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论行政行为实现力 被引量:6
作者 郭殊 《行政法学研究》 CSSCI 2006年第2期113-118,共6页
传统行政行为效力学说中的“执行力”是不全面和不准确的,它并不能涵盖所有行政行为,同时由其包含自行履行效力难免造成语义逻辑上的混乱;而“实现力”概念可以较好地解决这些问题。实现力的概念可界定为行政行为自身所具有的,实现自我... 传统行政行为效力学说中的“执行力”是不全面和不准确的,它并不能涵盖所有行政行为,同时由其包含自行履行效力难免造成语义逻辑上的混乱;而“实现力”概念可以较好地解决这些问题。实现力的概念可界定为行政行为自身所具有的,实现自我所体现的行政目标与内容的法律效果。 展开更多
关键词 行政行为 实现力 执行
作者 陆小华 《新闻战线》 2019年第19期81-89,共9页
重大庆典直播报道是一个复杂的系统工程,能否达到预期效果,决定因素是实现能力。有足够强的实现能力,就能获得足够满意的实现效果。锻造实现能力必须抓住三组关键因素:能力构建须始于赋能、得于本能、成于效能,创意验证须严于得当、立... 重大庆典直播报道是一个复杂的系统工程,能否达到预期效果,决定因素是实现能力。有足够强的实现能力,就能获得足够满意的实现效果。锻造实现能力必须抓住三组关键因素:能力构建须始于赋能、得于本能、成于效能,创意验证须严于得当、立于可行、臻于至善,直播实现则安于有备、立于警觉、信于实证。 展开更多
关键词 重大庆典 直播报道 实现力 养成 创意验证
作者 刘玉杰 《福建金融》 2010年第12期35-37,共3页
动产抵押权的私力实现不仅关系到动产抵押权人利益的实现,还涉及到债务人其他债权人利益的保护。动产抵押权的标的相较不动产抵押权的标的容易转移、藏匿,且价值贬损快,因此法律应针对动产抵押权的私力实现设置不同于不动产抵押权实现... 动产抵押权的私力实现不仅关系到动产抵押权人利益的实现,还涉及到债务人其他债权人利益的保护。动产抵押权的标的相较不动产抵押权的标的容易转移、藏匿,且价值贬损快,因此法律应针对动产抵押权的私力实现设置不同于不动产抵押权实现的特殊规则。 展开更多
关键词 动产抵押 实现 完善
作者 刘玉杰 《海南金融》 2011年第1期59-62,共4页
动产抵押权的私力实现不仅关系到动产抵押权人利益的实现,还涉及到债务人其他债权人利益的保护。动产抵押权的标的相较不动产抵押权的标的容易转移、藏匿,且价值贬损快,因此法律应针对动产抵押权的私力实现设置不同于不动产抵押权实现... 动产抵押权的私力实现不仅关系到动产抵押权人利益的实现,还涉及到债务人其他债权人利益的保护。动产抵押权的标的相较不动产抵押权的标的容易转移、藏匿,且价值贬损快,因此法律应针对动产抵押权的私力实现设置不同于不动产抵押权实现的特殊规则,与《美国统一商法典》相比我国动产抵押权私力实现制度存在一些不足之处。我国动产抵押权私力实现法律制度除了需要加强对债务人的其他利害关系人保护外,更应通过赋予抵押权人占有权、完善动产抵押权私力实现方式、放宽动产抵押权私力实现条件等方式来强化抵押权人私力实现的便捷性,降低动产抵押权私力实现的成本,如此方能进一步促进动产抵押法律制度在我国的推广与应用。 展开更多
关键词 动产抵押 实现 完善
行政行为效力体系重构的“两质态论”与“三效力说” 被引量:5
作者 马生安 《重庆大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期121-127,共7页
公定力的本质其实就是行政行为的形式效力,公定力理论本身存在着无法克服的致命缺陷,应该以行政行为的"形式效力理论"取代公定力理论。在效力形态上,行政行为效力有形式效力与实质效力之分,即行政行为效力的"两质态论&qu... 公定力的本质其实就是行政行为的形式效力,公定力理论本身存在着无法克服的致命缺陷,应该以行政行为的"形式效力理论"取代公定力理论。在效力形态上,行政行为效力有形式效力与实质效力之分,即行政行为效力的"两质态论";在效力内容的具体构成上,行政行为效力可以分为存续力、拘束力与实现力,即行政行为效力的"三效力说"。"三效力说"与"两质态论"之间是内容与形式的关系。对于行政行为效力体系的理论建构而言,二者不可分割、缺一不可;前者为"效力内容论",后者为"效力形态论",正是二者的对立统一,才构成了完整而又科学的行政行为效力体系。 展开更多
关键词 形式效 实质效 存续 拘束 实现力
论自然之债的法律效力 被引量:1
作者 苏海健 《安康师专学报》 2005年第6期20-22,26,共4页
关键词 自然之债 请求 强制执行 实现力 处分 保持
作者 冯德军 《理论导刊》 北大核心 2013年第1期56-58,共3页
马克思主义大众化的实际效果,不仅取决于马克思主义大众化本身的具体操作层面,如语境转换、发挥大众媒体的作用等等,还取决于马克思主义理论自身的力量,即马克思主义的理论力。因此,推进马克思主义大众化并取得实效,还需关注马克思主义... 马克思主义大众化的实际效果,不仅取决于马克思主义大众化本身的具体操作层面,如语境转换、发挥大众媒体的作用等等,还取决于马克思主义理论自身的力量,即马克思主义的理论力。因此,推进马克思主义大众化并取得实效,还需关注马克思主义本身的理论创新力、思潮批判力、实践指导力和价值实现力。可以说,马克思主义自身的发展状况直接影响着马克思主义大众化的效果,要从理论力建设的视角出发更多地关注马克思主义大众化的实效性。 展开更多
关键词 创新 批判 指导 实现力 马克思主义大众化 实效性
行为数学:培养儿童数学“三力”的教学转向 被引量:2
作者 戴艳玲 《江苏教育》 2020年第1期42-46,共5页
关键词 行为经济学 行为数学 发现 实现力 呈现
论行政行为的强制力 被引量:3
作者 马生安 《苏州大学学报(法学版)》 2019年第4期64-73,共10页
强制力是行政行为依法产生的,保障行政行为之法律义务得以强制实现的法律效力。行政行为效力的本质就是法的效力,是法的普遍性效力于行政行为上的具体体现,属于法的个别性效力的范畴。从逻辑上分析,因为法具有强制力,行政行为也应该具... 强制力是行政行为依法产生的,保障行政行为之法律义务得以强制实现的法律效力。行政行为效力的本质就是法的效力,是法的普遍性效力于行政行为上的具体体现,属于法的个别性效力的范畴。从逻辑上分析,因为法具有强制力,行政行为也应该具有强制力。基于符号学方法的分析,与实现力、实行力、执行力及强制执行力概念相比,强制力这一概念具有更大的包容性与更强的适应性,可以适用于各种不同类型的行政行为及其存续力、拘束力义务的强制履行或实现。作为行政行为效力理论上长期被忽视的一个重要概念,强制力概念的提出具有坚实的理论依据与实践基础,应引起学界的重视和关注。 展开更多
关键词 强制 实现力 执行 强制执行 行政行为效
作者 韦兆钧 《教育界(高等教育)》 2011年第7期11-11,10,共2页
【摘要】医学生就业难的根本原因是就业竞争力不强。医学毕业生择业观念陈旧,就业期望值过高;整体素质下降,职业能力素质匮乏;就业心理准备不足,就业人格发展不健全等是医学生就业难的根本内因。本文通过对医学生就业难的内因进行... 【摘要】医学生就业难的根本原因是就业竞争力不强。医学毕业生择业观念陈旧,就业期望值过高;整体素质下降,职业能力素质匮乏;就业心理准备不足,就业人格发展不健全等是医学生就业难的根本内因。本文通过对医学生就业难的内因进行归因分析的基础上,提出提升医学生的就业竞争力是解决医学生就业难的实现途径。 展开更多
关键词 医学生就业实现途径
作者 荆万里 单樑 《城市建筑》 2018年第27期37-41,共5页
城市设计从业者职业后教育是当前我国城市设计队伍建设的当务之急。文章认为,对城市设计从业者的职业后教育需要从"知道"到"做到"两方面进行"精准"地水准提升。"知道"指的是建立正确的城市设... 城市设计从业者职业后教育是当前我国城市设计队伍建设的当务之急。文章认为,对城市设计从业者的职业后教育需要从"知道"到"做到"两方面进行"精准"地水准提升。"知道"指的是建立正确的城市设计价值观和价值判断力,正本清源;"做到"指的是城市设计技能方面的营造力和实现力。城市设计从业者职业后教育需要从价值体系、统合能力、产品精神、全程品控等几个方面进行能力建设。 展开更多
