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鉴真弟子思托的日本国土观——以思托所撰《延历僧录》为中心 被引量:1
作者 新川登龟男 葛继勇 《扬州大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2013年第6期101-107,114,共8页
跟随鉴真到达日本的唐僧思托在日撰写了《延历僧录》。其中的《胜宝感神圣武皇帝菩萨传》(《圣武天皇传》)记述了日本国土的"四方四至观"。此国土观依据的是《大方等大集经》和唐僧湛然参考此书编撰的《止观辅行传弘决》。但... 跟随鉴真到达日本的唐僧思托在日撰写了《延历僧录》。其中的《胜宝感神圣武皇帝菩萨传》(《圣武天皇传》)记述了日本国土的"四方四至观"。此国土观依据的是《大方等大集经》和唐僧湛然参考此书编撰的《止观辅行传弘决》。但是,思托对这些内容进行了改变,把日本列岛的矿产资源和方位进行了对应,构造了东方琉璃山、南方码碯山,西方白银山、北方黄金山的"四方四至观"。此国土观并没有直接被后世照搬继承。但是,其中西方对马的银、北方(或曰东方)陆奥的黄金,作为标示日本列岛境界的象征性矿物的观点却被继承下来。 展开更多
关键词 思托 国土观 四方四至 东大寺大佛建造
作者 林木 金燕 《华人时刊》 1995年第8期4-6,共3页
关键词 太平洋世纪 国土观 中国海洋 南沙群岛 专属经济区 《联合国海洋法公约》 海洋权益 亚洲太平洋 大陆架 联合国海洋法会议
作者 明镜 《哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2024年第1期116-121,共6页
传世文献和出土材料相互证明,中国夏代前后曾发生了较大规模的洪水灾害,故“禹画九州”并非虚构而成。“禹画九州”相关传说在商周时期便已盛行。春秋以降,“禹画九州”传说经过传播与改造后演变为夏人祖先大禹治水后分布的国土。春秋... 传世文献和出土材料相互证明,中国夏代前后曾发生了较大规模的洪水灾害,故“禹画九州”并非虚构而成。“禹画九州”相关传说在商周时期便已盛行。春秋以降,“禹画九州”传说经过传播与改造后演变为夏人祖先大禹治水后分布的国土。春秋时期“九州”观演变为三种含义:一是夏代的国土称谓,也称“禹迹”“九有”“九围”“九域”“九牧”“九鼎”等;二是地名,即炎黄部落后裔共同生活区域,具体在今陕西中南部、河南西部和山西南部地区;三是州邑名称,其地望在今河南南阳地区附近。“九州”作为中国古代早期国土称谓,对中国古代多民族共同体意识形成与发展产生深远影响。 展开更多
关键词 春秋 九州 国土观 中国
树立国人的海洋国土观念 被引量:1
作者 徐三泰 《中学地理教学参考》 北大核心 1998年第5期11-14,共4页
树立国人的海洋国土观念□徐三泰/浙江省江山县中学我国位于亚洲大陆东部,太平洋西岸,大陆海岸线绵延18000千米,是一个海洋大国。我国有12亿多人口,是一个人口多,人均土地资源少的国家。为了我国经济的可持续发展,根据1... 树立国人的海洋国土观念□徐三泰/浙江省江山县中学我国位于亚洲大陆东部,太平洋西岸,大陆海岸线绵延18000千米,是一个海洋大国。我国有12亿多人口,是一个人口多,人均土地资源少的国家。为了我国经济的可持续发展,根据1996年5月15日我国八届人大第十... 展开更多
关键词 《联合国海洋法公约》 海洋国土 专属经济区 海洋环境 开发利用 国土观 海洋生物 海洋资源 渔业资源 富营养化
作者 何锋 《世界知识》 北大核心 2003年第7期24-25,共2页
关键词 日本 海洋国土观 军事防御力 岛屿 国家利益 军国主义
作者 叶小琴 王晶 《中国人民公安大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第1期10-24,共15页
走向社会主义生态文明新时代的进程中,我国流域环境保护理念逐步从一元空间观向国土空间观转变,这要求识别流域的空间特征并针对性优化刑事司法保护机制。当前的刑事司法保护面临三个困境,具体为以打击水域环境犯罪为中心、环境犯罪线... 走向社会主义生态文明新时代的进程中,我国流域环境保护理念逐步从一元空间观向国土空间观转变,这要求识别流域的空间特征并针对性优化刑事司法保护机制。当前的刑事司法保护面临三个困境,具体为以打击水域环境犯罪为中心、环境犯罪线索来源单一、重要生态区域特殊保护缺乏。建议构建流域国土空间的能动预防犯罪机制,确立公安机关的枢纽地位,推行三方面优化措施,即公安机关绩效管理的综合化、公安机关“一对多”行刑衔接的精准化、公安机关与检法协同保护的专业化。 展开更多
关键词 流域保护 国土空间 环境犯罪 犯罪预防 行刑衔接
论对大学生进行科学海洋观的培养 被引量:2
作者 丁志高 张绪良 《青岛职业技术学院学报》 2009年第1期30-32,共3页
为满足社会对高校素质教育的新需求,高校教学中应培养学生形成科学的海洋观。大学生的科学海洋观主要包括海洋资源观、海洋环境观、海洋产业观和海洋国土观等4个方面,其培养过程主要通过各专业在与海洋有关的学科基础课、选修课中讲授... 为满足社会对高校素质教育的新需求,高校教学中应培养学生形成科学的海洋观。大学生的科学海洋观主要包括海洋资源观、海洋环境观、海洋产业观和海洋国土观等4个方面,其培养过程主要通过各专业在与海洋有关的学科基础课、选修课中讲授海洋资源、环境、经济等方面的内容来实现。一些沿海地区有海洋类专业、环境类专业的高等学校,尤其应培养学生形成科学的海洋观。 展开更多
关键词 高等学校 科学海洋 海洋资源 海洋环境 海洋产业 海洋国土观
海洋开发与现代海洋观念 被引量:4
作者 陈炷响 蔡勤禹 《合肥学院学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第1期65-68,共4页
海洋开发使中华民族与海洋的关系交融和谐,密不可分。在不同的历史时期,形成了不同的海洋观念。现代海洋观念的产生、变化和发展是一个循序渐进地过程。在海洋开发实践中,人们形成了海洋价值观、海洋政治观、海洋权益观和海洋国土观等... 海洋开发使中华民族与海洋的关系交融和谐,密不可分。在不同的历史时期,形成了不同的海洋观念。现代海洋观念的产生、变化和发展是一个循序渐进地过程。在海洋开发实践中,人们形成了海洋价值观、海洋政治观、海洋权益观和海洋国土观等现代海洋观念。现代海洋观念的形成,有助于人们合理有序地开发和利用海洋,造福人类。 展开更多
关键词 海洋开发 海洋价值 海洋政治 海洋权益 海洋国土观
中学国防教育 要强化五种观念
作者 云雪忱 《青海教育》 2000年第3期16-16,共1页
关键词 国防教育 民族精神 中学生 五种 社会主义现代化 国土观 国民素质 平等条约 国防 教育实力
依法管地 合理用地——为纪念《土地管理法》颁布十周年暨第六个全国土地日而作
作者 王炬 《中外房地产导报》 1996年第12期6-7,共2页
今年6月25日是《中华人民共和国土地管理法》颁布10周年纪念日,也是第6个全国土地日。今年土地日宣传的主题是“土地与发展——保护我们的生命线”。通过这个主题的宣传,我们要提高全市人民对土地法制的认识,增强市民的国土观念和土地... 今年6月25日是《中华人民共和国土地管理法》颁布10周年纪念日,也是第6个全国土地日。今年土地日宣传的主题是“土地与发展——保护我们的生命线”。通过这个主题的宣传,我们要提高全市人民对土地法制的认识,增强市民的国土观念和土地的“国情、国策、国法”意识,增强做好土地工作的责任感和紧迫感,真正做到依法管地,合理用地。 人口众多,人均土地少,耕地后备资源严重不足,是我国土地的基长国情。目前,我国以占世界总量7%的耕地养育了占世界22%的人口,耕地的负荷十分沉重。同时,各项建设还要占用大量耕地。人口在一天天增加,耕地在相应减少。 展开更多
