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作者 赵婉华 《华北理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第3期103-108,共6页
1913年天津北洋法政学会编辑出版了《言治》月刊,李大钊担任编辑部部长并在上面发表了三十余篇文章,其中多篇文章专门论述了其宪法主张。通过梳理1913年《言治》月刊中李大钊宪法理论文章,可以了解李大钊早期宪法思想的形成和发展与中... 1913年天津北洋法政学会编辑出版了《言治》月刊,李大钊担任编辑部部长并在上面发表了三十余篇文章,其中多篇文章专门论述了其宪法主张。通过梳理1913年《言治》月刊中李大钊宪法理论文章,可以了解李大钊早期宪法思想的形成和发展与中国当时的政治局势密切相关。李大钊早期宪法思想的内容主要是关于“弹劾”、国家结构形式、政权组织形式、宪法与法律公布权属等方面,呈现出其重视宪法,强调制宪权归属;重视国情,强调从中国实际出发;重视法理,强调对宪法概念的明辨三个方面的特征。 展开更多
关键词 李大钊 宪法 《言治》
章士钊对李大钊政治思想的影响(《言治》月刊时期) 被引量:2
作者 龙敏贤 王宜放 《清华大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1999年第3期99-105,共7页
本文以比较研究的方法, 通过分析章士钊对《言治》时期李大钊在集权与分权、一院制与二院制以及弹劾等问题上的影响, 论证了李大钊在理论上主张民主政治, 在实践上却往往走向了反面。李大钊抱着强烈的爱国热情, 渴望国家和平、统一... 本文以比较研究的方法, 通过分析章士钊对《言治》时期李大钊在集权与分权、一院制与二院制以及弹劾等问题上的影响, 论证了李大钊在理论上主张民主政治, 在实践上却往往走向了反面。李大钊抱着强烈的爱国热情, 渴望国家和平、统一、稳定, 在裁撤都督、弹劾等问题上公开支持袁世凯, 反对国民党, 希望通过支持袁世凯而把国家带入民主政治的轨道; 但同时他又是民主共和制度的坚定信仰者, 因而他的拥袁不是绝对的, 展开更多
关键词 李大钊 章士钊 《言治》 政治思想
“言治”时期李大刘思想管窥 被引量:1
作者 韩一德 《河北学刊》 1986年第6期65-69,共5页
1907年李大钊走出冀东乡村,来到北洋军阀盘踞的天津,进入北洋法政专门学堂“习法政诸学”.时值辛亥革命前后,国家内忧外患,青年李大钊面对风云变幻的形势,不断撰文,探索救国方策.反映他早期思想的三十篇文字,集中发表在1913年4月创刊的... 1907年李大钊走出冀东乡村,来到北洋军阀盘踞的天津,进入北洋法政专门学堂“习法政诸学”.时值辛亥革命前后,国家内忧外患,青年李大钊面对风云变幻的形势,不断撰文,探索救国方策.反映他早期思想的三十篇文字,集中发表在1913年4月创刊的北洋法政学会机关杂志《言治》月刊上.“言治”时期的思想,既反映出深沉的爱国热情,也反映了他早期思想的局限和矛盾,正是在这些客观和主观的矛盾冲突的困扰中,开始了他探索救国救民真理的艰辛历程. 展开更多
关键词 袁世凯 拥袁 北洋军阀 朱舜水 都督 革命派 《言治》 早期思想 运命 支那
Visualizing Aphasia in Linguistics From 2000 to 2019
作者 Huili WANG Shurong ZHANG +1 位作者 Hanning GUO Bo LIU 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2024年第4期541-568,687,共29页
This paper aims to visualize the research of aphasia from a linguistic perspective for the two decades from 2000 to 2019,identifying the changes in research focus and the future emerging trends of aphasia studies in l... This paper aims to visualize the research of aphasia from a linguistic perspective for the two decades from 2000 to 2019,identifying the changes in research focus and the future emerging trends of aphasia studies in linguistics.Applying the bibliometric approach,the present study reviewed 3,004 publications with the topic word“aphasia”in the framework of linguistics.The dataset was created from the Web of Science database ranging from 2000 to 2019.Using the CiteSpace tool,document co-citation analysis,betweenness centrality(BC)measurement and citation burst detection were conducted to explore and determine the thematic patterns,critical studies,and emerging trends of this knowledge domain.Twelve thematic patterns in these two decades were identified,indicating that researchers have focused on language impairment in aphasia,aphasia therapy and other topics associated with aphasia.Meanwhile,papers with high BC reveal the connections among different research clusters.In addition,bursts of detected citations demonstrate that treatment aiming at the enhanced quality of daily life,the utilization of discourse tasks and treatments at the discourse level,deeper exploration of primary progressive aphasia in terms of clinical data and the application of working memory assessment,and the role of working memory(WM)training in rehabilitation will possibly attract more attention in the future.On the basis of the cluster landscape,BC and citation bursts,the review found that scholars paid extensive attention to the alleviation of communication deficits in the linguistic exploration of aphasia. 展开更多
关键词 CITESPACE APHASIA LINGUISTICS language impairment aphasia therapy COMMUNICATION bibliometric review
作者 吕康宁 《湖北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2024年第1期59-67,共9页
通过思考语言起源,卢梭发现了“真正的社会”的形成及其特质,由此构成他反思现代社会的理论基础,进而提炼出建构更加合理的社会需要的最珍贵的东西——一种人与人之间心理上的、作为整体的凝聚物——政治德性。这是一种在理性基础上缔... 通过思考语言起源,卢梭发现了“真正的社会”的形成及其特质,由此构成他反思现代社会的理论基础,进而提炼出建构更加合理的社会需要的最珍贵的东西——一种人与人之间心理上的、作为整体的凝聚物——政治德性。这是一种在理性基础上缔结社会契约的最初约定,即个人的意志服从普遍的意志的政治美德。普遍的意志具有超越个体、统一社会的强大力量,在于其普遍性,是人人都会认同的判断和信条。学界以往对卢梭语言著述的研究着重从语言学角度展开,遮蔽了语言与政治制度的隐秘关联,阐明卢梭语言著述的理论内涵,有助于把握卢梭社会理论的整全逻辑。 展开更多
关键词 语言起源 风格差异 制度反思 精神连结
李大钊与文学 被引量:1
作者 曹铁娟 《云南学术探索》 1998年第1期71-75,共5页
李大钊与文学曹铁娟李大钊是伟大的政治家,最早的马克思主义者,是中国共产党的创始人之一。70年前———1927年4月28日以年仅28岁的年轻生命实践着自己的革命理想,用鲜血浇灌着播散在中国大地上的共产主义的种籽。70年... 李大钊与文学曹铁娟李大钊是伟大的政治家,最早的马克思主义者,是中国共产党的创始人之一。70年前———1927年4月28日以年仅28岁的年轻生命实践着自己的革命理想,用鲜血浇灌着播散在中国大地上的共产主义的种籽。70年来,人们多从革命先驱、思想先驱与青... 展开更多
