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“大道和生学”运思轨迹略述 被引量:15
作者 钱耕森 《衡水学院学报》 2014年第2期53-56,共4页
关键词 “大道和生学” “和生学” “大道和同学” 史伯 老子 “和实物” “平” “和” 黄山文化书院
大道和生学 被引量:6
作者 钱耕森 《衡水学院学报》 2015年第2期46-49,共4页
20年前,我到北京参加“孔子诞辰2545周年纪念与国际学术讨论会”,并在会上发表《“和为贵”新论——儒家与现代化》一文,明确地提出了“和生学”,受到出席会议的代表们广泛关注。大致同时,先后有冯友兰先生提出“仇必和而解”,张... 20年前,我到北京参加“孔子诞辰2545周年纪念与国际学术讨论会”,并在会上发表《“和为贵”新论——儒家与现代化》一文,明确地提出了“和生学”,受到出席会议的代表们广泛关注。大致同时,先后有冯友兰先生提出“仇必和而解”,张岱年先生提出“兼和”,张立文先生提出“和合学”等,呈现出“百花齐放,百家争鸣”的良好风气。 展开更多
关键词 “大道和生学” “和生学” “大道和同学” 史伯 老子 “和实物” “平” “和” “和谐”
钱耕森“大道和生学” 和文化的一朵奇葩——自成一家,自我超越 被引量:2
作者 程潮 《衡水学院学报》 2015年第2期53-55,共3页
从自我成长历程中领悟到钱耕森导师的理念形成于"和的哲学"的时期,"和生学"是"和的哲学"的一种,有别于传统的"斗争哲学",钱师的"大道和生学"自身经历了"和生学""大... 从自我成长历程中领悟到钱耕森导师的理念形成于"和的哲学"的时期,"和生学"是"和的哲学"的一种,有别于传统的"斗争哲学",钱师的"大道和生学"自身经历了"和生学""大道和生学"和"大道和同学"三个发展阶段,不仅强调异的价值也强调同的价值,更具有辩证性,也具有全面性,不啻和文化的一朵奇葩。 展开更多
关键词 钱耕森 “和生学” “大道和生学” “大道和同学”
作者 张新民 《衡水学院学报》 2014年第2期57-57,共1页
耕森先生大鉴:忻闻黄山书院拟以“大道和生说”为题,召开黄山文化书院成立二十五周年年会,不能躬逢盛况,谨先致贺忱.史伯之千古名言:“和实生物,同则不继.以他平他谓之和,故能丰长而物归之;若以同裨同,尽乃弃矣.”不仅直透天道创生固... 耕森先生大鉴:忻闻黄山书院拟以“大道和生说”为题,召开黄山文化书院成立二十五周年年会,不能躬逢盛况,谨先致贺忱.史伯之千古名言:“和实生物,同则不继.以他平他谓之和,故能丰长而物归之;若以同裨同,尽乃弃矣.”不仅直透天道创生固有真际,而且反映华夏民族原生智慧.尤要者,兹说之产生年代,迄今几迨三千年,然其慧光烛照,弥久弥新,宛若天示神启,犹如圣喻贤箴. 展开更多
关键词 钱耕森 “大道和生学” “和生学” “大道和同学” “和生万物” 黄山文化书院
“和”文化研究的新拓展——评钱耕森先生“大道和生学” 被引量:2
作者 汪韶军 《江苏师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2017年第4期110-114,共5页
钱耕森教授对西周末年的史伯"和同论"进行了前所未有的深入挖掘。他提出史伯是我国第一位哲学家,这为争议已久的中国哲学起点问题提供了另一种可能性答案。钱先生从中挖掘出的"和生学"又沟通了"和"文化... 钱耕森教授对西周末年的史伯"和同论"进行了前所未有的深入挖掘。他提出史伯是我国第一位哲学家,这为争议已久的中国哲学起点问题提供了另一种可能性答案。钱先生从中挖掘出的"和生学"又沟通了"和"文化与生命哲学。钱先生的这些研究,其意义称得上"发现史伯"。但他认为史伯在构建体系化的"和"本原论的同时,却忽视了"同"也有积极一面,则有待商榷。 展开更多
关键词 史伯 钱耕森 “大道和生学”
《衡水学院学报》 2014年第2期52-52,共1页
当今时代,风云变幻,纷争迭起,危机丛生,多元共处、和平发展成为世界各国人民共同的心声。安徽大学哲学系资深教授、国际知名学者钱耕森先生以史伯的“以他平他谓之和”阐发史伯“夫和实生物说”,并特概括为“和生学”;又以老子的... 当今时代,风云变幻,纷争迭起,危机丛生,多元共处、和平发展成为世界各国人民共同的心声。安徽大学哲学系资深教授、国际知名学者钱耕森先生以史伯的“以他平他谓之和”阐发史伯“夫和实生物说”,并特概括为“和生学”;又以老子的“万物负阴而抱阳,冲气以为和”阐发“道生万物”说;打通二者,特命名为“大道和生学”。该学说可谓是解决当今时代诸多危机与矛盾的一剂理论良方,为我国别开生面的又一种新的和谐文化。2013年12月28日,在黄山文化书院成立25周年之际,特以钱耕森先生研究有年的“大道和生学”为本届年会研讨主题。本刊特刊发有关钱先生与“大道和生学”的一组文章,以飨读者,并引起大家对“和生学”的关注和研究。 展开更多
关键词 钱耕森 “和生学” “大道和生学” “大道和同学” 史伯 老子 “和实物”说 黄山文化书院
弘扬管子的“和生”思想 被引量:8
作者 钱耕森 沈素珍 《衡水学院学报》 2014年第5期63-66,共4页
管子传承史伯的"和实生物"说,认为人之生、人心之和谐、人之长寿,以及天地之美等皆由和而生。"和生"具有普适性。在"天时""地利""人和"中凸显"人和"。管子通过上下不和、... 管子传承史伯的"和实生物"说,认为人之生、人心之和谐、人之长寿,以及天地之美等皆由和而生。"和生"具有普适性。在"天时""地利""人和"中凸显"人和"。管子通过上下不和、大臣不和、万民不和的危害性,明确提出"不和不生"的观点;又明确提出"和则能久"的"久生"的观点;强调"察和之道"之不易,都是对史伯"和生学"的发展。管子"和生"思想有较强的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 史伯 “和生学” 管子 和乃 不和不 和能久
史伯“和实生物”说本义浅释——兼答河北省和谐文化研究会王殿明会长问 被引量:1
作者 钱耕森 《衡水学院学报》 2013年第6期48-53,共6页
"和实生物"说,是西周末年史伯提出治国用人的原则,但具有精博的哲理与高深的智慧,回答了万物从何而来的形而上的问题。"和"何以能生万物?答案就是他说的"以他平他谓之和"。其精深内涵:首先要具备有彼此... "和实生物"说,是西周末年史伯提出治国用人的原则,但具有精博的哲理与高深的智慧,回答了万物从何而来的形而上的问题。"和"何以能生万物?答案就是他说的"以他平他谓之和"。其精深内涵:首先要具备有彼此相异的他;其次不同的他之间在互动中又能达到平、平衡,即和、和谐;于是就能产生新事物。新事物决不是假、恶、丑的,一定是真、善、美的。这是我国悠久的文化史上对"和"所下的第一个经典性的定义。笔者简称之为"和生学"。它具有普世价值,是构建"和谐社会"与"和谐世界"的宝贵资源。 展开更多
关键词 史伯 “和实物” “和生学” “和” “他” “平” 河北省和谐文化研究会
史伯与伯阳父是一个人吗? 被引量:3
作者 钱耕森 《衡水学院学报》 2016年第2期75-77,共3页
