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作者 郑文华 《声屏世界》 2006年第6期28-29,共2页
关键词 电视专栏节目 品牌建设 《黑土地》 电视栏目 服务“三农” 领导才能 理念更新 社会责任感 相关人员 心理准备
作者 张树新 于珧 《记者摇篮》 2007年第3期7-8,共2页
目前,在电视媒体进行市场化管理的大环境下,面临向收视率要效益的同质化大众节目的激烈竞争,对农节目无疑成为边缘化的小众节目,生存现状未尽人意。我国是一个农业大国,农村人口占总人口比例高达80%以上,农村农业始终承载着支撑经济发... 目前,在电视媒体进行市场化管理的大环境下,面临向收视率要效益的同质化大众节目的激烈竞争,对农节目无疑成为边缘化的小众节目,生存现状未尽人意。我国是一个农业大国,农村人口占总人口比例高达80%以上,农村农业始终承载着支撑经济发展和社会稳定的任务。但是当下对农电视节目却日益缩减,停滞不前。面对着生存和发展的双重挑战,对农节目该怎样正视来自收视市场的压力和自身改革的迫切要求?值得从业者深思。辽宁电视台卫星频道从2006年8月5日隆重改版以来,立足辽宁,放眼全国,对大型对农节目《黑土地》进行了全新的打造和品牌重塑,从节目定位、编排方式、栏目包装等各个方面都进行了大胆改革和有益尝试。在新农村建设的感召下,一手抓社会效益,一手抓经济效益,连续创造收视奇迹,在超早间播出时段中市场份额连续攀升,甚至达到55%的收视份额,其收视业绩在全国早间时段和对农节目中都是非常罕见的。《黑土地》栏目从而率先一步,成为全国对农节目的领军栏目之一。有鉴于此“,本期关注”这次从各方面、多角度、多层次对《黑土地》栏目进行全面解读,以飨读者。 展开更多
关键词 对农节目 《黑土地》 新闻 解读 栏目 对农电视节目 农业大国 农村人口
作者 王雪妍 《记者摇篮》 2007年第3期9-9,55,共2页
目前,在电视媒体进行市场化管理的大环境下,面临向收视率要效益的同质化大众节目的激烈竞争,对农节目无疑成为边缘化的小众节目,生存现状未尽人意。我国是一个农业大国,农村人口占总人口比例高达80%以上,农村农业始终承载着支撑经济发... 目前,在电视媒体进行市场化管理的大环境下,面临向收视率要效益的同质化大众节目的激烈竞争,对农节目无疑成为边缘化的小众节目,生存现状未尽人意。我国是一个农业大国,农村人口占总人口比例高达80%以上,农村农业始终承载着支撑经济发展和社会稳定的任务。但是当下对农电视节目却日益缩减,停滞不前。面对着生存和发展的双重挑战,对农节目该怎样正视来自收视市场的压力和自身改革的迫切要求?值得从业者深思。辽宁电视台卫星频道从2006年8月5日隆重改版以来,立足辽宁,放眼全国,对大型对农节目《黑土地》进行了全新的打造和品牌重塑,从节目定位、编排方式、栏目包装等各个方面都进行了大胆改革和有益尝试。在新农村建设的感召下,一手抓社会效益,一手抓经济效益,连续创造收视奇迹,在超早间播出时段中市场份额连续攀升,甚至达到55%的收视份额,其收视业绩在全国早间时段和对农节目中都是非常罕见的。《黑土地》栏目从而率先一步,成为全国对农节目的领军栏目之一。有鉴于此",本期关注"这次从各方面、多角度、多层次对《黑土地》栏目进行全面解读,以飨读者。 展开更多
关键词 《黑土地》 服务类 科技 节目宗旨 技术展示 致富方法 辽宁卫视 制作风格
作者 刘继岩 《记者摇篮》 2013年第7期58-59,共2页
内容是电视栏目的灵魂,尽管内容的表达形式上各有千秋,但是内容是大众传播的魅力所在,也是农业电视栏目生存的根本。为了更好地发挥农业电视栏目对受众的教育和引导功能,避免居高临下的说教式信息传递,《黑土地》栏目一直致力于用更好... 内容是电视栏目的灵魂,尽管内容的表达形式上各有千秋,但是内容是大众传播的魅力所在,也是农业电视栏目生存的根本。为了更好地发挥农业电视栏目对受众的教育和引导功能,避免居高临下的说教式信息传递,《黑土地》栏目一直致力于用更好的形式服务内容。 展开更多
关键词 服务内容 《黑土地》 电视栏目 大众传播 引导功能 信息传递 农业 受众
独具匠心 出奇制胜——《黑土地》节目编排策略
作者 常健 《记者摇篮》 2007年第3期11-12,共2页
目前,在电视媒体进行市场化管理的大环境下,面临向收视率要效益的同质化大众节目的激烈竞争,对农节目无疑成为边缘化的小众节目,生存现状未尽人意。我国是一个农业大国,农村人口占总人口比例高达80%以上,农村农业始终承载着支撑经济发... 目前,在电视媒体进行市场化管理的大环境下,面临向收视率要效益的同质化大众节目的激烈竞争,对农节目无疑成为边缘化的小众节目,生存现状未尽人意。我国是一个农业大国,农村人口占总人口比例高达80%以上,农村农业始终承载着支撑经济发展和社会稳定的任务。但是当下对农电视节目却日益缩减,停滞不前。面对着生存和发展的双重挑战,对农节目该怎样正视来自收视市场的压力和自身改革的迫切要求?值得从业者深思。辽宁电视台卫星频道从2006年8月5日隆重改版以来,立足辽宁,放眼全国,对大型对农节目《黑土地》进行了全新的打造和品牌重塑,从节目定位、编排方式、栏目包装等各个方面都进行了大胆改革和有益尝试。在新农村建设的感召下,一手抓社会效益,一手抓经济效益,连续创造收视奇迹,在超早间播出时段中市场份额连续攀升,甚至达到55%的收视份额,其收视业绩在全国早间时段和对农节目中都是非常罕见的。《黑土地》栏目从而率先一步,成为全国对农节目的领军栏目之一。有鉴于此",本期关注"这次从各方面、多角度、多层次对《黑土地》栏目进行全面解读,以飨读者。 展开更多
关键词 节目编排策略 《黑土地》 独具匠心 出奇制胜 辽宁电视台 电视栏目 播出时间 节目流程
求求你 表扬我——“大明白”“小广播”自卖自夸《黑土地》
作者 郭皓 《记者摇篮》 2007年第3期10-10,共1页
目前,在电视媒体进行市场化管理的大环境下,面临向收视率要效益的同质化大众节目的激烈竞争,对农节目无疑成为边缘化的小众节目,生存现状未尽人意。我国是一个农业大国,农村人口占总人口比例高达80%以上,农村农业始终承载着支撑经济发... 目前,在电视媒体进行市场化管理的大环境下,面临向收视率要效益的同质化大众节目的激烈竞争,对农节目无疑成为边缘化的小众节目,生存现状未尽人意。我国是一个农业大国,农村人口占总人口比例高达80%以上,农村农业始终承载着支撑经济发展和社会稳定的任务。但是当下对农电视节目却日益缩减,停滞不前。面对着生存和发展的双重挑战,对农节目该怎样正视来自收视市场的压力和自身改革的迫切要求?值得从业者深思。辽宁电视台卫星频道从2006年8月5日隆重改版以来,立足辽宁,放眼全国,对大型对农节目《黑土地》进行了全新的打造和品牌重塑,从节目定位、编排方式、栏目包装等各个方面都进行了大胆改革和有益尝试。在新农村建设的感召下,一手抓社会效益,一手抓经济效益,连续创造收视奇迹,在超早间播出时段中市场份额连续攀升,甚至达到55%的收视份额,其收视业绩在全国早间时段和对农节目中都是非常罕见的。《黑土地》栏目从而率先一步,成为全国对农节目的领军栏目之一。有鉴于此",本期关注"这次从各方面、多角度、多层次对《黑土地》栏目进行全面解读,以飨读者。 展开更多
