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《东华》汉诗在抗日战争研究中的史证作用 被引量:1
作者 綦中明 《学术交流》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期149-156,共8页
《东华》是在日本发行的汉文学杂志,主要登载日本作者的汉文学作品,创刊于1928年,编行机构为"艺文社"。《东华》中的汉诗作品涉及二战时期中日多方面的历史事件,尤其在直接描写中日战事、反映日本的对外政策、反映日本对侵华... 《东华》是在日本发行的汉文学杂志,主要登载日本作者的汉文学作品,创刊于1928年,编行机构为"艺文社"。《东华》中的汉诗作品涉及二战时期中日多方面的历史事件,尤其在直接描写中日战事、反映日本的对外政策、反映日本对侵华战争的态度、反映日本对我国台湾地区的殖民统治以及表现战争带给民众的痛苦等方面具有史证作用。《东华》并非纯文学性杂志,它虽然是为了存续发展汉文学而创办的,但受到国家、时代等各种因素之影响,具有较强的政治性、时事性,成为日本舆论宣传的工具,其中的汉诗作品对了解战时日本国民的心态有着重要价值。 展开更多
关键词 《东华》 汉诗 抗日战争 史料
《东华理工大学学报(社会科学版)》影响力评价分析 被引量:6
作者 吴志猛 张发祥 张国庆 《东华理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第1期98-100,共3页
利用中国知网的个刊影响力评价分析系统,对《东华理工大学学报(社会科学版)》2007~2010年的出版内容结构(各学科的文献量、比重及文献影响力)、作者群、论文发表时滞进行了客观的评价分析,定量的统计分析结果可为编辑分析期间影响力提... 利用中国知网的个刊影响力评价分析系统,对《东华理工大学学报(社会科学版)》2007~2010年的出版内容结构(各学科的文献量、比重及文献影响力)、作者群、论文发表时滞进行了客观的评价分析,定量的统计分析结果可为编辑分析期间影响力提供准确、客观、公正的数据参考,为期刊未来发展定位及提高学报质量提供指导。 展开更多
关键词 《东华理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 影响力 评价 中国知网
中华书局版《东华录》校勘指疑 被引量:3
作者 蒋椆媛 《广西师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2006年第2期128-131,共4页
《东华录》是清代著名史学家蒋良骐编修的重要史书,有重要的史学价值,向来为史学界看重。1980年中华书局出版的由林树惠、傅贵九两位先生点校的蒋氏《东华录》是很完善的版本。但是,美玉微瑕,仔细研读,仍能发现其中校勘上的不足,而这些... 《东华录》是清代著名史学家蒋良骐编修的重要史书,有重要的史学价值,向来为史学界看重。1980年中华书局出版的由林树惠、傅贵九两位先生点校的蒋氏《东华录》是很完善的版本。但是,美玉微瑕,仔细研读,仍能发现其中校勘上的不足,而这些不足多是属于校对的技术性错误。 展开更多
关键词 古籍整理 《东华录》 中华书局 蒋良骐 林树惠
保皇会在澳洲的兴起——基于《东华新报》的媒体传播理论与量化分析 被引量:3
作者 李海蓉 《华侨华人历史研究》 CSSCI 2015年第2期67-77,共11页
论文对澳洲华侨史上最具影响力的报纸——《东华新报》的内容进行了量化分析,并重点考察了保皇会运动在澳洲的兴起背景。认为从海外华人世界看中国,《东华新报》为我们了解晚清帝国的内政外交,尤其是戊戌政变后风云变幻的混乱格局,开启... 论文对澳洲华侨史上最具影响力的报纸——《东华新报》的内容进行了量化分析,并重点考察了保皇会运动在澳洲的兴起背景。认为从海外华人世界看中国,《东华新报》为我们了解晚清帝国的内政外交,尤其是戊戌政变后风云变幻的混乱格局,开启了一扇别样的窗口。其报道的关于康梁保皇会在海外的活动,为我们进一步审视19世纪末澳洲联邦成立前后,当地新兴民族主义催生之排华情境下,澳洲华人如何处理跨国境遇以及反思他们的民族认同感,提供了新视角。 展开更多
关键词 澳洲 戊戌变法 保皇会 《东华新报》 媒体研究 康梁研究
作者 李海蓉 《华侨华人历史研究》 CSSCI 2017年第3期75-83,共9页
戊戌政变后,康有为与梁启超流亡海外期间继续其变革中国的政治活动,保皇会为二人所依托的庞大跨国组织。然而对于保皇会如何于世界各地之成立及其运行的细节问题,长期以来,国内外晚清史学者一直未予足够的关注。论文根据澳洲保皇会机关... 戊戌政变后,康有为与梁启超流亡海外期间继续其变革中国的政治活动,保皇会为二人所依托的庞大跨国组织。然而对于保皇会如何于世界各地之成立及其运行的细节问题,长期以来,国内外晚清史学者一直未予足够的关注。论文根据澳洲保皇会机关报《东华新报》、澳洲保皇会档案及其他澳大利亚所藏原始文献,分析探讨了澳洲保皇会成立的动因、过程、初期活动,尤其着重展示《东华新报》作为保皇会机关报的沟通宣传职能以及澳洲分会与海外保皇会的互动情况。论文以澳洲为切入点,以点带面,构建全局视野与想象,为深入理解海外华人如何参与进晚清大变局提供新的门径。 展开更多
关键词 澳洲 戊戌变法 保皇会 康有为 梁启超 《东华新报》
《东华理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2012年第4期406-406,共1页
关键词 《东华理工大学学报(自科版)》 期刊 编辑工作 发行工作
《东华理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2019年第4期455-458,共4页
关键词 铀矿床 核科学 相山矿田 应用地球物理 《东华理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 矿化特征 地球化学特征 东华理工大学学报 柴北缘 应用化学 找矿方向
《东华理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2020年第1期101-101,共1页
1《东华理工大学学报(自然科学版)》是东华理工大学主办的综合性学术理论刊物(双月刊,国内外发行),1978年创刊。其主要任务是反映东华理工大学自然科学方面的最新教学和科研成果,反映国内外地球科学各学科领域及相关领域的最新科学研究... 1《东华理工大学学报(自然科学版)》是东华理工大学主办的综合性学术理论刊物(双月刊,国内外发行),1978年创刊。其主要任务是反映东华理工大学自然科学方面的最新教学和科研成果,反映国内外地球科学各学科领域及相关领域的最新科学研究成果,活跃学术气氛,促进学术交流。本刊坚持以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、"三个代表"重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导思想,坚持为人民服务、为社会主义服务的方向,坚持百花齐放、百家争鸣、古为今用、洋为中用的方针。 展开更多
关键词 《东华理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 东华理工大学
