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作者 沈山 《博物馆管理》 2024年第2期42-49,共8页
考古类展览在从田野走向展厅的过程中,信息发生了一系列转译。为了让考古成果及其论证过程更完整地呈现给观众,并在阐释中尊重观众的自主性,策展人需要对信息进行取舍和延伸。本文以上海博物馆“实证中国——崧泽·良渚文明考古特... 考古类展览在从田野走向展厅的过程中,信息发生了一系列转译。为了让考古成果及其论证过程更完整地呈现给观众,并在阐释中尊重观众的自主性,策展人需要对信息进行取舍和延伸。本文以上海博物馆“实证中国——崧泽·良渚文明考古特展”为例,探讨通过引导探究式的情境创设和多元开放式的阐释策略,将考古材料更有效、精准、生动地传递给观众,引导其建立自己的思考认知。 展开更多
关键词 考古类展览 实证中国 情境构建 阐释策略
涨跌幅限制与知情投资者行为:基于中国实证 被引量:4
作者 陈浩武 范利民 唐元虎 《系统工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期524-528,共5页
分析了涨跌幅限制对知情投资者交易行为产生的影响,提出了3种效应,然后综合运用事件研究法和分组比较法,检验了涨跌幅限制在中国股市的运行绩效和股价行为.发现涨跌幅限制对知情投资者交易行为产生重要影响,主要表现在当均衡价格与当前... 分析了涨跌幅限制对知情投资者交易行为产生的影响,提出了3种效应,然后综合运用事件研究法和分组比较法,检验了涨跌幅限制在中国股市的运行绩效和股价行为.发现涨跌幅限制对知情投资者交易行为产生重要影响,主要表现在当均衡价格与当前股价有较大偏离时,涨跌幅限制会使知情投资者推迟当前的交易,延缓了均衡价格的实现. 展开更多
关键词 涨跌幅限制 内幕信息 价格发现 中国实证 知情投资者行为
中国金融适应效率实证研究(1991~2004) 被引量:9
作者 沈军 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第1期51-56,共6页
本文禀承新制度经济学代表人物诺思“适应效率更为重要”的思想,通过形成综合指标体系与融合非线性算法,建立了金融适应效率的综合评价模型。中国金融适应效率(1990—2004)实证研究结果表明,中国金融适应效率偏低的主要原因在于金... 本文禀承新制度经济学代表人物诺思“适应效率更为重要”的思想,通过形成综合指标体系与融合非线性算法,建立了金融适应效率的综合评价模型。中国金融适应效率(1990—2004)实证研究结果表明,中国金融适应效率偏低的主要原因在于金融改革滞后与金融制度缺失,因此,效率导向型的中国金融发展势在必行。 展开更多
关键词 金融适应效率 评价模型 中国实证研究
作者 胡新 《科技信息》 2008年第1期263-263,262,共2页
关键词 西方实证主义 中国实证主义思潮 代表人物
作者 栗洪伟 李世杰 《安康师专学报》 2005年第5期1-4,共4页
实证哲学是西方国家的主流哲学,是社会学的理论基础之一。19世纪末传入中国,经过严复等几代学者的努力,完成其本土化过程,形成了中国的实证哲学。实证哲学是对近现代中国产生重大影响的三大哲学思潮之一,它影响到了近现代中国的方方面面... 实证哲学是西方国家的主流哲学,是社会学的理论基础之一。19世纪末传入中国,经过严复等几代学者的努力,完成其本土化过程,形成了中国的实证哲学。实证哲学是对近现代中国产生重大影响的三大哲学思潮之一,它影响到了近现代中国的方方面面,即使在今天解决转型期的社会问题时,仍有其积极的参考价值。鉴于此,本文将简述实证哲学的内涵及其本土化过程,着重论述其近现代意义,现状和现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 实证主义 中国实证哲学 传统文化 社会思潮
作者 朱小慧 《学术动态(北京)》 2002年第2期22-23,共2页
关键词 倪鹏飞 中国城市竞争力理论研究与实证分析》 出版 图书评介
中国民间金融与正规金融的交互作用研究 被引量:13
作者 彭芳春 耿康顺 《广东金融学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期110-119,共10页
采用衡量经济与金融关系的θ值法测算中国民间金融发展规模,并度量正规金融和民间金融之间交互影响程度的结果显示,中国正规金融的发展并不是民间金融规模壮大的原因,相反民间金融却能促进正规金融的发展。进一步的分析表明,因为被正规... 采用衡量经济与金融关系的θ值法测算中国民间金融发展规模,并度量正规金融和民间金融之间交互影响程度的结果显示,中国正规金融的发展并不是民间金融规模壮大的原因,相反民间金融却能促进正规金融的发展。进一步的分析表明,因为被正规金融排斥的中小企业在民间金融获得融资,所以民间金融促进了中小企业的发展;但成长起来的中小企业却倾向于向正规金融融资,故民间金融又间接推动了正规金融的发展。因此发挥正规金融指导作用以推动民间金融规范发展至关重要。应尽快建立民间金融的正规借贷制度,并加速相关立法进程。 展开更多
关键词 民间金融 正规金融 θ值法 VAR 中国实证
互联网使用与政治行为——研究观点、分析路径及中国实证 被引量:41
作者 臧雷振 劳昕 孟天广 《政治学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期60-75,共16页
过去20余年国际学者关于互联网使用和政治行为关系研究中有两种截然不同的观点:乐观主义者认为互联网对政治行为正面影响体现在提升政治知识传播水平,降低获取政治知识成本,增进公民政治效能感等方面;而怀疑主义者称其存在信息鸿沟,人... 过去20余年国际学者关于互联网使用和政治行为关系研究中有两种截然不同的观点:乐观主义者认为互联网对政治行为正面影响体现在提升政治知识传播水平,降低获取政治知识成本,增进公民政治效能感等方面;而怀疑主义者称其存在信息鸿沟,人际信任等负面影响。进一步探索则发现观点差异背后有不同研究路径和方法支撑,即源自技术决定主义的替换工具视角、源自社会结构主义的补充工具视角和比较历史视角等。上述理论研究中的差异提供多角度解读相关社会现实的窗口,但依然缺乏对此议题严谨的中国实证佐证。通过采取全国性大样本数据实证检验表明:不同类型传播媒介对中国公众不同类型的政治行为有着差异化影响,其中互联网对促进公众参与相应政治行为影响较为有限,文章对这一结果进行初步探讨,同时也指出其解释力、理论局限及未来改进方向。 展开更多
关键词 政治行为 互联网 中国实证
我国城市地价增长与经济增长研究 被引量:1
作者 岑树田 葛扬 《学海》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期125-131,共7页
根据我国城市地价增长主要由地方政府推动的特点,本文建立了关于土地价格增长与经济增长的模型,并运用我国33个大中城市的面板数据进行了实证研究。结果表明:在样本期内,我国城市地价增长与经济增长关系的总体特征是:土地价格增长与经... 根据我国城市地价增长主要由地方政府推动的特点,本文建立了关于土地价格增长与经济增长的模型,并运用我国33个大中城市的面板数据进行了实证研究。结果表明:在样本期内,我国城市地价增长与经济增长关系的总体特征是:土地价格增长与经济增长存在着线性且正相关的关系,土地价格增长能够部分解释我国城市的经济增长;区域特征是:越是处于经济欠发达的地区,土地价格增长对经济增长的效应越明显,西部城市地价增长对经济增长的边际效应大于中部城市,中部城市地价增长对经济增长的边际效应大于东部城市,这表明我国越是落后的地区,对土地价值投入的依赖越强。 展开更多
关键词 土地价格增长 城市经济增长 线性关系 中国实证
大学生社会态度研究 被引量:2
作者 陈抗 《宿州学院学报》 2014年第4期40-45,共6页
