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人生心理学的理论和实践根据及其内容和方法 被引量:1
作者 张海钟 《天水师范学院学报》 2001年第3期65-68,共4页
人生心理学的研究早就受到心理学界的关注。近年来以人生心理指导为目的和内容的心理学论著颇多,陕西师大杨永明教授的人生心理矛盾、人生心理规律和人生心理误区研究为人生心理学的建立奠定了理论基础;社会生活方式的急剧变化,需要... 人生心理学的研究早就受到心理学界的关注。近年来以人生心理指导为目的和内容的心理学论著颇多,陕西师大杨永明教授的人生心理矛盾、人生心理规律和人生心理误区研究为人生心理学的建立奠定了理论基础;社会生活方式的急剧变化,需要人生心理学给予大众以行为指导。因此建立人生心理学既有理论依据,也有实践根据。人生心理学的研究方法应当是多种方法的综合,不排除哲学式的观察思辨。 展开更多
关键词 人生心理 理论根据 实践根据 研究方法 杨永明 人生心理矛盾 人生心理规律 人生心理误区
知识型员工激励因素人生心理发展周期实证研究 被引量:11
作者 杨春华 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第11期193-194,共2页
本文首先在整理和总结人生心理发展周期理论的基础上,提出了处于不同人生心理发展周期的知识型员工的激励因素存在差异的理论假设,并通过对7家从事软件、通信等高科技企业中的知识型员工进行问卷调查,分析了处于成年早期的和成年中期的... 本文首先在整理和总结人生心理发展周期理论的基础上,提出了处于不同人生心理发展周期的知识型员工的激励因素存在差异的理论假设,并通过对7家从事软件、通信等高科技企业中的知识型员工进行问卷调查,分析了处于成年早期的和成年中期的知识型员工的激励因素。最后,对比分析了两个阶段知识型员工激励因素的需求差异及重要性差异,验证了理论假设,为企业管理处于不同人生心理发展周期的知识型员工提供了理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 人力资源管理 知识型员工 激励因素 人生心理发展周期
生命周期理论与人生心理周期及老年心理问题臆说 被引量:5
作者 张海钟 《社会心理科学》 2014年第2期32-35,96,共5页
生命是生物体从出生、成长、成熟、衰退到死亡的全部过程。但是,20世纪60年代,生命周期理论开始在学术界流行,却不是生物学、人类学、社会学、心理学,而首先是经济学。产品生命周期理论流行后,随即流行家庭生命周期理论、企业(组织)生... 生命是生物体从出生、成长、成熟、衰退到死亡的全部过程。但是,20世纪60年代,生命周期理论开始在学术界流行,却不是生物学、人类学、社会学、心理学,而首先是经济学。产品生命周期理论流行后,随即流行家庭生命周期理论、企业(组织)生命周期理论、团队生命周期理论、领导生命周期理论、行业生命周期理论等等,反而发展心理学家没有使用生命周期理论的概念。而实际上,发展心理学才是真正研究生命心理周期的学科理论。至今为止,许多心理学家都从不同角度,对人生生理心理生命进行了分期。但是这些理论都是单项的理论,没有考虑轮回问题。因此可以认为,心理学家的发展心理学理论,即使是毕生发展心理学理论,也是不完整的,需要建立人生发展心理学理论,或者称为生命心理周期理论。 展开更多
关键词 生命周期理论 人生发展心理学理论 生命心理周期理论.