《东华理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2019年第4期459-459,共1页
1《东华理工大学学报(自然科学版)》是东华理工大学主办的综合性学术理论刊物(季刊,国内外发行),1978年创刊。其主要任务是反映东华理工大学自然科学方面的最新教学和科研成果,反映国内外地球科学各学科领域及相关领域的最新科学研究成... 1《东华理工大学学报(自然科学版)》是东华理工大学主办的综合性学术理论刊物(季刊,国内外发行),1978年创刊。其主要任务是反映东华理工大学自然科学方面的最新教学和科研成果,反映国内外地球科学各学科领域及相关领域的最新科学研究成果,活跃学术气氛,促进学术交流。 展开更多
关键词 《东华理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 东华理工大学
Genetic Variation of the ORF5 Gene of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus in East China during 2008-2010
作者 王小敏 何孔旺 +10 位作者 张文文 陈蔚 茅爱华 俞正玉 温立斌 倪艳秀 张雪寒 吕立新 郭容利 周俊明 李彬 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第6期1234-1239,1276,共7页
[Objective] A total of 260 swine samples of dead or sick pigs collected from 7 provinces (municipalities) Jiangsu, Anhui, Shanghai, Shandong, Zhejiang, Fujian and Jiangxi of China during 2008-2010 were detected for ... [Objective] A total of 260 swine samples of dead or sick pigs collected from 7 provinces (municipalities) Jiangsu, Anhui, Shanghai, Shandong, Zhejiang, Fujian and Jiangxi of China during 2008-2010 were detected for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV). And the ORF5 genes of some isolates were amplified and sequenced for understanding the molecule epidemiology and the genetic evolution of PRRSV in East China. [Method] Using RT-PCR method, PRRSV was detected by RT-PCR from samples. The complete ORF5 genes of 36 PRRSV positive samples was amplified, sequenced and analyzed with other 15 strains available on GenBank. [Result] PRRSV was detected in 118/260 of the clinical samples, with a positive rate was 45.4%. Sequence analysis showed that the 36 isolates of this study belonged to the North American-type PRRSV strains and were closely related to the highly pathogenic PRRSV (HP-PRRSV) with 94.6%-100% amino acid sequence identities. The sequence analysis combined with the phylogenetic analysis indicated that all these North American-type PRRSV strains in East China were further divided into five subgenotypes, subgenotype Ⅲ showed closer identity with HPPRRSV; almost all subgenotypes were found to be variable in the primary neutralizing epitope; subgenotypes Ⅲ and IV had more glycosylation sites than others. Although these 36 isolates were collected from different provinces in East China, there were no obvious relations between the distribution of PRRSV and the region. [Conclusion] The PRRSV infection was widespread and HP-PRRSV was the popular strain in East China during 2008-2010. However some different genetic characteristics appeared in the genomes, the genetic evolution was relatively stable. There exists a cross-cutting phenomenon on the genetic relationship of PRRSV isolates obtained from different provinces. Subgenotypes IV and V only appeared in some provinces, but the distribution of PRRSV did not show apparent geographical characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) East China ORF5 gene Genetic variation
作者 汪祎 《古籍整理研究学刊》 CSSCI 2008年第2期33-37,共5页
关键词 东京梦华录 笺注 引文
清内弘文院大学士宁完我史实考 被引量:1
作者 张波 《兰台世界(上旬)》 北大核心 2009年第12期32-33,共2页
