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作者 黄宝莹 《长沙民政职业技术学院学报》 2023年第3期34-39,共6页
目的:了解居家老人的生理性失能和社会性失能现状,为提升双失能老年人居家养老社会支持提供依据。方法:采用方便抽样的方法抽取南宁市城市社区的居家老年人为研究对象,运用日常生活自理能力评估量表(ADLs)及参照社会支持评定量表(SSRS)... 目的:了解居家老人的生理性失能和社会性失能现状,为提升双失能老年人居家养老社会支持提供依据。方法:采用方便抽样的方法抽取南宁市城市社区的居家老年人为研究对象,运用日常生活自理能力评估量表(ADLs)及参照社会支持评定量表(SSRS)自行设计社会支持量表,对323份问卷展开调研和统计分析。结果:生理性失能老人普遍存在社会性失能问题,双失能老人普遍存在且程度严重,中度和重度双失能老人分别占总样本的47.06%和43.65%,中高龄、男性、受教育程度低、独居或仅与配偶同住的老人的双失能程度更为严重。结论:双失能老人问题应受到社会高度重视,要构建差别化、倾斜化的双失能老人保障和服务体系,增强对双失能老人的家庭支持,同时也要引导社会力量协助帮扶双失能老人。 展开更多
关键词 双失能老人 识别 社会支持
“双失”农民一次性货币补偿的实践结果——基于山东省济南市的调研 被引量:3
作者 孙云奋 徐汝贞 刘传玉 《天津农业科学》 CAS 2015年第3期28-33,70,共7页
在城市化快速发展和"双失"农民不断增加的背景下,通过构造"两期"效用模型分析征地货币补偿方式,首先从理论上评价中国普遍实行的一次性货币补偿方式,然后对实行一次性货币补偿方式样本村的补偿效果进行分析,表明一... 在城市化快速发展和"双失"农民不断增加的背景下,通过构造"两期"效用模型分析征地货币补偿方式,首先从理论上评价中国普遍实行的一次性货币补偿方式,然后对实行一次性货币补偿方式样本村的补偿效果进行分析,表明一次性货币补偿极有可能产生城市化过程新贫困阶层。最后进行总结并指出需要进一步研究的问题。 展开更多
关键词 一次性货币补偿 双失”农民 “两期”效用模型 非理性消费 新贫困阶层
身份与照顾:农村“双失”儿童的福利困境——基于南京市溧水区的调查 被引量:4
作者 王梦怡 《社会工作与管理》 2018年第4期54-59,共6页
农村困境儿童中更为特殊的群体"双失"儿童,在农村困境儿童中的比重在不断增加。"双失"儿童与孤儿有相似之处,即在实际上没有获得父母的监护和照顾,其不同之处是在法律上无法认定其事实孤儿的身份,因而不能获得相应... 农村困境儿童中更为特殊的群体"双失"儿童,在农村困境儿童中的比重在不断增加。"双失"儿童与孤儿有相似之处,即在实际上没有获得父母的监护和照顾,其不同之处是在法律上无法认定其事实孤儿的身份,因而不能获得相应的福利。由于"双失"儿童在政策身份认定、家庭监护、照顾方面存在着特殊困难,更需要从政府、社会组织、社区和家族层面予以特殊支持。 展开更多
关键词 双失”儿童 农村 身份与照顾 儿童福利
作者 罗婷 张姗 《农业科学研究》 2016年第4期80-83,共4页
城镇化进程中,部分农民失去了土地,在就业竞争激烈的情况下,其面临失地又失业的双重风险.因此,有效解决失地农民"双失"问题,直接关系到农民民生,进而影响经济发展和社会稳定.本文对永宁县城镇化进程中纳家户失地农民的就业近... 城镇化进程中,部分农民失去了土地,在就业竞争激烈的情况下,其面临失地又失业的双重风险.因此,有效解决失地农民"双失"问题,直接关系到农民民生,进而影响经济发展和社会稳定.本文对永宁县城镇化进程中纳家户失地农民的就业近况进行剖析,对失地农民就业困难的原因进行认真梳理,在此基础上提出解决失地农民"双失风险"问题、实现就业的具体对策. 展开更多
关键词 城镇化 纳家户 失地农民 双失风险”
物质帮助 心理疏导 使“双失”学生走出困难 被引量:1
作者 刘准超 《教育教学论坛》 2013年第14期58-59,共2页
2007年起,随着《国务院关于建立健全普通本科高校、高等职业学校和中等职业学校家庭经济困难学生资助政策体系的意见》(国发〔2007〕13号)及其配套办法的颁布与实施,使越来越多的贫困学生圆了大学梦。在这个群体当中,有一类贫困生因为... 2007年起,随着《国务院关于建立健全普通本科高校、高等职业学校和中等职业学校家庭经济困难学生资助政策体系的意见》(国发〔2007〕13号)及其配套办法的颁布与实施,使越来越多的贫困学生圆了大学梦。在这个群体当中,有一类贫困生因为其成长背景的特殊性,更应引起我们的关注。这类学生由于各种原因无父无母,即"双失"学生。"双失"学生在面对来自家庭、学校以及社会压力时更容易产生不同程度的心理问题,怎样帮助这类学生告别迷茫,走向理性与成熟,是体现人文关怀的首要工作。 展开更多
关键词 双失”学生 自信 辅导
作者 盘蔼然 《广东教育(职教)》 2012年第9期39-41,共3页
中职学校的英语课堂上无论是学生或者是教师都感觉到心非常累。部分学生从小学开始就从心底不喜欢上英语课,教师教学也格外吃力。假如中职英语继续一成不变地走以高职高考为导向的英语教学,教师失去教学的信心,学生也会失去学习的兴... 中职学校的英语课堂上无论是学生或者是教师都感觉到心非常累。部分学生从小学开始就从心底不喜欢上英语课,教师教学也格外吃力。假如中职英语继续一成不变地走以高职高考为导向的英语教学,教师失去教学的信心,学生也会失去学习的兴趣,中职学校的英语也就成为食之无味,弃之有肉的“鸡肋”。因此,中职英语不能与普高的英语教学共用同一种模式,而应该走出一条以简单实用的会话为基础,教学方法灵活多样的有特色的道路。 展开更多
关键词 中职英语 双失 双赢 策略
作者 赵联海 浦路 +3 位作者 王兴元 马广营 李春锋 王晓云 《内燃机与配件》 2023年第21期4-8,共5页
柴油机瞬态性能的优劣关乎配套整机的动力性、经济性、排放特性,本文对瞬态工况的燃烧机理进行了探究,结合台架试验对于瞬态工况进行模拟,找出影响瞬态性能的燃烧参数的交互作用、相互作用关系。首次将燃烧分析仪安装在装载机上进行实... 柴油机瞬态性能的优劣关乎配套整机的动力性、经济性、排放特性,本文对瞬态工况的燃烧机理进行了探究,结合台架试验对于瞬态工况进行模拟,找出影响瞬态性能的燃烧参数的交互作用、相互作用关系。首次将燃烧分析仪安装在装载机上进行实际验证,对于整车的运行工况全程进行燃烧参数检测、记录,在整车工况进行了全局的优化标定,实现了整车试验与台架试验的交互验证。优化燃烧参数后,每小时油耗降低2.3%;烟度降低20%,更有利于DPF被动再生。装载机整机评价的各个单动作响应性都有不同程度的提升,单失速工况提升2.54%,双失速工况提升8.64%,举升加失速工况提升1.72%。 展开更多
关键词 柴油机 瞬态响应 DOE 燃烧分析 平均循环功 单失速 双失 举升加失速
作者 张万录 陆伟 徐洋 《规划师》 北大核心 2010年第S2期243-246,共4页
农村就地城市化是根据我国国情提出的城市化新途径,是我国城市化发展的必然趋势。从某种意义上说,就地城市化把城乡差异转变为城市内部的问题—居住隔离。居住区的物质景观是居住隔离最直观的体现,在就地城市化过程中,其特征主要体现在... 农村就地城市化是根据我国国情提出的城市化新途径,是我国城市化发展的必然趋势。从某种意义上说,就地城市化把城乡差异转变为城市内部的问题—居住隔离。居住区的物质景观是居住隔离最直观的体现,在就地城市化过程中,其特征主要体现在安置房住区区位、住区规划、公共服务设施、道路交通设施等方面。目前,我国学者对于这类居住隔离的研究还十分欠缺,因此应从社会保障体制、安置房住区区位选择及规划建设三个方面着手解决居住隔离的问题,从而有效改善居住隔离的程度,为"双失居民"融入城市主流社会创造有利条件。 展开更多