伯阳父以阴阳论地震,时间是周幽王早期的第二年(前780年),记录在《国语·周语上》里。史伯提出"和生学",时间是周幽王晚期的第八到第十一年(前774-前771年)之间,因为郑桓公于周幽王八年(前774年)入朝任司徒之职,才有机会... 伯阳父以阴阳论地震,时间是周幽王早期的第二年(前780年),记录在《国语·周语上》里。史伯提出"和生学",时间是周幽王晚期的第八到第十一年(前774-前771年)之间,因为郑桓公于周幽王八年(前774年)入朝任司徒之职,才有机会与史伯共商国是,该事记录在《国语·郑语》里。再说,史伯的"和生学",本应也含有阴阳化生万物的思想在内,特别是当他和伯阳父是同一个人,就更应该如此,但是史伯的"和生学"并没有"阴阳"这个重要理念。直到后来的老子传承他的"和生学",并把它发展为"道生说"时,才增加了阴阳化生万物的思想,即"道生一,一生二,三生三,三生万物。万物负阴而抱阳,冲气以为和"。所以说,史伯与伯阳父不是一个人,而是两个人。 展开更多
关键词 史伯 伯阳父 “和生学” “阴阳”
作者 钱耕森 沈素珍 《中华文化与传播研究》 2021年第2期297-310,共14页
“大道和生学”是我多年来对中国传统文化中“和生”思想,进行挖掘、梳理、研究、探索与创新,所形成“和生学”的新哲学体系。一、“大道和生学”起源于我对“和实生物”与“和为贵”的思考“大道和生学”起源于我长期以来对史伯的“和... “大道和生学”是我多年来对中国传统文化中“和生”思想,进行挖掘、梳理、研究、探索与创新,所形成“和生学”的新哲学体系。一、“大道和生学”起源于我对“和实生物”与“和为贵”的思考“大道和生学”起源于我长期以来对史伯的“和实生物”与孔子的“和为贵”思想的思考。1994年10月我应邀出席了“孔子诞辰2545周年纪念与国际学术讨论会”,向大会提交了《“和为贵”新论》一文,文中将我探索多年、思考成熟的“和生学”作为“新论”提出。文章在系统论证了史伯“和实生物”哲学思想的基础上,提出了自己新的思考,“和”何以为贵?就在于它能“生物”,因此我的新论是:“生物之用,和为贵。” 展开更多
关键词 大道和生 和实 和为贵 “和生学” 孔子诞辰 国际术讨论会 中国传统文化 体系
Lessons learned from the past serving as a guide for the future---On a state harmonious development from Naipaurs novel A bend in the river
作者 马小强 陈容 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第4期62-64,67,共4页
Naipaul's novel A bend in the river illustrates the social confusion and people's destitution and wasting time in African countries after their national independence. An important reason is the president's self-pub... Naipaul's novel A bend in the river illustrates the social confusion and people's destitution and wasting time in African countries after their national independence. An important reason is the president's self-publicity, tyrannical hess and destructiveness. Whereas the author's subjective suspicion is visible in democratic development of African countries. Indeed, in a country development, it is quite necessary to depend on its citizen, observing public feelings; controlling a state with science; benefiting citizen; utilizing resources; constructing homestead, intending creation with a harmonious and stable way. 展开更多
关键词 African countries social confusion people's destitution harmonious stableness scientific development
Method and Progress of the Research on Virus Affinity Peptide 被引量:1
作者 张娜娜 卢清侠 +3 位作者 滕蔓 杨艳艳 张以芳 张改平 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第12期2713-2716,2725,共5页
With the continuous progress on affinity peptide research, it has become more and more popular in pharmacology and medicine. lt is promising to study these viruses affinity peptide to treat infectious diseases. And th... With the continuous progress on affinity peptide research, it has become more and more popular in pharmacology and medicine. lt is promising to study these viruses affinity peptide to treat infectious diseases. And the analysis on the virus affinity peptide with high selectivity and high sensitivity could provide valuable means for disease detection, treatment as wel as the study on the molecular mechanism of virus affinity peptide. Therefore, we reviewed the bioinformatics pre-diction technologies of computer simulation, molecular docking and homology model-ing, as wel as the research method on analyzing and screening virus affinity pep-tide, such as Phage display technology. 展开更多
关键词 Virus affinity peptide BIOINFORMATICS Homology modeling Phage display technology
Different phenotypes of monocytes in patients with newonset mild acute pancreatitis 被引量:3
