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作者 袁晋成 邓育林 《河北画报》 2024年第20期49-51,共3页
本论文探讨了剪纸定格动画人物动态研究。梳理了剪纸定格动画的发展轨迹,深入剖析了剪纸定格动画制作技术的要点与创新;论述了其包括造型风格、色彩运用等方面的艺术特点;文章着重通过对人物动态的表现形式、制作技巧以及影响因素的详... 本论文探讨了剪纸定格动画人物动态研究。梳理了剪纸定格动画的发展轨迹,深入剖析了剪纸定格动画制作技术的要点与创新;论述了其包括造型风格、色彩运用等方面的艺术特点;文章着重通过对人物动态的表现形式、制作技巧以及影响因素的详细分析,揭示了定格动画人物动态创作的复杂性与多样性。为剪纸定格动画的创作与研究提供有价值的参考。 展开更多
关键词 剪纸定格动画 人物动态 制作技巧
关于高校动画专业人物动态速写教学方法的研究 被引量:1
作者 陈了 《设计》 2014年第A06期129-130,共2页
人物动态速写是动画专业的基本功,对影视动画创作极其重要。在教学中,教师应研究动画专业的特点及其对造型练习的要求,注意和传统绘画专业速写教学的联系与区别。在运用现有教学方法的基础上,不断探索实践其与专业要求更匹配、学生更易... 人物动态速写是动画专业的基本功,对影视动画创作极其重要。在教学中,教师应研究动画专业的特点及其对造型练习的要求,注意和传统绘画专业速写教学的联系与区别。在运用现有教学方法的基础上,不断探索实践其与专业要求更匹配、学生更易掌握的教学方法。将传统与创新相结合,以达到教学目标,取得更好的教学效果。 展开更多
关键词 动画 人物动态 速写 教学方法
作者 马媛 李丽华 《艺术科技》 2014年第6期408-408,共1页
本文首先讲述了动画速写中默写这个实训课题的重要性,然后论述了针对自然形态的纷繁庞杂,特别是当人物处于运动状态时,简化人物结构去默写人物动态就显得至关重要了。笔者总结了四种方法去默写人物动态,一、用基本形概括人物动态。二、... 本文首先讲述了动画速写中默写这个实训课题的重要性,然后论述了针对自然形态的纷繁庞杂,特别是当人物处于运动状态时,简化人物结构去默写人物动态就显得至关重要了。笔者总结了四种方法去默写人物动态,一、用基本形概括人物动态。二、用"骨架添加法"设计人物动态。三、用"躯干组装法"设计人物动态。四、用动态线概括人物动态。本文旨在分析出这几种方法和简单的图形符号是分不开的,把难画多变的人物动态先用简单的图形符号先去概括地画出,然后根据解剖学中的人物比例,合理地将人物动态默写出来。 展开更多
关键词 动画速写 图形符号 默写 人物动态
作者 宋乃东 《中国科教创新导刊》 2011年第20期69-69,共1页
人物动态速写训练中需要以临摹、写生、默写相结合。慢写与局部练习结合、静态与动态结合、单人与场景结合。教学中应该注意人体运动规律、透视规律和线的表现力的学习。通过科学而严谨的教学使受训练者深入理解绘画基本技巧,对于学生... 人物动态速写训练中需要以临摹、写生、默写相结合。慢写与局部练习结合、静态与动态结合、单人与场景结合。教学中应该注意人体运动规律、透视规律和线的表现力的学习。通过科学而严谨的教学使受训练者深入理解绘画基本技巧,对于学生的艺术能力的培养起着至关重要的作用。 展开更多
关键词 人物动态速写 临摹 写生 默写 动态 静态 人体运动规律
浅谈高中美术怎样提高学生人物动态速写能力 被引量:1
作者 胡志珉 《神州》 2012年第9期319-320,共2页
素描是一切造形艺术的基础,速写则是艺术工作者包括设计工作者深入生活、记录生活、搜集创作素材的重要手段和基本功。同时,经常画速写可以训练眼快手快的能力,可以训练敏捷地捕捉、生动地记录瞬息即逝的形象和动态的能力。因此。速... 素描是一切造形艺术的基础,速写则是艺术工作者包括设计工作者深入生活、记录生活、搜集创作素材的重要手段和基本功。同时,经常画速写可以训练眼快手快的能力,可以训练敏捷地捕捉、生动地记录瞬息即逝的形象和动态的能力。因此。速写也是一切造形艺术不可缺少的基础,要想在高考中如愿以偿,就必须提高学生人物动态速写能力。本文就如何提高学生人物动态速写能力谈几点体会。 展开更多
关键词 人物动态速写 人体结构 应试技巧
作者 黄立君 《喀什师范学院学报》 2006年第1期89-91,共3页
关键词 艺用透视 艺用解剖 人物动态
作者 敖丽云 《中学生作文指导》 2019年第15期54-54,58,共2页
速写,顾名思义是一种快速的写生方法速写是属于素描的一种,不但是造型艺术的基础,也是一种独立的艺术形式在美术教学中,人们往往将速写视为基本功训练的一项主要内容,因为它对提高绘画造型能力起着极为重要的作用。速写人物动态的阶段... 速写,顾名思义是一种快速的写生方法速写是属于素描的一种,不但是造型艺术的基础,也是一种独立的艺术形式在美术教学中,人们往往将速写视为基本功训练的一项主要内容,因为它对提高绘画造型能力起着极为重要的作用。速写人物动态的阶段性教学是按照学生成长、认知的不同阶段进行不同内容的教学,是以人为本的教学。 展开更多
关键词 速写 人物动态 表现技法
基于协同训练的低空运动平台动态人物阴影检测 被引量:2
作者 解志刚 胡少兴 +1 位作者 张爱武 孙卫东 《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期903-913,共11页