论《人生》文化心理中的生命意蕴 被引量:2
作者 李祝喜 《广西社会科学》 2005年第11期182-185,共4页
路遥《人生》中的审美文化心理,蕴含着丰富深邃的生命意蕴。其感情基调忧愤悲凉,寄寓着作者对底层人生的悲悯之情,彰显了生命至上的价值观念;在对土地的出走与回归中,寓示了生命历程中多重矛盾的二律悖反;对耻感伦理文化所滋生的报复心... 路遥《人生》中的审美文化心理,蕴含着丰富深邃的生命意蕴。其感情基调忧愤悲凉,寄寓着作者对底层人生的悲悯之情,彰显了生命至上的价值观念;在对土地的出走与回归中,寓示了生命历程中多重矛盾的二律悖反;对耻感伦理文化所滋生的报复心理的多元抒写,“复调”式叙事,则表达了作者对充满友爱的美好人生的憧憬。 展开更多
关键词 路遥《人生》文化心理 生命意蕴
作者 石铮 顾世明 宋志虎 《河北工程技术高等专科学校学报》 2009年第2期81-82,共2页
关键词 大学生 人生 心理问题 利己 利他
人性 人格 人生 被引量:4
作者 张海钟 马红霞 《商丘师范学院学报》 CAS 2002年第6期136-137,共2页
关键词 人性 人格 人生 人生心理 心理保健
一个心理师的生死顿悟 放下人生更丰富
作者 游乾桂 《英才》 2003年第6期99-101,共3页
美国作家贝曼(S.N.Behrman)说:“与死亡近在咫尺时,再怎么复杂的哲理,也变得浅而易懂。”有时候真的觉得很讽刺,为何老要等到后悔不及时,才会明白“活着”很重要,突然间,每一分、每一秒都变得好有意思。这些年来,被我称之为... 美国作家贝曼(S.N.Behrman)说:“与死亡近在咫尺时,再怎么复杂的哲理,也变得浅而易懂。”有时候真的觉得很讽刺,为何老要等到后悔不及时,才会明白“活着”很重要,突然间,每一分、每一秒都变得好有意思。这些年来,被我称之为“顿悟”的人生反思,就这样产生。当重症的阴影,猝然降临。 展开更多
关键词 《一个心理师的生死顿悟:放下人生更丰富》 游乾桂 中国 散文 人生
《菜根谭》管理心理思想初探 被引量:1
作者 王静 朱永新 《苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1999年第2期28-32,共5页
关键词 菜根谭 人力资源管理 目标管理 人际关系 人生心理
作者 郑楚宣 《广东社会科学》 CSSCI 1995年第2期114-116,共3页
认识和解决人生矛盾的一本好书─—读《绵延人生路─—人生学初探》郑楚宣时下不少人尤其青年朋友感叹人生是一本大书,不易念好。言下之意,不外是说人生很多矛盾不好认识、不好解决。有感于此,我建议大家拜读张伯钦教授等撰写的《绵... 认识和解决人生矛盾的一本好书─—读《绵延人生路─—人生学初探》郑楚宣时下不少人尤其青年朋友感叹人生是一本大书,不易念好。言下之意,不外是说人生很多矛盾不好认识、不好解决。有感于此,我建议大家拜读张伯钦教授等撰写的《绵延人生路──人生学初探》(广东高等... 展开更多
关键词 人生矛盾 人生 人生 人生价值取向 人生实质 精神生活追求 人生心理 自我同一性 自我价值 社会价值
激励的动态分析与评价 被引量:9
作者 刘纯 《科学管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第3期50-54,共5页
对激励的研究 ,不仅在理论上具有十分重要的意义 ,而且对现代企业管理的实践也具有十分重要的意义。本文针对激励问题研究的现状 ,探讨了基于人生心理发展周期理论的动态激励 ,在此基础上 ,建立了动态激励效果的模糊评价模型 。
关键词 企业管理 人生心理发展周期理论 激励 动态分析 动态激励效果 模糊评价模型
激励的动态饰与评价 被引量:7
作者 刘纯 《管理工程学报》 CSSCI 2003年第1期79-83,共5页
对激励的研究 ,不仅在理论上具有十分重要的意义 ,而且对现代企业管理的实践也具有十分重要的意义。本文针对激励问题研究的现状 ,探讨了基于人生心理发展周期理论的动态激励 ,在此基础上 ,建立了动态激励效果的模糊评价模型 ,对动态激... 对激励的研究 ,不仅在理论上具有十分重要的意义 ,而且对现代企业管理的实践也具有十分重要的意义。本文针对激励问题研究的现状 ,探讨了基于人生心理发展周期理论的动态激励 ,在此基础上 ,建立了动态激励效果的模糊评价模型 ,对动态激励作一定量的分析和评价。 展开更多
关键词 人生心理发展周期理论 动态激励 模糊评价模型 激励理论
灵魂之痛——浅评尤金·奥尼尔的悲剧思想 被引量:2
作者 潘熹 《邵阳学院学报(社会科学版)》 2004年第5期68-70,共3页
尤金·奥尼尔是美国现代戏剧史上最杰出的剧作家。综观奥尼尔的剧作,悲情意味的弥漫和对人生心理的悲剧性发掘,贯穿了奥尼尔的整个创作过程。文章试图从三个方面分析其悲剧内涵在现实生存困境中“自我丧失”的困惑和悲观;追求“天... 尤金·奥尼尔是美国现代戏剧史上最杰出的剧作家。综观奥尼尔的剧作,悲情意味的弥漫和对人生心理的悲剧性发掘,贯穿了奥尼尔的整个创作过程。文章试图从三个方面分析其悲剧内涵在现实生存困境中“自我丧失”的困惑和悲观;追求“天外边”过程中“梦幻破灭”的失落和绝望;在凸现欲望和本能中“人格裂变”的扭曲和疯狂。 展开更多
关键词 尤金·奥尼尔 悲剧思想 戏剧评论 人生心理
作者 李森 《河北民族师范学院学报》 1990年第4期13-16,30,共5页
加强人民教师的修养,全面提高人民教师的素质,对于促进我国教育事业的发展,进而推动实现具有中国特色的现代化的宏伟目标有着十分重要的意义.中国人民要立于世界民族之林,归根结底取决于教育事业的长足发展.人民教师的修养是个很大的题... 加强人民教师的修养,全面提高人民教师的素质,对于促进我国教育事业的发展,进而推动实现具有中国特色的现代化的宏伟目标有着十分重要的意义.中国人民要立于世界民族之林,归根结底取决于教育事业的长足发展.人民教师的修养是个很大的题目,应该做为一门独立的科学加以研究.下面我仅就人民教师修养的内容和标准问题谈谈自己的浅见,请专家和同行们予以指正.教育的战略地位决定,人民教师应该是德才兼备、又红又专的.在政治思想、道德行为、人生心理、审美观念、成才能力等方面要有较好的修养.最根本的,应当精通所传授学科的基础理论、专业知识和技能,并有比较广博的文化修养;要真正掌握教育科学、懂得教育规律;还要有较高的政治素质和崇高的精神境界;恪守教师的职业道德,成为学生的师表.因此,人民教师基本素质的标准,应该是: 展开更多
关键词 人民教师 师才 修养 共产主义者 爱国主义者 教师的职业道德 革命先烈 现代化的人 人生心理 思想政治教育
Cardiovascular physiology in the older adults 被引量:2
作者 Xuming Dai Scott L Hummel +3 位作者 Jorge B Salazar George E Taffet Susan Zieman Janice B Schwartz 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第3期196-201,共6页
1 Introduction In an aging society with persistent high prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the elderly population, the health care system is facing an increasing challenge to effectively care for these pa... 1 Introduction In an aging society with persistent high prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the elderly population, the health care system is facing an increasing challenge to effectively care for these patients. However, due to the under-representation of CVD patients over 75 years of age in clinical trials, assessing safety and efficacy of diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, the evidence for managing elderly CVD patients is especially limited. Physiological changes of aging intertwined with pathophysiology of CVD, and comorbid conditions often complicate clinical management. 展开更多
关键词 AGING Cardiovascular disease Left ventricular
A scoping review of COVID-19-related stress coping resources among nurses
作者 Rahman Ashikur 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2022年第2期259-267,258,共10页