作者 Man-Li Zhang Yan-Fang Jiang +4 位作者 Xin-Rui Wang Li-Li Ding Hong-Juan Wang Qing-Qing Meng Pu-Jun Gao 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第8期1477-1488,共12页
AIM To evaluate the numbers of different subsets of monocytes and their associations with the values of clinical measures in mild acute pancreatitis(MAP) patients.METHODS The study included one group of 13 healthy con... AIM To evaluate the numbers of different subsets of monocytes and their associations with the values of clinical measures in mild acute pancreatitis(MAP) patients.METHODS The study included one group of 13 healthy controls and another group of 24 patients with new-onset MAP. The numbers of different subsets of monocytes were examined in these two groups of subjects by flow cytometry. The concentrations of plasma interleukin(IL)-10 and IL-12 were determined by cytometric bead array. The acute physiology and chronic health evaluation(APACHE) II scores of individual patients were evaluated, and the levels of plasma C-reactive protein(CRP) as well as the activities of amylase and lipase were measured. RESULTS In comparison with that in the controls, significantly increased numbers of CD14+CD163-, CD14+CD163-MAC387+ M1 monocytes, but significantly reduced numbers of CD14+CD163+IL-10+ M2 monocytes were detected in the MAP patients(P < 0.01 or P < 0.05). Furthermore, significantly higher levels of plasma IL-10 and IL-12 were observed in the MAP patients(P < 0.01 for all). More importantly, the levels of plasma CRP were positively correlated with the numbers of CD14+CD163-(R = 0.5009, P = 0.0127) and CD14+CD163-MAC387+(R = 0.5079, P = 0.0113) M1 monocytes and CD14+CD163+CD115+ M2 monocytes(R = 0.4565, P = 0.0249) in the patients. The APACHE II scores correlated with the numbers of CD14+CD163+CD115+(R = 0.4581, P = 0.0244) monocytes and the levels of plasma IL-10(R = 0.4178, P = 0.0422) in the MAP patients. However, there was no significant association among other measures tested in this population. CONCLUSION Increased numbers of CD14+CD163- and CD14+ CD163-MAC387+ monocytes may contribute to the pathogenesis of MAP, and increased numbers of CD14+CD163+CD115+ monocytes may be a biomarker for evaluating the severity of MAP. 展开更多
关键词 Mild acute pancreatitis MONOCYTE CYTOKINE Acute physiology and chronic health evaluation II score C-reactive protein
The Educational Role of Libraries in the Digital Age Among the High School and University Student in Slavonski Brod and Osijek
作者 Tihana Lubina Ivana Brkic Klimpak 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第11期831-838,共8页
A society of knowledge has a mission based on information dissemination and its usage, but its purpose cannot be completely realized without library as an institution that collects, processes, archives, protects and p... A society of knowledge has a mission based on information dissemination and its usage, but its purpose cannot be completely realized without library as an institution that collects, processes, archives, protects and provides library collections to the public. Elementary- and high-school libraries, as well as the academic ones, are ubiquitous as associates