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定牧草原聚落生态系统视角下草原生态退化机理研究 被引量:5
作者 王伟栋 张嫩江 张杰 《生态经济》 北大核心 2018年第5期189-194,共6页
草场管理方式的改变,放牧制度的主体格局由传统的游牧方式逐步向定牧(定居游牧、定居划区轮牧和定居畜牧)转变。在特定的草场管理和畜牧制度下,定牧之后的草原聚落依附于广袤的草原环境逐渐形成、演化以及发展,形成了一个稳定的“人... 草场管理方式的改变,放牧制度的主体格局由传统的游牧方式逐步向定牧(定居游牧、定居划区轮牧和定居畜牧)转变。在特定的草场管理和畜牧制度下,定牧之后的草原聚落依附于广袤的草原环境逐渐形成、演化以及发展,形成了一个稳定的“人化”性质比较明显的生态系统。文章从草原聚落生态系统视角出发,对定牧之后的草原生态退化机理进行研究,为改善草原生态环境提供研究依据。 展开更多
关键词 定牧 草原聚落 生态系统 草原生态退化
云贵高原山区草地生物改良技术研究 被引量:18
作者 王元素 陈全功 樊晓东 《草业科学》 CAS CSCD 2004年第2期30-34,共5页
对 2 0年来在云贵高原山区进行的难利用草地改良技术进行了总结。划区围栏是控制家畜放牧和草地管理的基础 ,可将载畜量从 3.5个羊单位 /hm2 提高到 7.5个羊单位 /hm2 ;免耕补播要先用畜群 (牛群效果最好 )清除天然植被 ,补播白三叶Trif... 对 2 0年来在云贵高原山区进行的难利用草地改良技术进行了总结。划区围栏是控制家畜放牧和草地管理的基础 ,可将载畜量从 3.5个羊单位 /hm2 提高到 7.5个羊单位 /hm2 ;免耕补播要先用畜群 (牛群效果最好 )清除天然植被 ,补播白三叶Trifoliumrepens等豆科牧草 ,待其成苗后再补播鸭茅Dactylisglomera ta等禾本科牧草效果明显 ;施肥以磷肥为主 ,补播初期施钙镁磷肥 750kg/hm2 ,第 3年转为维持施肥 375kg/hm2 ,草地生产力最高 ;轮牧与定牧结合 ,羊群与牛群顺序放牧时 ,草地和家畜的生产性能俱佳。合理地、综合地运用这些技术可提高山区草地的综合效益 。 展开更多
关键词 云贵高原 山区草地 生物改良技术 划区围栏 免耕补播 施肥 轮牧 定牧 可持续发展
草原文化景观的退化机制——基于鄂尔多斯草原与坝上草原对比 被引量:5
作者 张祖群 《农学学报》 2015年第3期63-70,共8页
文章辨析了草原退化与土地荒漠化2个概念,草原退化是由不合理的人类活动和脆弱的生态环境相互作用所造成的,最终演变为土地荒漠化。选取鄂尔多斯草原与坝上草原2个北方典型区域作为研究对象,概述其现状,两者均发生生态退化现象。从自然... 文章辨析了草原退化与土地荒漠化2个概念,草原退化是由不合理的人类活动和脆弱的生态环境相互作用所造成的,最终演变为土地荒漠化。选取鄂尔多斯草原与坝上草原2个北方典型区域作为研究对象,概述其现状,两者均发生生态退化现象。从自然机制上说,自然气候、降水、土壤、植被、易发生的自然灾害、易发生的生物灾害等均是导致其退化的原因。鄂尔多斯草原和坝上草原的草原退化的人为原因表现出一致性,例如不合理的开垦土地,过度放牧、过度樵采及挖掘中药材,不合理的旅游资源开发和城镇工程建设等。退化机理表现为:自然地理因素决定了自然环境的脆弱性,人文地理因素进一步影响了自然环境的脆弱性,这样导致草原退化,反作用于人类生态系统,又进一步反作用于自然生态系统。因此,从草原退化演替规律、定牧的原则、制度几个方面进行讨论,文章认为草原畜牧业要想可持续发展,必须落实"以草定畜"与"草畜平衡"制度,实行划区轮牧、休牧和禁牧制度。 展开更多
关键词 草原退化 定牧 鄂尔多斯草原 坝上草原
作者 维纳汗 李建龙 《草食家畜》 1996年第S1期9-12,共4页
新西兰是一个以发展畜牧业为主的国家,在世界上其草业发展水平是比较高的.这与其重视草地管理,在草地管理方法上有其独到之处所分不开.本文在对新西兰北岛奶牛场的牧草生产年度和季节变化规律分析上,对该地区牧草生产特点,草地植被恢复... 新西兰是一个以发展畜牧业为主的国家,在世界上其草业发展水平是比较高的.这与其重视草地管理,在草地管理方法上有其独到之处所分不开.本文在对新西兰北岛奶牛场的牧草生产年度和季节变化规律分析上,对该地区牧草生产特点,草地植被恢复方法,草地各种利用方法对比,草地利用和管理特点,不同利用方式对草地质量影响评价及各种新的草地管理方法进行了系统介绍和论述.这些先进的草地管理经验,对今后加强我国草地管理工作,促进草业发展,必将具有重要的指导意义和借鉴之处. 展开更多
关键词 新西兰 草地 草地管理 定牧 轮牧
作者 周嘉友 《西南民族学院学报(畜牧兽医版)》 1990年第1期33-39,共7页
本文运用方兴末艾的农业力能学原理,对以季节畜牧业、轮牧、补饲等集约经营为特点的普通红豆草(Onobrychis Viciaeffolia Scop)人工草地育肥羔羊草业次级生产子系统首次进行了详尽的力能学分析。并以试验结果,充分说明了人工草地育肥羔... 本文运用方兴末艾的农业力能学原理,对以季节畜牧业、轮牧、补饲等集约经营为特点的普通红豆草(Onobrychis Viciaeffolia Scop)人工草地育肥羔羊草业次级生产子系统首次进行了详尽的力能学分析。并以试验结果,充分说明了人工草地育肥羔羊的草业子系统具有较高的净产出能与投入能产投比,其中较定牧处理集约化的轮牧处理其产投比是定牧的1.24倍。 展开更多
关键词 农业力能学 草业 轮牧 定牧 羔羊
作者 沈孝辉 《广东奶业》 2003年第3期4-5,共2页
更多的专家学者开始关注内蒙古的生态恶化,甚至民间的一些环保人士也在奔走呼号,一切都是为了保住我们美丽的大草原。在治理速度赶不上破坏速度的今天,环保人士忧心忡忡:我们该以一种什么样的方式来看待这种变化?我们又能有多大的... 更多的专家学者开始关注内蒙古的生态恶化,甚至民间的一些环保人士也在奔走呼号,一切都是为了保住我们美丽的大草原。在治理速度赶不上破坏速度的今天,环保人士忧心忡忡:我们该以一种什么样的方式来看待这种变化?我们又能有多大的力量来改变这种趋势?在一种文明消失以后,草原的生态平衡如何继续? 展开更多
关键词 草原建设 生态规律 生态平衡 草原退化 内蒙古 人工草地 植树造林 饲料地建设 定居定牧
作者 林求真 《天风》 北大核心 2001年第5期28-28,共1页
这是一个有具体姓名、地点、时间的真事。1997年7月4日,在广东省番禺市化龙镇,一位打工的福建籍男青年,上班工作时,一只手被卷进正在飞转的机器里,由手指至下手臂部分骨折七处。幸好是机器的某一钢轴被扭曲,机器才停了下来,否则后果不... 这是一个有具体姓名、地点、时间的真事。1997年7月4日,在广东省番禺市化龙镇,一位打工的福建籍男青年,上班工作时,一只手被卷进正在飞转的机器里,由手指至下手臂部分骨折七处。幸好是机器的某一钢轴被扭曲,机器才停了下来,否则后果不堪设想。 展开更多
关键词 基督徒 番禺市 男青年 手臂 定牧 神人合一 工厂负责人 手指 交托 江口镇
作者 武立德 《实事求是》 1983年第Z1期92-93,共2页
