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作者 刘雪青 《阴山学刊》 2024年第4期50-56,共7页
元日朝会历来颇受统治者及朝廷的重视,且各代的元会礼乐仪制又有所差异。宋代元会仪则在继承前制的基础上,作出较大幅度的增补和改革。诸如宋代在皇帝朝贺皇太后、鸣鞭、炉烟升、帘内再拜及称贺帘外等方面予以增补,并于元会所属类别问... 元日朝会历来颇受统治者及朝廷的重视,且各代的元会礼乐仪制又有所差异。宋代元会仪则在继承前制的基础上,作出较大幅度的增补和改革。诸如宋代在皇帝朝贺皇太后、鸣鞭、炉烟升、帘内再拜及称贺帘外等方面予以增补,并于元会所属类别问题、元会仪次序、贺辞与寿辞的宣读者、上寿仪步骤、行礼方位、皇帝与百官着装、元会仪地点、乐舞的使用等方面进行了较大幅度的改革。宋代礼乐仪制的诸多变化,既与宋代崇文抑武、崇儒尚雅的治国方略和文化政策有关,又反映出其对前代礼乐制度着力厘革的迫切要求及政治制度化的进一步加强。 展开更多
关键词 宋代 元会 礼乐仪制 宾礼 崇文抑武
作者 朱丽娜 吴杰华 《兰台世界(上旬)》 2015年第5期64-65,共2页
关键词 唐诗 元会 朝集使制度 流变
A Comparative Study of the L2 Pragmatic Competence of University Students in Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland:The Contributions of Sociocultural Context and Linguistic Proficiency
作者 Scott AUBREY Rod ELLIS 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2024年第3期371-392,524,共23页
This study investigates the differences in pragmatic competence between Hong Kong and Chinese mainland university students.Participants included 19 native speakers of English,115 Chinese mainland students,divided into... This study investigates the differences in pragmatic competence between Hong Kong and Chinese mainland university students.Participants included 19 native speakers of English,115 Chinese mainland students,divided into those who had spent time abroad in an English-speaking country(CM A)and those who had not(CM NA),and 97 Hong Kong students,divided into those from an English-medium secondary school(Hong Kong EMI)and those from a Chinese-medium school(Hong Kong CMI).Linguistic proficiency was measured by a C-test,and pragmatic competence by a Metapragmatic Knowledge Test,an Irony Test and a Monologic Role Play.Group scores were compared using ANCOVAs to control for differences in proficiency.The results point to a continuum of pragmatic competence—EMI>CMI>CM A>CM NA—reflecting the groups’access to English in real-life contexts.The differences between the Hong Kong groups and the Chinese mainland groups were clearest in those tests measuring processing capacity(i.e.,Irony Response Time and the Monologic Role Play).CM A,but not CM NA,performed as well as the Hong Kong groups on measures of metapragmatic awareness.The results are discussed in terms of Bialystok’s(1993)distinction between analyzed representation and control of processing. 展开更多
关键词 pragmatic competence social context Hong Kong the Chinese mainland metapragmatic knowledge processing capacity
作者 罗东 张泽满 阿细 《21世纪商业评论》 2015年第1期64-65,共2页
众筹、抽奖、打折"三位一体",一种新商业的艰难破茧。2014年11月11日零点的36小时前,京东金融市场公关部总监焦宏宇被老板拉到一"远洋三十六小时"的微信群,群里还有若干众筹项目和技术部门的同事。群内没人闲聊,每过一定时间,群名... 众筹、抽奖、打折"三位一体",一种新商业的艰难破茧。2014年11月11日零点的36小时前,京东金融市场公关部总监焦宏宇被老板拉到一"远洋三十六小时"的微信群,群里还有若干众筹项目和技术部门的同事。群内没人闲聊,每过一定时间,群名"小时"前面的数字会相应减少,弥漫着倒计时的紧张气氛,这个"虚拟"团队的任务是,在36个小时内,为策划已久的一个跨界众筹项目预热。"双11"是国内招牌的购物狂欢节,在商家比拼谁更能吆喝的日子,要做出点新意吸引眼球委实不易。 展开更多
关键词 焦宏 三十六 营销手段 买房者 所累 延期付款 出点 工程建设 元会 线下
近代汉语中的“X的X”格式 被引量:6
作者 刘志生 《古汉语研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第2期46-48,共3页
“X的X”格式较早出现于宋,发展成熟于明清。固定性和独立性是其主要的特点。“X”的形式仅限于动词、形容词或动词性的短语。其独特的语法特征和表意功能是这一格式得以发展的内部原因,而语体的变化及汉民族崇尚对称的审美意识是... “X的X”格式较早出现于宋,发展成熟于明清。固定性和独立性是其主要的特点。“X”的形式仅限于动词、形容词或动词性的短语。其独特的语法特征和表意功能是这一格式得以发展的内部原因,而语体的变化及汉民族崇尚对称的审美意识是其产生和发展的外部原因。 展开更多