关键词 农村就地城市化 居住隔离 物质景观 双失居民”
Effect of Lattice Mismatch on Luminescence of ZnO/Si Hetero-Structure 被引量:2
作者 傅竹西 孙贤开 +1 位作者 朱俊杰 林碧霞 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期239-244,共6页
The photoluminescence (PL) and Raman spectra of undoped ZnO films deposited directly on Si substrate (sample A),on Si substrate through a SiC buffer layer (sample B),and on a ZnO crystal wafer (sample C) are i... The photoluminescence (PL) and Raman spectra of undoped ZnO films deposited directly on Si substrate (sample A),on Si substrate through a SiC buffer layer (sample B),and on a ZnO crystal wafer (sample C) are investigated. There are emission peaks centered at 3.18eV (ultraviolet,UV) and 2.38eV (green) in these sampies. Comparing the Raman spectra and the variation of the PL peak intensities with annealing atmosphere, we conclude that the luminescence of the samples is related to the tensile strain in the ZnO film due to the lattice mismatch between the film and the substrate. In particular, the tensile strain reduces the formation energy of OZn antisite oxygen defects,which generate the green emission center. After annealing in oxygen-rich atmosphere, many OZn defects are generated. Thus, the intensity of green emission in ZnO/Si hetero-structure materials increases due to tensile strain in ZnO films. 展开更多
关键词 ZnO/Si hetero-structure LUMINESCENCE lattice mismatch biaxial tensile strain
Eye movements during inspecting pictures of natural scenes for information to verify sentences
作者 陈庆荣 蒋志杰 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第3期444-447,共4页
As eye tracking can be used to record moment-to-moment changes of eye movements as people inspect pictures of natural scenes and comprehend information, this paper attempts to use eye-movement technology to investigat... As eye tracking can be used to record moment-to-moment changes of eye movements as people inspect pictures of natural scenes and comprehend information, this paper attempts to use eye-movement technology to investigate how the order of presentation and the characteristics of information affect the semantic mismatch effect in the picture-sentence paradigm. A 3(syntax)×2(semantic relation) factorial design is adopted, with syntax and semantic relations as within-participant variables. The experiment finds that the semantic mismatch is most likely to increase cognitive loads as people have to spend more time, including first-pass time, regression path duration, and total fixation duration. Double negation does not significantly increase the processing difficulty of pictures and information. Experimental results show that people can extract the special syntactic strategy from long-term memory to process pictures and sentences with different semantic relations. It enables readers to comprehend double negation as affirmation. These results demonstrate that the constituent comparison model may not be a general model regarding other languages. 展开更多
关键词 natural scene semantic mismatch double negation eye movement
Application of BDRM Theory in the Two-AXIS Underwater Channel 被引量:1