针对现有视频监控中人物阴影检测大都采用背景减法,难以实现低空运动平台下的动态检测问题,提出一种针对低空运动平台的动态人物阴影检测方法.在改进现有的3种室外人物阴影像素特征的基础上,提出一种亮度反差区域特征,并通过实验给出了... 针对现有视频监控中人物阴影检测大都采用背景减法,难以实现低空运动平台下的动态检测问题,提出一种针对低空运动平台的动态人物阴影检测方法.在改进现有的3种室外人物阴影像素特征的基础上,提出一种亮度反差区域特征,并通过实验给出了其优化组合模式;基于像素与区域特性的独立性构建双视图分类器,设计了与之相适应的半监督协同训练策略;最后针对实时处理需求,提出了通过随机采样改善学习效率、利用支持向量机解决小样本学习问题的加速方案.实际低空运动平台下的实验结果表明,该方法具有较高的人物阴影检测率与较好的算法鲁棒性,可有效地解决低空运动平台下的高质量动态人物阴影检测问题. 展开更多
关键词 低空运动平台 动态人物阴影检测 阴影像素和区域特征 协同训练
作者 黄金 《鞋类工艺与设计》 2024年第17期200-200,共1页
关键词 科普知识 设计说明 形象特点 周边产品 传播科学知识 人物性格特点 人物动态 IP
创作与建构:中国动画电影中的女性形象 被引量:1
作者 李希 《文化产业》 2023年第22期148-150,共3页
近年来,国产动画电影产业发展迅速,在电影表现手法、艺术呈现形式、人物动态刻画等方面都取得了较大的进步。中国动画电影中的女性形象具有独特的审美特征和文化内涵,其审美特征和文化内涵也在随着时代的发展不断变迁。但目前来看,以女... 近年来,国产动画电影产业发展迅速,在电影表现手法、艺术呈现形式、人物动态刻画等方面都取得了较大的进步。中国动画电影中的女性形象具有独特的审美特征和文化内涵,其审美特征和文化内涵也在随着时代的发展不断变迁。但目前来看,以女性为主体形象的动画电影不仅数量较少,且在女性形象的塑造和建构上有着单一化、刻板化的特点。女性形象是动画电影的重要组成部分,现梳理国产动画电影中的女性形象特征,阐述女性题材动画电影中的刻板化创作现象,分析女性形象塑造偏差的形成原因,探索建构多元化女性形象的路径,以期为当下女性题材动画电影创作提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 国产动画电影 创作现象 动画电影创作 艺术呈现 主体形象 女性题材 女性形象塑造 人物动态
作者 徐萍萍 《广西教育》 2017年第41期126-126,128,共2页
本文针对大班幼儿在绘画活动中试图表现更多人物动态,却又不会画或想画却画不出来的现象,分析幼儿绘画过程中的难点,通过引导幼儿观察、积累经验,操作教学具为幼儿搭建阶梯以及直接而具体地示范,帮助幼儿探索画人物动态画的方法,解决幼... 本文针对大班幼儿在绘画活动中试图表现更多人物动态,却又不会画或想画却画不出来的现象,分析幼儿绘画过程中的难点,通过引导幼儿观察、积累经验,操作教学具为幼儿搭建阶梯以及直接而具体地示范,帮助幼儿探索画人物动态画的方法,解决幼儿在美术活动中的表达难点。 展开更多
关键词 人物动态 绘画 大班幼儿 美术活动 难点
《党的生活(青海)》 2002年第4期43-43,共1页
关键词 旅游照片 名胜古迹 自然风光 拍摄题材 拍摄角度 人物视线 人物动态
Population dynamics of marine ciliate Euplotes vannus (Protozoa, Ciliophora) in different artificial seawaters 被引量:3
作者 许恒龙 朱明壮 +3 位作者 姜勇 高珊 MIN Gi-Sik AL-RASHEID Khaled A.S. 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第1期109-117,共9页
To study population dynamics of marine ciliates in different artificial seawaters (ASW), the population growth dynamics of a common marine ciliate Euplotes vannus were investigated using beef extract media and rice ... To study population dynamics of marine ciliates in different artificial seawaters (ASW), the population growth dynamics of a common marine ciliate Euplotes vannus were investigated using beef extract media and rice media for five types of ASW and natural seawater (NSW). The results show that: (1) the population growth rate was in the order of NSW〉Flack ASW〉Nakamula ASW〉Schmadz ASW〉Oshima ASW〉Subow ASW and was considerably higher in rice media than in beef extract media (apart from Subow ASW); (2) the maximum density of E. vannus in stationary phase in each treatment was