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2009年4月6日意大利拉奎拉(L′ Aquila)地震快速矩张量解 被引量:4
作者 刘超 许力生 陈运泰 《地震学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期464-466,共3页
2009年4月6日1点32分42秒协调世界时(UTC),在意大利中部地区发生了MW6.4地震.作者利用矩张量快速反演技术,通过反演全球台网的宽频带P波波形得到了这次地震的矩张量解,并判断走向132°、倾角53°、滑动角-103°的节面是地... 2009年4月6日1点32分42秒协调世界时(UTC),在意大利中部地区发生了MW6.4地震.作者利用矩张量快速反演技术,通过反演全球台网的宽频带P波波形得到了这次地震的矩张量解,并判断走向132°、倾角53°、滑动角-103°的节面是地震发生的断层面. 展开更多
关键词 大利拉地震 矩张量解 震源机制 断层参数
堕落与再生——论《斗士参孙》中的“大利拉之悖论” 被引量:2
作者 吴玲英 《外国语文》 北大核心 2012年第4期5-9,共5页
大利拉在《斗士参孙》中的形象和功能都十分复杂。大利拉本是参孙堕落的直接原因,但在诗剧里她被弥尔顿具有悖论意义地塑造成参孙的镜像,从而使他最终获得精神再生的动力。正是在抵制大利拉的各种诱惑中,参孙逐渐认识到自己堕落的真正根... 大利拉在《斗士参孙》中的形象和功能都十分复杂。大利拉本是参孙堕落的直接原因,但在诗剧里她被弥尔顿具有悖论意义地塑造成参孙的镜像,从而使他最终获得精神再生的动力。正是在抵制大利拉的各种诱惑中,参孙逐渐认识到自己堕落的真正根源,并树立起坚定的信仰,成长为基督式精神斗士,终于完成上帝赋予的神圣使命。 展开更多
关键词 《斗士参孙》 堕落 再生 大利拉 悖论
云南大理M_(S)6.4地震与意大利拉奎拉MW6.3地震序列的比较研究和危险性分析启示 被引量:1
作者 张晁军 《地震科学进展》 2021年第8期345-351,361,共8页
云南大理MS6.4地震和意大利拉奎拉(L'Aquila)MW6.3地震都因未能准确做出危险性预测给人民生命财产造成重大损失。哪些工作可能向政府和公众说明“哪里可能发生地震”、“最大量级多大”、“未来发震趋势如何”等问题都值得深入思考... 云南大理MS6.4地震和意大利拉奎拉(L'Aquila)MW6.3地震都因未能准确做出危险性预测给人民生命财产造成重大损失。哪些工作可能向政府和公众说明“哪里可能发生地震”、“最大量级多大”、“未来发震趋势如何”等问题都值得深入思考。本文根据天气预报思路,将地震活动按丛集性做分区处理,从各区M-t序列、3级地震活动性、2年来地震能量释放升级趋势、G-R关系等几方面分析了这两次地震主震发生前的地震活动特征,对比分析了它们之间的相似性。认为这两次地震的相似性有以下几点:①震源深度都比较浅。云南大理MS6.4地震震源深度8 km,意大利拉奎拉MW6.3地震震源深度8.8 km;②b值相近。云南大理MS6.4地震b=0.59,意大利拉奎拉MW6.3地震b=0.61。G-R关系外推震级相近,均为MGR6左右;③M-t图序列地震能量释放都呈升级趋势,地震活动也相似。平静打破后3级以上地震活跃,都出现震群现象,地震能量释放呈加速状态;④都属于前震-主震-余震型序列。意大利拉奎拉MW6.3地震主震前最大前震为MW5.2;云南大理MS6.4地震主震前最大前震为MS5.6,且前震震群特征明显。同时,本文讨论了按地震丛集性划分区域的合理性,认为按地震丛集性划分区域更容易把握区域地震活动的特点。这两次地震发生在不同区域,构造差异极大,属不同错动类型,用分区G-R关系和M-t序列分析,都得出较好的结果,再次说明了分区G-R关系和M-t序列分析对判断地震危险性的普适性特征,这为下一步产出“地震危险性云图”提供了依据。 展开更多
关键词 云南大理M_(S)6.4地震 大利拉MW6.3地震 地震危险性云图 G-R关系 M-t序列
《圣经·旧约》中夏娃、大利拉及路德形象的女性主义解读 被引量:2
作者 石姝倩 《文教资料》 2010年第21期18-20,共3页
关键词 《圣经·旧约》 夏娃 大利拉 路德 女性主义解读
作者 张静波 《广西民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第S1期166-168,共3页
《简.爱》——作为夏绿蒂.勃朗特的知名代表作,其实隐喻了圣经中著名人物参孙和大利拉的神话故事。笔者详尽的分析了小说中的人物外形、语言、故事结构以及意象,阐释了《简.爱》对于参孙故事的诸多引用和借鉴。但是夏绿蒂.勃朗特绝不是... 《简.爱》——作为夏绿蒂.勃朗特的知名代表作,其实隐喻了圣经中著名人物参孙和大利拉的神话故事。笔者详尽的分析了小说中的人物外形、语言、故事结构以及意象,阐释了《简.爱》对于参孙故事的诸多引用和借鉴。但是夏绿蒂.勃朗特绝不是简单的模仿参孙和大利拉的故事,在女性人物大利拉的处理上,身处于男权维多利亚社会的勃朗特对于女性在家庭的位置和作用有着独特、突破的女性主义理解:大利拉转换成为一位救赎男性的女性天使——简.爱,最终在小说结尾处拯救了曾经堕落过的参孙式人物——罗切斯特。在某种意义而言,《简.爱》是一部女性主义的先锋作品。 展开更多
关键词 简·爱 夏绿蒂·勃朗特 罗切斯特 参孙 大利拉
作者 马立安·高利克 尹捷 《跨文化研究》 2017年第1期80-95,186,共17页