关键词 合理用地 规划国土 《土地管理法》 为纪念 深圳经济特区 市规划 保护耕地 土地使用制度改革 房地产管理 国土观
充分发挥海洋科普的播种 渗透 桥梁功能 被引量:1
作者 盖广生 《海洋世界》 2001年第2期8-10,共3页
21世纪的今天,我们既面临新的发展机遇,也面临严峻的挑战。抓住机遇,加快发展我国海洋事业,不断增强经济实力和海洋科技实力,是摆在全体海洋工作者面前的紧迫任务。在这样的任务面前,大力普及海洋科学知识,提高全民族的海洋意识有特殊... 21世纪的今天,我们既面临新的发展机遇,也面临严峻的挑战。抓住机遇,加快发展我国海洋事业,不断增强经济实力和海洋科技实力,是摆在全体海洋工作者面前的紧迫任务。在这样的任务面前,大力普及海洋科学知识,提高全民族的海洋意识有特殊重要的意义。一、提高全民族的海洋意识是海洋科普教育的重点所谓海洋意识就是对海洋的总体认识。以增强海洋意识为主线的海洋科普教育,应紧紧围绕提高对海洋国土观、海洋经济观、海洋环境观和海洋权益观的认识来展开。 展开更多
关键词 人类 科普教育 海洋意识 资源 科学普及教育 海洋国土观 海洋科学技术 功能
南海声索国对华政策解析与中国的战略思考 被引量:2
作者 祁怀高 《边界与海洋研究》 2016年第3期43-57,共15页
2009年以来,以部分岛礁领土主权争议和部分海域划界争议为核心的南海争端变得日趋复杂和激烈。越南、菲律宾、马来西亚、文莱、印度尼西亚等南海相关声索国对华政策呈现三个新内容:一是少数声索国采用国际司法手段单方面对华提起"... 2009年以来,以部分岛礁领土主权争议和部分海域划界争议为核心的南海争端变得日趋复杂和激烈。越南、菲律宾、马来西亚、文莱、印度尼西亚等南海相关声索国对华政策呈现三个新内容:一是少数声索国采用国际司法手段单方面对华提起"南海仲裁案";二是东盟内部相关声索国在南海问题上出现"联合制华"趋势;三是部分声索国积极支持美日印澳等域外国家介入南海争端以制衡中国。应对上述三个新内容,中国需要从国际法律、国际关系、国际机制、国内主权四者互动的视角对中国南海战略做深入细致的研究。在国际法律层面,尽快明确南海断续线的性质和范围;在国际关系层面,积极推进南海共同开发并采取有针对性的利益交换举措;在国际机制层面,积极落实"南海沿岸国合作机制"倡议;在国内主权层面,培养国民理性法治的海洋国土观。 展开更多
关键词 南海争端 声索国 南海战略 南海断续线 海洋国土观
Landscape Effects of Land Consolidation Projects in Central China——A Case Study of Tianmen City, Hubei Province 被引量:9
作者 GU Xiaokun DAI Bing CHEN Baiming 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第1期41-46,共6页
The goal of land consolidation in China is still to develop agricultural production.The study of landscape effects of land consolidation projects(LCPs)faces many difficulties because of the lack of government's in... The goal of land consolidation in China is still to develop agricultural production.The study of landscape effects of land consolidation projects(LCPs)faces many difficulties because of the lack of government's interest and data.This paper,taking Tianmen City of Hubei Province in Central China as an example,presents a methodology for analyzing landscape effects of LCPs by GIS and Fragstats3.3.It describes landscape effects with indexes of Patch Density(PD),Largest Patch Index(LPI),Landscape Shape Index(LSI),Interspersion and Juxtaposition Index(IJI),Aggregation Index(AI),and Shannon's Diversity Index(SHDI),showing more regular shape,simpler structure and less habitat diversity after LCPs.It computes ten landscape indexes of four categories of patches including Cultivated Land,Road,Water Channel,and River and Pond.The indexes show that 1)cultivated land becomes more fragmental in patch area,less irregular in patch shape and more concentrated in block;2)the transport capacity of roads and irri-gation and drainage capacity of water channels have been improved;3)the landscape change of river and pond can be summarized as decreasing scale,more regular shape,reducing connectivity and diversity of the class.LCPs can facili-tate agricultural production as well as protect cultivated land and food security.However,it is doubted that the increase of cultivated land from LCPs results from the reducing in landscape diversity of water area. 展开更多
关键词 land consolidation landscape effect TianmenTown
Road Lateral Disconnection and Crossing Impacts in River Landscape of Lancang River Valley in Yunnan Province,China 被引量:2
作者 WANG Cong LIU Shiliang +2 位作者 DENG Li LIU Qi YANG Juejie 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第1期28-38,共11页