博乐县五个人民公社,一个地方国营牧场,一个县办良种场,这七个公社级单位中有十八个大队级牧场(牧业队)在党的十一届三中全会以来,普遍实行了各种形式的牧业生产责任制。在形式上,基本有实行全奖惩责任制和部分奖惩责任制两种。由于承... 博乐县五个人民公社,一个地方国营牧场,一个县办良种场,这七个公社级单位中有十八个大队级牧场(牧业队)在党的十一届三中全会以来,普遍实行了各种形式的牧业生产责任制。在形式上,基本有实行全奖惩责任制和部分奖惩责任制两种。由于承包制的出现,在调动广大牧民的生产积极性方面起了决定性作用。从而提高了牧业生产效益。 展开更多
关键词 牧业生产 国营牧场 自留畜 十一届三中全会 牲畜存栏 繁殖成活率 定牧 增产增收效果 产毛量 牧民收入
《中国猪业》 2018年第6期10-10,共1页
据南都晨报2018年6月1日报道,民政部第十届“中华慈善奖”评委会办公室公布了第十届“中华慈善奖”候选名单,河南省南阳市推荐的牧原实业集团有限公司入选捐赠企业候选名单.2017年12月,南阳市经过推荐审核,确定牧原实业集团有限公司为... 据南都晨报2018年6月1日报道,民政部第十届“中华慈善奖”评委会办公室公布了第十届“中华慈善奖”候选名单,河南省南阳市推荐的牧原实业集团有限公司入选捐赠企业候选名单.2017年12月,南阳市经过推荐审核,确定牧原实业集团有限公司为第十届“中华慈善奖”推荐对象,向河南省民政厅推荐.2018年3月,河南省民政厅确定牧原实业集团有限公司为第十届“中华慈善奖”向民政部推荐. 展开更多
关键词 中华 名单 河南省 民政部 南阳市 办公室 定牧
作者 王曰生 《内蒙古宣传》 1992年第19期13-14,共2页
关键词 牧区 牧民 开展思想政治工作 思想教育 教育内容 社会主义思想 定牧 大哄大嗡 对比教育 法的观念
Restoration Prospects for Heitutan Degraded Grassland in the Sanjiangyuan 被引量:24
作者 LI Xi-lai PERRY LW George +3 位作者 BRIERLEY Gary GAO Jay ZHANG Jing YANG Yuan-wu 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第4期687-698,共12页
In many ecosystems ungulates have coexisted with grasslands over long periods of time. However, high densities of grazing animals may change the floristic and structural characteristics of vegetation, reduce biodivers... In many ecosystems ungulates have coexisted with grasslands over long periods of time. However, high densities of grazing animals may change the floristic and structural characteristics of vegetation, reduce biodiversity, and increase soil erosion, potentially triggering abrupt and rapid changes in ecosystem condition. Alternate stable state theory provides a framework for understanding this type of dynamic. In the Sanjiangyuan atop the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau (QTP), grassland degradation has been accompanied by irruptions of native burrowing animals, which has accentuated the loss of ground cover. Severely degraded areas of alpine meadows are referred to as 'Heitutan'. Here, using the framework of alternate stable state theory, we describe the proximate and ultimate drivers of the formation of Heitutan on the QTP, and we assess prospects for recovery, in relation to the degree of biophysical alteration, of these alpine meadows. Effective rehabilitation measures must address the underlying causes of degradation rather than their symptoms. Heitutan degradation is not uni-causal. Rather it reflects different mechanisms operating at different spatio-temporal scales across this vast region. Underlying causes include overly aggressive exploitation of the grasslands (e.g. overgrazing), amplification of grazing and erosion damage by small mammals when outbreaks occur, and/or climate change. Given marked variability in environmental conditions and stressors, restorative efforts must vary across the region. Restoration efforts are likely toyield greatest success if moderately and severely degraded areas are targeted as the first priority in management programmes, before these areas are transformed into extreme Heitutan. 展开更多
关键词 Heitutan degraded grassland Alpinemeadow Restoration/rehabilitation Sanjiangyuan Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP)
Iteration Linear Programming Method and Livestock Ration Optimization
作者 Zhang Yongying Wang Jihua Wang Suihua Liu Bo Zhang Weifeng 《Feed & Livestock》 2013年第4期26-32,共7页