关键词 城市设计从业者 职业后教育 价值 价值判断 营造 实现力
论行政约谈救济的内涵、困境与展望 被引量:1
作者 车显麟 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2018年第10期83-86,共4页
行政约谈救济是指有关国家机关依据相对人的请求,对行政约谈所造成的侵权损害予以补救的法律制度,当前,行政约谈救济制度的构建面临着行政约谈法制化程度低,行政救济制度不完善,以及低概率行为是否有必要获得救济、间接后果是否有必要... 行政约谈救济是指有关国家机关依据相对人的请求,对行政约谈所造成的侵权损害予以补救的法律制度,当前,行政约谈救济制度的构建面临着行政约谈法制化程度低,行政救济制度不完善,以及低概率行为是否有必要获得救济、间接后果是否有必要救济、程序规制和事后救济是否冲突的实践与理论困境。而行政约谈救济制度的构建应提高行政约谈自身法制化程度,逐步将行政约谈纳入到行政救济的范围之内,并根据行政约谈类型建构设计出符合行政约谈侵权形态的因果关系,正确处理行政约谈事后救济和程序规制的关系,使二者统一于公法的根本目的。 展开更多
关键词 行政约谈 自行实现力 行政救济
Virtual Reality Simulation of Fuzzy-logic Control during Underwater Dynamic Positioning 被引量:4
作者 Midhin Das Thekkedan Cheng Siong Chin Wai Lok Woo 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2015年第1期14-24,共11页
In this paper, graphical-user-interface (GUI) software for simulation and fuzzy-logic control of a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) using MATLABTM GUI Designing Environment is proposed. The proposed ROV's GUI plat... In this paper, graphical-user-interface (GUI) software for simulation and fuzzy-logic control of a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) using MATLABTM GUI Designing Environment is proposed. The proposed ROV's GUI platform allows the controller such as fuzzy-logic control systems design to be compared with other controllers such as proportional-integral-derivative (PID) and sliding-mode controller (SMC) systematically and interactively. External disturbance such as sea current can he added to improve the modelling in actual underwater environment. The simulated results showed the position responses of the fuzzy-logic control exhibit reasonable performance under the sea current disturbance. 展开更多
关键词 graphical-user-interface (GUI) fuzzy-logic control remotely operated vehicle (ROV) proportional-integral-derivative (PID) sliding-mode controller (SMC) underwater dynamic positioning
Recursive and Nonrecursive Traversal Algorithms for Dynamically Created Binary Trees
作者 Robert Logozar 《Computer Technology and Application》 2012年第5期374-382,共9页
The modeling of dynamical systems from a time series implemented by our DSA program introduces binary trees of height D with all leaves on the same level, and the related subtrees of height L 〈 D. These are called e-... The modeling of dynamical systems from a time series implemented by our DSA program introduces binary trees of height D with all leaves on the same level, and the related subtrees of height L 〈 D. These are called e-trees and e-subtrees. The recursive and nonrecursive versions of the traversal algorithms for the trees with dynamically created nodes are discussed. The original nonrecursive algorithms that return the pointer to the next node in preorder, inorder and postorder traversals are presented. The space-time complexity analysis shows and the execution time measurements confirm that for these O(2D) algorithms, the recursive versions have approximately 10-25% better time constants. Still, the use of nonrecursive algorithms may be more appropriate in several occasions. 展开更多
关键词 Binary e-trees algorithms tree traversal PREORDER inorder postorder RECURSIVE nonrecursive space-time complexity.
An experiment discovery about gravitational force changes in materials due to temperature variation 被引量:1
作者 Fan Liangzao Feng Jinsong Liu Wuqing 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2010年第2期9-11,共3页