除了中国的一些文学史家和批评家,其他国家的学者很少关注茅盾的文学批评和作品中的神话主题。如茅盾的短篇小说《参孙的复仇》(1942)取自《圣经·士师记》第14~16章所述故事。在本文中我想指出他的文学创作及批评中神话主题的来源... 除了中国的一些文学史家和批评家,其他国家的学者很少关注茅盾的文学批评和作品中的神话主题。如茅盾的短篇小说《参孙的复仇》(1942)取自《圣经·士师记》第14~16章所述故事。在本文中我想指出他的文学创作及批评中神话主题的来源和材料。由于政治、道德和美学上的重要性,我花了不少精力研究《圣经》中参孙的故事及其在茅盾小说《参孙的复仇》中的改写。 展开更多
关键词 《圣经》 参孙和大利拉 跨文化交流 神话主题 茅盾
《磨料磨具通讯》 2005年第3期16-16,共1页
关键词 大利拉发公司 超柔软起绒机 合成金刚石砂纸起绒 性能
作者 沈镇平 《杭州化工》 CAS 2004年第2期44-45,共2页
关键词 扬农化工股份有限公司 仿生农药 拟除虫菊酯 大利恩都公司 合资企业 农药市场
《旧约圣经》中女性形象的文化解读 被引量:19
作者 李滟波 《湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2004年第3期55-58,共4页
《旧约圣经》中女性形象的塑造折射出父权制文化中男性作者贬低女性的倾向和对女性所持有的矛盾心理。从文化的视角对《旧约圣经》中的120位女性形象进行认真梳理和立体扫描后发现,只有位居两极的女性进入男性话语的中心:一极是以被刻... 《旧约圣经》中女性形象的塑造折射出父权制文化中男性作者贬低女性的倾向和对女性所持有的矛盾心理。从文化的视角对《旧约圣经》中的120位女性形象进行认真梳理和立体扫描后发现,只有位居两极的女性进入男性话语的中心:一极是以被刻画成导致大英雄参孙身亡的"淫妇"大利拉为代表,另一极则以被塑造成"贤妇"形象的路得为代表。贤妇形象的塑造或许可以缓解父权制《旧约圣经》中女性的不幸与悲哀。 展开更多
关键词 《旧约圣经》 女性形象 大利拉 路得 父权制文化
作者 周姝 《佳木斯职业学院学报》 2015年第11期64-65,共2页
在《格萨尔》和《力士参孙》两部作品中都分别重点刻画了一位典型女性形象----森姜珠牡和大利拉。两位英雄身边重要的女性形象既有其鲜明的个性特征,亦有其共性。本文通过身世、行为、外貌三方面对《格萨尔》和《力士参孙》中两位典型... 在《格萨尔》和《力士参孙》两部作品中都分别重点刻画了一位典型女性形象----森姜珠牡和大利拉。两位英雄身边重要的女性形象既有其鲜明的个性特征,亦有其共性。本文通过身世、行为、外貌三方面对《格萨尔》和《力士参孙》中两位典型女性形象进行比较研究。 展开更多
关键词 森姜珠牡 大利拉 典型女性形象
作者 Ken Elkes 郑远涛 《疯狂英语(初中天地)》 北大核心 2006年第5期25-28,共4页
关键词 大利拉 非利士 大剪刀
作者 孙大公 《丽水学院学报》 1994年第4期7-10,共4页
我们知道,基督教自公元五、六世纪在西方传播开来之后,就一直是十分广泛深入地影响着西方人社会生活的各个方面.它决不仅仅是在宗教上,从人生观、道德伦理、政治、法律、经济、哲学,乃至文学艺术,直到社会生活的各个角落,几乎可以说家... 我们知道,基督教自公元五、六世纪在西方传播开来之后,就一直是十分广泛深入地影响着西方人社会生活的各个方面.它决不仅仅是在宗教上,从人生观、道德伦理、政治、法律、经济、哲学,乃至文学艺术,直到社会生活的各个角落,几乎可以说家喻户晓,无所不包.我们说,基督教自创立以来,之所以能在西方独占鳌头一千多年,拥有七亿五千多万信徒,这还是80年代的统计,就是一个最好的明证. 展开更多
关键词 西方国家 基督教精神 玛丝洛娃 大利拉 参孙 男女主人公 现代作家 男主人公 破晓歌 诗歌作品
作者 Ken Elkes 李冰诗 《大学英语》 2006年第2期18-21,共4页
关键词 大利拉
IPSAS and Accounting Systems in the Italian Public Administrations: Expected Changes and Implementation Scenarios 被引量:3
作者 Noemi Rossi Raffaele Trequattrini 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第2期134-147,共14页
This paper proposes to identify the main features of a possible implementation path of the International Public Sector Accounting Standard (IPSAS) standards within the Italian local public administration. In perspec... This paper proposes to identify the main features of a possible implementation path of the International Public Sector Accounting Standard (IPSAS) standards within the Italian local public administration. In perspective, local Public Administrations (PA) may represent the reference target for the introduction of IPSAS standards but a direct application in the short-run can hardly be imagined in the Italian context. According to the CFOs of medium-small Municipalities in the Lazio Region, the IPSAS enforcement strategy swings between the "forced" model and the "spontaneous" model. The application of IPSAS standards to Italian PAs depends on specific law provisions at all institutional levels and requires a process of implementation based on a bottom-up model "governed by the center". 展开更多