Iterative linear programming methods are proposed for optimum balanced animal diet in this paper. According to "wooden bucket theory" of the nutritional balance, each nutrient in the feeding standard has equal impor... Iterative linear programming methods are proposed for optimum balanced animal diet in this paper. According to "wooden bucket theory" of the nutritional balance, each nutrient in the feeding standard has equal importance. It's unreasonable to use common goal programming to attach different weighted value to different nutritional parameters. This paper introduces an effective algorithm to deal with this kind of problem. When the permitting cost of livestock ration is given, we can design a ration formula with linear program-this is the first round. Then, according to the differences between the permitting cost and the formula cost gained in the first round, adjust the feeding standard and the feeding raw materials, and conduct the second round of linear programming for ration formula. If there is still a very big difference between the formula cost and the permitting cost, the third round will be taken, and so on. In this iteration course the formula cost gradually approaches the permitting cost. It is the key that the feeding standard and feeding raw materials are modified in each round. This method ensured the nutritive equilibrium with the formulation of least-cost ration. This is an especially important method when the primary goal of the optimization tool is to improve economic and nutritive efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 RATION FORMULATION nutrient requirements objective programming linear programming feeding standard raw material nutritive equilibrium
Use of Chromium Oxide and Alkane Indicator Methods for Determination of Feed Intake for Grazing Sheep
作者 Selcuk Altacli Suphi Deniz 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2017年第3期199-208,共10页
This experiment was carried out to determine feed intake and digestibility of grazing sheep on pasture. A total of 14 animals randomly divided into two groups with seven animals each group were used in the experiment.... This experiment was carried out to determine feed intake and digestibility of grazing sheep on pasture. A total of 14 animals randomly divided into two groups with seven animals each group were used in the experiment. Digestibility of pastures was determined using two types of markers-alkane (C32-C36) and chromium oxide. Dry matter intake (DMI) was 717.22 g/d based on chromium oxide method in the experiment, while according to alkane method, DMI was 965.93 g/d and 1,051.07 g/d for C32 and C36, respectively. In conclusion, pastures met 74%-81% of crude protein (CP) and 57%-61% of energy requirements of lambs grazing on Yuzuncu Yil University pasture, who are mid-quality and 4-7 month-old with a 275 g/d expected daily gain. It was calculated that when 628-693 g/d of barley is given, both CP and metabolizable energy (ME) requirements of animals can be met. 展开更多
关键词 PASTURE chromium oxide ALKANE feed intake DIGESTIBILITY energy content.