and promoters of importance of information in the Digital Age. Information literacy becomes a foundation of an individual's literacy in general and leads him/her toward lifelong learning that becomes a philosophy on the way to a society of knowledge. The paper presents research results of informatics and information literacy among students with a purpose of improving the library mission and vision within future education. Data were collected by poll and the pollees were high-school and university students of Slavonski Brod and Osijek. This study found that although the trend of Internet usage in a library is not high, the percentage of those possessing a basic Information and Communication Technology OCT) literacy level is high. Another significant fact is that the number of those unskilled in ICT usage (online database and catalog search) is high which represents a challenge to the libraries and ICT experts who are the incumbents of great responsibility. 展开更多
关键词 society of knowledge libraries in education Digital Age information literacy library users
Modularized Production of Value-Added Products and Fuels from Distributed Waste Carbon-Rich Feedstocks
作者 Robert S. Weber Johnathan E. Holladay 《Engineering》 2018年第3期330-335,共6页
We have adapted and characterized electrolysis reactors to complement the conversion of regional- and community-scale quantities of waste into fuel or chemicals, The overall process must he able to contend with a wide... We have adapted and characterized electrolysis reactors to complement the conversion of regional- and community-scale quantities of waste into fuel or chemicals, The overall process must he able to contend with a wide range of feedstocks, must he inherently safe, and should not rely on external facilities for co-reactants or heat rejection and supply, Our current approach is based on the upgrading of hio-oil produced by the hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) of carbon-containing waste feedstocks, HTL can convert a variety of feedstocks into a bio-oil that requires much less upgrading than the products of other ways of deconstructing hiomass, We are now investigating the use of electrochemical processes for the further conversions needed to transform the hio-oil from HTL into fuel or higher value chemicals, We, and others, have shown that electrochemical reduction can offer adequate reaction rates and at least some of the nec- essary generality, In addition, an electrochemical reactor necessarily both oxidizes (removes electrons) on one side of the reactor and reduces (adds electrons) on the other side, Therefore, the two types of reac- tions could, in principle, he coupled to upgrade the hio-oil and simultaneously polish the water that is employed as a reactant and a carrier in the upstream HTL, Here, we overview a notional process, the possible conversion chemistry, and the economics of an HTL-electrochemical process, 展开更多
关键词 Reducing generation and discharge of POLLUTANTS Chemical engineering
Hemolysis results in impaired intestinal microcirculation and intestinal epithelial cell injury
作者 Sebastiaan J Hanssen Tim Lubbers +3 位作者 Caroline M Hodin Frits W Prinzen Wim A Buurman Michael J Jacobs 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第2期213-218,共6页