关键词 accrual accounting cash accounting IPSAS public finance and accounting system reforms
Fungal Population Dynamics in Ready-to-eat Salads During a Shelf-life in Italy
作者 Ugo De Corato 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第4期569-576,共8页
The aim of this work was to investigate the fungal population dynamics in ready-to-eat bagged samples of rocket (Diplotaxis spp.), lettuce baby leaf (Lactuca sativa L.) and "songino" (Valerianella olitoria L.)... The aim of this work was to investigate the fungal population dynamics in ready-to-eat bagged samples of rocket (Diplotaxis spp.), lettuce baby leaf (Lactuca sativa L.) and "songino" (Valerianella olitoria L.) during a shelf-life, in order to evaluate the effects of the storage length and season of production on the spoilage processes. The incidence of toxigenic moulds was particularity studied in order to evaluate a potential production of mycotoxins and allergenic conidia. A total of 900 samples collected from 10 Italian trademarks were analyzed at the 2nd, 5th and 8th day after the packaging in the spring and summer. A very high number of fungi was found and a great variability of moulds and yeasts at the 1 st day of sampling was observed. Regarding to season of production, any seasonal effect on the moulds and yeasts has been observed, but the moulds detected belonged to different species in relation to season. Regarding to storage length, the yeasts and moulds did not showed significant variations during a shelf-life. In relation to vegetable species, the lettuce resulted always less contaminated with respect to other salads, and the rocket presented 1-2 Log cfu/g of increasing in the level of moulds. Regarding to fungi species, the yeasts were significantly predominant respect to moulds. Finally, the toxigenic moulds Aspergillusflavus and Penicillium italicum were found in all the types of salad in the summer, and their growth during the storage at low temperature represented a potential hazard for the mycotoxins and allergenic conidia production in these commodities. 展开更多
关键词 Fungal population dynamic ready-to-eat vegetable shelf-life toxigenic mould yeast.