The authors discovered in first time that the weight of materials or its gravitational force by earth related to its temperature and its ferromagnetism. An experiment was designed to elevate the temperatures of six di... The authors discovered in first time that the weight of materials or its gravitational force by earth related to its temperature and its ferromagnetism. An experiment was designed to elevate the temperatures of six different materials (Au, Ag, Cu, Fe, Al, Ni) up to 600 ℃and precisely measured their weights. It is found all the materials weigh about 0.33 ‰ - 0. 82 ‰ less. For example the weight of silver sample weighted by a precision electronic scale in a manner of special design decreases about 0.8 ‰, when its temperature is elevated to 600 ℃. Thus different metals' gravitational forces or weights are adjusted with temperature variation. 展开更多
关键词 metal gravitational force internal energy of mass ferromagnetic materials NDFEB
The Second Source of the Force
作者 Dongkai Li 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第9期469-470,共2页
From the physical science, we know the force comes from the reaction between at least two objects. But, in the reality world, we can see some kind force of an existence does not come from outside. For instance, when a... From the physical science, we know the force comes from the reaction between at least two objects. But, in the reality world, we can see some kind force of an existence does not come from outside. For instance, when a person takes the action such as speaking, movement of arms, we cannot see any force loaded from outside of this person. Then, here is the question: Where does this kind of force come from? This paper is to demonstrate to prove that there is the second source of force, which comes from internal of a kind of object. 展开更多
作者 王雄涛 《科学大众(智慧教育)》 2008年第10期16-16,共1页
关键词 多媒体 激趣 培养观察 强化理解 实现创新
The Effect of Pulverization Equipment Types and Tractor Velocities on Some Technical Indicators for Machinery Unit
作者 Jinan H. N. At-Talabani 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第9期1005-1009,共5页
This experiment was conducted in silty clay loam soil and cultivated with previous season wheat. Tillage for experiment field was applied using moldboard plow with 0.22-0.24 m depth, the rate of tractor velocity was 2... This experiment was conducted in silty clay loam soil and cultivated with previous season wheat. Tillage for experiment field was applied using moldboard plow with 0.22-0.24 m depth, the rate of tractor velocity was 2.45 km hf^-1, as a tillage velocity. Two rates of tractor velocities (first factor) were applied: 3.24 km hr^-1, for the first velocity, and 4.71 km hr^-1 for the second, Three types of tillers (second factor) were used: disk harrow, rotavator tiller, and spring spike tooth harrow. The first velocity rate was: 2.51 km hr-l(with disk harrow as a machinery unit), 2.92 km hr^-1 (with rotivator), and 3.06 km hrl(with spring spike tooth harrow), while the second velocity rate was: 3.19 km hr-1 (with disk harrow as a machinery unit), 4.05 km hrl(with rotivator), and 4.26 km hrl(with spring spike tooth harrow). Split plot design in RCBD with three replicates was used at the constant of soil moisture 11%-13%. Results were analyzed statistically and means were tested with LSD. The results showed the significant differences between both two experiment factors and their interaction for all study parameters which included: slippage percentage, practical productivity, numbers of masses 〉 5 cm m^-2, and the implement width. At the constant of pulverization equipment types, the higher percentage of slippage was 16.45%, the higher rate of practical productivity was 0.677 h hr1, and the higher rate of implement width was 2.05 m, while the rate of masses 〉 5 cm m-2 decreased to 13.8 mass m2. At the constant of velocity, disk harrow achieved higher slippage percentage 17.69%, spring spike tooth harrow tiller achieved higher practical productivity 0.858 h hr^-1 and higher rate of implement width 2.73 m, and the rotivator achieved the lower rate of masses 〉 5 cm m2 and 4.1 mass m2. The comparison among the three pulverization equipment typess was the purpose of this study to give the best studied indexes under two different velocities. 展开更多