关键词 《黑土地》 广播 表扬 新品种
作者 张树新 《中国广播电视学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第1期47-47,49,共2页
一般说来,新闻杂志型栏目都是以主持人串联的形式贯穿节目始终的,其主持的风格、特点、个人魅力随着栏目个性化特色日益突出。在一个成功的品牌栏目中.主持人的地位和作用愈发显得举足轻重。打造特色鲜明的栏目最根本的表象之一就是... 一般说来,新闻杂志型栏目都是以主持人串联的形式贯穿节目始终的,其主持的风格、特点、个人魅力随着栏目个性化特色日益突出。在一个成功的品牌栏目中.主持人的地位和作用愈发显得举足轻重。打造特色鲜明的栏目最根本的表象之一就是突出主持人的个性符号,而彰显主持人鲜明特点,在很大程度上取决于主持人在整个节目中准确的角色塑造意识。 展开更多
关键词 主持人 《黑土地》 角色化 品牌栏目 个性化特色 新闻杂志 个人魅力 人的个性
作者 李霞 《当代电视》 北大核心 2013年第11期80-80,79,共2页
关键词 《黑土地》 农民 农村致富带头人 服务 《大篷车》 农业节目 解决问题 多样性
作者 孙林 《记者摇篮》 2007年第3期14-15,60,共3页
目前,在电视媒体进行市场化管理的大环境下,面临向收视率要效益的同质化大众节目的激烈竞争,对农节目无疑成为边缘化的小众节目,生存现状未尽人意。我国是一个农业大国,农村人口占总人口比例高达80%以上,农村农业始终承载着支撑经济发... 目前,在电视媒体进行市场化管理的大环境下,面临向收视率要效益的同质化大众节目的激烈竞争,对农节目无疑成为边缘化的小众节目,生存现状未尽人意。我国是一个农业大国,农村人口占总人口比例高达80%以上,农村农业始终承载着支撑经济发展和社会稳定的任务。但是当下对农电视节目却日益缩减,停滞不前。面对着生存和发展的双重挑战,对农节目该怎样正视来自收视市场的压力和自身改革的迫切要求?值得从业者深思。辽宁电视台卫星频道从2006年8月5日隆重改版以来,立足辽宁,放眼全国,对大型对农节目《黑土地》进行了全新的打造和品牌重塑,从节目定位、编排方式、栏目包装等各个方面都进行了大胆改革和有益尝试。在新农村建设的感召下,一手抓社会效益,一手抓经济效益,连续创造收视奇迹,在超早间播出时段中市场份额连续攀升,甚至达到55%的收视份额,其收视业绩在全国早间时段和对农节目中都是非常罕见的。《黑土地》栏目从而率先一步,成为全国对农节目的领军栏目之一。有鉴于此",本期关注"这次从各方面、多角度、多层次对《黑土地》栏目进行全面解读,以飨读者。 展开更多
关键词 《黑土地》 栏目设置 电视栏目 栏目改版
作者 奏葆 《读写月报(高中版)》 2004年第10期10-11,共2页
关键词 《黑土地》 韩静霆 高中 语文 散文 阅读欣赏
作者 初丽华 《记者摇篮》 2008年第6期48-48,共1页
找饭店吃饭,许多人常会去家常菜馆,今年春天我们辽宁电视台卫星频道推出的大型春耕农事系列报道《春暖农家》,也尝试了一把新闻的“家常”做法。从3月10日开始,50期滋满味足的络暖农家》系列报道在辽宁卫视两大栏目《辽宁新闻》和... 找饭店吃饭,许多人常会去家常菜馆,今年春天我们辽宁电视台卫星频道推出的大型春耕农事系列报道《春暖农家》,也尝试了一把新闻的“家常”做法。从3月10日开始,50期滋满味足的络暖农家》系列报道在辽宁卫视两大栏目《辽宁新闻》和《黑土地》陆续播出后,不论从观众还是在业界都收到了良好的评价。 展开更多
关键词 新闻 农家 做法 辽宁电视台 系列报道 《黑土地》 卫星频道 辽宁卫视
作者 陶景阳 《记者摇篮》 2011年第7期107-107,共1页
对农电视节目的画面语言对于农村观众更为重要,这个项目宣传效果的好与坏主要取决于电视画面的表现,教农民农业技能的节目能否达到让农民学会的目的,每一个步骤,画面一定要到位、准确、美观。笔者在《黑土地》栏目从事摄像工作已经有十... 对农电视节目的画面语言对于农村观众更为重要,这个项目宣传效果的好与坏主要取决于电视画面的表现,教农民农业技能的节目能否达到让农民学会的目的,每一个步骤,画面一定要到位、准确、美观。笔者在《黑土地》栏目从事摄像工作已经有十个年头了, 展开更多
关键词 对农电视节目 画面表现 《黑土地》 画面语言 电视画面 宣传效果 农业技能 摄像工作
作者 王雪妍 《记者摇篮》 2014年第1期57-58,共2页
自辽宁广播电视台原《黑土地》栏目改版升级为《乡村服务社》以来,其节目内容的影响力可谓越来越大。如今,党和国家对“三农”工作的日益重视,无疑为《乡村服务社》迎来了提升和发展的良好机遇。客观地讲,虽然《乡村服务社》当下已... 自辽宁广播电视台原《黑土地》栏目改版升级为《乡村服务社》以来,其节目内容的影响力可谓越来越大。如今,党和国家对“三农”工作的日益重视,无疑为《乡村服务社》迎来了提升和发展的良好机遇。客观地讲,虽然《乡村服务社》当下已深受广大农民朋友及社会各界人士所喜爱,但用发展的眼光来看,要想更好地服务“三农”,更全面地满足广大受众对党的政策和新科技的渴望,特别是要强化《乡村服务社》栏目的品牌效应, 展开更多
关键词 服务“三农” “三农”报道 影响力 乡村 “三农”工作 栏目改版 《黑土地》 广播电视台
作者 王福春 《中国商贸》 2012年第5期76-77,共2页
王福春,2002年从哈尔滨迁居北京,现在为自由掇影人。拍有《火车上的中国人》、《中国蒸汽机车》、《黑土地》、《东北人家》、《东北人》、《东北虎》、《中国人的故事》、《地铁里的中国人》、《天路藏人》等摄影专题。第十七届全国... 王福春,2002年从哈尔滨迁居北京,现在为自由掇影人。拍有《火车上的中国人》、《中国蒸汽机车》、《黑土地》、《东北人家》、《东北人》、《东北虎》、《中国人的故事》、《地铁里的中国人》、《天路藏人》等摄影专题。第十七届全国影展金牌获得者,第三届中国摄影艺术金像奖得主,被中国摄影家协会授予“德艺双馨”优秀会员。近年参展经历如下: 展开更多
关键词 摄影欣赏 王福春 中国摄影家协会 中国人 《黑土地》 《东北虎》 蒸汽机车 摄影艺术
Relationship Between Water-Stable Aggregates and Nutrients in Black Soils After Reclamation 被引量:8
作者 MA Qiang YU Wan-Tai ZHAO Shao-Hua ZHANG Lu 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第4期538-544,共7页