宁完我,字公甫,辽阳(今属辽宁)人。努尔哈赤时期被俘人后金为奴,隶汉军正红旗。天聪三年,皇太极开设文馆,宁完我以通文史人值。其后,渐为皇太极倚重,擢升参将。关于宁完我在天聪十年二月十五日,突然被革职的原因,据《东华录... 宁完我,字公甫,辽阳(今属辽宁)人。努尔哈赤时期被俘人后金为奴,隶汉军正红旗。天聪三年,皇太极开设文馆,宁完我以通文史人值。其后,渐为皇太极倚重,擢升参将。关于宁完我在天聪十年二月十五日,突然被革职的原因,据《东华录》记载:先是,宁完我“从征北京时,留守永平。以赌博为李伯龙、佟整所首。审实拟罪,上宥之,屡谕不改。后复与大凌河归附甲喇章京刘士英博。 展开更多
关键词 大学士 史实 努尔哈赤时期 《东华录》 皇太极 大凌河 辽阳 后金
梁启超访问澳洲述论 被引量:2
作者 蔡少卿 《江苏社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期144-160,共17页
澳洲侨报《东华新报》留下了一批有关1900—1901年梁启超访澳之行的珍贵资料。梁氏此行历时半年,历经西澳、南澳、墨尔本、悉尼等地,广交中外友人,到处发表演讲,频繁接受采访。此行在募集政治捐款方面收效甚微,但在宣扬保皇变法政见、... 澳洲侨报《东华新报》留下了一批有关1900—1901年梁启超访澳之行的珍贵资料。梁氏此行历时半年,历经西澳、南澳、墨尔本、悉尼等地,广交中外友人,到处发表演讲,频繁接受采访。此行在募集政治捐款方面收效甚微,但在宣扬保皇变法政见、唤起华侨政治意识方面效果显著。访澳之行也使梁氏思想发生了显著变化。他在悉尼驻留两个多月,结合域外见闻和此前经历,深入思考救国方略,写出了《中国积弱溯源论》一文,由此开始激烈批判专制政治,甚至主张以破坏手段来救国保种。 展开更多
关键词 梁启超 澳洲 保皇会 《东华新报》《中国积弱溯源论》
作者 白爱娟 刘晓东 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2010年第3期255-262,共8页
With the precipitation data of 113 stations in East China during the last 50 years,the characteristics of the precipitation,including Precipitation Concentration Degree (PCD) and Precipitation Concentration Period (PC... With the precipitation data of 113 stations in East China during the last 50 years,the characteristics of the precipitation,including Precipitation Concentration Degree (PCD) and Precipitation Concentration Period (PCP) and their tendencies,are analyzed.The results show that the PCD in the northern part of the region is markedly higher than that in the southern part,but the PCP in the south is much earlier than that in the north by about one and a half months,which displays significant regional differences in precipitation.With the global warming,precipitation over East China shows an increasing tendency,but PCD displays a trend that is neither increasing nor decreasing.At the same time,the PCP is later than before,which can be mainly found in Jiangxi and southern Henan provinces.As a result,there are strong associations between the precipitation,PCD and PCP,which can be shown in the years with more precipitation,stronger PCD and later-than-usual PCP.In a word,the abnormal distribution of precipitation,PCP,and PCD over East China results in more extreme events of precipitation and more droughts and floods. 展开更多
关键词 droughts and floods precipitation concentration degree and period East China
First record of Bursaphelenchus rainulfi on pine trees from eastern China and its phylogenetic relationship with intro-genus species 被引量:5
作者 JIANG Li-qin LI Xu-qing ZHENG Jing-wu 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第5期345-351,共7页
Bursaphelenchus rainulfi isolated from dead pine trees in Zbejiang, China, is described and illustrated. It also provided some molecular characters of the Chinese population, including the PCR-RFLP and sequences of IT... Bursaphelenchus rainulfi isolated from dead pine trees in Zbejiang, China, is described and illustrated. It also provided some molecular characters of the Chinese population, including the PCR-RFLP and sequences of ITS region and D2-D3 expansion region of the large subunit (LSU) rRNA gene. Both the morphological characters and ITS-RFLP patterns match with the original description. The phylogenetic trees based on the 13 sequences of D2-D3 expansion region of the LSU rRNA gene and ITS region of Bursaphelenchus species were constructed, respectively, with the results showing the similar clades. The phylogenetic relationship based on the molecular data is similar to that with morphological characters. This is the first report of the species on pine wood in eastern China. 展开更多