关键词 Disk harrow rotavator tiller spring spike tooth harrow
Are There Tea Parties on Mars? Business and Politics in Science Fiction Films
作者 O'Brien Stanley Nicki L. Michalski Ruth J. H. Stanley 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第3期382-396,共15页
This paper will apply a politically oriented description-critique paradigm developed from the works of Whitehall and Grewell that offers a way to examine works of popular culture, particularly Mars-based science ficti... This paper will apply a politically oriented description-critique paradigm developed from the works of Whitehall and Grewell that offers a way to examine works of popular culture, particularly Mars-based science fiction films. Because of the unique nature of these films, primarily which they are set in a future and distant world, they allow us to explore the socio-political landscape in which they were created from a remove that does not exist in "real-world" based works. Specifically we will be examining the governing power (in any particular Mars-based science fiction film) that might be either wielded by business interests or governmental interests. Although it is possible to have both a strong government and a strong business in a society, in many Mars-based science fiction films, government and business seem to represent two sides of a continuum. The stronger the business power structure in the film, the weaker the governmental power structure, and vice-versa. 展开更多
关键词 science fiction MARS political structure governmental power Geoffrey Whitehall Gary Grewell COLONIZATION film
Controlled Implementation of Non-local CNOT Operation Using Three-Qubit Entanglement
作者 CHENLi-Bing LUHong CHENWei-Cheng 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第6期1003-1008,共6页
We investigate the controlled implementation of a non-local CNOT operation using a three-qubit entangled state. Firstly, we show how the non-local CNOT operation can be implemented with unit fidelity and unit probabil... We investigate the controlled implementation of a non-local CNOT operation using a three-qubit entangled state. Firstly, we show how the non-local CNOT operation can be implemented with unit fidelity and unit probability by using a maximally entangled GHZ state as controlled quantum channel. Then, we put forward two schemes for conclusively implementing the non-local operation with unit fidelity by employing a partially entangled pure GHZ state as quantum channel. The feature of these schemes is that a third side is included, who may participate the process of quantum non-local implementation as a supervisor. Furthermore, when the quantum channel is partially entangled,the third one can rectify the state distorted by imperfect quantum channel. In addition to the GHZ class state, the W class state can also be used to implement the same non-local operation probabilistically. The probability of successful implementation using the W class state is always less than that using the GHZ class state. 展开更多
关键词 non-local CNOT operation IMPLEMENTATION GHZ class state W class state
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