Water-stable aggregates, which are an index for the evaluation of the structural properties of the soil, are affected by many factors. Zhaoguang Farm, Longzhen Farm, and Jiusan Farm were chosen as the representative s... Water-stable aggregates, which are an index for the evaluation of the structural properties of the soil, are affected by many factors. Zhaoguang Farm, Longzhen Farm, and Jiusan Farm were chosen as the representative study sites in the region of black soils, a typical soil resource in Northeast China. The variation in the content of 〉 0.25 mm water-stable aggregates and its relationship with the nutrients in black soil were investigated after different years of reclamation. The results showed that the 〉 0.25 mm water-stable aggregates were more in the surface than in the subsurface soil and they changed in the following order: Longzhen Farm 〉 Zhaoguang Farm 〉 Jiusan Farm. The water-stable aggregates decreased sharply at the initial stage of reclamation and then became stable gradually with time. They were significantly correlated with the contents of organic C, total N, total P, and CEC in black soil, with the correlation coefficients r being 0.76, 0.68, 0.61, and 0.81 (P 〈 0.01), respectively; however, their relationships with available P, available K, and total K were unclear. These showed that organic matter was the cementation of soil water-stable aggregates. Increasing decompositions and decreasing inputs of organic matter after reclamation were responsible for the amount of reduction of the water-stable aggregates. Thus, to maintain good soil aggregate structure, attention should be paid to improvement of soil nutrient status, especially the supply of organic C and N. 展开更多
关键词 black soils NUTRIENTS RECLAMATION water-stable aggregates
作者 ZHANG Bai, CUI Hai-shan, YU Lei, HE Yan-fen (Northeast Institute of Geography and Agricultural Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130012,P.R.China) 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2003年第2期119-123,共5页
Northeast China is an important agricultural region in China. The NortheastPlain is the largest plain in the country and one of the three famous black soil zones in the world.Despite of fertility of the soil, however,... Northeast China is an important agricultural region in China. The NortheastPlain is the largest plain in the country and one of the three famous black soil zones in the world.Despite of fertility of the soil, however, large-scale agricultural development mainly took placesince 1900. The land exploitation and utilization has been fast and intensive in this region sincethen and change in the land-cover process has been remarkable. Both national and internationalresearchers on land use and land cover are paying more attention to these processes in this regionand their implication for local ecological environment. This article discusses the land reclamationprocesses and their main driving forces in Northeast China since 1900. According to the research,the 20th century was the most important period for land reclamation in Northeast China. In theseyears the rate, intensity and quantity of land reclamation have been staggering, and more than 100000km^2 of land was converted into farmland. This magnitude of land reclamation inland is unique inthe world. Research on the land reclamation of Northeast China can provide some data on the effectof human activity on environment. As in many other places in the world, the primary driving force ofreclamation in Northeast China was the increasing pressure of population. In the 20th century thepopulation increased from 10 x 10~6 to 110 x 10~6 in Northeast China and from 400 x 10~6 to 1. 3 x10^9 in China. Population pressure is thus the most important driving force for land reclamation. 展开更多
