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作者 崔海燕 《农业开发与装备》 2021年第6期39-40,共2页
土壤植物营养学是指围绕土壤营养成分开展研究的学科,可明确土壤中促进植物生长的营养成分及其供给特点、方式,可为植物种植提供科学指导。基于此,从土壤植物营养学与农业生产间的关系入手,结合植物种植实践,探究如何利用土壤植物营养... 土壤植物营养学是指围绕土壤营养成分开展研究的学科,可明确土壤中促进植物生长的营养成分及其供给特点、方式,可为植物种植提供科学指导。基于此,从土壤植物营养学与农业生产间的关系入手,结合植物种植实践,探究如何利用土壤植物营养学促进农业持续发展。 展开更多
关键词 土壤植物营养 农业 持续发展
浅谈土壤植物营养与农业持续发展 被引量:7
作者 李烨 《现代园艺》 2020年第14期29-31,共3页
我国是农业大国,在国民经济中占据重要地位,为推进农业持续发展,土壤植物营养问题愈发受到重视。通过分析土壤植物元素对植物的影响,结合现阶段农业持续发展过程中存在的问题,立足于土壤植物营养学,分析植物营养与土壤肥料在农业生产与... 我国是农业大国,在国民经济中占据重要地位,为推进农业持续发展,土壤植物营养问题愈发受到重视。通过分析土壤植物元素对植物的影响,结合现阶段农业持续发展过程中存在的问题,立足于土壤植物营养学,分析植物营养与土壤肥料在农业生产与农业可持续发展中的作用,并提出借鉴性建议,旨在促进农业和农村经济得到持续、稳定、全面的发展。 展开更多
关键词 土壤植物营养 农业 可持续发展
作者 张红 孙本华 吕家珑 《大学(研究与管理)》 2024年第11期160-163,共4页
农林院校在新农科背景下承担着人才培养、科技支撑和社会服务的重要责任和时代使命。实验教学在综合性人才的培养中具有非常重要的作用,土壤与植物营养是一门涉农广、实践性强、应用面宽的专业基础课。为适应新形势下人才培养的要求,文... 农林院校在新农科背景下承担着人才培养、科技支撑和社会服务的重要责任和时代使命。实验教学在综合性人才的培养中具有非常重要的作用,土壤与植物营养是一门涉农广、实践性强、应用面宽的专业基础课。为适应新形势下人才培养的要求,文章结合目前实验项目存在的若干问题,对实验内容和方法进行教学改革探索,以期激发学生的主动参与意识和学习兴趣,强化基本技能训练,培养学生的科研意识、实践能力和创新精神,为培养农业综合性人才提供更实用的教学实践模式。 展开更多
关键词 新农科 人才培养 土壤植物营养 实验教学改革
作者 刘家鹤 罗珠珠 蔡立群 《黑龙江农业科学》 2024年第8期91-96,共6页
土壤与植物营养课程,作为高等农业教育中涉农类、园林类等专业的基础和核心课程,是对土壤学和植物营养学两门课程内容的有机融合和深度整合。该课程在培养学生实践操作能力和科研创新能力方面起到关键性作用。本文通过对目前土壤与植物... 土壤与植物营养课程,作为高等农业教育中涉农类、园林类等专业的基础和核心课程,是对土壤学和植物营养学两门课程内容的有机融合和深度整合。该课程在培养学生实践操作能力和科研创新能力方面起到关键性作用。本文通过对目前土壤与植物营养课程的教学现状进行分析,并针对存在的教学方法需要改进、学生课程参与度不够、理论与实践联动性欠缺,教学考核评价方式单一等问题,结合课程教学实践与教学目标,对课程教学内容进行优化,采用“启发式教学、参与式教学、开放式教学、多元化考核”四大教学模式,将课程教学改革和人才培养质量的提升进行创新融合。为合理利用土壤资源、解决我国土壤安全、防止土壤退化和提高土壤肥力水平等问题培养新时代创新型、实用型、复合型的农林人才。 展开更多
关键词 新农科 土壤植物营养 教学模式 课程改革
国内外土壤植物营养学期刊论文发表时滞的统计分析 被引量:5
作者 刘晓燕 张成娥 +1 位作者 徐晓芹 金继运 《编辑学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期422-424,共3页
关键词 土壤-植物营养 科技期刊 论文发表时滞
土壤-植物营养学家朱兆良先生的科学研究与贡献 被引量:4
作者 慕亚芹 李群 崔江浩 《土壤》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期1-6,共6页
朱兆良先生是我国著名的土壤-植物营养学家,土壤氮素转化与农田氮素管理研究方面的拓荒者和学术带头人之一。他围绕太湖地区熟制改革后出现的稻田"氮肥胃口增大"问题和在争取作物高产中盲目增加氮肥施用量问题,对稻田土壤供... 朱兆良先生是我国著名的土壤-植物营养学家,土壤氮素转化与农田氮素管理研究方面的拓荒者和学术带头人之一。他围绕太湖地区熟制改革后出现的稻田"氮肥胃口增大"问题和在争取作物高产中盲目增加氮肥施用量问题,对稻田土壤供氮能力进行了定量解析和研究,提出了"区域总量控制与田块微调相结合"的氮肥适宜施用量的推荐方法。他致力于农田中氮肥去向的定量研究,首次估算出我国农田中氮肥的当季利用率和损失率,以及不同损失途径的相对比例。他对推动我国土壤氮素研究,发展符合我国国情、农学效应和环境效应相协调的氮素管理原则和技术作出了积极贡献。他还积极推动学科发展,组织编写《中国土壤氮素》等专著;在封丘建立肥料长期定位试验,为相关学科研究提供研究平台;积极参与和推动国际学术交流活动,提高我国土壤氮素研究在国际上的影响力。此外,朱兆良先生还立足专业针对如何治理我国农业面源污染和保障我国粮食安全问题,提出了对策和建议。 展开更多