AIM:To study the effect of circulating cell-free oxy-hemoglobin(FHb) on intestinal microcirculation and intestinal epithelial injury in a rat model. METHODS:To induce elevated intravascular circulating FHb,male Spragu... AIM:To study the effect of circulating cell-free oxy-hemoglobin(FHb) on intestinal microcirculation and intestinal epithelial injury in a rat model. METHODS:To induce elevated intravascular circulating FHb,male Sprague-Dawley rats received water or FHb infusion.Microcirculatory changes in jejunum,ileum and colon were evaluated using fluorescent microspheres.Intestinal injury was quantified as plasmatic release of ileal lipid binding protein(iLBP) and verified by histological analysis of the ileum. RESULTS:Water and FHb infusions resulted,when compared with saline infusion,in reduced intestinal microcirculation(after 30 min P<0.05,or better;after 60 min FHb infusion P<0.05 for jejunum and colon) .Circulating FHb levels correlated significantly with release of iLBP(Spearman r=0.72,P=0.0011) .Epithelial cell injury of the villi was histologically observed after water and FHb infusions. CONCLUSION:This study shows that circulating FHb leads to a reduction in intestinal microcirculatory blood flow with marked injury to intestinal epithelial cells. These data support the hypothesis that circulating FHb contributes to the development of intestinal injury. 展开更多
Wounding Ideals" Israel Epstein's Life Saga in Communist China
作者 Mengxi Sun 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2017年第3期142-152,共11页
Despite of all its enigma and revealingness, Israel Epstein's (1915-2005) life in communist China remains a vacuum in English-language scholarship on the history of the People's Republic of China. This paper inten... Despite of all its enigma and revealingness, Israel Epstein's (1915-2005) life in communist China remains a vacuum in English-language scholarship on the history of the People's Republic of China. This paper intends to fill this vacuum. It seeks to rediscover Epstein's communist experience, with particular focus on his fervent activism in and unapologetic defense of the Cultural Revolution. Through analyzing his experience, this paper exposes the essential allurement of Chinese communism encapsulated in the ideals of revolutionary regeneration and revolutionary virtues. Beyond Epstein's communist experience, this paper calls for a deeper and broader pondering on the analogy between communism and religion. Such an illuminating analogy should inspire more intellectual efforts than critical expositions of formalistic vainglory or personality cult. 展开更多
关键词 Israel Epstein Chinese Communist Party Pro-communism foreigners cultural revolution
Eco-economic research and construction of harmonious society in China:a survey of the 7^(th)Biennial Conference of Chinese Ecological Economics Society,2006
作者 Zeng Shaolun 《Ecological Economy》 2007年第1期106-110,共5页