采用分层随机抽样法对6所高校684名大学生进行问卷调查,以此对当代大学生社会态度进行实证研究和具体分析。研究结果表明:(1)大学生社会态度整体水平较为消极;(2)在性别上,女大学生社会态度总得分显著高于男大学生;在生源地上,农村与城... 采用分层随机抽样法对6所高校684名大学生进行问卷调查,以此对当代大学生社会态度进行实证研究和具体分析。研究结果表明:(1)大学生社会态度整体水平较为消极;(2)在性别上,女大学生社会态度总得分显著高于男大学生;在生源地上,农村与城镇之间差异不显著;在年级上,不同年级大学生在社会归因因子、相对剥夺感因子上存在显著差异;在专业上,不同专业大学生在社会不公平感因子上,文科类和艺术类大学生显著高于理科类,文科类和艺术类大学生间不显著;在人际信任因子上,艺术类大学生显著低于理科类大学生,其余专业大学生间不显著;在相对剥夺感因子上,艺术类大学生显著高于文科类、理科类大学生,文科类与理科类大学生之间不显著。并依据研究结果,提出调适或改变大学生社会态度的建议。 展开更多
关键词 大学生 社会态度 实证研究中国
Empirical Analysis of City Contact in Zhujiang(Pearl) River Delta, China 被引量:7
作者 TONG De LIU Tao +1 位作者 LI Guicai YU Lei 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第3期384-392,共9页
In traditional urban geography, city contact research is a classic study element in city research. In general, researchers use the traditional gravity model to characterize the contacts that exist between two cities. ... In traditional urban geography, city contact research is a classic study element in city research. In general, researchers use the traditional gravity model to characterize the contacts that exist between two cities. The traditional gravity model assumes ideal conditions, but these preconditions and their results often do not exist in realistic conditions. Thus, we used a modified gravity model to characterize the city contacts within a specific region. This model considers factors such as intercity complementarities, government intervention, and the diversity of the transportation infrastructure which is characterized as the transportation distance instead of the traditional Euclidean distance. We applied this model to an empirical study of city contact in the Zhujiang(Pearl) River Delta(PRD) of China. The regression results indicated that the modified gravity model could measure city contact more accurately and comprehensively than the traditional gravity model, i.e., it yielded a higher adjusted R2 value(0.379) than the traditional gravity model result(0.259). Our study also suggests that, in addition to urban-regional and metropolitan development, the complementarities of the basic functions of cities at the administrative and market levels, as well as the corporeal and immaterial levels, play very significant roles in the characterization of city contact. Given the complexity of city contact, it will be necessary to consider more relevant influential factors in the modified gravity model to characterize the features of city contact in the future. 展开更多
关键词 city contact function complementarities government intervention gravity model Zhujiang (Pearl) River Delta (PRD) China
作者 陈国富 《财贸经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第10期80-80,共1页
关键词 城市价值 图书评介 中国城市竞争力理论研究与实证分析》 评介
Regional Financial Development and Regional Economic Growth: An Empirical Analysis of Suzhou City, China 被引量:2
作者 LIU Yong LI Weiping 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第3期269-274,共6页
There are many defects in researches on the relationship of the regional financial development (FD) and economic growth of China, such as simply assuming the causality direction, not highlighting financial institution... There are many defects in researches on the relationship of the regional financial development (FD) and economic growth of China, such as simply assuming the causality direction, not highlighting financial institution, using incomplete financial indicator, etc. This article, taking Suzhou City of Jiangsu