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冠状动脉搭桥手术的体外循环管理 被引量:5
作者 胡萍 许蓼梅 +1 位作者 何争鸣 孙兰英 《中国现代医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第20期2516-2517,共2页
目的总结36例冠状动脉搭桥手术(CABG)患者的体外循环(CPB)管理经验。方法36例患者中,男28例,女8例,年龄(58.44±7.29)岁,体重(63.64±8.95)kg,平均CPB时间(135.28±38.74)min,平均阻断时间(79.36±26.04)min,术前均合... 目的总结36例冠状动脉搭桥手术(CABG)患者的体外循环(CPB)管理经验。方法36例患者中,男28例,女8例,年龄(58.44±7.29)岁,体重(63.64±8.95)kg,平均CPB时间(135.28±38.74)min,平均阻断时间(79.36±26.04)min,术前均合并中、重度高血压。2例行主动脉瓣置换(AVR)加(CABG)术,5例行二尖瓣置换(MVR)加(CABG)术。采用中度低温CPB,中度血液稀释,冷、温血停搏液顺灌、逆灌、桥灌,取得较好心肌保护效果。结果33例患者开放升主动脉后心脏自动复跳;1例死于呼吸衰竭,其余均康复出院,无神经系统及其他并发症。结论合理的CPB管理是提高冠状动脉搭桥手术成功率的重要条件之一。 展开更多
关键词 冠状动咏搭桥 体外循环 心肌保护
非体外循环心脏不停跳冠状动脉搭桥术后的监测和护理 被引量:9
作者 樊美珍 张伟英 谈锦艳 《解放军护理杂志》 2002年第3期56-57,共2页
总结 2000年 5月至 2001年 5月非体外循环心脏不停跳冠状动脉搭桥术(Off-Pump CABG)术后的监测和护理。应用非体外循环技术对25例冠心病患者施行了CABG术。术后监测和护理内容包括:(1)生命体征和血液动力学指标的观察;(2)神经系... 总结 2000年 5月至 2001年 5月非体外循环心脏不停跳冠状动脉搭桥术(Off-Pump CABG)术后的监测和护理。应用非体外循环技术对25例冠心病患者施行了CABG术。术后监测和护理内容包括:(1)生命体征和血液动力学指标的观察;(2)神经系统变化的观察;(3)电解质的变化;(4)呼吸道的护理;(5)取大隐静脉侧肢体的护理;(6)心理护理和生活护理。本组患者均于术后1.5~3 h清醒,21例于术毕6h内拔除气管插管,呼吸机辅助时间为 3~49 h,平均 6.1h。25例患者未发生下肢血栓、坏死及心肌梗死、神经系统、肺部并发症。 展开更多
关键词 非体外循环冠状搭桥 护理 冠心病 术后监测
作者 钱辉辉 吕文平 仇成华 《中国医药指南》 2010年第19期151-152,共2页
目的探讨非体外循环心脏不停跳下、冠状动脉搭桥护理在手术配合的意义。方法回顾多支冠状动脉搭桥手术配合32例,利用器械作用下使动脉搭桥吻合处的局部心肌、处于相对静止和冠状动脉处于无血状态下做血管吻合、手术护士心神领会的熟悉... 目的探讨非体外循环心脏不停跳下、冠状动脉搭桥护理在手术配合的意义。方法回顾多支冠状动脉搭桥手术配合32例,利用器械作用下使动脉搭桥吻合处的局部心肌、处于相对静止和冠状动脉处于无血状态下做血管吻合、手术护士心神领会的熟悉掌悟技术程度。结果 32例患者术中、术中手术护理密切配合流畅,有效缩短手术时间,术后患者病情稳定,康复出院。结论护士是该手术的重要环节、应引起护理人员在密切配合中高度重视、熟习手术流程,注重细节,精心做好一切准备。 展开更多
关键词 冠状搭桥 血管成形 流畅 护理体会
作者 王忠武 谷天祥 +6 位作者 郑皓 章志伟 修宗谊 王春 姜春力 李亚明 任卫东 《现代实用医学》 2010年第11期1232-1233,共2页
目的探讨选择性冠状静脉搭桥治疗冠状动脉性心脏病的临床价值。方法冠状动脉性心脏病患者16例,均为弥漫性冠状动脉病变远端通畅不良或管腔闭塞无法施行冠状动脉搭桥术者,而行非体外循环下选择性冠状静脉搭桥。观察治疗前后心绞痛情况、... 目的探讨选择性冠状静脉搭桥治疗冠状动脉性心脏病的临床价值。方法冠状动脉性心脏病患者16例,均为弥漫性冠状动脉病变远端通畅不良或管腔闭塞无法施行冠状动脉搭桥术者,而行非体外循环下选择性冠状静脉搭桥。观察治疗前后心绞痛情况、心电图ST改变、超声心动图指标及单光子发射计算机断层显像(SPECT)检查心肌灌注显像检查情况。结果 16例患者手术后ST段的恢复率96.88%(15/16),心绞痛分级好转率为100%(16/16),相应节段心肌核素放射性分布改善率100%(16/16),室壁运动术后第10天的好转率为50%(8/16),术后3个月好转率为87.5%(14/16)。结论 选择性冠状静脉搭桥能改善相应节段心肌的血流灌注和室壁运动。 展开更多
关键词 冠状动脉性心脏病 冠状静脉搭桥
联合应用贝那普利与丙泊酚对体外循环下冠脉搭桥术患者心肌缺血再灌注损伤的影响 被引量:5
作者 侯少科 郝丽娜 +1 位作者 李建辉 曲振华 《中国老年学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第19期5508-5510,共3页