关键词 土壤-植物营养 朱兆良 土壤供氮能力 中国土壤氮素 适宜施氮量
土壤与植物营养课程教学现状浅析和改进 被引量:1
作者 孙本华 田汇 +3 位作者 张建国 刘占军 张红 陈勇 《教育教学论坛》 2018年第31期183-185,共3页
《土壤与植物营养》教学面临着教学时数少与教学内容丰富的两难境况。课程教学过程中目前普遍存在教学效率低下、考核方式单一、实验教学内容陈旧以及教学反馈缺失等问题。结合《土壤与植物营养》的课程特点,从改进教学设计和教学模式... 《土壤与植物营养》教学面临着教学时数少与教学内容丰富的两难境况。课程教学过程中目前普遍存在教学效率低下、考核方式单一、实验教学内容陈旧以及教学反馈缺失等问题。结合《土壤与植物营养》的课程特点,从改进教学设计和教学模式、建立课程多元化的考核体系、采用积极的"教—学"反馈系统以及利用智能设备和"互联网+"技术等方面提出了改进的意见和方法,为提高《土壤与植物营养》课程的教学质量提供有效参考。 展开更多
关键词 土壤植物营养 教学现状 教学改革
作者 刘青 《世纪之星—交流版》 2022年第16期142-144,共3页
目前,我国作为传统农业国,由于人口增长,给我国农业发展带来了巨大压力。实现可持续农林业发展的重要方面是土壤与植物营养,只有探求可行性较强的实验改进措施,土壤与植物营养实验技术和方法才能得到开发。在农林业生产中,土壤与植物营... 目前,我国作为传统农业国,由于人口增长,给我国农业发展带来了巨大压力。实现可持续农林业发展的重要方面是土壤与植物营养,只有探求可行性较强的实验改进措施,土壤与植物营养实验技术和方法才能得到开发。在农林业生产中,土壤与植物营养实验起着重要的作用。通过改进土壤与植物营养实验技术和方法,探索实验改进方案,可以优化目前的实验过程,有助于生产实践。因此,本文浅议土壤与植物营养实验技术和方法的研究 改进。 展开更多
关键词 土壤植物营养实验 技术 方法 改进措施
作者 刘青 《中国科技期刊数据库 科研》 2022年第5期104-107,共4页
《土壤与植物营养》是农林专业的基础性学科,课程具有一定的理论性、应用性和实践性,其中包含大量的理论知识和实践技能。但是当前课程在教学中依然存在一定的不足和问题,例如教学内容陈旧、教学手段滞后、教学反馈不及时等,难以发挥课... 《土壤与植物营养》是农林专业的基础性学科,课程具有一定的理论性、应用性和实践性,其中包含大量的理论知识和实践技能。但是当前课程在教学中依然存在一定的不足和问题,例如教学内容陈旧、教学手段滞后、教学反馈不及时等,难以发挥课程的专业育人作用。因此,针对土壤与植物营养课程进行教学改革和创新,是当前高等教育需要探索的重要课题。 展开更多
关键词 农林专业 土壤植物营养课程 教学现状 改进措施
作者 刘青 《河北农机》 2021年第17期115-116,共2页
现代教育越发注重综合素质与实践能力,尤其是对于实践性较强的学科,如:土壤与植物营养,在此学科中涵盖诸多内容与范围,所有理论知识都需要与实践操作相衔接。为了加快土壤与植物营养教学,凸显高职学生综合素质与实践能力的培养效果,本... 现代教育越发注重综合素质与实践能力,尤其是对于实践性较强的学科,如:土壤与植物营养,在此学科中涵盖诸多内容与范围,所有理论知识都需要与实践操作相衔接。为了加快土壤与植物营养教学,凸显高职学生综合素质与实践能力的培养效果,本文从培养价值出发,在表明综合素质与实践能力的培养价值后,提出在土壤与植物营养教学中,分别培养综合素质与实践能力的有效途径。 展开更多
关键词 土壤植物营养教学 高职学生 综合素质与实践能力
我国农业可持续发展中土壤肥料问题研究 被引量:8
作者 夏乐斋 《低碳世界》 2020年第7期226-226,228,共2页
目前,我国可持续发展的根本工作是实施农业可持续发展战略,但我国作为传统农业国家,由于人口的不断增加,农业发展面临着更大的压力。粮食生产是可持续农业发展的主要问题,土壤和植物营养是可持续农业发展的一个重要方面。本文通过农业... 目前,我国可持续发展的根本工作是实施农业可持续发展战略,但我国作为传统农业国家,由于人口的不断增加,农业发展面临着更大的压力。粮食生产是可持续农业发展的主要问题,土壤和植物营养是可持续农业发展的一个重要方面。本文通过农业可持续发展的概况,探讨我国可持续农业发展背景下的土壤肥料问题,提出农业可持续发展中土壤肥料问题的解决策略。 展开更多
关键词 农业可持续发展 土壤植物营养 问题 对策
朱兆良土壤——植物营养学学术谱系研究 被引量:2
作者 慕亚芹 李群 崔江浩 《中国农史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期38-44,共7页
朱兆良是我国土壤—植物营养学学科奠基人之一。在60多年的职业生涯中他围绕"提高氮肥利用率,减少氮肥损失"开展研究,成绩突出、硕果累累。在多年的科研教学工作中朱兆良形成了脉络清晰、自成一体的学术谱系。从学术谱系角度... 朱兆良是我国土壤—植物营养学学科奠基人之一。在60多年的职业生涯中他围绕"提高氮肥利用率,减少氮肥损失"开展研究,成绩突出、硕果累累。在多年的科研教学工作中朱兆良形成了脉络清晰、自成一体的学术谱系。从学术谱系角度梳理老科学家的学术渊源,分析他们的学术传承与影响,对客观认识他们的学术地位具有重要的意义。本文在查阅已有文献和对其部分同事、学生进行访谈的基础上,从学术主体的传承、学术与资源传承、学术思想传承等方面,对以朱兆良为中心的土壤植物营养学学术谱系进行系统研究。 展开更多