Province, China as a case, builds a simple model to study the level of FD from three aspects of financial scale, structure and institution. Three original indicators of PRIVY (private investment/aggregate investment), DEPTH (aggregate loan/GDP) and FDIVG (FDI/GDP) are used to construct the FD economic indicator through Principal Component Analysis approach. Then we use Granger method to analyze the relationship between the FD and the economic growth of Suzhou. Empirical test results show that the FD of Suzhou is the Granger reason of economic growth, while economic growth is not the reason for FD, because the relationship between the FD and the economic growth of Suzhou is just in the ″supply-leading″ period. In terms of Suzhou experiences, the local government should strengthen the protection of private investment, improve the institutional environment, and establish the reasonable financial structure. So we can concluded that FD could play a great role in promoting economic growth at the economy takeoff stage. 展开更多
关键词 financial development regional economic growth INSTITUTION Granger Causality Analysis
Determinants of workers'attitude toward low-carbon technology adoption:empirical evidence from Chinese firms 被引量:1
作者 Xiaoli Wang Linhai Wu 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2017年第1期80-86,共7页
As the main contribution of China's carbon emissions, low-carbon production in industrial firms becomes an inevitable choice, and industrial firm employees' attitudes on low-carbon new technology directly infl... As the main contribution of China's carbon emissions, low-carbon production in industrial firms becomes an inevitable choice, and industrial firm employees' attitudes on low-carbon new technology directly influence the results of low-carbon production. Based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model, structural equation modeling was used to analyze the main factors influencing firm staff to accept low-carbon new technology. The study reveals that the employee's social impact, performance expectation, effort expectations and convenient conditions, and employee characteristics are all main factors affecting their acceptance attitudes on low-carbon new technology. And social influence has the largest effect on employees' acceptance attitudes toward low-carbon new technology. Accordingly, relevant policy recommendations are put forward for the future research direction. 展开更多
关键词 UTAUT industrial firmemployees low-carbonnew technology usingattitude main influencingfactors SEM
作者 段成荣 《人口研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第5期96-96,共1页
关键词 人口迁移 改革开放以来 人类社会发展 中国 全球化进程 《人口迁移与发展——中国改革开放以来的实证
An Empirical Analysis of Employment Stability and the Wage Gap of Rural Migrants in China Based on Quantile Regression 被引量:1
作者 Liu Baihui Kou Enhui 《China Economist》 2013年第6期98-111,共14页
Under the background of accelerated integrated urban-rural development, this paper offers an analysis on the short-term employment of rural migrants in China and resulting wage gap between long-term and short-term rur... Under the background of accelerated integrated urban-rural development, this paper offers an analysis on the short-term employment of rural migrants in China and resulting wage gap between long-term and short-term rural migrants. On the basis of correcting for sample selection problems arising from labor market participation and