha 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第3期754-767,共14页
Mountainous regions have disadvantages in economic development because of harsh physical and climatic conditions.However,winter tourism activities are one of the key components for supporting economic development in t... Mountainous regions have disadvantages in economic development because of harsh physical and climatic conditions.However,winter tourism activities are one of the key components for supporting economic development in the highlands.Establishing a ski resort area supports direct and indirect employment in a region,and it stops immigration from mountainous regions to other places.This research aimed to assess the potential ski areas using a multi criteria evaluation technique in the Van region which is located in the eastern part of Türkiye.In this context,snow cover duration,sun effect,slope,slope length,elevation,population density,distance from main roads and lake visibility were used as input factors in the decision making process.Each factor was standardized using a fuzzy technique based on existing well-known ski centers in Türkiye.The weight of inputs was defined by applying a survey to the professional skiers.The most important factors were detected as transportation opportunities and snow covers whereas,the least important factors were elevation and population density.Additionally,lake visibility was very important to make a difference from other existing facilities in the region.Therefore,it was included as constraints and lake visible areas were extracted at the final stage of the research.Potential ski areas were mapped in three levels as professional,intermediate and beginner skiers.One of the suitable areas was selected as a sample projection and for the 3D simulation of the ski investment area.Potential costs and benefits were discussed.It was found that a ski tourism area investment can be amortized in 3 years in the region. 展开更多
关键词 Winter sports and tourism Decision making 3D simulation and modelling Landscape planning GIS
Club Med北戴河黄金海岸度假村设计思考
作者 佟一平 《工程建设与设计》 2024年第1期11-13,共3页
Club Med北戴河黄金海岸度假村项目的设计理念源于基地本身,将Club Med简单、快乐、阳光的品牌文化和多元文化的特别度假理念融入设计中,倡导人与自然和谐共处的生活方式,体现京津冀独特的人文情怀,同时采用与环境相协调的建筑材料,融... Club Med北戴河黄金海岸度假村项目的设计理念源于基地本身,将Club Med简单、快乐、阳光的品牌文化和多元文化的特别度假理念融入设计中,倡导人与自然和谐共处的生活方式,体现京津冀独特的人文情怀,同时采用与环境相协调的建筑材料,融入环境的色彩,打造有特色、高品质、全新的度假产品,酒店的开业将引领秦皇岛黄金海岸进入全球高端度假人群之视野。 展开更多
关键词 clubMed 度假村 多元文化
The Influence of Swimming Athletes’ Burnout on Their Sports Participation Motivation in Hunan, China
作者 Lejia Ou 《Journal of Contemporary Educational Research》 2024年第3期179-186,共8页
Objective:This study aims to explore the effect of swimming athletes’burnout on their sports motivation in Hunan University,China.It seeks to understand how burnout influences various motivational factors,providing i... Objective:This study aims to explore the effect of swimming athletes’burnout on their sports motivation in Hunan University,China.It seeks to understand how burnout influences various motivational factors,providing insights for optimizing swimming sports courses and enhancing student participation.Method:Employing random sampling,the study surveyed 260 swimming athletes from Hunan University.The research utilized a questionnaire divided into three parts:demographic information,the Athlete Burnout Questionnaire(ABQ),and the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory(IMI).Pearson’s r correlation analysis was conducted using SPSS to examine the relationships between burnout dimensions and motivational factors.Results:The study found significant correlations between a reduced sense of accomplishment and various motivational dimensions,including“interest/enjoyment,”“perceived competence,”“perceived choice,”and particularly“perceived tension.”Physical exhaustion showed a significant correlation only with“perceived tension,”indicating a strong link between psychological stress and physical fatigue.Sports devaluation was significantly correlated with“perceived tension,”suggesting that psychological stress impacts athletes’valuation of their sport.Conclusion:The findings highlight the complex interplay between burnout and motivation in swimming athletes.Psychological stress,as indicated by“perceived tension,”emerges as a key factor influencing both the physical and emotional aspects of burnout.The study underscores the need for holistic training approaches that balance physical training with psychological well-being,personalized coaching,and supportive environments to enhance intrinsic motivation and manage stress effectively. 展开更多