Illustrations for Dante's Inferno: A Comparative Study of Sandro Botticelli, Giovanni Stradano, and Federico Zuccaro 被引量:2
作者 Liana De Girolami Cheney 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2016年第8期488-520,共33页
This essay is twofold: the first part focuses on the interpretation of the concept of Hell in Dante's Inferno and Italian culture as depicted in Last Judgment scenes such as Giotto's in the Arena Chapel of Padua; S... This essay is twofold: the first part focuses on the interpretation of the concept of Hell in Dante's Inferno and Italian culture as depicted in Last Judgment scenes such as Giotto's in the Arena Chapel of Padua; Signorelli's in the Orvieto Cathedral; and Michelangelo's in the Sistine Chapel in Rome. The second part deals with the drawing illustrations for the text of Dante's Divine Comedy composed by the Florentine painters Sandro Botticelli, Giovanni Stradano, and Federico Zuccaro. Here the emphasis is on Dante's Inferno, which comments upon Neoplatonic personalities, Florentine politics, and current popular art. Comparisons with some of Botticelli's, Stradano's, and Zuccaro's drawing illustrations indicate the assimilation of classical artistic concepts such as Horace's ut pictura poesis [as is painting so is poetry] as well as Plato'sfurorpoeticus [poetical inspiration] promoted in the writings of Marsilio Ficino, a Renaissance Neoplatonic philosopher. 展开更多
关键词 Dante Divine Comedy canto (chant) HELL creativity poetry drawings BOTTICELLI Stradano Zuccaro NEOPLATONISM utpicturapoesis furorpoeticus Marsilio Ficino
Tensile bond anchorage properties of Australian 500N steel bars in concrete 被引量:2
作者 李海涛 A.J.Deeks +1 位作者 苏小卒 黄东升 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第10期2718-2725,共8页
In order to investigate the tensile bond anchorage properties of Australian 500N steel bars in concrete, 111 pullout tests were conducted. The precise bond slip values have been gained by using the laser displacement ... In order to investigate the tensile bond anchorage properties of Australian 500N steel bars in concrete, 111 pullout tests were conducted. The precise bond slip values have been gained by using the laser displacement sensor with high resolution, including the complete bond-slip curves. How the main anchorage factors such as concrete strength, bar diameter (8, I0, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32 and 36 mm) the concrete covered, embedded length and transverse reinforcement influencing the bond anchorage properties was studied under tensile condition. The process of the tensile force-slip failure for Australian 500N reinforcing steel can be divided into five stages: elastic stage, local slip stage, slip in ascent stage, slip in descent stage and remnant stage. The formula for calculating the tensile bond strength of Australian 500N reinforcing bar in concrete was proposed according to the test results, including the consistent model for tensile bond-slip relationship. 展开更多
关键词 Australian 500N steel bars pullout test embedded length tensile bond strength bond-slip relationship concretestrength bar diameter
Saudi Speakers' Perception of the English Bilabial Stops/b/and/p/
作者 Mohammad Al Zahrani 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第6期435-447,共13页
Languages differ in their phoneme inventories. Some phonemes exist in more than one language but others exist in relatively few languages. More specifically, English Language has some sounds that Arabic does not have ... Languages differ in their phoneme inventories. Some phonemes exist in more than one language but others exist in relatively few languages. More specifically, English Language has some sounds that Arabic does not have and vice versa. This paper focuses on the perception of the English bilabial stops/b/and/p/in contrast to the perception of the English alveolar stops/t/and/d/by some Saudi linguists who have been speaking English for more than six years and who are currently in an English speaking country, Australia. This phenomenon of perception of the English bilabial stops/b/and/p/will be tested mainly by virtue of minimal pairs and other words that may better help to investigate this perception. The paper uses some minimal pairs in which the bilabial and alveolar stops occur initially and finally. Also, it uses some verbs that end with the suffix/-ed/, but this/-ed/suffix is pronounced [t] or [d] when preceded by /p/ or /b/ respectively. Notice that [t] and [d] are allophones of the English past tense morpheme/-ed/(for example, Fromkin, Rodman, & Hyams, 2007). The pronunciation of the suffix as It] and [d] works as a clue for the subjects to know the preceding bilabial sound. 展开更多