目的观察丙泊酚联合贝那普利预处理对体外循环下冠脉搭桥术患者心肌缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用。方法体外循环下行冠脉搭桥术患者100例,分为丙泊酚组和丙泊酚贝那普利联合组,丙泊酚组患者及在术中使用丙泊酚持续泵入麻醉,联合组患者在术... 目的观察丙泊酚联合贝那普利预处理对体外循环下冠脉搭桥术患者心肌缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用。方法体外循环下行冠脉搭桥术患者100例,分为丙泊酚组和丙泊酚贝那普利联合组,丙泊酚组患者及在术中使用丙泊酚持续泵入麻醉,联合组患者在术前1 w服用贝那普利,术中持续泵入丙泊酚麻醉,监测麻醉前、术后6 h、12 h、24 h、72 h肌酸激酶同工酶的活性和心肌肌钙蛋白浓度。观察并记录术后12、24、48 h正性肌力药使用情况,术前、术后左室射血分数、心肌缺血发生情况、自动复跳情况。结果两组患者术前肌酸激酶同工酶和心肌肌钙蛋白浓度无统计学差异,术后各观察时间点联合组肌酸激酶同工酶和肌钙蛋白浓度比丙泊酚组低,正性肌力药使用少,自动复跳率及左室射血分数高。结论术前服用贝那普利、术中丙泊酚靶控输注比只在术中丙泊酚靶控输注更能减轻体外循环下冠脉搭桥术患者的心肌炎性反应,保护缺血再灌注心肌。 展开更多
关键词 丙泊酚 贝那普利 冠状搭桥 缺血再灌注
冠脉搭桥围术期的专科护理 被引量:2
作者 石美霞 石美蓉 郑永卫 《山西医科大学学报》 CAS 2000年第6期559-559,共1页
目的 探讨心肌舒张功能不全围术期的护理 ,减少并发症的发生。方法  13例冠心病病人 ,3例有舒张功能不全 ,手术后在常规治疗基础上 ,应用 β受体阻滞剂效果良好。 结果  12人存活 ,1人死亡。死亡原因 :低心排。结论 ①对使用强心、... 目的 探讨心肌舒张功能不全围术期的护理 ,减少并发症的发生。方法  13例冠心病病人 ,3例有舒张功能不全 ,手术后在常规治疗基础上 ,应用 β受体阻滞剂效果良好。 结果  12人存活 ,1人死亡。死亡原因 :低心排。结论 ①对使用强心、利尿剂不能有效改善心功能不全的病人 ,应考虑心肌舒张功能不全。选用 β受体阻滞剂可收到良好效果。②平稳的血压是安全渡过围术期的重要条件。 展开更多
关键词 冠状动脉疾病 心肺转流术 护理 冠状幼脉搭桥
桡动脉──冠状动脉旁路移植术的应用解剖 被引量:4
作者 施长友 崔功浩 陈小囡 《中国临床解剖学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2000年第3期228-229,共2页
目的:为桡动脉与冠状动脉搭桥术提供解剖学基础。方法:27具成人尸体,上肢标本(其中左侧27侧;右侧25侧),分别进行解剖观察及测量,可作为冠状动脉搭桥术的桡动脉长度、外径。结果:①桡动脉左侧长(10.3 ±1.2... 目的:为桡动脉与冠状动脉搭桥术提供解剖学基础。方法:27具成人尸体,上肢标本(其中左侧27侧;右侧25侧),分别进行解剖观察及测量,可作为冠状动脉搭桥术的桡动脉长度、外径。结果:①桡动脉左侧长(10.3 ±1.2)cm;右侧长(10.2 ±1.2)cm。②左侧上、中、下段外径分别为:(4.2 ± 0.8)mm;(4. 1± 0.8)mm;(4.0 ± 0.8)mm。右侧上、中、下段外径分别为:(4.2 ± 0.9)mm;(4.1 ± 0.9)mm;(4.5 ± 0.8)mm。结论:桡动脉下2/3段位置浅表,并有足够的长度和管径,可作为冠状动脉搭桥术的供体。 展开更多
关键词 桡动脉 桡动脉-冠状搭桥 应用解剖
非体外循环冠状动脉搭桥术合并糖尿病患者的护理 被引量:7
作者 程咏 刘萍 +1 位作者 贝莉 陈娟 《中华现代护理杂志》 2006年第23期2202-2203,共2页
关键词 冠心病 糖尿病 非体外循环冠状搭桥 护理
The effect of slow deep breathing relaxation exercise on pain levels during and post chest tube removal after coronary artery bypass graft surgery 被引量:3
作者 Mohamad I.Jarrah Issa M.Hweidi +5 位作者 Sirin A.Al-Dolat Hossam N.Alhawatmeh Salwa M.Al-Obeisat Lama I.Hweidi Aysam I.Hweidi Osama A.Alkouri 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2022年第2期155-161,I0003,共8页
Objectives:This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of slow deep breathing relaxation exercise(SDBRE)in reducing patients’pain levels during chest tube removal(CTR)post coronary artery bypass grafting(CABG)surg... Objectives:This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of slow deep breathing relaxation exercise(SDBRE)in reducing patients’pain levels during chest tube removal(CTR)post coronary artery bypass grafting(CABG)surgery.Methods:In 2019,fifty post-CABG patients were conveniently selected from a cardiac intensive care unit in Jordan’s major referral heart institute.The patients