关键词 Swimmer sports participation motivation Athletes’burnout
The Impact of Sports Games on the Psychological Health of Middle School Students
作者 Zhuozhuo Xin Seong Pek Lim Haojun Zhao 《Journal of Contemporary Educational Research》 2024年第3期95-100,共6页
This study conducted a 16-week comparative experiment with 160 students from Jinan No.5 Middle School in Shandong Province as the experimental subjects.During the implementation of the experiment,the subjects were div... This study conducted a 16-week comparative experiment with 160 students from Jinan No.5 Middle School in Shandong Province as the experimental subjects.During the implementation of the experiment,the subjects were divided into two groups:an experimental group and a control group.The experimental group was subjected to physical exercise interventions using sports game teaching methods during physical education class,while the control group followed traditional physical education teaching methods.The results showed that the psychological health status of the students in the experimental group was significantly better than that of the control group after the experiment.The application of sports games helps to improve the psychological health of middle school students in the course of physical education,promoting a positive and forward direction in student psychology and is an effective means to enhance the psychological health level of middle school students. 展开更多
关键词 sports games Physical education Middle school students Psychological health
Journal Club联合PBL教学模式在中医内分泌专业研究生教学中的应用
作者 倪英群 施慧 李居一 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2023年第17期47-49,共3页
随着我国经济水平的不断发展,人们的健康意识逐步提高,需要培养更多高学历的专业学位医学生。安徽中医药大学第一附属医院内分泌科为提高学生的培养质量,将文献沙龙(Journal Club)联合以问题为导向的教学模式(PBL)引入研究生的教学中,... 随着我国经济水平的不断发展,人们的健康意识逐步提高,需要培养更多高学历的专业学位医学生。安徽中医药大学第一附属医院内分泌科为提高学生的培养质量,将文献沙龙(Journal Club)联合以问题为导向的教学模式(PBL)引入研究生的教学中,逐步形成了“提出问题-设定研究方向-文献查找-Journal Club探讨-总结-提出问题”的闭合教学循环。Journal Club联合PBL教学法是目前研究生教育的有力补充,该模式以学生为中心,以问题为向导,产生头脑风暴,让学生“去想”;自主查找文献,让学生“去做”;在沙龙会议中演讲汇报,让学生“去说”。本文为笔者对Journal Club联合PBL教学法初期应用的思考和总结。 展开更多
关键词 Journal club PBL教学 内分泌
Research on the Club Teaching Mode and the Applications on Modern Colleges and Universities Sports Teaching Activities
作者 Jinghong Guan 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第6期32-34,共3页
In this paper, we conduct research on the club teaching mode and the applications on the modern colleges and basic universities sports teaching activities. College sports belong to a part of the social sports and gene... In this paper, we conduct research on the club teaching mode and the applications on the modern colleges and basic universities sports teaching activities. College sports belong to a part of the social sports and general social sports itself is done by sports socialization of people. College sports socialization is the inevitable developing trend of college sports, is also the objective requirement of the market economy condition school sports development. Sports club is a school sports development in the future and the typical group, through the college sports clubs and social communication, using many of the sports talents, science and technology strength and the advantage of sports facilities, sports market development colleges and universities. We propose the new perspectives of the issues that will promote the further development of the corresponding areas. 展开更多
Web Journal Club教学方法对医学教育的影响
作者 张锦涛 杨科 +1 位作者 曾荣 吴金香 《中国高等医学教育》 2023年第12期51-53,共3页
目的:研究新冠疫情流行期间,线上期刊俱乐部(web journal club)教学方法在医学教育中的效果。方法:以山东大学齐鲁医院临床医学研究生为研究对象,通过web journal club教学方法培养。并分别在课程开始前及结束时收集课程反馈并进行纵向... 目的:研究新冠疫情流行期间,线上期刊俱乐部(web journal club)教学方法在医学教育中的效果。方法:以山东大学齐鲁医院临床医学研究生为研究对象,通过web journal club教学方法培养。并分别在课程开始前及结束时收集课程反馈并进行纵向比较。结果:36名参与人完成课程并提交了全部问卷调查。和课程开始前相比,参与人在课程结束后医学统计学知识及对亚专业的了解程度均有明显提高。结论:Web journal club教学可以有效提升医学教学质量,为我国临床医学教育方式多样化提供了重要参考。 展开更多
关键词 新型疫情 线上期刊俱乐部(web journal club) 线上教育 医学教育 住院医师
The First China Sports and Health Conference was Held in Beijing
《Biomedical and Environmental Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第6期566-566,共1页