关键词 李大钊 文学家 文学观 陈独秀 《新青年》 文学创作 俄罗斯文学 《言治》 鲁迅 白话诗
作者 乔云霞 《河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1984年第4期101-107,共7页
李大钊(1889——1927)是中国共产主义运动的先驱、伟大的马克思主义者.他才思敏捷,能诗善文.从1912年到1927年,由他创办、主编及参与编辑的报刊有:《每周评论》、《少年中国》、《新青年》等15种.他以大钊、守常、常、明明、冥冥、孤松... 李大钊(1889——1927)是中国共产主义运动的先驱、伟大的马克思主义者.他才思敏捷,能诗善文.从1912年到1927年,由他创办、主编及参与编辑的报刊有:《每周评论》、《少年中国》、《新青年》等15种.他以大钊、守常、常、明明、冥冥、孤松、李钊等14个笔名先后为49家报刊撰写稿件400多篇,近百万字.这些稿件中,主要是报刊政论文体.他思想清醒,见解独到,文笔雄健奔放,既有说服人的逻辑力量,又有感动人的热烈情感.罗章龙所谓“实大声宏,雄视当代”,何香凝所谓“透彻而伟大的言论,一见便使人折服”都是对他政论风格的褒赞. 展开更多
关键词 李大钊 报刊政论 平民政治 守常 大亚细亚主义 《言治》 《新青年》 宪法 李钊 工人政治
作者 戴河 《杭州师范学院学报》 1990年第2期10-10,共1页
关键词 赠别诗 李大钊 玉门关 《言治》 五言律诗 更赋 天山 儿女情 荆轲 白草
作者 贾天运 刘爱英 《洛阳理工学院学报(自然科学版)》 1995年第2期9-11,共3页
留学日本,对于李大钊思想的发展和学业的造就有着重大作用,在李大钊的一生中占有重要地位.诚如1927年4月他在《狱中自述》中所说:“留东三年,益感再造中国之不可缓.”李大钊在遇难的第三天,《晨报》上发表悼念的文章,把东渡日本称为他... 留学日本,对于李大钊思想的发展和学业的造就有着重大作用,在李大钊的一生中占有重要地位.诚如1927年4月他在《狱中自述》中所说:“留东三年,益感再造中国之不可缓.”李大钊在遇难的第三天,《晨报》上发表悼念的文章,把东渡日本称为他“立世之始”. 展开更多
关键词 李大钊研究 留学日本 赴日留学 《言治》 高一涵 法政专门学校 《李大钊文集》 北京大学出版社 北京大学图书馆 一种解释
作者 朱健华 《贵州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 1998年第3期59-62,共4页
关键词 李大钊 早期报刊 《甲寅》 《言治》 十月革命 马克思主义者 民主主义 社会主义 第一次世界大战 资产阶级民主革命
Predictors of super-response to cardiac resynchronization therapy: the significance of heart failure medication, pre-implant left ventricular geometry and high percentage of biventricular pacing 被引量:4
作者 Han JIN Min GU +6 位作者 Wei HUA Xiao-Han FAN Hong-Xia NIU Li-Gang DING Jing WANG Cong XUE Shu ZHANG 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第12期737-742,共6页
Background Super-responders (SRs) are defined as patients who show crucial cardiac function improvement after cardiac resynchro- nization therapy (CRT). The purpose of this study is to identify and validate predic... Background Super-responders (SRs) are defined as patients who show crucial cardiac function improvement after cardiac resynchro- nization therapy (CRT). The purpose of this study is to identify and validate predictors of SRs after CRT. Methods This study enrolled 201 patients who underwent CRT during the period from 2010 to 2014. Clinical and echocardiographic evaluations were conducted before CRT and 6 months after. Patients with a decrease in New York Heart Association (NYHA) fimctional class 〉 1, a decrease in left ventricular end-systolic volume (LVESV) ≥ 15%, and a final left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) ≥ 45% were classified as SRs. Results 29% of the 201 patients who underwent CRT were identified as SRs. At baseline, SRs had significantly smaller left atrial diameter (LAD), LVESV, left ventricular end-diastolic volume (LVEDV) and higher LVEF than the non-super-responders (non-SRs). The percentage of patients using angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers (ACEI/ARB) was higher in SRs than non-SRs. Most SRs had Biventricular (BiV) pacing percentage greater than 98% six months after CRT. In the multivariate logistic regression analysis, the independ- ent predictors of SRs were lower LVEDV [odd ratios (OR): 0.93; confidence intervals (CI): 0.90-0.97], use of ACEI/ARB (OR: 0.33; CI: 0.13~3.82) and BiV pacing percentage greater than 98% (OR: 0.29; CI: 0.16~.87). Conclusion Patients with a better compliance of ACEI/ARB and a less ectatic ventricular geometry before CRT tends to have a greater probability of becoming SRs. Higher percentage of BiV pacing is essential for becoming SRs. 展开更多
关键词 Biventricular pacing Cardiac resynchronization therapy Heart failure Super-responders
Constraint-induced aphasia therapy for patients with aphasia: A systematic review 被引量:2
作者 Guandong Wang Li Ge +2 位作者 Qingxiang Zheng Pingping Huang Jing Xiang 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2020年第3期349-358,共10页