Lowland pasture in Himalayan highland: edaphic properties and species composition
作者 Kesang WANGCHUK 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第3期455-464,共10页
This study was carried out to investigate if on-farm cut vs. grazed pastures differed in soil fertility and species density in the temperate Himalayan highlands. Soil fertility and species relative density were measur... This study was carried out to investigate if on-farm cut vs. grazed pastures differed in soil fertility and species density in the temperate Himalayan highlands. Soil fertility and species relative density were measured from 30 cut and 30 grazed dairy pastures. In both types of pasture, soil pH, available phosphorus(P) and exchangeable potassium(K) were negatively correlated with pasture age and slope. In cut pasture, cocksfoot(Dactylis glomerata) and pasture age were positively correlated,whereas in grazed pasture, they were negatively correlated. In grazed pasture, unsown species and pasture age were positively correlated. Soil available P was significantly greater in cut pastures whereas soil exchangeable K was significantly greater in grazed pastures. In terms of species density, cut pasture had greater densities of cocksfoot and Italian ryegrass(Lolium multiflorum), whereas grazed pasture showed greater densities of white clover, sedge and local grass. Our study suggests that, if there are no improvements in the current method of pasture management, the cut pastures in the future are likely to have a simple pasture mixture constituting only cocksfoot and white clover(Trifolium repens).Whereas in grazed pasture, the pasture mixture is likely to be comprised of white clover and unsown species such as sedge, local grass and broadleaf weeds. 展开更多
关键词 Cutting Grazing Pasture age Soil fertility Species relative density
玛曲高寒草原畜牧业的可持续性考察 被引量:2
作者 杨思远 宋志娇 《政治经济学报》 2015年第2期200-227,共28页
玛曲县高寒草原畜牧业代际可持续的物质承担者,既有草场和独特的畜种资源,又有高寒草原生态,还有藏族牧民人口。自牲畜私有化和草场承包后,牧户家庭固定草场与放牧方式的矛盾开始产生,过度放牧造成草场沙化、退化和黑土滩化,导致草原生... 玛曲县高寒草原畜牧业代际可持续的物质承担者,既有草场和独特的畜种资源,又有高寒草原生态,还有藏族牧民人口。自牲畜私有化和草场承包后,牧户家庭固定草场与放牧方式的矛盾开始产生,过度放牧造成草场沙化、退化和黑土滩化,导致草原生态恶化,高寒草原特有的畜种资源也出现退化。从化解定牧生产方式的内在矛盾来观照,牧民专业合作社的兴起对维系高寒草原畜牧业的可持续性具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 高寒草原畜牧业 代际可持续 定牧生产方式 牧民专业合作社
作者 杜亚力 《中国城市金融》 北大核心 1991年第9期58-59,共2页
一、关于改进支票格式的建议。从1990年7月起,我单位购入支票簿发现,加盖帐号、开户行印章时只能压在有关支票编号上,使支票号难以看清,从而产生银行对帐单的号码与工厂帐簿上的支票号码对不上的现象。我厂根据这种情况到银行查询... 一、关于改进支票格式的建议。从1990年7月起,我单位购入支票簿发现,加盖帐号、开户行印章时只能压在有关支票编号上,使支票号难以看清,从而产生银行对帐单的号码与工厂帐簿上的支票号码对不上的现象。我厂根据这种情况到银行查询,银行工作人员也反映按规定加盖的蓝印章确实找不到合适的地方盖,只好压住部分支票编号。 展开更多
关键词 对帐单 银行工作人员 笔数 开户行 企业财务 财务管理 未达帐 业务联系 定牧 个人责任
作者 胡祖源 《中国民族》 北大核心 1991年第8期31-31,共1页
关键词 草原畜牧业 节粮型畜牧业 主要生产方式 定牧 畜群结构 自然环境条件 牧区社会 经营管理体制 合作经营 生产对象
作者 王景韩 《朔方》 1993年第3期38-40,共3页
沙葱,你这纤细翠绿柔韧的沙生野葱,与我有某种情感的联系吗?时值深秋,我来到紧靠大漠边缘的一座小城,闲遐之时便来到街市,如今是市场经济,小城的市场也颇繁闹。蓦然,我见到了沙葱,现在人们生活提高了,偶而吃点野菜调剂一下口胃也是情理... 沙葱,你这纤细翠绿柔韧的沙生野葱,与我有某种情感的联系吗?时值深秋,我来到紧靠大漠边缘的一座小城,闲遐之时便来到街市,如今是市场经济,小城的市场也颇繁闹。蓦然,我见到了沙葱,现在人们生活提高了,偶而吃点野菜调剂一下口胃也是情理之中的事,但我对沙葱却另有一种特殊的情感。当晚。 展开更多
关键词 野葱 口胃 沙生 独自一人 一丛丛 相信自己 手搭 定牧 影只形单 赤阳
Stability analysis of n-species Lotka-Volterra almost periodic competition models with grazing rates and diffusions 被引量:1