关键词 动词 近代汉语 格式 语法特征 词性 语体 形容词 明清 汉民族 独特
作者 洪慧敏 《上饶师范学院学报》 1988年第1期26-30,共5页
上饶地区属于控制性开放地区,只开放婺源、铅山、德兴、弋阳四个县。但随着时间的推移,工农业生产的发展,各方面的条件都在发生变化。笔者通过对上饶地区的调查和反复思考,认为现在上饶地区已具备了全方位对外开放的条件.现在,笔者就上... 上饶地区属于控制性开放地区,只开放婺源、铅山、德兴、弋阳四个县。但随着时间的推移,工农业生产的发展,各方面的条件都在发生变化。笔者通过对上饶地区的调查和反复思考,认为现在上饶地区已具备了全方位对外开放的条件.现在,笔者就上饶地区对外开放的优势和潜力作一分析和论述.一、上饶地理位置优越,交通方便,有利于对外经济文化交流。上饶东邻浙江,北连安徽,南接福建,西靠鹰潭,是闽、浙、皖、赣四省的结合部,为江西的东大门,史书称为“牙闽、控越、襟淮,面浙”的“要冲元会”。 展开更多
关键词 全方位对外开放 东大门 横向经济联合 婺源 元会 弋阳 经济协作 资源优势 支柱行业 旅游事业
《学会》 1985年第1期47-47,共1页
关键词 团体会员 航空学会 元会 五百
《语文建设》 1987年第5期64-,共1页
关键词 海外动态 新加坡共和国 元会 昆士兰州 新加坡广播局 教育部长 《联合早报》 联合早报 威尔 日至
作者 邱震强 《湘南学院学报》 2015年第1期36-41,共6页
《五灯会元》卷一"释迦牟尼佛"、卷二"嵩岳破灶堕禅师"、卷三"南岳怀让禅师"、卷四"灵云志勤禅师"、卷四"光孝慧觉禅师"、卷五"药山惟俨禅师"均存在句子训诂问题。禅语和... 《五灯会元》卷一"释迦牟尼佛"、卷二"嵩岳破灶堕禅师"、卷三"南岳怀让禅师"、卷四"灵云志勤禅师"、卷四"光孝慧觉禅师"、卷五"药山惟俨禅师"均存在句子训诂问题。禅语和广义语义场的要素之背景知识即禅宗理论、佛教理论背景知识有密切关系。要正确释读禅籍,就必须熟悉禅宗理论、佛教理论。 展开更多
关键词 《五灯会元》 句子 训诂
作者 王勇 王长林 《励耘语言学刊》 CSSCI 2015年第2期292-302,共11页
关键词 祖堂集 五灯会元 古尊宿语录 点校 献疑
如果我有了钱 伊鲁卡老师最大的“秘密”
作者 风牙 《少年人生》 2004年第18期78-79,共2页
卡卡西组今天接到了一个奇怪的任务。委托人扫了面前大大小小三个帅哥和一个小美女一眼后,将手中的档案袋交给了小樱:“实际上,我想委托你们调查一些资料。任务的等级由你们自己调查后来决定,我会依等级来付钱的。不过,我希望这个任务... 卡卡西组今天接到了一个奇怪的任务。委托人扫了面前大大小小三个帅哥和一个小美女一眼后,将手中的档案袋交给了小樱:“实际上,我想委托你们调查一些资料。任务的等级由你们自己调查后来决定,我会依等级来付钱的。不过,我希望这个任务由小樱独立完成。”貌不惊人却很有成熟感的女人说完就离去了,留下一干人等面面相觑。“由小樱独立完成?会不会太苛刻了啊。”眼看没有自己出场的机会。 展开更多
关键词 档案袋 卡西 不知道 给你 单身宿舍 神云 神经断裂 千人 调查对象 元会
作者 徐啓憲 于濬涛■ 《紫禁城》 1993年第1期5-7,21,共4页
关键词 西太后 二七 南石 大学堂 仁植 元石 元会 水木 元九 政府力
作者 陈珊珊 《印刷经理人》 2016年第10期69-71,共3页
印刷与互联网,原本遵循着各自独行的轨迹,而今却于巨变的时代找到真正的交点。印刷电商而今在业内已不是新鲜词汇。 2016年3月,第四届中国印刷电子商务年会上,山东世纪开元电子商务有限公司携旗下专业印刷服务网站“这里印”荣膺中国... 印刷与互联网,原本遵循着各自独行的轨迹,而今却于巨变的时代找到真正的交点。印刷电商而今在业内已不是新鲜词汇。 2016年3月,第四届中国印刷电子商务年会上,山东世纪开元电子商务有限公司携旗下专业印刷服务网站“这里印”荣膺中国印刷电子商务20强排行榜第一名。人们好奇世纪开元,却还不太了解世纪开元。世纪开元到底是谁?为什么世纪开元会是第一?到底是什么支撑着世纪开元的飞速发展呢? 展开更多
关键词 专业印刷 服务网站 不知道 郭志 商业印刷 元会 印刷服务 实体店 商务印刷 淘宝
贵港市港南区 出台《港南区城乡居民社会养老保险实施办法》
作者 李殷 《人事天地》 2014年第12期64-64,共1页
本刊讯(通讯员李殷)日前,贵港市港南区政府常务会议审议并通过《港南区城乡居民社会养老保险实施办法》。根据规定,在总结港南区新型农村社会养老保险和城镇居民社会养老保险试点经验的基础上,决定将新农保和城居保两项制度合并实施,在... 本刊讯(通讯员李殷)日前,贵港市港南区政府常务会议审议并通过《港南区城乡居民社会养老保险实施办法》。根据规定,在总结港南区新型农村社会养老保险和城镇居民社会养老保险试点经验的基础上,决定将新农保和城居保两项制度合并实施,在港南区范围内建立统一的城乡居民基本养老保险制度。 展开更多
关键词 养老保险 港南区 新农保 实施办法 李殷 常务会议 参保人 通元 经济发展 元会
《珠江水运》 1994年第9期34-34,共1页
关键词 肇庆港 抢险人员 当地交通 特大洪水 群星璀璨 救灾物资 做好本职工作 百年一遇 封开县 元会
Reflexivity between the Modern Society Concepts of Equality and Plurality: Their Transformation according to Arendt
作者 Jennifer Kentaro Byarugaba 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2016年第4期199-203,共5页
In her book, The Human Condition, Hannah Arendt states: "we are all the same, that is, human, in such a way that nobody is ever the same as anybody else" (1998, 8). In this statement, we are the same (equality)... In her book, The Human Condition, Hannah Arendt states: "we are all the same, that is, human, in such a way that nobody is ever the same as anybody else" (1998, 8). In this statement, we are the same (equality) and yet nobody is ever the same as anybody else (plurality). This may sound contradictory yet what it means is that there is a common base which makes us all the same, and precisely because of this base, we are able to make comparisons and hence differentiate one from the other because we are all different. When analyzing two concepts, an