were randomly assigned to either an intervention group or a control group.A total of 25 patients were assigned into the experimental group who received slow deep breathing relaxation Exercise(SDBRE)alongside the conventional care before CTR.The remaining 25 patients constituted the control group(50%)that had CTR following conventional care.The Visual Analogue Scale(VAS)was used to measure the participants’pain levels during three phases:before CTR(Time 1),5-min post CTR(Time 2),and 15-min post CTR(Time 2)to compare the intervention effect between the two groups.Results:The data analysis findings for the control and intervention group of patients showed that there was a statistically significant decline in their pain level across time for both groups(H¼32.71,P<0.01;H=47.23,P<0.01)respectively.The intervention group had significantly lower pain levels than the control group at Time 2(3.50[1.20,5.30]vs.7.90[7.00,9.00],P<0.01)and Time 3(0.00[0.00,1.30]vs.3.60[2.40,4.10]P<0.01).Conclusions:Using SDBRE during CTR is an effective technique for reducing pain which can minimize the need for analgesics and their associated adverse effects. 展开更多
关键词 Breathing exercises Chest tubes removal Coronary artery bypass grafting PAIN Patients JORDAN
Depression, anxiety, and cardiac morbidity outcomes after coronary artery bypass surgery: a contemporary and practical review 被引量:20
作者 Phillip J Tully Robert A Baker 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第2期197-208,共12页
Research to date indicates that the number of coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery patients affected by depression (i.e., major, minor, dysthymia) approximates between 30% and 40% of all cases. A longstandi... Research to date indicates that the number of coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery patients affected by depression (i.e., major, minor, dysthymia) approximates between 30% and 40% of all cases. A longstanding empirical interest on psychosocial factors in CABG surgery patients highlights an association with increased risk of morbidity in the short and longer term. Recent evidence suggests that both depression and anxiety increase the risk for mortality and morbidity after CABG surgery independent of medical factors, although the behavioral and biological mechanisms are poorly understood. Though neither depression nor anxiety seem to markedly affect neuropsy- chological dysfunction, depression confers a risk for