作者 Yi-Jin Zhang Chang-You Wang 《International Journal of Biomathematics》 2014年第2期1-11,共11页
In this pape, almost periodic solution of a n-species Lotka-Volterra competition system with grazing rates and diffusions is investigated. By using the method of upper and lower solutions anti Schauder fixed point the... In this pape, almost periodic solution of a n-species Lotka-Volterra competition system with grazing rates and diffusions is investigated. By using the method of upper and lower solutions anti Schauder fixed point theorem as well as Lyapunov stability theory, we give sufficient conditions under which the strictly positive space homogeneous almost perilodic solution of the system is globally asymptotically stable. Moreover, some numerical simulations are given to validate our theoretical analysis. 展开更多
关键词 Grazing rate competition model diffusion almost periodic solution stability.
Genotypic diversity and genotype identity of resident species drive community composition
作者 Věroslava Hadincová Hana Skálová Zuzana Münzbergová 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2020年第2期224-232,共9页
Aims Species-rich plant communities are more resistant to invasions.In the past decade it was demonstrated that genetic variation also has many ecological effects.In our study we aimed to test whether the patterns of ... Aims Species-rich plant communities are more resistant to invasions.In the past decade it was demonstrated that genetic variation also has many ecological effects.In our study we aimed to test whether the patterns of response to the genetic diversity of a resident species differ between colonizing species of different growth forms and whether the response is affected by soil nutrients.Methods We established experimental stands of a common grass,Festuca rubra,harbouring three levels of genetic diversity(1,6 or 18 clonal genotypes,referred to as genotypic diversity)under two soil nutrient levels.In the fourth year after the stands were established,we sowed a mixture of four colonizers into the stands:a stoloniferous legume(Trifolium repens),a broad-leaf tussock grass(Anthoxanthum odoratum),a largerosette forb(Plantago lanceolata)and a small-rosette forb(Campanula rotundifolia).We observed species establishment and growth over 3 years.We tested whether colonization success depended on genotypic diversity,specific Festuca genotypes,soil nutrients and colonizer growth form.Important Findings The colonization success and biomass of the colonizers were significantly affected by the genotypic diversity and the genotype identity of the resident clonal grass.The response,however,differed between the colonizers.The strongest response to the genotypic diversity of the resident species was observed in the tussock grass with a growth form and architecture similar to the resident species.The large-rosette species responded in early stages of growth whereas the stoloniferous legume did not respond at all.The intraspecific genotypic diversity and genotype identity of the resident species play an important role in the assembly of plant communities. 展开更多
关键词 clonal grass biodiversity effects COLONIZATION
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