equal status in at least one normatively relevant respect is needed. Where there is one, there is the other precisely because of the other and vice versa. The fact that it is only at least one respect that is needed implies the existence of other aspects that act as common distinguishing factors. Therefore, distinction implies equality. The paper will explore how according to Arendt, equality, a political concept, has been perverted into a social concept. In her view, previously, differing circumstances and conditions served as "protection" and actually had a protective role. An explanation will thus be given as to how a lack of these differences in the modem period has resulted in a challenge and how this challenge has created unexpected problems for the human condition. This implies reflexivity between political theory and the human agent, and will be presented from Arendt's perspective. 展开更多
Three Is a Magic Number: The Trinity Archetype in Harry Potter
作者 Christopher Bell 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2011年第3期209-218,共10页
The significance of the trinity archetype and the number three is recurrent in religions and myths around the world Within the trinity archetype, each element is both distinct from and symbiotic with the other element... The significance of the trinity archetype and the number three is recurrent in religions and myths around the world Within the trinity archetype, each element is both distinct from and symbiotic with the other elements--that is to say, each stands apart from the others, but none can truly function alone. This can be seen throughout Greek mythology, for example, The Moirae and The Musai, and of eourse, through the Christian Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. While the archetype of the trinity appears numerous times throughout the Potter series, at its very heart, the series is centrally focused on a triad of trinities: the Trio (Harry, Ron, and Hermione), the three Unforgivable Curses, and the three Deathly Hallows. It is the intersection of this triad of trinities--this "supertrinity"--that not only drive the Potter narrative, but connect the work so readily to the psyche of readers and fans; it is how we are harmonically programmed, in terms of understanding stories. 展开更多
关键词 Harry Potter trinity archetype trinity protagonist structure contemporary mythology
PLC应用于喷泉控制系统的方案设计 被引量:3
作者 王妍玮 于惠力 刘刚 《林业机械与木工设备》 2010年第9期45-47,共3页
采用PLC与计算机组成的喷泉控制系统,充分利用PLC的通信功能和编程特点,实现上位机与下位机之间的通信和控制,由远程计算机与PLC之间进行通信,通过PLC实现对喷泉各种水型和灯光的快速控制;另一方面,利用PLC的自诊断功能,可实现喷泉控制... 采用PLC与计算机组成的喷泉控制系统,充分利用PLC的通信功能和编程特点,实现上位机与下位机之间的通信和控制,由远程计算机与PLC之间进行通信,通过PLC实现对喷泉各种水型和灯光的快速控制;另一方面,利用PLC的自诊断功能,可实现喷泉控制系统的故障诊断,不但缩短了维修时间,而且提高了控制系统的稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 可编程控制器 喷泉 控制系统 通信
Digital Public Communication in Europe for a European Public Sphere
作者 Gea Ducci 《Sociology Study》 2013年第6期425-436,共12页