ranked as Hack ASW〉Nakamula ASW〉Schmadz ASW〉NSW〉Oshima ASW〉Subow ASW, and was again higher in rice media than in beef extract media (except for Subow ASW); (3) the exponential and stationary phases were longer in rice media than in beef extract media; (4) strains of E. vannus that had been domesticated for 〉1 year in ASW grew significantly slower, with lower maximum density and longer stationary phase than those isolated and maintained in NSW. It was demonstrated that: (1) E. vannus may grow well in Flack, Nakamula and Schmads ASW compared with NSW (mainly in terms of growth rate); and (2) Oshima ASW is the preferred choice for stock cultures of E. vannus, but the ASWs Flack, Nakamula and Schmadz are preferred for mass culture. These findings suggest that these three ASWs are effective for the cultivation of marine protozoa for experimental studies on ecology, toxicology and molecular biology. 展开更多
关键词 artificial seawater culture ECOLOGY marine ciliate population dynamics
To a Question about Forecasting Number of Micromammalia (Rodentia)
作者 Nadezhda Antonets Aleksandr B alalayev Margarita Shumkova 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第1期63-68,共6页
In the present study, the data for population dynamics of micromammalia in Dnipropetrovs'k Region in 1957-1999 and Dnipro-Orel's Natural Reserve at 1991-2009 are adduced. With the purpose to drawing up of the long-t... In the present study, the data for population dynamics of micromammalia in Dnipropetrovs'k Region in 1957-1999 and Dnipro-Orel's Natural Reserve at 1991-2009 are adduced. With the purpose to drawing up of the long-term forecast at number are analyzed long-term lines of number on background kind's fine micromammals of dominant group. The analysis of long standing rows of number small mammals and comparison data with Wolf number were demonstration, which indicate that dynamic of number phone species (and dominant in particular) carry a cyclic character and contact with 11-year cycles of sun activity. Consequently, it was clearing up hidden periodical in dynamic of number mouse rodents. By that observation was dependence from cycles of sun activity. Probably, that in 2012 year, before peak of sun activity in 2013, next high increase about the number of small mammals for maxima ("outbreak" mass reproduction is a peak "big wave") will take place. 展开更多
关键词 Small mammals NUMBER forecasting.
