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作者 周晓阳 《南京师范大学文学院学报》 CSSCI 2015年第2期94-100,共7页
诗人叶芝尊奉非功利的神秘超然之美与精英视角的英式牧歌之美。此种审美理想,势必与工业文明社会、爱尔兰的政治现实,发生不可避免的冲突。本文从叶芝的审美理想与社会现实的冲突入手,对《勒达》一诗展开文本分析,揭示诗句中暗喻的诗人... 诗人叶芝尊奉非功利的神秘超然之美与精英视角的英式牧歌之美。此种审美理想,势必与工业文明社会、爱尔兰的政治现实,发生不可避免的冲突。本文从叶芝的审美理想与社会现实的冲突入手,对《勒达》一诗展开文本分析,揭示诗句中暗喻的诗人在冲突两端之间,从畏惧、逃避到勇敢面对乃至和谐互动的心路历程。 展开更多
关键词 勒达 审美理想 社会现实
作者 戴佩丽 《中央民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1995年第1期36-40,共5页
阿勒达尔·阔谢是哈萨克族民间广为流传的具有反抗精神的机智人物。人们用虚构的方式,以阿勒达尔·阔谢这样一位四处漂泊的人物为中心,有机地将一系列哈萨克族机智人物故事贯穿起来,形成了阿勒达尔·阔谢的故事。这些故事... 阿勒达尔·阔谢是哈萨克族民间广为流传的具有反抗精神的机智人物。人们用虚构的方式,以阿勒达尔·阔谢这样一位四处漂泊的人物为中心,有机地将一系列哈萨克族机智人物故事贯穿起来,形成了阿勒达尔·阔谢的故事。这些故事不仅仅在哈萨克族,而且在乌孜别克族,卡拉卡尔帕克族,土库曼,塔塔尔族等一些突厥民族中家喻户晓,广为流传。目前所能见到的有40多篇,其中包括某些故事的不同变体,这些故事情节比较完整,把这四十几篇故事加以排列,除个别几篇故事外,其它多篇在情节发展上,思想内容上彼此是相互联贯的。从整体上看,《阿勒达尔·阔谢的身世》和《最后的遗嘱》两篇起着首尾呼应的作用,类似一部完整的传记。 展开更多
关键词 哈萨克族文化 勒达 机智人物故事 审美趋向 文化学 美与丑 伊斯兰教 萨满教 个性化 思想内容
作者 陈清亚 蔡南 《真空电子技术》 北大核心 1991年第4期26-28,共3页
关键词 勒达 光谱分析 应用
作者 胡振华 《语言与翻译》 CSSCI 北大核心 1990年第2期9-11,共3页
关键词 柯尔克孜语 方言研究 现有人口 勒达 方言地图 方言调查 伏龙芝 调查记录 民间文学作品 克里克
仫佬族民间故事概观 被引量:4
作者 白道义 《河池学院学报》 1987年第2期84-88,共5页
仫佬族民间故事是仫佬族灿烂的民族文化的重要组成部分。近年来,在党和政府的关怀下,不少同志经过艰苦努力,共搜集整理了二百多篇仫佬族民间故事。本文拟就这些民间故事作一次较全面的概括归纳,以求对仫佬族民间故事的内容、形式、认识... 仫佬族民间故事是仫佬族灿烂的民族文化的重要组成部分。近年来,在党和政府的关怀下,不少同志经过艰苦努力,共搜集整理了二百多篇仫佬族民间故事。本文拟就这些民间故事作一次较全面的概括归纳,以求对仫佬族民间故事的内容、形式、认识意义诸方面获得一个较为全面的认识和把握.民间故事通常包括神话、传说、故事(或称“民谭”)三大类型。综观仫佬族民间故事,这三大类型中均不乏优美动人的篇章。 展开更多
关键词 风物传说 概括归纳 认识意义 思想意义 蛇郎 英雄传说 英雄形象 伏羲兄妹 勒达 阿凡提
菲律宾文学概貌 被引量:1
作者 英奇 《南洋问题研究》 1986年第1期89-100,66,共13页
1564年以前西方学者往往强调菲律宾的文化乃是西班牙人和美国人带来的成果,这不仅是武断,商且是对菲律宾人的侮辱。菲律宾的文学史,绝非始于1521年,菲津宾的祖先早在西班牙殖民主义者入侵前就已经拥有自己的文字、文学和艺术。1962年从... 1564年以前西方学者往往强调菲律宾的文化乃是西班牙人和美国人带来的成果,这不仅是武断,商且是对菲律宾人的侮辱。菲律宾的文学史,绝非始于1521年,菲津宾的祖先早在西班牙殖民主义者入侵前就已经拥有自己的文字、文学和艺术。1962年从巴拉湾(PALAWAN)地洞发掘出土的沓文人(TABON-MAN),就是一个有力的证据。虽然,1565年西班牙人带来了欧洲文化;1898年美国人带来了美国文化,但是,菲律宾人却保存了部份固有文化。这些珍贵的文化,藏之于史诗、故事、歌谣。 展开更多
关键词 菲律宾人 固有文化 欧洲文化 西班牙人 学史 他加禄语 异族统治 勒达 十九世纪 文化特征
“霍尔”杂谈 被引量:1
作者 李克郁 《青海民族研究》 CSSCI 1998年第3期61-66,共6页
关键词 吐谷浑人 霍尔 成吉思汗 勒达 《格萨尔王传》 藏文 中国少数民族 民族研究 宋金时期 统一蒙古
Analysis of Short-term Heavy Precipitations in a Regional Heavy Rainstorm in Shannxi Province
作者 王楠 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第3期411-416,共6页
[Objective] This study aimed to analyze the cause of the generation of short-term heavy precipitations in a regional heavy rainstorm in Shannxi Province. [Method] Taking a heavy rainstorm covering most parts of Shaanx... [Objective] This study aimed to analyze the cause of the generation of short-term heavy precipitations in a regional heavy rainstorm in Shannxi Province. [Method] Taking a heavy rainstorm covering most parts of Shaanxi Province in late July 2010 as an example, data of five Doppler weather radars in Shaanxi Province were employed for a detailed analysis of the evolution of the heavy rainstorm pro- cess. [Result] Besides the good large-scale weather background conditions, the de- velopment and evolution of some mesoscale and small-scale weather systems direct- ly led to short-term heavy precipitations during the heavy rainstorm process, involv- ing the intrusion of moderate IS-scale weak cold air and presence of small-scale wind shear, convergence and adverse wind area. In addition, small-scale convection echoes were arranged in lines and formed a "train effect", which would also con- tribute to the generation of short-term heavy precipitation. [Conclusion] This study provided basic information for more clear and in-depth analysis of the formation mechanism of short-term heavy precipitations. 展开更多