关键词 朱兆良 土壤植物营养 学术谱系:师承关系
科学制定方案·实施多样化教学·强化过程考核——园艺专业土壤与植物营养学教学模式改革探索 被引量:3
作者 王玉芬 郭晓利 +1 位作者 白岚方 李娟 《内蒙古师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 2019年第2期108-110,共3页
土壤与植物营养学是园艺专业的专业基础必修课,是研究土壤、植物营养和肥料及其相互关系的一门科学。实践证明,科学合理地制定课程教学方案,积极推进"中班授课、小班讨论"等多样化教学,强化学生学习的过程考核,能够充分调动... 土壤与植物营养学是园艺专业的专业基础必修课,是研究土壤、植物营养和肥料及其相互关系的一门科学。实践证明,科学合理地制定课程教学方案,积极推进"中班授课、小班讨论"等多样化教学,强化学生学习的过程考核,能够充分调动学生学习的主动性和积极性,激发学生的学习兴趣、创新意识,提高学生分析问题和解决问题的能力,提高课程教学的质量。 展开更多
关键词 土壤植物营养 教学模式 多样化教学 过程考核
《前进论坛》 1995年第1期10-10,共1页
朱兆良同志简介朱兆良,男,1932年8月生,汉族,浙江奉化人,1953年毕业于山东大学,自1953年起在中国科学院南京土壤研究所工作,现任中国科学院南京土壤研究所研究员,中国土壤学会土壤植物营养专业委员会副主任,江苏... 朱兆良同志简介朱兆良,男,1932年8月生,汉族,浙江奉化人,1953年毕业于山东大学,自1953年起在中国科学院南京土壤研究所工作,现任中国科学院南京土壤研究所研究员,中国土壤学会土壤植物营养专业委员会副主任,江苏省土壤学会理事长,国际土壤学会水稻... 展开更多
关键词 良同志 南京土壤研究所 国际土壤学会 中国科学院院士 土壤植物营养 江苏省 有突出贡献专家 科技进步 政府特殊津贴 土肥力
Tea-Grown Soils and Tea Quality in Sichuan and Chongqing, China 被引量:16
作者 YUAN LING, WANG SHOUSHENG, WANG ZHIHUI and HUANG JIANGUO (College of Resources and Environment, Southwest Agricultural University, Chongqing 400716 (China)) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2000年第1期45-52,共8页
Made teas and typical tea-grown soils in Sichuan and Chongqing were collected to investigate soil nutrients, related soil properties and tea quality. The tea-grown soils in Sichuan and Chongqing are distributed mainly... Made teas and typical tea-grown soils in Sichuan and Chongqing were collected to investigate soil nutrients, related soil properties and tea quality. The tea-grown soils in Sichuan and Chongqing are distributed mainly in mountainous areas. The high annual precipitation (over 1100 mm), precipitous soil slopes, low cohesion among soil particles and high soil porosity suggested that intensive erosion and leaching might occur in these soils. Moreover, they were very acidic and poor in mineral nutrients such as N, P, K, Ca and Mg except S. The average content of total S was 20.40 g kg-1, much higher than that of organic matter in these soils, revealing that S in the tea-grown soils existed mainly in inorganic forms and very little in organic forms. Water-extractable S accounted for only a small amount of total S, which showed that most parts of sulfur in these soils were insoluble in W8ter. K and S varied greatly in made teas. The concentrations of N and P, however, varied little in