Novel Coronaviruses and Astroviruses in Bats
作者 Daniel K. W. Chu J. S. Malik Peiris Leo L. M. Poon 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第2期100-104,共5页
Zoonotic transmissions of emerging pathogens from wildlife to human have shaped the history of mankind. These events have also highlighted our poor understanding of microorganisms circulated in wild animals. Coronavir... Zoonotic transmissions of emerging pathogens from wildlife to human have shaped the history of mankind. These events have also highlighted our poor understanding of microorganisms circulated in wild animals. Coronaviruses and astroviruses,which can be found from a wide range of mammals,were recently detected in bats. Strikingly,these bat viruses are genetically highly diverse and these interesting findings might help to better understand the evolution and ecology of these viruses. The discoveries of these novel bats viruses not only suggested that bats are important hosts for these virus families,but also reiterated the role of bats as a reservoir of viruses that might pose a zoonotic threat to human health. 展开更多
关键词 CORONAVIRUS Astroviruses Emerging pathogens
Religious Beliefs in Pre-lslamic Poetry
作者 Nader Masarwah 《Sociology Study》 2013年第7期531-542,共12页
The subject of this study is how pre-Islamic poets viewed religious beliefs and how the Arabs dealt with such beliefs in the period that preceded the emergence of Islam, known as the/ahiliyya. The study discusses Arab... The subject of this study is how pre-Islamic poets viewed religious beliefs and how the Arabs dealt with such beliefs in the period that preceded the emergence of Islam, known as the/ahiliyya. The study discusses Arab religious beliefs and rites, which were filled with mythical elements such as idol worship, treating some animals as sacred, and worship of the sun, plants, certain inanimate objects and birds. It describes the various stages through which these beliefs passed, from sanctification of trees and caves, through the worship of the sun and the stars, to idol worship and more. The study then proceeds to inquire into the traces of mythology to be found in Arabic poetry. It shows how humans did not only inherit their forefathers' beliefs, but also their ideas, and explains how poets were able to embody reality by means of artistic symbols that reflected such elements of their lives as emotions and objective mental states. Subsequently the study discusses the sanctity which the Arabs ascribed to some animals, and which they worshipped in the hope of obtaining a blessing, maintaining an intimacy with the animal or averting evil. Many Arabs in those days believed in the sanctity of animals, the sun, the moon and Venus, thought that trees and other p|ants possessed a spirit, and considered some animals to be deities with extraordinary powers, among them the viper, the crocodile, the bull, the gazelle and the goat. Finally, the study shows how pre-lslamic Arabic poetry can serve as a reliable document that reflects the society of the times, and how even the restricted amount of verse that has survived from those times can provide considerable information about mythical elements that go back to the remotest times. 展开更多
Plant Diversity as a Good Indicator of Vegetation Stability in a Typical Plateau Wetland 被引量:5
作者 LI Wei TAN Rui +1 位作者 YANG Yu-ming WANG Juan 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第2期464-474,共11页
Biotic indicators have been widely used to monitor wetland health. However, few studies have explicitly evaluated if plant diversity could serve as a useful community-level indicator of wetland stability,especially wh... Biotic indicators have been widely used to monitor wetland health. However, few studies have explicitly evaluated if plant diversity could serve as a useful community-level indicator of wetland stability,especially when wetlands are confronted with anthropogenic perturbations. Based on three-year record of wetland plant species abundance in Napahai plateau wetland, Shangri-la under the influence of varying anthropogenic perturbation types, our study tests the impact of such perturbations on plant richness and the relationship between