关键词 Short-term heavy precipitation Doppler weather radar Adverse wind area: Train effect
作者 傅锦坤 《国际展望》 1983年第S2期26-27,共2页
《美国新闻与世界报道》今年5月号刊载一篇专题报道,说美国吸毒风气已蔓延到每个地区,各种年龄的人,每一个社会阶层,几乎到了无孔不入的地步。成百万美国人——从校园里的学童到加利福尼亚州硅谷的电算机分析员和华尔街的证券经纪人—... 《美国新闻与世界报道》今年5月号刊载一篇专题报道,说美国吸毒风气已蔓延到每个地区,各种年龄的人,每一个社会阶层,几乎到了无孔不入的地步。成百万美国人——从校园里的学童到加利福尼亚州硅谷的电算机分析员和华尔街的证券经纪人——都染上了吸食大麻、可卡因、海洛因等毒品的癖好。 展开更多
关键词 证券经纪人 加利福尼亚州 公众服务部 商业广告 纪律松弛 供应公司 工具制造 勒达 司法部门 特纳
作者 芒.牧林 《内蒙古师院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1982年第4期77-86,24,共11页
富饶美丽的草原上争妍奔放的百花丛里,如同独放异彩的一束鲜花,在那绚丽夺目的蒙古族民间文学宝库中,有一串闪烁着奇异光华的珍珠——《巴拉根仓的故事》。《巴拉根仓的故事》,就是蒙古族劳动人民按照自己的理想、情趣和斗争需要口头创... 富饶美丽的草原上争妍奔放的百花丛里,如同独放异彩的一束鲜花,在那绚丽夺目的蒙古族民间文学宝库中,有一串闪烁着奇异光华的珍珠——《巴拉根仓的故事》。《巴拉根仓的故事》,就是蒙古族劳动人民按照自己的理想、情趣和斗争需要口头创造而成的一系列幽默、讽刺故事的总称。它是广大蒙古族劳动人民反抗历代统治阶级压迫和剥削。 展开更多
关键词 巴拉根仓 曾格 机智人物 独放异彩 口头流传 阿凡提 民间口头文学 勒达 巴拉干 阶级压迫
《新疆林业》 1989年第5期22-22,共1页
关键词 机耕道 勒达 毁林 温泉县 情节恶劣 延期时间 经镇
《商界(评论)》 2015年第7期16-16,共1页
从2012年万达电商宣布组建,至今年6月,三年,两任CEO、两任COO出走,中层流失率超过50%。从最初200万元年薪招聘CEO,到今年6月流传的年薪800万元,除了感叹万达真有钱,我们看见的是万达对电商业务的不满,是万达电商高层的极度缺人。万达电... 从2012年万达电商宣布组建,至今年6月,三年,两任CEO、两任COO出走,中层流失率超过50%。从最初200万元年薪招聘CEO,到今年6月流传的年薪800万元,除了感叹万达真有钱,我们看见的是万达对电商业务的不满,是万达电商高层的极度缺人。万达电商,怎么就成了烫手山芋?龚义涛出任职务:万达电商CEO在任时间:2012.12~2014.4主要任务:帮助万达电商搭建起O2O平台,制定O2O整体策略。2013年底,万汇网正式上线。出走原因:一手创建的万汇网"格局太小",并未达到王健林"大会员"、"大数据"的期待。 展开更多
关键词 万达 烫手山芋 王健林 整体策略 腾讯 手山 勒达 研发目标 大事小事 会员数
Computations on the Earth Terrain Return of Pulse Doppler Radar Altimeter
作者 曾超 李幼平 李鸿屺 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2002年第2期159-163,共5页
Concerning the PDRA (pulse doppler radar altimeter) designing and evaluation, owing to that the specifications of PDRA should be adaptively fixed according to the ETR (earth terrain return), and that in certain stages... Concerning the PDRA (pulse doppler radar altimeter) designing and evaluation, owing to that the specifications of PDRA should be adaptively fixed according to the ETR (earth terrain return), and that in certain stages of product evaluation of PDRA which means the designations of PDRA are successful or not, the usage of ETR are indispensable, so the terrain return from spherical earth is critically important. A complete analytic derivation of the antenna shot section model of PDRA and the bright section model constrained by pulse emitted from antenna are given. Furthermore, the doppler effect mode and the earth terrain RCF (radar crossing factor) model are constructively analyzed. Then, the computing methodology on PDRA, which are used to compute the scattering power, scattering doppler spectrum, and the scattering signal, is studied. Besides, in order to check the correctness and efficiency of the algorithm, computing examples of ETR (earth terrain return) under the supposing premises are furnished. Finally, the conclusion is drawn that the models and algorithm are rational, the computational precise is satisfactory, the cost of computing time is low. 展开更多