Objectives:This study aimed to systematically evaluate the effects of constraint-induced aphasia therapy(OAT)for aphasic patients reported by randomized controlled trials.Methods:Relevant randomized controlled trials ... Objectives:This study aimed to systematically evaluate the effects of constraint-induced aphasia therapy(OAT)for aphasic patients reported by randomized controlled trials.Methods:Relevant randomized controlled trials were retrieved from 11 electronic databases.A methodological quality assessment was conducted in accordance with the Cochrane Handbook,and metaanalyses were performed by using RevMan 5.2.A descriptive analysis was conducted when the included trials were not suitable for a meta-analysis.Results:A total of 12 trials were included.A statistically significant group difference was shown from the meta-analysis in the results measured by the Western Aphasia Battery(random-effects model,MD=1.23,95%CI=0.31 to 2.14,P<0.01).However,there were no statistically significant differences shown in the results of the Boston Naming Test(fixed-effects model,MD=-1.79,95%CI=-11.19 to Z62,P>0.05)and Aachen Aphasia Test(fixed-effects model,MD=-1.11,95%CI=-4.49 to 2.27,P>0.05).The descriptive analysis showed positive results in language performances of naming,repetition,and comprehension.Conclusion:This systematic review indicated that CIAT was efficient for improving language performance with regard to naming,comprehension,repetition,written language,and oral language based on the current evidence.And this review provides some meaningful guides for clinical practice:expand the therapy duration to 2 or 3 h per day,focus on naming,and choose the best assessment tool.It also indicates a need for more rigorous,large-scale,and high-quality trials in the future. 展开更多
关键词 APHASIA Constraint-induced aphasia therapy Descriptive analysis Language tests
On Impacts of Cultural Soft Power on Translation -by Analyzing Popularity of Yu Hua’s Works in US
作者 GU Juan 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第6期897-905,共9页
With the emergence of the Cultural School in the 1990s, researchers began to deem that translation is inevitably associated with political tendencies and aspirations of social groups, and the relationship between sour... With the emergence of the Cultural School in the 1990s, researchers began to deem that translation is inevitably associated with political tendencies and aspirations of social groups, and the relationship between source language and target language has never gone beyond politics and are always entangled with power. From political perspective, this thesis will take the popularity of Yu Hua’s works in US into account to analyze and explore how cultural soft power, has impacts on translation activities, especially translation direction and source text selection. 展开更多
关键词 cultural soft power Yu Hua’s works translation direction source text selection
作者 刘振寰 马美美 +2 位作者 潘佩光 符文杰 胡静君 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2005年第4期31-33,36,共4页
Objective: To explore the best remedies for cerebral palsy with aphasia. Methods: A total of 76 cases of cerebral palsy children with aphasia were evenly randomized into control group and treatment group. Patients o... Objective: To explore the best remedies for cerebral palsy with aphasia. Methods: A total of 76 cases of cerebral palsy children with aphasia were evenly randomized into control group and treatment group. Patients of treatment group were treated with “consciousness-restoring needling” plus linguistic training and these of control group treated with simple linguistic training method. Acupuncture was given once every other day, and linguistic training conducted once 6 times a week, with 10 times being a therapeutic course and the interval between two weeks being 10 - 15 days. Following 3 courses of treatment, the therapeutic effect was analyzed. Results. After 3 courses of treatment, of the two 38 cases in treatment and control groups, 27 (71.1% ) and 13 (34.2%) had remarkable improvement in their symptoms. The therapeutic effect of treatment group was significantly superior to that of control group (P 〈 0.01 ). The developmental quotient values of speech of treatment and control groups were 56.36 ± 19.77 and 46.96± 15.63 respectively, displaying that acupuncture could significantly improve cerebral palsy patients' speaking ability (P〈0 05). Conclusion. The therapeutic effect of acupuncture therapy plus linguistic training is significantly superior to that of simple linguistic training . 展开更多
关键词 Cerebral palsy Aphasia Speech therapy Acupuncture therapy
Translation Strategies of Vague Language in Political Texts
作者 Changxue CHEN 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第5期52-54,共3页