these teas even though they differentiated significantly in the tea-grown soils. The high concentration of nitrogen in made teas could result in the high free amino acids and low polyphenol of teas. Significantly positive correlation was established between potassium and polyphenol in made teas. Teas with high ratio of phenol to free amino acids were usually good in taste and appearance. 展开更多
关键词 mineral nutrients SOIL TEA
Study on the Sulfur Nutrition of the Sugarcane and Balance of Sulfur in Soil for Sugarcane Planting Areas 被引量:4
作者 H.W. Tan L.Q. Zhou R.L. Xie M.F. Huang 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2010年第9期40-43,共4页
Areas of planting sugarcane are located in subtropical and tropical parts of Guangxi. These areas are characterized by high temperature, heavy rainfall and nutrients leaching. It results in strong decomposition of soi... Areas of planting sugarcane are located in subtropical and tropical parts of Guangxi. These areas are characterized by high temperature, heavy rainfall and nutrients leaching. It results in strong decomposition of soil mineral and a low cation exchange capacity (CEC), low organic matter, and low phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and sulfur (S) in soils. In about 30% of the soils in the planting sugarcane regions the total sulfur and the plant-available sulfur are under 150 mg/kg and 12 mg/kg, respectively. The sulfur nutrition is usually supplied insufficiently for sugarcane growth. The total sulfur of and available sulfur are under the medium level in nearly 50% of the soils in the planting sugarcane regions. Therefore, with the improvement of production of the sugarcane, the sulfur soil nutrition will influence and limit sugarcane yield. After application of sulfur fertilizer, available stem, single stem weight increased 5.77%-9.43% of sugarcane yield than without the treatment. It still can improve the cane sugar and fibre content. And the sugarcane can obtain better economic benefits to use the sulfur phosphorus ammonium; it is 18.2-20.23 with output/input (VCR) to use the sulfur fertilizer. Amount of sugarcane absorption sulfur reaches 44.1-67 kg/ha. The treatment with no sulfur fertilizer annual sulfur nutrient lose will be 23.67 kg/ha because sugarcane yield uptake from the field. 展开更多
关键词 SUGARCANE sulfer nutrition SOIL balance ofsulfer.