关键词 land reclamation process northeast china 20th century
Soil Nutrient Variance by Slope Position in a Mollisol Farmland Area of Northeast China 被引量:6
作者 ZHANG Shaoliang JIANG Lili +3 位作者 LIU Xiaobing ZHANG Xingyi FU Shicong DAI Lin 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第4期508-517,共10页
In order to generate scientifically-based comparative information to improve fertilization efficiency and reduce nutrient loss, 610 samples of 122 soil profiles were collected at the 0–60 cm depth to compare soil nut... In order to generate scientifically-based comparative information to improve fertilization efficiency and reduce nutrient loss, 610 samples of 122 soil profiles were collected at the 0–60 cm depth to compare soil nutrient contents including soil organic matter(SOM), total nitrogen(TN), total phosphorus(TP), available phosphorus(AP), and available potassium(AK) among different slope positions in a Mollisol farmland area of Northeast China. The contents of SOM and TN typically decreased with increased soil depth at back and bottom slope. Soil loss and deposition tended to decrease SOM and TN at the 0–20 cm soil depth on both the back slope and the slope bottom. The TP firstly decreased from 0–20 cm to 30–40 cm, and then not constantly increased at the back slope and the bottom slope. Due to the characteristics of soil nutrients and crop absorption, the contents of both AP and AK were typically the highest at the summit, followed by the slope bottom and the back slope in the 0–20 cm layer. Generally, in order to sustain the high soil productivity and protect the environment, attention should be paid to soil conservation on back slope; in addition, additional N and P fertilizer is necessary on the back slope. 展开更多
关键词 soil organic matter soil nitrogen soil phosphorus soil potassium slope position MOLLISOLS China
Using ^(137)Cs Tracer Technique to Evaluate Erosion and Deposition of Black Soil in Northeast China 被引量:34
作者 FANG Hua-Jun YANG Xue-Ming +1 位作者 ZHANG Xiao-Ping LIANG Ai-Zhen 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第2期201-209,共9页
Soil and water losses through erosion have been serious in the black soil region of Northeast China. Therefore, a sloping cultivated land in Songnen Plain was selected as a case study to: 1) determine the ^137Cs ref... Soil and water losses through erosion have been serious in the black soil region of Northeast China. Therefore, a sloping cultivated land in Songnen Plain was selected as a case study to: 1) determine the ^137Cs reference inventory in the study area; 2) calculate erosion and deposition rates of black soil on different slope locations; 3) conduct a sensitivity