关键词 Bursaphelenchus rainulfi Pine wood Morphology MORPHOMETRICS ITS-RFLP PHYLOGENY
作者 韩东 《宁波大学学报(人文科学版)》 2016年第1期18-21,73,共5页
关键词 李调元 书札 轶文 《东华笔话集》
Detection of hepatitis B virus genotypes using oligonucleotide chip among hepatitis B virus carriers in Eastern China 被引量:7
作者 Xiang-Rong Tang Ji-Shen Zhang +3 位作者 Hui Zhao Yu-Hua Gong Yong-Zhong Wang Jian-Long Zhao 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第13期1975-1979,共5页
AIM: TO determine the genotype distribution of hepatitis B virus (HBV) with a newly oligonucleotide chip assay among the HBV carriers in Eastern China. METHODS: An assay using oligonucleotide chip was developed fo... AIM: TO determine the genotype distribution of hepatitis B virus (HBV) with a newly oligonucleotide chip assay among the HBV carriers in Eastern China. METHODS: An assay using oligonucleotide chip was developed for detection of HBV genotypes in serum samples from HBV DNA-positive patients in Eastern China. This method is based on the principle of reverse hybridization with Cy5-labeled amplicons hybridizing to type-specific oligonucleotide probes that are immobilized on slides. The results of 80 randomly chosen sera were confirmed by direct sequencing. RESULTS: HBV genotype B, C and mixed genotype were detected in 400 serum samples, accounting for 8.3% (n = 33), 83.2% (n = 333), and 8.5% (n = 34), respectively. The evaluation of the oligonucleotide assay showed 100% concordance with the amplicon phylogenetic analysis except 9 mixed genotype infections undetected by sequencing. CONCLUSION: The study indicates that HBV genotype C and B prevail in the Eastern China. It is suggested that the oligonucleotide chip is a reliable and convenient tool for the detection of HBV genotyping. 展开更多
关键词 Oligonucleotide chip Hepatitis B virus GENOTYPE
Alleviation of Subsoil Acidity of Red Soil in Southeast China with Lime and Gypsum *1 被引量:1
作者 SUNBO R.MOREAU 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1998年第2期113-120,共8页
Application of lime or gypsum is a common agricultural practice to ameliorate soils with low pH which prohibits crop production. Its integrated effect on soil properties in a red soil derived from Quaternary red clay ... Application of lime or gypsum is a common agricultural practice to ameliorate soils with low pH which prohibits crop production. Its integrated effect on soil properties in a red soil derived from Quaternary red clay in Southeast China is discussed in this paper. Application of gypsum in the topsoil without leaching raised soil pH and promoted the production of soil NH 4, but lime addition had a contrary effect. Generally, application of lime and/or gypsum has little effect on soil electrical properties. Gypsum had a little effect on soil exchange complex and its effect went down to 30 cm in depth. The effect of lime reached only to 5 cm below its application layer. With leaching, Ca transferred from top soil to subsoil and decreased exchangeable Al in subsoil. Gypsum application led to a sharp decrease in soil exchangeable Mg but had no effect on K. 展开更多