In the last years, Europe has aimed at the creation of a new European public sphere that has grown beside and has not replaced the national ones; a public sphere in which the idea of Europe as a shared value, as a rea... In the last years, Europe has aimed at the creation of a new European public sphere that has grown beside and has not replaced the national ones; a public sphere in which the idea of Europe as a shared value, as a reality of nations, but also as a reality of regions and cities, can build and develop. This aim is the result of a long discussion that has led to consider the public communication as a fundamental instrument supporting the dialogue between institutions and citizens and the result of an important sociological debate. Communication is nowadays considered as a structural element of Union's programs, and the transformation of the media system, the possibilities of communication offered by the social media, and the growth of participatory cultures have opened new ways to the development of European public communication that can contribute to increasing the European public sphere. This process involves an awareness from institutions and their representatives on the use of social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, etc.) to improve the relationship with the citizens and to create a sense of belonging to Europe. 展开更多
关键词 European public sphere public communication social media multilevel governance European identity
Study on the Organic Correlation of Prana Energy
作者 Hae-Young Won 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第12期1061-1070,共10页
Since India's philosophical discussion on the correlation between the mind and the body, the goal achieved through practice has been imbued with much meaning under the influences of yoga. Self-transcendence can be re... Since India's philosophical discussion on the correlation between the mind and the body, the goal achieved through practice has been imbued with much meaning under the influences of yoga. Self-transcendence can be reached through self-discipline that is founded upon the fundamental change and potential for existential practice. The mind and the body do not comprise a binary relationship but instead maintain an intimate relationship bound by the medium of organic energy of breathing, breath, and pr^0a. Of these medium that form the relationship, the pr^-0a has a natural healing tendency, which has been well documented within classics such as Upani.sads and Bhagavad G^ta. Classic yoga explains that pr^0a imbues within it a vivacious passion and energy that will connect the human body with the human mind. Thus, the pr^0a functions as bio-energy. From ancient Indian philosophy to Buddhism, yoga therapy actively utilizes practice as a main element. In particular, the Patafijali yoga's methodology details the organic correlation within its eight limbs (支) yoga practices. The prana is breath. This is the only sense in which Patafijali has used this word. Breath is called prana because it moves on continuously throughout the body and reaches the basic circle of the individual self. It pervades mouth, nostrils, heart, navel region and toes. As a result, it is a healing method that achieves far more than the scientific healing methods common in society. 展开更多
关键词 India's philosophical between the mind and the body fundamental change eight limbs (支) yogapractices heating method the organic energy of breathing BREATH pr~ .ha
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