关键词 MODELING radar altimeter radar crossing factor earth terrain return doppler frequency
A case study of cold-seasonthundersnow in Beijing 被引量:2
作者 JIAO Reguang CHEN Bin +1 位作者 HABIB Ammara SHI Guangyu 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2019年第6期392-398,共7页
The characteristics of local thundersnow at ne spatiotemporal scale on 9 and 10 November 2009 in Beijing were analyzed,using wind pro ler,microwave radiometer,automatic weather station,Doppler weather radar,and satell... The characteristics of local thundersnow at ne spatiotemporal scale on 9 and 10 November 2009 in Beijing were analyzed,using wind pro ler,microwave radiometer,automatic weather station,Doppler weather radar,and satellite data.Furthermore,the causes of winter convection are discussed.The results showed that it was reflux weather.The cause of the thunder and lightning was the elevated convection above the lower cold and dry air,and the trigger for convection was the short wave trough and convergencein the middle level.This thundersnow event developed from monsoon-like long-lasting water vapor transport at 850 hPa from the South China Sea along with strong instability of,and convergence in,the conveyor layer. 展开更多
关键词 THUNDERSNOW REFLUX doppler radar wind profiler RADIOMETER
Role of debris flow on the change of^10Be concentration in rapidly eroding watersheds:a case study on the Seti River,central Nepal 被引量:1
作者 KIM Dong Eun SEONG Yeong Bae +1 位作者 CHOI Kwang Hee YU Byung Yong 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第4期716-730,共15页
The concentration of cosmogenic loBe in riverine sediments has been widely used as a proxy for catchment-wide denudation rate (CWDR). One of the key assumptions of this approach is that sediments originating from su... The concentration of cosmogenic loBe in riverine sediments has been widely used as a proxy for catchment-wide denudation rate (CWDR). One of the key assumptions of this approach is that sediments originating from sub-basins with different erosional histories are well mixed. A tragic debris flow occurred in the Seti River watershed, central Nepal, on May 5, 2012. This catastrophic debris flow was triggered by slope failure on the peak of Annapurna IV and resulted in many casualties in the lower Seti Khola. However, it provided an opportunity to test the assumption of equal mixing of sediments in an understudied rapidly eroding watershed. This study documents the CWDR of ^10Be to evaluate the extent of the influence of episodic erosional processes such as debris flow on the spatio-temporal redistribution of loBe concentrations. Our data show that the debris flow caused little change in CWDR across the debris flow event. In addition to isotopic measurement, we calculated denudation rates by using the modeled concentrations in pre- and post-landslide sediments based on the local ^10Be production rate. The modeled result showed little change across the event, indicating that the debris flow in May 2012 played a minor role in sediment evacuation, despite the rapid erosion in the catchment. Our study concludes that although the 2012 event caused many casualties and severe damage, it was a low-magnitude, high frequency event. 展开更多
关键词 Seti River Beryllium-10 (^10Be) Catchment-wide denudation rate (CWDR) Debrisflow Episodic erosional processes