The 7th Biennial Conference of Chinese Ecological Economics Society (CEES) was held from 5th to 7th, Nov.2006 in Qingdao University. The paper summarizes the major viewpoint presented at the conference: eco-economicre... The 7th Biennial Conference of Chinese Ecological Economics Society (CEES) was held from 5th to 7th, Nov.2006 in Qingdao University. The paper summarizes the major viewpoint presented at the conference: eco-economicresearch and construction of a harmonious society in China. The conference put forward that it is an objectivity andinevitability for human being to enter the harmonious society, that eco-economics is one of the theoretical bases for theconstruction of the harmonious society, and that the research of eco-economics in China should reflect new contentsdeveloped in the process of modernization in China and make proper contributions to the construction of the harmonioussociety. 展开更多
关键词 CEES Biennial Conference 2006 Survey Harmonious society Eco-economic research
A de novo germline MLH1 mutation in a Lynch syndrome patient with discordant immunohistochemical and molecular biology test results
作者 Fabrice Airaud Sébastien Küry +4 位作者 Isabelle Valo Ingrid Maury Dominique Bonneau Olivier Ingster Stéphane Bezieau 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第39期5635-5639,共5页
We describe a patient with a Homo sapiens mutL homolog 1 (MLH1)-associated Lynch syndrome with previous diagnoses of two distinct primary cancers:a sigmoid colon cancer at the age of 39 years, and a right colon cancer... We describe a patient with a Homo sapiens mutL homolog 1 (MLH1)-associated Lynch syndrome with previous diagnoses of two distinct primary cancers:a sigmoid colon cancer at the age of 39 years, and a right colon cancer at the age of 50 years. The mutation identified in his blood and buccal cells, c.1771delG, p.Asp591Ilefs*25, appears to be a de novo event, as it was not transmitted by either of his parents. This type of de novo event is rare in MLH1 as only three cases have been reported in the literature so far. Further-more, the discordant results observed between repli-cation error phenotyping and immunohistochemistry highlight the importance of the systematic use of both pre-screening tests in the molecular diagnosis of Lynch syndrome. 展开更多
关键词 Lynch syndrome Homo sapiens mutL ho-molog 1 De novo mutation Replication error pheno- type Immunohistochemistry
Students' Healthy Mental Development Is Promoted by a Harmonious Relationship between Teachers and Students
作者 Ya LIU 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第12期56-58,共3页
The harmony of a relationship between teachers and students is a powerful promotion to the students' mental health. A "shared" relationship between teachers and students is advocated now. In the construction of a h... The harmony of a relationship between teachers and students is a powerful promotion to the students' mental health. A "shared" relationship between teachers and students is advocated now. In the construction of a harmonious relationship between teachers and students, the positions of the teachers and students in teaching should be first made clear, and then an effective mental communication between teachers and students is necessarily available. 展开更多
关键词 The Relationship between Teachers and Students HARMONY Healthy Mental Development
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