Roads are conspicuous components in a river landscape;however,their impacts on river landscape patterns and ecological processes have not been systematically studied at the watershed scale.In this paper,the Lancang Ri... Roads are conspicuous components in a river landscape;however,their impacts on river landscape patterns and ecological processes have not been systematically studied at the watershed scale.In this paper,the Lancang River Valley in Yunnan Province,China was selected as a case to study road lateral disconnection and crossing impacts and identify river-road network interaction.This study was primarily focused on the road impacts on soil erosion intensity and patch density by using GIS analysis at different scales and explored their distribution with terrain factors.The results showed that river density revealed spatial autocorrelation although both of the roads and rivers were distributed unevenly in the valley.The lateral road(road curvature≥1.1)proportion correlated with soil erosion intensity(p 0.01)at the small sub-basin scale.Soil erosion intensity decreased with increasing lateral road buffer width.Light erosion generally accounted for a large proportion of the erosion in the lateral road buffer zones(1.0–4.0 km),while higher class lateral roads imposed greater impacts on soil erosion than lower class roads,which primarily had a moderate erosion level.In addition,the results of road-river intersection density indicated that road crossing impacts were significantly correlated with patch density at the small sub-basin scale.Topography factor(percent of slope>25°in each sub-basin had a close relationship with the ratio of total length of road line with curvature value≥1.1 to the total number of intersections.The correlation(p 0.01)between road impacts and terrain factor revealed that topography affected the road impact distribution in the Lancang River Valley. 展开更多
关键词 lateral disconnection crossing impacts river landscape patch density soil erosion scale effect
The Effects of Land Use and Landscape Position on Labile Organic Carbon and Carbon Management Index in Red Soil Hilly Region,Southern China 被引量:8
作者 LI Zhong-wu NIE Xiao-dong +3 位作者 CHEN Xiao-lin LU Yin-mei JIANG Wei-guo ZENG Guang-ming 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第3期626-636,共11页
Labile organic carbon (LOC) and carbon management index (CMI), which are sensitive factors to the changes of environment, can improve evaluating the effect of land management practices changes on soil quality. The... Labile organic carbon (LOC) and carbon management index (CMI), which are sensitive factors to the changes of environment, can improve evaluating the effect of land management practices changes on soil quality. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of land use types and landscape positions on soil quality as a function of L0C and CMI. A field study in a small watershed in the red soil hilly region of southern China was conducted, and soil samples were collected from four typical lands (pine forest (PF) on slope land, barren hill (BH) on slope land, citrus orchard (C0) on terrace land and Cinnarnornum Camphora (CC) on terrace land) at a sampling depth of 20 cm. Soil nutrients, soil organic carbon (SOC), L0C and CMI were measured. Results showed that the L0C and CMI correlated to not only soil carbon but also soil nutrients, and the values of LOC and CMI in different land use types followed the order CC 〉 PF 〉 CO 〉 BH at the upper- slope, while CO 〉 CC 〉 BH 〉 PF at mid-slope and down-slope. With respect to slope