作者 张林 笪良龙 卢晓亭 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2007年第2期12-17,共6页
Two-axis underwater channel often exists in deep ocean. Because of the coupling between surface channel and SOFAR channel, sound propagation in the two-axis underwater channel is complex and so its calculations of aco... Two-axis underwater channel often exists in deep ocean. Because of the coupling between surface channel and SOFAR channel, sound propagation in the two-axis underwater channel is complex and so its calculations of acoustic fields are difficult. The beam-displacement ray-mode (BDRM) theory is a normal mode method for propagation modeling in the common horizontally stratified shallow water. We improve the theory, proposing a new method for computing the upper boundary reflection coefficient, and apply it to calculate the acoustic fields of two-axis underwater channel. Transmission losses in the two-axis underwater channel are calculated by the BDRM theory. The results are in good agreement with the KRAKEN code and the computational speed excels those of the other methods. 展开更多
关键词 two-axis underwater channel BDRM theory reflection coefficient phase-shift correction
On the Estimates of Hyperbolic Area Distortion of Quasiconformal Mappings 被引量:1
作者 CHEN Xing-di HUANG Xin-zhong 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期137-142,共6页
The distortion property of hyperbolic area of planar quasiconformal mappings is studied in this paper. In the case of radial quasiconformal mappings and angular deformed quasiconformal mappings their hyperbolic area d... The distortion property of hyperbolic area of planar quasiconformal mappings is studied in this paper. In the case of radial quasiconformal mappings and angular deformed quasiconformal mappings their hyperbolic area distortions are estimated quite sharply. The result can be applied to judge whether the hyperbolic area of a planar subset is explodable. 展开更多
关键词 hyperbolic area quasiconformal mapping explodable set distortion estimate
Gene silencing:Double-stranded RNA mediated mRNA degradation and gene inactivation 被引量:2
作者 TangW LuoXY 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第3期181-186,共6页
The recent development of gene transfer approaches in plants and animals has revealed that transgene can undergo silencing after integration in the genome. Host genes can also be silenced as a consequence of the prese... The recent development of gene transfer approaches in plants and animals has revealed that transgene can undergo silencing after integration in the genome. Host genes can also be silenced as a consequence of the presence of a homologous transgene. More and more investigations have demonstrated that double- stranded RNA can silence genes by triggering degradation of homologous RNA in the cytoplasm and by directing methylation of homologous nuclear DNA sequences. Analyses of Arabidopsis mutants and plant viral suppressors of silencing are unraveling RNA-silencing mechanisms and are assessing the role of methy- lation in transcriptional and posttranscriptional gene silencing. This review will focus on double-stranded RNA mediated mRNA degradation and gene inactivation in plants. 展开更多
关键词 Gene silencing double-stranded RNA METHYLATION homologous RNA transgene.