On May 27,2023,the first China Sports and Health Conference was successfully held in Beijing,which was hosted by the Chinese Preventive Medicine Association(CMPA)and organized by the Capital University of Physical Edu... On May 27,2023,the first China Sports and Health Conference was successfully held in Beijing,which was hosted by the Chinese Preventive Medicine Association(CMPA)and organized by the Capital University of Physical Education and Sports(Beijing Institute for International Olympic Studies)and the Sports and Health Branch of the CMPA. 展开更多
关键词 sports was HEALTH
Refinement of saliva microRNA biomarkers for sports-related concussion
作者 Steven D.Hicks Cayce Onks +17 位作者 Raymond Y.Kim Kevin J.Zhen Jayson Loeffert Andrea C.Loeffert Robert P.Olympia Gregory Fedorchak Samantha DeVita Zofia Gagnon Callan McLoughlin Miguel M.Madeira Scott L.Zuckerman Timothy Lee Matthew Heller Chuck Monteith Thomas R.Campbell Christopher Neville Elise Fengler Michael N.Dretsch 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE CSCD 2023年第3期369-378,共10页
Background:Recognizing sport-related concussion(SRC)is challenging and relies heavily on subjective symptom reports.An objective,biological marker could improve recognition and understanding of SRC.There is emerging e... Background:Recognizing sport-related concussion(SRC)is challenging and relies heavily on subjective symptom reports.An objective,biological marker could improve recognition and understanding of SRC.There is emerging evidence that salivary micro-ribonucleic acids(miRNAs)may serve as biomarkers of concussion;however,it remains unclear whether concussion-related miRNAs are impacted by exercise.We sought to determine whether40 miRNAs previously implicated in concussion pathophysiology were affected by participation in a variety of contact and non-contact sports.Our goal was to refine a miRNA-based tool capable of identifying athletes with SRC without the confounding effects of exercise.Methods:This case-control study harmonized data from concussed and non-concussed athletes recruited across 10 sites.Levels of salivary miRNAs within 455 samples from 314 individuals were measured with RNA sequencing.Within-subjects testing was used to identify and exclude miRNAs that changed with either(a)a single episode of exercise(166 samples from 83 individuals)or(b)season-long participation in contact sports(212 samples from 106 individuals).The miRNAs that were not impacted by exercise were interrogated for SRC diagnostic utility using logistic regression(172 samples from 75 concussed and 97 non-concussed individuals).Results:Two miRNAs(miR-532-5p and miR-182-5p)decreased(adjusted p<0.05)after a single episode of exercise,and 1 miRNA(miR-4510)increased only after contact sports participation.Twenty-three miRNAs changed at the end of a contact sports season.Two of these miRNAs(miR-26b-3p and miR-29c-3p)were associated(R>0.50;adjusted p<0.05)with the number of head impacts sustained in a single football practice.Among the 15 miRNAs not confounded by exercise or season-long contact sports participation,11 demonstrated a significant difference(adjusted p<0.05)between concussed and non-concussed participants,and 6 displayed moderate ability(area under curve>0.70)to identify concussion.A single ratio(miR-27a-5p/miR-30a-3p)displayed the highest accuracy(AUC=0.810,sensitivity=82.4%,specificity=73.3%)for differentiating concussed and non-concussed participants.Accuracy did not differ between participants with SRC and non-SRC(z=0.5,p=0.60).Conclusion:Salivary miRNA levels may accurately identify SRC when not confounded by exercise.Refinement of this approach in a large cohort of athletes could eventually lead to a non-invasive,sideline adjunct for SRC assessment. 展开更多
关键词 Biomarker Contact sports FOOTBALL RNA Traumatic brain injury
The Effect of Workplace-Based Sports Participation on the Mental Status of Japanese Workers
作者 Yosuke Shibata Yasunari Kurita Toshiyuki Ojima 《Occupational Diseases and Environmental Medicine》 2023年第3期150-156,共7页
Whether workplace-based sports are part of a company’s employee welfare program in terms of mental status is unknown. This study examined the impact of workplace-based sports participation on the mental status of Jap... Whether workplace-based sports are part of a company’s employee welfare program in terms of mental status is unknown. This study examined the impact of workplace-based sports participation on the mental status of Japanese workers. It involved a single-arm intervention comprising participation in a company’s volleyball team. Data on mental status were collected using a simplified version of the Brief Job Stress Questionnaire. Overall, 11 individuals participated, 9 (81.8%) of whom were women;the mean participant age was 38.2 years. Because the intervention was conducted during busy periods, the median (25th and 75th percentiles) score for qualitative job overload significantly increased from 3.0 (2.0, 4.0) to 3.0 (3.0, 4.3) (p = 0.03). Nonetheless, the fatigue score significantly decreased from 3.0 (3.0, 4.3) to 3.0 (2.0, 4.0) (p = 0.03). These results indicate that participation in workplace-based sports can prevent the deterioration of mental status during busy periods. 展开更多