作者 邵玉龙 朱兆达 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1997年第2期136-140,共5页
This paper studies two range-Doppler (RD) algorithms for the azimuth correlation in the squint mode airborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR). The modeling of squint mode airborne SAR spatial geometry and echo response ... This paper studies two range-Doppler (RD) algorithms for the azimuth correlation in the squint mode airborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR). The modeling of squint mode airborne SAR spatial geometry and echo response is given. The procedure for the squint mode airborne SAR processing using the two RD algorithms is outlined. The simulation demonstrates that these two RD algorithms are suitable for squint mode airborne SAR when the squint angle is not larger than 20(°). 展开更多
关键词 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) DOPPLER range-Doppler (RD) secondary range compression (SRC)
Comparison Analysis of Continuous Severe Convection Weather in the West of Shandong Based on Multi-scale Data
作者 闫景东 徐娟 韩雪蕾 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第7期1272-1276,共5页
Based on conventional observation data, NCEP reanalysis data, wind profiler radar, Doppler radar, and satellite cloud image data, two times of severe convection weather in the west of Shandong Province during June 13-... Based on conventional observation data, NCEP reanalysis data, wind profiler radar, Doppler radar, and satellite cloud image data, two times of severe convection weather in the west of Shandong Province during June 13-14 in 2016 were analyzed. The results are shown as follows: firstly, the convection on the night of June 13 was stronger than that on the afternoon of June 14. The two times of severe convection weather generated under the circulation background of upper cold vortex. There was northwest air current at high altitudes and warm wet advection at low altitudes. Severe convection weather was triggered by low-level shear lines and surface convergence lines on June 13 and by weak cold air at 700 hPa on June 14 respectively. Secondly, there was certain water vapor transport and convergence before the occurrence of severe convection, and it was warm and wet at low altitudes but dry and cold at high altitudes; there was convergence at low altitudes and divergence at middle and high altitudes. 0 ℃ layer was at about 4 000 m, and-20 ℃ layer was at about 7 000 m. Thirdly, radar echo intensity was larger than 45 dBZ when severe convection happened, and it reached above 60 dBZ at an elevation of 1.5°, while middle strong echo zone overhung weak echo zone at low altitudes. Vertically integrated liquid(VIL) was up to 20 kg/m^2, and mesocyclone generated in strong echo zone; there was bow echo on the night of June 13, and VIL was higher than that on June 14. In wind profiler data, strong vertical wind shear and fluctuation of wind direction had denotative meaning to the occurrence of severe convection weather. Fourthly, hail, gale and other severe convection weather happened in front of long and narrow cold cloud zone and convective cloud clusters as well as in southwestern TBB gradient zone. 展开更多