ecosystem temporal stability and plant richness, and further assesses the effectiveness of using plant diversity indicator to probe ecosystem temporal stability of Napahai plateau wetland and the potential mechanisms. The results showed that anthropogenic perturbations could have contributed significantly to realistic variation in plant diversity, and further demonstrated that ecosystem temporal stability was positively related to realistic variation in plant diversity. In particular, communities with high levels of diversity might have better capacity to dampen perturbation impacts than communities with low levels of diversity, and statistical averaging could have played an important role in causing greater stability in more diverse communities. Also, asynchrony might have a stabilizing effect on community stability, and diversity could have stabilized communities through both species asynchrony and population stability propagation. Therefore, our results suggest that plant diversity could be used as a useful indicator of the stability conditions of plateau wetland ecosystems confronted with anthropogenic perturbations, and the preservation of plant communities at sufficient abundance and diversity is necessary for maintaining healthy plateau wetlands and for sustaining their essential ecosystem functions and services. 展开更多
关键词 Plateau wetland Plant diversity Community stability Ecological indicator
Distribution of Origanum vulgare L. and Population Dynamics During the Last Decade in Armenia
作者 Armine Abrahamyan Arvids Barsevskis +1 位作者 Sara Crockett Andreas Melikyan 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2014年第8期690-698,共9页
This paper examines the distribution and structure of populations of a medicinal and culinary herb native to Armenia. As one of the first countries to join the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Armenia has a... This paper examines the distribution and structure of populations of a medicinal and culinary herb native to Armenia. As one of the first countries to join the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Armenia has a strong interest in assessing the biodiversity of its native flora and identifying threats to the conservation of these species, particularly those with economic value. Only limited information, however, is available at this time on the genetic biodiversity, population location, structure and size, and conservation status of most of these species. This paper reports the results of five consecutive years of field studies conducted in Armenia to 1) re-locate native populations of the important medicinal and culinary herb, Origanum vulgare L., 2) locate new populations, and 3) assess the growth pattern and dynamics of the populations. The quadrat sampling technique was used to identify key elements that determined population size and abundance. GPS maps of present and past population distributions were created. Particular habitat and environmental factors were identified as crucial to predicting the future conditions of these populations under the impact of global climate change. The research provides a baseline dataset that can be used for the development of further conservation strategies of this important medicinal and culinary species in Armenia. 展开更多
关键词 Oregano ARMENIA medicinal plants POPULATIONS DISTRIBUTION conservation.
作者 李昌菊 《中华书画家》 2021年第10期106-109,共4页
军旅女画家杨芳的人物画以水墨为主,偶作工笔。杨芳的美术道路比较平顺,她从小喜爱画画,后就学于美术中专,系统学习绘画。作为优等生留校任教的杨芳,在成为专业的美术教师后,因一个新的决定,开始了人生与艺术的新旅程。1989年初春,杨芳... 军旅女画家杨芳的人物画以水墨为主,偶作工笔。杨芳的美术道路比较平顺,她从小喜爱画画,后就学于美术中专,系统学习绘画。作为优等生留校任教的杨芳,在成为专业的美术教师后,因一个新的决定,开始了人生与艺术的新旅程。1989年初春,杨芳入伍,自此杨芳的绘画才能和军人身份正式衔接。军队中的条件十分有限,但勤奋的杨芳从未停下手中的笔。她创作了大量的速写,不懈的练习,提高了她深入观察生活、快速表现人物动态和神态的能力,锤炼了她卓越的速写技能。 展开更多
关键词 女画家 人物 深入观察 人物动态 美术教师 速写 亦庄亦谐 军旅
作者 王嘉乐 《中国美术教育》 2020年第2期127-129,165,共4页
在讲授浙江人民美术出版社义务教育教科书《美术》五年级下册第5课《剪纸人物》时,笔者曾采用常规的剪纸教学方法:学生先设计并画草图,完善草图后再以剪刻结合、对折等方式来完成剪纸,结果,学生在设计草图的过程中,一味追求人物的比例... 在讲授浙江人民美术出版社义务教育教科书《美术》五年级下册第5课《剪纸人物》时,笔者曾采用常规的剪纸教学方法:学生先设计并画草图,完善草图后再以剪刻结合、对折等方式来完成剪纸,结果,学生在设计草图的过程中,一味追求人物的比例协调、形象完美,导致教学时间过长,且学生作品呆板、人物动态僵硬等问题(图1)。这些问题曾让笔者一筹莫展。 展开更多
关键词 人民美术出版社 剪纸教学 设计草图 五年级 义务教育 人物动态 画草图
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