incident delirium. Following a comprehensive overview of recent literature, practical advice is described for clinicians taking into consideration possible screening aids to improve recognition of anxiety and depression among CABG surgery patients. An overview of contemporary interventions and randomized, controlled trials are described, along with suggestions for future CABG surgery research. 展开更多
关键词 DEPRESSION Depressive disorder Coronary artery bypass Coronary artery disease Antidepressive agents ANXIETY
The Role of Heat Shock Protein 70, IgE and MMP-9 in Detecting Early Minor Myocardial Damage and Evaluating the Efficacy of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG)
作者 Amal A. Baalash Hala E. Hamouda +2 位作者 Ghada M. Ismail Ibrahim K. Yassein Bedir M. Ibrahim 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第3期260-267,共8页
The objective of this research was to identify levels of heat shock protein 70 (Hsp 70), total immunoglobulin E (IgE) and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) before and after coronary artery bypass grafting (CAB... The objective of this research was to identify levels of heat shock protein 70 (Hsp 70), total immunoglobulin E (IgE) and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) before and after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery. Hsp 70, IgE, MMP-9, creatine phosphokinase-MB (CPK-MB), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels were measured in normal subjects (n = 20), and in patients with chronic stable angina pectoris who were referred for elective CABG, before and after performing CABG-surgery (n = 20). Compared with normal subjects, increased Hsp 70 and IgE levels, unchanged MMP-9 level, and activities of CPK-MB and LDH were found in the pre-operative patient group. Hsp 70 and IgE levels in the post-operative period were significantly reduced when compared to pre-operative period. Hsp 70 and IgE might be used as markers for detection of early minor myocardial damage, and coronary insufficiency with less overt damage than myocardial infarction, as significant changes in their levels appear before occurrence of in any changes in the levels of MMP-9, CPK-MB and LDH. Besides, Hsp 70, and IgE returning to the normal levels after CABG surgery, suggest that they could be helpful to evaluate the effect of CABG surgery. 展开更多
关键词 Heat shock protein IGE metaloproteinases MMP-9 myocardial ischemia coronary artery bypasses grafting.