Conversion of methanol to propylene over SAPO-14:Reaction mechanism and deactivation
作者 Ye Wang Jingfeng Han +7 位作者 Nan Wang Bing Li Miao Yang Yimo Wu Zixiao Jiang Yingxu Wei Peng Tian Zhongmin Liu 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第8期2259-2269,共11页
Methanol to olefins(MTO)reaction as an important non-oil route to produce light olefins has been industrialized,and received over 80% ethylene plus propylene selectivity.However,to achieve high single ethylene or prop... Methanol to olefins(MTO)reaction as an important non-oil route to produce light olefins has been industrialized,and received over 80% ethylene plus propylene selectivity.However,to achieve high single ethylene or propylene selectivity towards the fluctuated market demand is still full of challenge.Small-pore SAPO-14 molecular sieve is a rare MTO catalyst exhibiting extra-high propylene selectivity.It provides us a valuable clue for further understanding of the relationship between molecular sieve structure and MTO catalytic performance.In this work,a seconds-level sampling fixed-bed reactor was used to capture real-time product distributions,which help to achieve more selectivity data in response to very short catalytic life of SAPO-14.Changes in product distribution,especially during the low activity stage,reflect valuable information on the reaction pathway.Combined with in situ diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier-transform spectroscopy,in situ ultraviolet Raman measurements and ^(12)C/^(13)C isotopic switch experiments,a reaction pathway evolution from dual cycle to olefins-based cycle dominant was revealed.In addition,the deactivation behaviors of SAPO-14 were also investigated,which revealed that polymethylbenzenes have been the deactivated species in such a situation.This work provides helpful hints on the development of characteristic methanol to propylene(MTP)catalysts. 展开更多
关键词 Methanol to propylene SAPO-14 molecular sieve UV Raman spectroscopy Dual-cycle mechanism DEACTIVATION
All-Digital Self-Interference Cancellation in Zero-IF Full-Duplex Transceivers 被引量:4
作者 Lu Tian Shuai Wang +1 位作者 Zhiheng Cheng Xiangyuan Bu 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第11期27-34,共8页
In this paper,a general scheme in digital self-interference cancellation at baseband for zero-IF full-duplex transceivers is presented. We model the self-interference signals specifically with only the nonlinear disto... In this paper,a general scheme in digital self-interference cancellation at baseband for zero-IF full-duplex transceivers is presented. We model the self-interference signals specifically with only the nonlinear distortion signals falling in receiving band considered. A joint estimation algorithm is proposed for compensating the time delay and frequency offset taking into account the IQ amplitude and phase imbalances from mixers. The memory effect and nonlinear distortion are adaptively estimated by the de-correlated normalized least mean square(DNLMS) algorithm. Numerical simulation results demonstrate that the proposed self-interference cancellation scheme can efficiently compensate the self-interference and outperform the existing traditional solutions. 展开更多
关键词 communication systems full-duplex transceivers self-interference cancellation IQ imbalance de-correlated normalized least mean square algorithm
作者 杜志军 曹东明 《工程机械文摘》 2013年第4期68-69,共2页
关键词 装载机 双失 低速扭矩 熄火
Numerical study on crack propagation under explosive loads 被引量:4
作者 Chuanjin Pu Xin Yang +4 位作者 Han Zhao Zhenlin Chen Dingjun Xiao Changlin Zhou Bing Xue 《Acta Mechanica Sinica》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第1期123-136,共14页
Dynamic crack propagation in brittle materials plays an important role in unJerstanding the fracture mechanism.Numerical simulations on crack propagation in the polymethyle methacrylate(PMMA)under explosive loads were... Dynamic crack propagation in brittle materials plays an important role in unJerstanding the fracture mechanism.Numerical simulations on crack propagation in the polymethyle methacrylate(PMMA)under explosive loads were carried out through Autodyn 3D code.Although the Johnson-Holmquist(JH-2)constitutive model has been widely treated as an acceptable scheme,it cannot improve the description in the post-failure response of material and reduce the mesh dependency,so the crack softening failure model are introduced in our present work based on two failure criterions.First,material parameters of JH-2 model,failure criterion,and crack softening failure model are determined from available data and calculations.The circular and rectangle thin plates are modeled to explore the fracture mechanisms for single-borehole and dual-borehole explosions.The simulation results well reproduced the entire dynamic evolutionary process of the crushed and fractured zones,crack initiation,propagation and arrest as well as secondary propagation,which successfully proved the relibilities of the combination of JH-2 constitutive model,failure criterion,and crack softening failure model and corresponding material parameters.For dual-borehole explosion,the crack linkage is well performed when borehole distance L is 20 and 30 cm;cracks are failed to link with each other at L=40 cm although main cracks have arrived into the opposite fractured zone.More importantly,it is found that the crack linkage mainly depends on L,which has an important effect on linkage style and its location.Despite a larger L makes more difficult in crack linkage,this difficulty lies not in the shortage of crack length,but in losing control of directional fracture of cracks between two boreholes. 展开更多