analysis of some model parameters; and 4) compare overall outputs using four different models. Three transects were set in the field with five slope locations for each transect, including summit, shoulder-slope, back-slope, foot-slope, and toe-slope. Field measurements and model simulation were used to estimate a bomb-derived ^137Cs reference inventory in the study area. Soil erosion and deposition rates were estimated using four ^137Cs models and percentage of ^137Cs loss/gain. The ^137Cs reference value in the study area was 2 232.8 Bq m^-2 with ^137Cs showing a clear topographic pattern, decreasing from the summit to shoulder-slope, then increasing again at the foot-slope and reaching a maximum at the toe-slope, Predicted soil redistribution rates for different slope locations varied. Among models, the Yang Model (YANG-M) overestimated erosion loss but underestimated deposition. However, the standard mass balance model (MBM1) gave predictions similar to a mass balance model incorporating soil movement by tillage (MBM2). Sensitivity analysis of the proportion factor and distribution pattern of ^137Cs in the surface layer demonstrated the impact of ^137Cs enrichment on calculation of the soil erosion rate. Factors influencing the redistribution of fallout ^137Cs in landscape should be fully considered as calculating soil redistribution rate using ^137Cs technique. 展开更多
关键词 black soil cesium-137 (^137Cs) Northeast China quantitative models soil erosion
Comparative Study on Rain Splash Erosion of Representative Soils in China 被引量:6
作者 CHENG Qinjuan CAI Qiangguo MA Wenjun 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第2期155-161,共7页
As the first event of soil erosion, rain splash erosion supplies materials for subsequent transportation and en-trainment. The Loess Plateau, the southern hilly region and the Northeast China are subject to serious so... As the first event of soil erosion, rain splash erosion supplies materials for subsequent transportation and en-trainment. The Loess Plateau, the southern hilly region and the Northeast China are subject to serious soil and water loss; however, the characteristics of rain splash erosion in those regions are still unclear. The objectives of the study are to ana-lyze the characteristics of splash erosion on loess soil, red soil, purple soil and black soil, and to discuss the relationship between splash erosion and soil properties. Soil samples spatially distributed in the abovementioned regions were col-lected and underwent simulated rainfalls at a high intensity of 1.2mm/min, lasting for 5, 10, 15, and 20min, respectively. Rain splash and soil crust development were analyzed. It shows that black soil sample from Heilongjiang Province corre-sponds to the minimum splash erosion amount because it has high aggregate content, aggregate stability and organic mat-ter content. Loess soil sample from Inner Mongolia corresponds to the maximum splash erosion amount because it has high content of sand particles. Loess soil sample from Shanxi Province has relatively lower splash erosion amount be-cause it