positions, the values of LOC and CMI in all the lands were followed the order: upper-slope 〉 down-slope 〉 mid- slope. As whole, the mean values of LOC and CMI in different lands followed the order CC 〉 CO 〉 PF 〉 BH. High CMI and LOC content were found in the terrace lands with broadleaf vegetations. These results indicated that the terracing and appropriate vegetations can increase the carbon input and lability and decrease soil erosion. However, the carbon pools and CMI in these lands were significantly lower than that in reference site. This suggested that it may require a long time for the soil to return to a high~ quality. Consequently, it is an efficient way to adopt the measures of terracing and appropriate vegetations planting in improving the content of LOC and CMI and controlling water and soil loss in fragile ecosystems. 展开更多
关键词 Carbon pool index (CPI) Lability index(LI) Non-labile organic carbon (NLOC) Soil organiccarbon (SOC) Soil erosion
Age and Some Genetic Characteristics of Vertisols in China 被引量:2
作者 ZHANGMIN LIULIANG-WU 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1993年第1期81-88,共8页
The ages of organic matter of some dark-colored horizons and calcareous concretions in some Vertisols from tropical, subtropical and warm-temperate zones of China were studied using radiocarb on dating method. The rel... The ages of organic matter of some dark-colored horizons and calcareous concretions in some Vertisols from tropical, subtropical and warm-temperate zones of China were studied using radiocarb on dating method. The relationship between soil age and genesis of Vertisols was also expounded based on the study of their genetic charactens-tics and micromorphological features. The results show that although Vertisols have developed for a relatively long time, their weathering and soil forming process are weak and young with little horizonation. This is closely related to their special geochemical soil forming environment. Low-lying terrain, heavy texture, clay minerals dominated by montmorillonites and alternative drying- wetting climate give rise to the vertic features expressed in intense swelling-shrinking and cracking-closing in soils. As a result, the soil development and soil leaching process are resisted, and the climatic effect on the horizonation is impeded. Moreover, pedoturbation eliminates the horizonation in the upper part of soil profile, and postpones their evolution into zonal soils. So Vertisols show certain pedogenic inertia and stay at relatively young developmental stage. Therefore, Vertisols are intrazonal soils dominated by local soil forming factors such as the relief and parent materials. 展开更多
关键词 soil age soil genesis soil micromorphology Vcrtisols
Spatio-temporal Variation of Landscape Heterogeneity under Influence of Human Activities in Xiamen City of China in Recent Decade 被引量:3
作者 HUANG Yixiong YIN Xiuqin +5 位作者 YE Gongfu LIN Jiemin HUANG Ru WANG Na WANG Liang SUN Yue 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第2期227-236,共10页