关键词 PMMA JH-2 constitutive model Dual-borehole explosion Crack propagation Numerical simulation
Natures of Rotating Stall Cell in a Diagonal Flow Fan 被引量:2
作者 N.SHIOMI K.KANEKO T.SETOGUCHI 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第1期9-14,共6页
In order to clarify the natures of a rotating stall cell, the experimental investigation was carried out in a high specific-speed diagonal flow fan. The pressure field on the casing wall and the velocity fields at the... In order to clarify the natures of a rotating stall cell, the experimental investigation was carried out in a high specific-speed diagonal flow fan. The pressure field on the casing wall and the velocity fields at the rotor inlet and outlet were measured under rotating stall condition with a fast response pressure transducer and a single slant hot-wire probe, respectively. The data were processed using the “Double Phase-Locked Averaging (DPLA)”technique, which enabled to obtain the unsteady flow field with a rotating stall cell in the relative co-ordinate system fixed to the rotor. As a result, the structure and behavior of the rotating stall cell in a high specific-speed diagonal flow fan were shown. 展开更多
关键词 rotating stall cell diagonal flow fan unsteady flow DPLA technique.
Defects in the medical system and distortion in drug pricing 被引量:4
作者 朱恒鹏 《Social Sciences in China》 2008年第1期50-65,共16页
Through an analysis of China's healthcare system and the regulatory model of pharmaceutical pricing, the paper concludes that the prime cause of pharmaceutical pricing inflation is the twodirectional monopoly of publ... Through an analysis of China's healthcare system and the regulatory model of pharmaceutical pricing, the paper concludes that the prime cause of pharmaceutical pricing inflation is the twodirectional monopoly of public healthcare institutions on pharmaceutical retailing. The low cost of medical services means that public hospitals can legitimately use the sale of pharmaceuticals to subsidize the provision of services. Moreover, the policy of controlling the rate of return gives public hospitals a further incentive to buy and sell high-cost pharmaceuticals. In addition, the policy of independent pricing together with the laxity of the system for approving new drugs allows the makers of pharmaceutical products to charge higher prices and facilitates public hospitals' sale of high-priced drugs. All of these problems result from inappropriate government controls. Therefore, the basic strategy for solving the problem of inflated pharmaceutical prices should be to lessen government controls on healthcare, open up retail sales of prescription medicines, and reform the public healthcare system and medical insurance reimbursement, breaking the monopoly of public hospitals. 展开更多
关键词 defects in the medical system pharmaceutical prices inappropriate regulation two-directional monopoly of pharmaceutical retailing
Research on Wet Steam Spontaneous Condensing Flows Considering Phase Transition and Slip 被引量:1
作者 Ke CUI Huan-long CHEN +1 位作者 Yan-ping SONG Hiroharu OYAMA 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第4期320-326,共7页
A new dual-fluid model considering phase ansition and velocity slip was proposed in this paper and the Cunningham correction was used in the droplet resistance calculation. This dual-fluid model was applied to the num... A new dual-fluid model considering phase ansition and velocity slip was proposed in this paper and the Cunningham correction was used in the droplet resistance calculation. This dual-fluid model was applied to the numerical simulations of wet steam flow in a 2D LAVAL nozzle and in the White cascade respectively. The results of two simulations demonstrate that the model is reliable. Meanwhile, the spontaneous condensing flow in White cascade was analyzed and it infers that the irreversible loss caused by condensation accounts for the largest share (about 8.78% of inlet total pressure) in total pressure loss while the loss caused by velocity slip takes the smallest share (nearly 0.42%), and another part of total pressure loss caused by pneumatic factors contributes a less share than condensation, i.e. almost 3.95% of inlet total pressure. 展开更多
关键词 dual-fluid model wet steam spontaneous condensing flow LAVAL nozzle White cascade.
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