Objective:The entire mental health hazard among the nurses dealing with COVID-19 is just the tip of the iceberg.The goal of this study was to find acceptable and adaptive coping techniques for nurses in order to keep ... Objective:The entire mental health hazard among the nurses dealing with COVID-19 is just the tip of the iceberg.The goal of this study was to find acceptable and adaptive coping techniques for nurses in order to keep the healthcare system resilient during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.Method:The scoping review search took place from January 2020 to May 2021 published articles,and the results were saved in Endnote software.For data synthesis and review,the Joanna Briggs Institute manual and PRISMA-ScR principles were followed.Following backward and forward screening to exclude redundant,irrelevant,and ineligible studies,13 studies(3,613 nurses)were finally selected for this review.Results:The majorities of participants in these studies were female and had children,and worked in departments of critical care,emergency,and fever clinics.Safety concerns for family or colleagues,as well as a lack of safe working environment,were the primary causes of the mental illness.Professional re-sponsibility attitude,COVID-19 training,workplace safety,team spirit,and a few relaxation activities such as deep breathing,reading books,watching movies,and praying,on the other hand,were found to be beneficial for stress coping among nurses.Conclusion:Mentally fit nurses are more capable and flexible in the face of any life-threatening outbreak,even if it is very contagious.Several coping strategies were found to be effective for nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic,whereas problem-specific intervention trials might yield even better results.We should not delay specific mental health interventions to keep them viable and more efficient during a pandemic battlefield,whereas Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and suicide rates can destroy the entire health care system. 展开更多
关键词 COVID-19 Health personnel Mental health Nurses Pandemics Psychological adaptation
Analysis of the psychological conditions and related factors of breast cancer patients 被引量:4
作者 Guilin Huang Yiping Wu +2 位作者 Guiqing Zhang Pinghua Zhang Jie Gao 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2010年第1期53-57,共5页
Sufferers of breast cancer are often plagued by various psychological problems. Mastectomy, which has a serious influence on the female sex characteristics, can bring about especially serious psychological problems. T... Sufferers of breast cancer are often plagued by various psychological problems. Mastectomy, which has a serious influence on the female sex characteristics, can bring about especially serious psychological problems. These problems affect not only the patients’ quality of life but also the beginning, development, and end of the disease. This paper reviewed the relationships between the patients’ personal factors, the disease itself, treatment factors, and other socio-psychological factors and psychological conditions so as to provide new ideas for the psychological intervention on breast cancer patients, comprehensive clinical diagnosis and treatment, and prevention and cure. 展开更多
关键词 breast cancer psychological conditions related factors
Study of Ideological and Political Education of Chinese College Students Based on the Humanistic Care 被引量:1
作者 Wang Rui 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第4期301-303,共3页
The paper analyzes the present situation of humanistic care in ideological and political education of Chinese college students, and argues three main problems: ignoring emotional care for students, ignoring dominant ... The paper analyzes the present situation of humanistic care in ideological and political education of Chinese college students, and argues three main problems: ignoring emotional care for students, ignoring dominant position of students, and ignoring individual psychological needs of students. 展开更多