关键词 Mental Health Occupational Stress Team sports VOLLEYBALL Occupation Groups
The Factors of the Failure in the Treatment of Congenital Equinus Clubfoot Varus by the Ponseti Method at the Reference Health Care Center (CSREF) of Commune III of Bamako
作者 Seydou Sanogo Soumaila Diallo +14 位作者 Boubacar Karembé Lassine Cissé Almami Kire Moussa Cissé Abdoulaye Coulibaly Aboubacar Touré Boureima Traoré Moustapha Yossi Moussa Samaké Drissa Diarra Mohamed Traore Seydou Mariko Mariko Issa Fomba Layes Touré Adégné Togo 《Surgical Science》 2023年第5期398-404,共7页
Clubfoot malformation is the most common serious congenital anomaly affecting the foot in children. Its treatment by the Ponseti method is simple, profitable and widely used in the world. Objective: The objective of t... Clubfoot malformation is the most common serious congenital anomaly affecting the foot in children. Its treatment by the Ponseti method is simple, profitable and widely used in the world. Objective: The objective of this study was to identify the factors of the failure of its treatment by the Ponseti method. Material and Method: We carried out a retrospective and descriptive study of cases of congenital equinus clubfoot varus at the Reference Health Care Center of Commune III of Bamako over 26 months from September 2020 to November 2022. Data were treated with the utmost anonymity. Result: This study was performed on 44 children seen for clubfoot: male (68%) and female (32%), with a sex ratio of 2.1. We obtained 13 cases of recidivism including 7 boys and 6 girls. We found 21 cases of unilateral and 23 bilateral;among which 9 recurrences were found against 4 in the unilateral forms. 85% of recurrences did not have good adherence to the splint and 62% did not come regularly for follow-up consultation. We obtained 33 children with idiopathic clubfeet (75%) with a recurrence of 24%, and 7 children with secondary clubfeet with 71 % recurrence. There was no recurrence in the postural type. Among the recurrences, 38.5% started treatment between 1 and 6 months, 23.1% from 0 to 1 month and 15.4% at 2 years and more. 85% of recurrences had a Pirani score between 4.5 to 6 at the start of treatment and 15% at a score of 2.5 to 4. Conclusion: The factors of the failure of the Ponseti method are mainly non-compliance with treatment, secondary clubfeet, and a high Pirani score at the start of treatment. 展开更多
关键词 Chess’ Factors club Foot Ponseti Method Pirani Score
Advances in self-powered sports monitoring sensors based on triboelectric nanogenerators
作者 Fengxin Sun Yongsheng Zhu +3 位作者 Changjun Jia Tianming Zhao Liang Chu Yupeng Mao 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第4期477-488,共12页
The new era of the internet of things brings great opportunities to the field of intelligent sports.The collection and analysis of sports data are becoming more intelligent driven by the widely-distributed sensing net... The new era of the internet of things brings great opportunities to the field of intelligent sports.The collection and analysis of sports data are becoming more intelligent driven by the widely-distributed sensing network system.Triboelectric nanogenerators(TENGs)can collect and convert energy as selfpowered sensors,overcoming the limitations of external power supply,frequent power replacement and high-cost maintenance.Herein,we introduce the working modes and principles of TENGs,and then summarize the recent advances in self-powered sports monitoring sensors driven by TENGs in sports equipment facilities,wearable equipment and competitive sports specialities.We discuss the existing issues,i.e.,device stability,material sustainability,device design rationality,textile TENG cleanability,sports sensors safety,kinds and manufacturing of sports sensors,and data collection comprehensiveness,and finally,propose the countermeasures.This work has practical significance to the current TENG applications in sports monitoring,and TENG-based sensing technology will have a broad prospect in the field of intelligent sports in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Triboelectric nanogenerator Wearable energy sensors Sport monitoring