作者 徐风燕 姜述斌 +1 位作者 许力舒 帕尔哈提 《按摩与康复医学》 2010年第26期25-26,共2页
目的:冠脉搭桥(CABG)患者术前应用盐酸替罗非班后随访1年的临床观察.方法:选取我院2007年1月1日至2009年6月1日的冠心病(CAD)患者,经冠脉造影证实为严重的三支血管病变不适宜行内科介入治疗,需外科冠脉搭桥(CABG)治疗的患者60例... 目的:冠脉搭桥(CABG)患者术前应用盐酸替罗非班后随访1年的临床观察.方法:选取我院2007年1月1日至2009年6月1日的冠心病(CAD)患者,经冠脉造影证实为严重的三支血管病变不适宜行内科介入治疗,需外科冠脉搭桥(CABG)治疗的患者60例.所有患者术前均予以常规内科药物治疗,围手术期间经上述药物治疗病情稳定者32例作为对照组.经上述药物治疗后仍反复出现心绞痛发作者28例作为观察组,予以盐酸替罗非班连续静脉应用24-72h,用至术前停用24h.随访1年,观察用药后两组患者远期心血管事件发生有无差异.结果:通过对比分析得出观察组在随访1年时与对照组相比,心血管意外事件无显著降低.结论:外科冠搭桥患者术前使用盐酸替罗非班远期无明显降低心血管意外事件发生率. 展开更多
关键词 冠状搭桥 替罗非班 心血管意外事件
Evaluation of coronary artery bypass graft patency using three-dimensional reconstruction and flow study of electron beam tomography
作者 吕滨 戴汝平 +5 位作者 荆宝莲 白桦 何沙 庄囡 吴清玉 朱晓东 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第5期18-24,103,共8页
Objective To establish and evaluate two protocols for the noninvasive visualization and assessment of coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) patency on electron beam tomography (EBT).Methods Two hundred and fourteen cons... Objective To establish and evaluate two protocols for the noninvasive visualization and assessment of coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) patency on electron beam tomography (EBT).Methods Two hundred and fourteen consecutive patients who underwent coronary artery bypass graft surgery were scanned using both EBT angiography with 3-dimensional reconstruction and EBT flow study with time-density-curve analysis.Results There were 589 CABGs evaluated in this study (10 grafts were excluded because of artifacts). Among them, 133 (98.5%) of 135 arterial grafts were patent, and 345 (77.7%) of 444 saphenous-vein grafts were patent. Within 5 years or between 5 and 10 years after operation, arterial graft patency exceeded venous graft patency (P < 0.001 ). Three-dimensional EBT angiography achieved higher sensitivity, specificity and accuracy (97.7%, 94.1% and 96.7%, respectively) than did EBT flow study (88.4%, 82.4% and 85.2%, respectively) for evaluating occlusion or patency of CABG. The intra-graft flow of patent arterial and venous grafts were 4.9 ± 2.2 mi · min-1 · g-1 and 6.9 ± 2.8 mi · min-1 · g-1,respectively (P<0.001).Conclusion The combination of EBT three-dimensional reconstruction and flow study can be more effective in the assessment of CABG anatomy and quantification of patent CABG blood flow. 展开更多
关键词 coronary disease · bypass grafting · three dimension · electron beam · blood flow computed tomography
Endoscopic vein harvest in elective off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting 被引量:3
作者 Nai-kuan CHOU Meng-lin LEE Shoei-shen WANG 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第10期748-752,共5页
While traditional open vein harvest was related to postoperative wound complications, endoscopic vein harvest was developed to minimize the morbidity in the greater saphenous vein harvest procedure. In this study, the... While traditional open vein harvest was related to postoperative wound complications, endoscopic vein harvest was developed to minimize the morbidity in the greater saphenous vein harvest procedure. In this study, these two procedures were compared for postoperative wound healing and long-term graft patency. We reviewed all consecutive patients undergoing elective off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting from January 2004 to December 2005 and collected data regarding wound complications and coronary events. Wound complications included dehiscence, excessive discharge, edema, altered sensation, cellulitis, hema-toma, pain scale, and superficial and deep wound infection. Coronary events were defined as diagnosis of myocardial infarction during the first year's follow-up. A total of 392 patients were included in our series, among whom 44 were excluded from the study due to emergent operation, preoperative intra-aortic balloon pump support, or the greater saphenous vein varicose characteristic, 78 belonged to open vein harvest group, and 270 to endoscopic vein harvest group. Wound complications were significantly less in the endoscopic group (5.2%) compared to the open group (19.2%) (P=0.0002). There was no significant difference on preopera-tive risk factors, total operative time, or hospitalization days. During one-year follow-up, both the early and late graft patency rates were similar between the two groups. Endoscopic vein harvest is safe and effective, which carries less risk for wound complica-tions and is associated with better satisfaction and cosmetic result than the traditional greater saphenous vein harvest procedure. The endoscopic vein harvest also demonstrates a great long-term patency. 展开更多
关键词 Endoscopic vein harvest (EVH) Open vein harvest (OVH) Off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting Greater saphenous vein (GSV) Internal mammary artery (IMA)
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