关键词 alleviation GYPSUM LIME red soil subsoil acidity
Evaluation and empirical research on the energy efficiency of 20 mining cities in Eastern and Central China 被引量:1
作者 Liu Xiaomeng Meng Xiangrui 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 EI CSCD 2018年第3期525-531,共7页
The gap of energy efficiency of eastern and central mining cities in China continues to expand, getting more attention from relevant departments. In this work, 20 mining cities in Eastern and Central China from 2010 t... The gap of energy efficiency of eastern and central mining cities in China continues to expand, getting more attention from relevant departments. In this work, 20 mining cities in Eastern and Central China from 2010 to 2014 have been selected as research samples using data envelopment analysis(DEA).Research results show that the level of energy efficiency in mining cities is still low. China is in an extensive economic growth mode with high input, high consumption, low output and low efficiency. Mining cities in China have a huge potential to conserve energy and reduce emissions. China should optimize industrial structures, strengthen scientific and technological input and innovation, as well as implement energy-saving emissions reductions, and increase investment in environmental protection and ideological propaganda. 展开更多
关键词 Energy efficiency Mining city Data envelopment analysis INNOVATION Environmental protection
Suspended sediment concentration mapping based on the MODIS satellite imagery in the East China inland, estuarine, and coastal waters 被引量:2
作者 YANG Xianping SOKOLETSKY Leomd +1 位作者 WEI Xiaodao SHEN Fang 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第1期39-60,共22页
The purpose of this research is to improve the retrieval accuracy for the suspended sediment concentration(SSC) from in situ and satellite remote sensing measurements in turbid East China estuarine and coastal waters.... The purpose of this research is to improve the retrieval accuracy for the suspended sediment concentration(SSC) from in situ and satellite remote sensing measurements in turbid East China estuarine and coastal waters. For this aim, three important tasks are formulated and solved: 1) an estimation of remote-sensing reflectance spectra R_(rs)(λ) after atmospheric correction; 2) an estimation of R_(rs)(λ) from the radiometric signals above the air-water surface; and 3) an estimation of SSC from R_(rs)(λ). Six different models for radiometric R_(rs)(λ) determination and 28 models for SSC versus R_(rs)(λ) are analyzed based on the field observations made in the Changjiang River estuary and its adjacent coastal area. The SSC images based on the above-mentioned analysis are generated for the area. 展开更多
关键词 ocean optics turbid estuarine and coastal waters remote-sensing reflectance suspended sediment concentration atmospheric correction
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