has high silt particle content and low aggregate stability easily to be disrupted under rainfalls with high intensity. Although aggregate contents of red soil and purple soil samples from Hubei and Guangdong provinces are high, the sta-bility is weak and prone to be disrupted, so the splash erosion amount is medium. Splash rate which fluctuates over time is observed because soil crust development follows a cycling processes of formation and disruption. In addition, there are two locations of soil crust development, one appears at the surface, and the other occurs at the subsurface. 展开更多
关键词 rain splash erosion black soil loess soil red soil purple soil soil crust
Micromorphological Analysis of Soil Structure under No Tillage Management in the Black Soil Zone of Northeast China 被引量:7
作者 ZHOU Hu LI Baoguo LU Yizhong 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第2期173-180,共8页
The structure of the "black soil" in Northeast China has been greatly deteriorated by long-term intensive conventional mouldboard plow tillage (CT) practices. In this study, micro- morphological observation and im... The structure of the "black soil" in Northeast China has been greatly deteriorated by long-term intensive conventional mouldboard plow tillage (CT) practices. In this study, micro- morphological observation and image analysis of soil thin sections were conducted to evaluate the impacts of 21 years (1986-2007) of no tillage (NT) on soil structure as compared to CT in an experiment near Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province. Soil organic matter (SOM), wet aggregate stability and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) were also analyzed. Total SOM was not significantly affected by tillage systems, but fresher SOM was observed in the surface layer under NT. The aggregates under NT showed different hierarchies in the form of crumbs, and the mean weight diameter (MWD) of NT was significant higher than that of CT in the surface layer. Platy and blocky aggregates were frequently observed in the lower layers under CT practice. The compound pore structure with intertwined intra- and inter- aggregates pores under NT was well developed in a layer from 0-5 cm to 20-25 era. While under CT system, more inter-aggregate pores and fewer intra- aggregate pores were observed, and planes and channels were frequently found in the 20-25 cm layer, where maeroporosity decreased significantly and a plow pan was evident. The Ks values of NT weresignificantly lower at o-5 cm but significantly higher at 20-95 cm compared with CT, which showed the same trend with macroporosity. These results confirmed that long-term CT practice fragmented the tillage layer soil and compacted the lower layer soil and formed a plow pan. While long-term NT practice in the black soil region favored soil aggregation and a stable porous soil structure was formed, which are important to the water infiltration and prevent soil erosion. 展开更多
关键词 No tillage soil structure soilmicromorphology image analysis black soil
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