As one of the most important features of natural language, the ambiguity of the language has aroused widespread attention in the early Western scholars. Today, the growing number of experts, scholars have committed sy... As one of the most important features of natural language, the ambiguity of the language has aroused widespread attention in the early Western scholars. Today, the growing number of experts, scholars have committed systematic exploration and research of vague language, and thus producing the fuzzy edge between discipline and linguistics —— Fuzzy Linguistics. Looking at the current fuzzy linguistics research, we can broadly divide it from the research point of view, into semantic ambiguity, pragmatic vagueness, syntactic blur, discourse vague and other directions. Undoubtedly, these types of studies approach from different angles can inevitably produces a cross, which is based on the analysis of the vague language to explore pragmatic functions as this paper. 展开更多
关键词 Political Texts Vague Language TRANSLATION
The Influence of the Learning Environment on Learner Autonomy: A Comparative Study of Polish and Yemeni EFL Undergraduate Learners
作者 Ammar Al-Khawlani 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2018年第3期109-124,共16页
The goal of autonomous language learning is to create an atmosphere where learners take charge of their own learning. Creating this atmosphere encounters various challenges which are partially context-specific. Influe... The goal of autonomous language learning is to create an atmosphere where learners take charge of their own learning. Creating this atmosphere encounters various challenges which are partially context-specific. Influenced by the learning environment, learnners of different educational contexts vary in their degree of autonomy. The present study examines the impact of the learning environment on learner autonomy at higher education. The study focuses on the differences between Polish and Yemeni EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners with respect to their autonomy in language learning. A questionnaire was distributed to a total of 140 (59 Polish and 81 Yemeni) undergraduate learners. The questionnaire was coded into seven categories: beliefs and attitudes, planning, management, self-regulation, sources and materials, in-class responsibility, and out-of-class responsibility. Data were analysed quantitatively via SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions). Independent Sample t-Test is used to investigate the differences between Polish and Yemein learners and Pearson Correlation is used to perform correlational analysis among the seven categories. The results show significant differences between Polish and Yemeni learners in some of the categories as well as a significant correlation among other categories 展开更多
关键词 learner autonomy learning environment SELF-REGULATION SELF-LEARNING self-directed learning Polmad Yemen
Extremist Politics as an Instrument of Ethnic Assertions among the Bodos of Northeast India
作者 Susmita Sen Gupta 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2014年第8期527-534,共8页
Ethnic assertions worldwide have assumed different forms ranging from moderate methods of articulation of autonomy to extremist means of violent struggle. Resort to extremism by some sections of an ethnic group usuall... Ethnic assertions worldwide have assumed different forms ranging from moderate methods of articulation of autonomy to extremist means of violent struggle. Resort to extremism by some sections of an ethnic group usually triggers inter-ethnic conflicts with other groups on the one hand and leads to confrontation with the state on the other. This paper seeks to examine the dynamics of this phenomenon in the context of Bodos, the largest plains tribe of Assam, a State of Northeast India. The paper enquires as to whether extremist politics has met the Bodo aspirations for self-determination or has intensified the conflicts and contradictions within the Bodo society with ramifications for other ethnic groups inhabiting the Bodo-dominated areas. It is also necessary to explore the responses of the Union and State governments to Bodo extremist politics for an understanding of the conflict management process. 展开更多