Phosphorus fertilizer induced changes in the soil available P,the P nutrition and the growth of Pinus radiata seedlings grown in association with understory 被引量:1
作者 Achmad Arivin Rivaie Russ Williams Tillman 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第2期129-136,I0003,共9页
A study was carried out to investigate changes in the soil plant-available P,the P nutrition and the growth of Pinus radiata seedlings grown in association with understory,broom(Cytisus scoparius L.) or ryegrass(Lo... A study was carried out to investigate changes in the soil plant-available P,the P nutrition and the growth of Pinus radiata seedlings grown in association with understory,broom(Cytisus scoparius L.) or ryegrass(Lolium multiflorum) on Orthic Allophanic Soil,following the application of three rates of triple superphosphate(TSP)(0,50,and 100 mg·kg^-1P) under a glasshouse condition.The application of P fertilizer enhanced P availability in the rhizospheric of radiata seedlings and the bulk soils in a P-deficient site.P availability in the rhizospheric soils of ryegrass and broom,grown in association with radiata,were also increased by the presence of radiata roots.P concentrations in new shoot needles,old shoot needles,stem and roots of radiata pine increased with increase rates of TSP application,but the effects of ryegrass and broom on P nutrition of radiata seedlings depended on the soil P status.In the absence of P fertilizer addition(control treatment),P concentrations in new shoot needles,old shoot needles,stem,and roots of radiata grown in association with broom were higher than those with ryegrass,whereas,when P fertilizer was added(50 and 100 mg·kg^-1) the P concentration was lower.This is probably related to the growth of broom that may have removed much of the plant-available P in the soil as indicated by the consistently lower Bray-2 P concentration in the rhizosphere soil of radiata in association with broom than that in the rhizosphere soil of radiata in association with grass at the two high P rates.Furthermore,in the high P fertile soil(application rate of 100 mg·kg^-1),the dry matter yield of radiata was lower when it was grown with broom than with ryegrass.This result suggests that in moderate to high P fertile soils,P.radiata seedlings grow better with ryegrass than with broom,because broom grows vigorously in high P fertile soil and competes with P.radiata for P and perhaps for other nutrients as well. 展开更多
关键词 phosphorus fertilizer Pinus radiata UNDERSTORY RHIZOSPHERE soil available P P nutrition plant growth
Coupled Effects of Soil Water and Nutrients on Growth and Yields of Maize Plants in a Semi-Arid Region 被引量:4
作者 SUN Zhan-Xiang ZHENG Jia-Ming SUN Wen-Tao 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第5期673-680,共8页
Interaction between soil water and nutrients plays an important role in sustainable crop management in semi-arid environments.On the basis of a field experiment conducted from 2000 to 2003,this study examined the coup... Interaction between soil water and nutrients plays an important role in sustainable crop management in semi-arid environments.On the basis of a field experiment conducted from 2000 to 2003,this study examined the coupled effects of irrigation and fertilizers on maize growth and yield in a semi-arid region of northeastern China.In terms of plant productivity,nitrogen fertilizer had the most significant effect followed by irrigation and phosphate levels.The combined application of nutrients and irrigation exerted a synergistic effect on the grain yield of maize plants.Regression analysis indicated that optimal levels of nitrogen and phosphate,in addition to adequate irrigation,could greatly improve the efficiency of grain production.Similarly,optimization of soil nutrient availability substantially increased water use efficiency.These suggested that for the most efficient and sustainable crop production,irrigation and nutrient management should be based on a quantitative understanding of water/nutrients interaction,particularly in semi-arid and arid regions. 展开更多
Plant Enzymes, Root Exudates, Cluster Roots and Mycorrhizal Symbiosis are the Drivers of P Nutrition in Native Legumes Growing in P Deficient Soil of the Cape Fynbos in South Africa 被引量:6
作者 Sipho Thulane Maseko Felix Dapare Dakora 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2013年第5期331-340,共10页