The Effect of Workplace-Based Sports Participation on the Mental Status of Japanese Workers
作者 Yosuke Shibata Yasunari Kurita Toshiyuki Ojima 《Journal of Power and Energy Engineering》 2023年第3期150-156,共7页
Whether workplace-based sports are part of a company’s employee welfare program in terms of mental status is unknown. This study examined the impact of workplace-based sports participation on the mental status of Jap... Whether workplace-based sports are part of a company’s employee welfare program in terms of mental status is unknown. This study examined the impact of workplace-based sports participation on the mental status of Japanese workers. It involved a single-arm intervention comprising participation in a company’s volleyball team. Data on mental status were collected using a simplified version of the Brief Job Stress Questionnaire. Overall, 11 individuals participated, 9 (81.8%) of whom were women;the mean participant age was 38.2 years. Because the intervention was conducted during busy periods, the median (25th and 75th percentiles) score for qualitative job overload significantly increased from 3.0 (2.0, 4.0) to 3.0 (3.0, 4.3) (p = 0.03). Nonetheless, the fatigue score significantly decreased from 3.0 (3.0, 4.3) to 3.0 (2.0, 4.0) (p = 0.03). These results indicate that participation in workplace-based sports can prevent the deterioration of mental status during busy periods. 展开更多
关键词 Mental Health Occupational Stress Team sports VOLLEYBALL Occupation Groups
The 14th Beijing Olympic City Sports Culture Festival Opens
《International Understanding》 2023年第3期64-64,共1页
The 14th Beijing Olympic City Sports Culture Festival opened in Beijing on August 16th.Thomas Bach,President of the International Olympic Committee,delivered a speech via video.The Festival was hosted by Beijing Olymp... The 14th Beijing Olympic City Sports Culture Festival opened in Beijing on August 16th.Thomas Bach,President of the International Olympic Committee,delivered a speech via video.The Festival was hosted by Beijing Olympic City Development Association,and co-organised by Beijing Olympic City Development Centre and Changping District People's Government of Bejing Municipality.The Festival will last until the end of this year,encompassing a wide array of activities.These include major sports events,promotional campaigns for emerging trendy sports. 展开更多
A Research on the Air Permeability of High Polymer Materials Used to Produce Sports Clothing Fabrics
作者 Jike Gao Fawei Li Shangjun Liu 《Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing》 EI 2023年第5期1173-1187,共15页
Composite fabrics based on Polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE)polymer displays several notable properties.They are waterproof,windproof,permeable to moisture and thermally insulating at the same time.In the present study,PT... Composite fabrics based on Polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE)polymer displays several notable properties.They are waterproof,windproof,permeable to moisture and thermally insulating at the same time.In the present study,PTFE fibers are used as raw material to make fiber membranes.The film is formed by crisscrossing interconnected fiber filaments and the related air permeability:tensile creep characteristics and other properties are tested.The results show that the pore size,thickness,and porosity of the film itself can affect the moisture permeability of the film.The water pressure resistance of the selected fabric is 8.5 kPa,and the moisture permeability is 7038 g/(m^(2)·24 h). 展开更多
关键词 Polytetrafluoroethylene polymer material fiber membrane sports games apparel fabrics air permeability tensile creep
Incidence of sports-related sternoclavicular joint dislocations in the United States over the last two decades
作者 Alexis B Sandler Michael D Baird +5 位作者 John P Scanaliato Ayden LW Harris Sorana Raiciulescu Clare K Green John C Dunn Nata Parnes 《World Journal of Orthopedics》 2023年第6期427-435,共9页