关键词 EXTREMISM extremist politics ethnic assertions conflict management
Political Correctness in American English and Its Implication in TEFL
作者 ZHOU Li-na 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2018年第2期65-69,共5页
Political correctness (PC) is both a cultural existence and a language phenomenon. It is used to describe language policies intending to avoid offense or disadvmatages to specific groups in society reflecting the la... Political correctness (PC) is both a cultural existence and a language phenomenon. It is used to describe language policies intending to avoid offense or disadvmatages to specific groups in society reflecting the language norms of the Americans as well as withdrawing from language discrimination. This paper traces briefly the history of political correctness in American English, make analysis of the connotations of politically correct terms in American English, and illustrates the influence PC has on American English. Finally, some implications in political correctness in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) were drawn with the intention to enhance learners' competency in language as well as intercultural communication. 展开更多
关键词 political correctness American English TEFL IMPLICATION
作者 张全明 靳瑞 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2005年第4期19-22,共4页
Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of acupuncture therapy for aphasis in autism children. Methods: Thirty cases of autism children were divided into acupuncture group (n=20) and medication group (n=10). Inte... Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of acupuncture therapy for aphasis in autism children. Methods: Thirty cases of autism children were divided into acupuncture group (n=20) and medication group (n=10). Intelligence quotient(IQ) and Social adaptive developmental quotient(ADQ) were used to assess the therapeutic effect. Results: After treatment, IQ values increased slightly in medication group and considerably in acupuncture group (P<0.001), and the difference between pre-treatment and post-treatment of acupuncture group was significantly bigger than that of control group (P<0.01). ADQ of two groups increased at different degrees, and that of acupuncture and the difference between post- and pre-treatment of acupuncture group were significantly bigger than those of control group (P<0.001). Conclusion: Acupuncture treatment is effective in improving autism children’s speaking ability. raising IQ and ADQ. 展开更多
关键词 Infantile autism Aphasis Acupuncture
Heroin Narratives: Normalisation and Demonisation of Heroin Use at a Swedish Online Message Board
作者 Mats Ekendahl 《Sociology Study》 2014年第8期714-727,共14页
Heroin is considered potent and addictive and users are often stigmatised as the other. On the internet, however, hegemonic ideas about drugs can be resisted. This study elucidates how efforts to uormalise and demonis... Heroin is considered potent and addictive and users are often stigmatised as the other. On the internet, however, hegemonic ideas about drugs can be resisted. This study elucidates how efforts to uormalise and demonise heroin meet at a Swedish online message board (Flashback Forum). The study aims at analysing how heroin use is given meaning by discussants in a thread called "I will start with heroin". The data were perceived and structured as a collaborative, overarching narrative about when, why, and for whom heroin use can make sense. Discussants used stories about pleasure-seekers, miserable junkies, and self-medicating addicts to depict the activity as unproblematic and rational, problematic and irrational, or as problematic and rational. No stories about heroin use departed from the plot-lines of pleasure maximisation and pain minimisation. Results elucidate a discursive battle in which: (1) heroin use as minimisation of pain "wins" over heroin use as maximisation of pleasure; and (2) there is a general agreement that heroin use cannot be irrational and unproblematic at the same time. It is suggested that these features are central to contemporary drug discourse, and that they probably hinder public understanding of why people use heroin and therefore contribute to keep users stigmatised. 展开更多
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