Xiamen is an economically competitive and highly urbanized city along the coastal area of Fujian Province, China. The research on spatio-temporal variation of landscape heterogeneity under the influence of human activ... Xiamen is an economically competitive and highly urbanized city along the coastal area of Fujian Province, China. The research on spatio-temporal variation of landscape heterogeneity under the influence of human activities is of great importance to the further study on the relationship of landscape pattern and ecological process. It is also crucial to the discovery of spatial variation and intensity distribution of human activities. The research analyzed the intensity of human impacts and the spatial variation features and dynamics of landscape patterns by introducing statistical theories and approaches. We analyzed spatio-temporal variation of landscape heterogeneity using the geostatistical techniques, such as semivariogram and Kriging interpolation.Results show that there is a higher correlation between landscape heterogeneity indexes and human impact index. Both the indexes show a moderate spatial autocorrelation as well as an obvious characteristic of anisotropy. From 1998 to 2008, the spatial differentiation of the changes in the intensity of human activities and the changes in landscape heterogeneity shows that the landscape patterns in Xiamen are closely related with the urban land utilization methods, the condition of traffic and geographical location and the physical geographical condition such as the terrain and the ecological environment. The process of urbanization has a significant impact on the urban landscape pattern. 展开更多
关键词 landscape heterogeneity human impact index human activities Xiamen City
Bioavailability of heavy metals in soil of the Tieguanyin tea garden, southeastern China 被引量:2
作者 Jingwei Sun Ruilian Yu +3 位作者 Gongren Hu Songhe Jiang Yunfeng Zhang Xiaoming Wang 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期519-524,共6页
The bioavailability of 22 heavy metals was investigated at 19 sampling sites in Tieguanyin tea garden in Anxi County,Fujian Province,southeastern China.Heavy metal concentrations were determined by inductively coupled... The bioavailability of 22 heavy metals was investigated at 19 sampling sites in Tieguanyin tea garden in Anxi County,Fujian Province,southeastern China.Heavy metal concentrations were determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry(ICP-MS)and evaluated by geo-accumulation index(I_(geo)).Dilute nitric acid extraction was used to evaluate biological activity.Cu,Pb,and Cd were highly bioavailable and most easily absorbed by tea trees.Heavy metal bioavailability in the surface soil was as the ratio of the effective state to the total amount.Cd had the highest I_(geo)values,and the respective samples and sites were classified as moderately/strongly contaminated.Cd element is considered the main factor of heavy metal pollution in the tea garden in Anxi.The other heavy metals studied were present in lower concentrations;thus,the samples were classified as uncontaminated or slightly contaminated. 展开更多
关键词 Geo-accumulation index Tieguanyin tea garden Heavy metals BIOAVAILABILITY Dilute nitric acid extraction Southeastern China
作者 刘堂 斯雄 《百年潮》 2012年第10期78-79,共2页
南沙作为祖国最南端的国土,我(曾任海军南沙守备部队部队长,永暑礁“礁长”)认为,国人认识了解上还有很大缺失,还需要大力宣传。有人说,“控制海洋,就控制了世界”,这是有道理的。我去青岛海洋大学给新生讲课,很多学生根本不... 南沙作为祖国最南端的国土,我(曾任海军南沙守备部队部队长,永暑礁“礁长”)认为,国人认识了解上还有很大缺失,还需要大力宣传。有人说,“控制海洋,就控制了世界”,这是有道理的。我去青岛海洋大学给新生讲课,很多学生根本不了解南沙的形势,根本没想到我们实际控制的比别人要少和小。学校领导后来告诉我,包括学校的一些教授讲课,也都讲“富贵”二字,大学毕业找个好工作,或创业当老板致富;或者当个官,改变身份,变得高贵什么的。其实,不光是在学校,整个社会的海洋国土观教育,都非常不够。 展开更多
关键词 南沙 青岛海洋大学 海洋国土观 学校领导 大学毕业 讲课 祖国 新生
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