关键词 China college students ideological and political education humanistic care
Exploring Criminology in Literary Texts: Robert Browning --An Example
作者 Afra Saleh Alshiban 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第4期454-463,共10页
The association between literature and criminology is undeniable, and yet, for too long, those studying crime and literature respectively have failed to see the connection between the two, or dismissed it as being irr... The association between literature and criminology is undeniable, and yet, for too long, those studying crime and literature respectively have failed to see the connection between the two, or dismissed it as being irrelevant. This study explores literary pieces, which deal exclusively with murder in order to prove that the two disciplines literature and criminology, are intimately connected and essentially inseparable. Some literary pieces which deal with identifying the thought processes of murderers have been so insightful that crime experts applied them to certain high-profile cases. That so much violent crime is depicted in literature should stimulate further research into the links between criminology and literature. Robert Browning's “The Laboratory: Ancien Regime” (1844) is selected as a case study in order to demonstrate how criminological theories can successfully be applied to literary pieces. Browning's protagonist will prove to be a fictional manifestation of a female sadistic criminal as defined by psychiatrist/criminologist Paul De River in his criminology/sexology textbook for law enforcement personnel The Sexual Criminal(1949) . 展开更多
关键词 cross-disciplinary approach LITERATURE CRIMINOLOGY interchangeable CORRELATED DISCIPLINES fictional manifestation
Chinese College Students Seeking Psychological Help From Professionals^Rationally Should but Emotionally not? 被引量:1
作者 Haiping Wang Yan Ruth Xia 《Sociology Study》 2017年第4期212-222,共11页
The purpose of the present research was to investigate the predictors to Chinese college students seeking psychological help from professionals. By surveying 1,408 Chinese college students at five universities in Chin... The purpose of the present research was to investigate the predictors to Chinese college students seeking psychological help from professionals. By surveying 1,408 Chinese college students at five universities in China's Mainland, the results showed that among the factors examined, problem severity and help-seeking attitudes directly predicted help-seeking intention, while gender and subjective norms had a significant effect on college students' professional psychological help-seeking intention through help-seeking attitudes. Overall, the model explained 25% and 38.0% (for half-1 and half-2 data sets, respectively) of the variances of help-seeking intention. The results indicated that mainland Chinese college students rationally knew that they should choose to seek such professional help when the problem got severer enough, although they were emotionally reluctant to seek professional psychological help due to negative subjective norms around them. The implications and limitations were discussed. 展开更多
关键词 College students HELP-SEEKING PREDICTORS
Health care exploration work for the military empty nest old cadres
作者 Yang Ping Hu Wei +1 位作者 Liu Ya Wang Xiaohua 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2012年第6期361-367,共7页
In recent years, the retired veteran cadres have grown older and older, and their numbers have also increased year by year. In this case, how to maintain the physical and mental health of empty nest veteran cadre, and... In recent years, the retired veteran cadres have grown older and older, and their numbers have also increased year by year. In this case, how to maintain the physical and mental health of empty nest veteran cadre, and further improve the quality of their life has been a realistic problem many primary health care doctors have to face and solve. 展开更多
关键词 Empty nest veteran cadre Home-based care for the aged Health care Retired sanatorium
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