Examples of National and Transnational Cinema: Akira Kurosawa's Yojimbo and Sergio Leone's A Fistful of Dollars
作者 Flavia Brizio-Skov 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2016年第3期141-160,共20页
The term transnational originated in the historical field when, in the late 1990s, lan Tyrrell wrote a seminal essay entitled "What is Transnational History?" and changed the course of the academic discipline, clai... The term transnational originated in the historical field when, in the late 1990s, lan Tyrrell wrote a seminal essay entitled "What is Transnational History?" and changed the course of the academic discipline, claiming that studying the history of a nation from inside its borders was outmoded because the study of history concerns the movements of peoples, ideas, technologies, and institutions across national boundaries. The study of cross-national influences and the focus on the relationship between nation and factors beyond the nation spilled over into many other fields, especially into cinematic studies. Today transnational refers to the impossibility of assigning a fixed national identity to much cinema, to the dissolution of any stable connection between film's place of production and the nationality of its makers and performers. Because there is a lot of critical debate about what constitutes national and transnational cinema, the study of international remakes is a promising method to map the field with some accuracy. This essay will analyze the journey from Hammett's novel to Kurosawa's film and then to Leone's western, and will demonstrate how the process of adaptation functions and what happens to a "text" when it becomes tmnsnational and polysemic. Because Leone is the creator of the Italian western, the one who initiated the cycle that was copied many times over for a decade, we must look at A Fistful of Dollars as a prototype, a movie that when dissected can shed light on the national-transnational dichotomy of the spaghetti western. However, before studying the prototype, we must look at the complex history of the origin of the first spaghetti western, taking into account that A Fistful of Dollars was "transcoded" by Leone from Kurosawa's Yojimbo (1961) that derived his script from Dashiell Hammett's RedHarvest (1929). 展开更多
关键词 national and transnational cinema adaptation from literature to screen international remakes transculturization PERMUTATION reappropriation REINTERPRETATION
Religious and Cultural Significance of the Citron (Citrus medica L. 'Diamante') from Calabria (South Italy): A Biblical Fruit of the Mediterranean Land
作者 Gina Maruca Gaetano Laghetti Karl Hammer 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2015年第4期203-209,共7页
The history and geographical origin of citron (Citrus medica L.) is still unknown but most of authors agree that it originated in Southeast Asia. There are different opinions about the exact period and the steps by ... The history and geographical origin of citron (Citrus medica L.) is still unknown but most of authors agree that it originated in Southeast Asia. There are different opinions about the exact period and the steps by which it was brought from its country of origin to the Mediterranean basin where it is cultivated in Corsica, Crete and in southern Italy (Calabria region). In particulary, Citrus medica 'Diamante' grows, almost exclusively, in a restricted area of the Tyrrhenian cost of the region Calabria, called "Riviera dei Cedri", a relevant local economic district. This citron has been and is, still being used by Jews for worship during the Feast of Tabernacles, a very important religious ritual, where it plays a prominent part; in fact, for this holiday of Sukkot, the use of the authentic citron that grows in Calabria region is recommended, because it is not grafted. In this paper, the fascinating history of C. medica and its spread from the centers of origin to the Mediterranean is reported with the aim to investigate the religious and cultural significance of the C. medica 'Diamante', an exclusive and historical heritage of the Calabria region. 展开更多
关键词 Citron (Citrus medica L.) sukkot Hebrew.
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