The Cape fynbos is characterised by highly leached, sandy, acidic soils with very low nutrient concentrations. Plant-available P levels range from 0.4 μg P g-1 to 3.7 μg P g-I soil, and 1-2 mg N gl soil. Despite the... The Cape fynbos is characterised by highly leached, sandy, acidic soils with very low nutrient concentrations. Plant-available P levels range from 0.4 μg P g-1 to 3.7 μg P g-I soil, and 1-2 mg N gl soil. Despite these low nutrient concentrations, the fynbos is home to 9,030 vascular plant species with 68.7% endemicity. How native plant species survive such low levels of available P is intriguing, and indeed the subject of this review. In the fynbos soils, P is easily precipitated with cations such as Fe and Al, forming AI-P and Fe-P in acidic soils, or Ca-P in neutral-to-alkaline soils. The mechanisms for promoting P availability and enhancing P nutrition include the development of mycorrhizal symbiosis (with 80%-90% of higher plants, e.g., Cyclopia, Aspalathus, Psoralea and Leucadendron etc.) which exhibits 3-5 times much greater P acquisition than non-mycorrhizal roots. Formation of cluster roots by the Leguminosae (Fabaceae) and their exudation of Kreb cycle intermediates (organic acids) for solubilizing P, secretion of root exudate compounds (organic acids, phenolics, amino acids, etc.) that mobilize P. The synthesis and release of acid and alkaline phosphatase enzyme that catalyze the cleavage of mineral P from organic phosphate esters in acidic and alkaline soils, and the development of deep tap roots as well as massive secondary roots within the uppermost 15 cm of soil for capturing water and nutrients. Some fynbos legumes employ all these adaptive mechanisms for enhancing P nutrition and plant growth. Aspalathus and Cyclopia species typically form mycorrhizal and rhizobial symbiosis for improving P and N nutrition, produce cluster roots and acid phosphatases for increasing P supply, and release root exudates that enhance P solubilisation and uptake. 展开更多
关键词 Cape fynbos CYCLOPIA Aspalathus phosphorus MYCORRHIZA phosphatases.
Application of Neutron Activation Analysis Technique for the Analysis of Soil Samples from Farmlands of Yebrage Hawariat, East Gojjam, Ethiopia
作者 Yihunie Hibstie Asres Ashok Kumar Chaubey +1 位作者 Awoke Taddesse Hailu Dilbetigle Assefa Mamo 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2014年第4期342-352,共11页
Farmers may not be conscious for their farmland's nutrients, soil organic matter, water and air because they simply concerned only for their labor availability and soil fertility losses. The composition and proportio... Farmers may not be conscious for their farmland's nutrients, soil organic matter, water and air because they simply concerned only for their labor availability and soil fertility losses. The composition and proportion of these components greatly influence soil physical properties, including texture, structure and porosity, the fraction of pore space in a soil. The soil of this farmland must be able to supply adequate amount of plant nutrients, in forms which can be absorbed by the crop, within its lifespan. Deficiencies or imbalances in the supply of any of essential elements can compromise growth, affecting root development, cell division, crop quality, crop yield and resistance to disease and drought. This study was conducted to fill this knowledge gap in order to develop economically vital and environmentally accepted nutrient management strategies for the use of soils in agricultural lands. The objective of this study is to assess the elemental contents and concentration of soil samples collected from farmlands of "Yebrage" using neutron activation analysis (NAA) techniques regardless of oxidation state, chemical form or physical locations. NAA is used to determine the elemental composition and concentrations present in a soil. The macro/micronutrient and organic matter deficiencies have been verified in agricultural soils through increased use of soil testing and plant analysis. The challenge for agriculture over the coming decades will meet the world's increasing demands for food in a sustainable way. Current issues and future challenges point out that as long as agriculture remains a soil based industry, major decreases in productivity likely to be attained ensuring that plants do not have adequate and balanced supply of nutrients. 展开更多
关键词 NAA Yebrage Chemoga macro/micronutrient organic matter soil fertility cereal cropping.
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