关键词 Severe convection Doppler radar Wind profile Convective cloud clus- ters: TBB
作者 Zhao Hongzhong Zhou Jianxiong Li Weimin Fu Qiang (The ATR Laboratory of National University of Defence Technology, Changsha 410073) 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2003年第6期401-406,共6页
High acceleration of radar targets is analyzed using Acceleration Ambiguity Function (AAF). The acceleration resolution based on AAF is defined. The AAF and acceleration resolution of rectangle pulse signal are deriva... High acceleration of radar targets is analyzed using Acceleration Ambiguity Function (AAF). The acceleration resolution based on AAF is defined. The AAF and acceleration resolution of rectangle pulse signal are derivated and the conclusion that its acceleration resolution is in inverse proportion with the square of its duration is drawn. In the end, these conclusions are applied to the parameter designing and performance evaluation for a certain type of pulse Doppler radar. 展开更多
关键词 Acceleration Ambiguity Function(AAF) Acceleration resolution Doppler radar Accumulating time Maneuvering target
Spectral Studies of Oscillations Observed by the High-Latitude Radar and Magnetometers
作者 Vladimir Badin 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2013年第4期244-248,共5页
A comparative spectral analysis of high-latitude magnetic and Doppler radar measurements is presented. The analysis takes into account the Doppler effect that is inherent in magnetic observations. The frequency shifts... A comparative spectral analysis of high-latitude magnetic and Doppler radar measurements is presented. The analysis takes into account the Doppler effect that is inherent in magnetic observations. The frequency shifts between the magnetic and radar data are estimated (removed) indirectly by formulating the spectral analysis of magnetic data as the Schuster problem of hidden periodicities. There is a satisfactory agreement between the basic frequencies of equidistant spectra found in the magnetic data and frequencies found in the corresponding Doppler radar data. Some conclusions relevant to these findings are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Ionospheric and magnetospheric physics ULF signals spectral analysis
Radar target recognition based on micro-Doppler effect 被引量:2
作者 DONG Wei-guang LI Yan-jun 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2008年第6期456-459,共4页
Mechanical vibration of target structures will modulate the phase function of radar backscattering,and will induce the frequency modulation of returned signals from the target. It generates a side bands of the target ... Mechanical vibration of target structures will modulate the phase function of radar backscattering,and will induce the frequency modulation of returned signals from the target. It generates a side bands of the target body Doppler frequency shift,which is helpful for target recognition. Based on this,a micro-Doppler atomic storehouse is built for the target recognition,and four kinds of common classifiers are used separately to perform the classified recognition. The simulation experimental results show that this method has high recognition rate above 90%. 展开更多
关键词 雷达目标 显微多普勒效应 信息处理 后向散射
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