BACKGROUND Epidemiological understanding of acute sternoclavicular(SC)dislocations secondary to sports across the United States is poorly defined.AIM To identify and assess epidemiological trends of SC dislocations oc... BACKGROUND Epidemiological understanding of acute sternoclavicular(SC)dislocations secondary to sports across the United States is poorly defined.AIM To identify and assess epidemiological trends of SC dislocations occurring secondary to sports-related mechanisms across United States over the past two decades.METHODS This cross-sectional,descriptive epidemiological study evaluates epidemiological trends of SC dislocations from sports that present to emergency departments(EDs)across the United States.Data were obtained from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System database spanning two decades.Data on incidence,patient demographics,mechanisms of injury,dislocation types,incident locales,and patient dispositions were collected.RESULTS 1622 SC dislocations occurred nationwide from 2001 to 2020[incidence=0.262/1000000 people,confidence interval(CI)=0.250-0.275],comprising 0.1%of shoulder/upper trunk dislocations.Most patients were male(91%,n=1480)and aged 5-17(61%,n=982).Football,wrestling,and biking were the most frequently implicated sports,with contact sports responsible for 59%of athletic injuries(n=961).Recreational vehicle-related sports injuries,such as all-terrain vehicles,dirt bikes,and mopeds accounted for 7.8%of all injuries(n=126),with dirt bikes specifically comprising 3.7%(n=61).Ultimately,82%were discharged from the ED(n=1337),12%were admitted(n=194),and 6%were transferred(n=90).All recorded posterior dislocations were admitted or transferred from the ED.Patients sustaining SC dislocations from contact sports had a significantly increased risk of hospital admission or transfer rather than discharge from the ED as compared to patients whose injuries were from non-contact sports(incidence rate ratio=1.46,CI:=1.32-1.61,P<0.001).CONCLUSION SC dislocations from sports continue to be rare with a stably low incidence over the past two decades,likely comprising a smaller proportion of shoulder dislocations than previously thought.Contact sports are a frequent source of injury,especially among school-aged and teenage males.Most patients are discharged directly from the ED;however,a substantial number are hospitalized,many of which had documented posterior dislocations.Ultimately,understanding the epidemiology and mechanism-related trends of acute SC dislocations is important given the potential severity of these injuries,concentration in a specific population,and uncertainty linked to rare presentation. 展开更多
关键词 Sternoclavicular dislocation Sternoclavicular joint Epidemiology FOOTBALL Contact sports
Research on the Application of Green Lighting Technology in Sports Lighting
作者 Lizhi Liu Jingshuo Huang Xuanmin Zhu 《Journal of Environmental Protection》 2023年第10期781-788,共8页
With China’s continued development of society and economy, the importance of ecological environmental protection is growing. This protection has become an indispensable part of social development. The use of various ... With China’s continued development of society and economy, the importance of ecological environmental protection is growing. This protection has become an indispensable part of social development. The use of various green environmental protection equipment can effectively promote ecological environmental protection and reduce the adverse effects of human activities on the environment. In the field of sports lighting equipment in China, traditional lighting methods constitute an inherent danger to the environment, leading to a waste of valuable resources and environmental pollution. This study involves a multi-tile-multifunctional-function controller, which effectively solves the control problem of the control light. In the sports lighting group, the high and low-level lighting of the sports lighting group, and adjust the light from the height highly effectively to adjust each height. The low-shot mode reduces the power consumption of the system by about 33% to 60%, which significantly helps energy saving. By optimizing the performance of the lighting system, promoting the preservation of power resources, reducing the adverse effects of pollution caused by equipment utilization and energy waste, and promoting the harmonious cohabitation of human and natural environment. . 展开更多
关键词 Parameters of Metal Z-Shaped Single-Ended Light Source Green Lighting Practices sports Lighting System Lamp Model
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