short-term employment, rural migrants' wage function is estimated using quantile regression method, and wage gap between long-term and short-term rural migrants is decomposed using MM method. Our empirical results suggest that those with a higher level of education, training experience and local employment recommended by family relations or in formal labor market are more likely to secure long-term labor contract," region and education have significant contributions to the wage of rural migrants," rural migrants of both long- and short-term contract types have great gaps at the bottom of salary distribution; and there exists a sticky floor effect in wage difference of rural migrants. These results have important policy implications in enhancing employment stability of rural migrants, improving income distribution equity, speeding up the process of urbanization, and balancing regional development. 展开更多
关键词 rural migrant workers wage gap quantile regression sticky floor effect
Positive Research on China’s Economic Growth Quality——Analyze the Fluctuating Situation of the Factor Input and Aggregative Productivity 被引量:2
作者 LiBtanhua 《Ecological Economy》 2005年第1期98-105,共8页
To analyze China’s fluctuating situation of the factor input and aggregative productivity is not only the main method to seek the source of the economic growth but also the main way to weigh the level of economic gro... To analyze China’s fluctuating situation of the factor input and aggregative productivity is not only the main method to seek the source of the economic growth but also the main way to weigh the level of economic growth quality.As to economic growth ofa country,the improvementofthe productivity is extremely important.The growth of the output can be realized through two kinds of ways: increasing the quantity of factor input of or improving the efficiency of the input and output.There fore, the level of economic growth quality does not mainly depend on the amount of invested factor,but the importance of improving the productivity since resources are rare. The relative improvement of efficiency in use of the invested factor marks the economic growing quality.So,in order to understand the economic growth quality of China to some extent, it must analyze Chinese factor input and aggregative productivity. This is the main topic that this text will be probed into. 展开更多
关键词 factor input contribution rate of factors aggregative productivity quality of increasing
The effects of land market development on economic growth: an empirical analysis based on Chinese panel data,1999-2005 被引量:1
作者 YANG Hong-mei 《Ecological Economy》 2010年第1期88-95,共8页
Optimized land resources allocation is important for economic growth because land is one of the basic elements for economic development. And urban land resources allocation has had an increasingly important influence ... Optimized land resources allocation is important for economic growth because land is one of the basic elements for economic development. And urban land resources allocation has had an increasingly important influence since the Chinese socialist market economy system was established. This paper estimates the production function of both the secondary and the tertiary industries of China's 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government through an analysis of the panel data of the total output value of the secondary and the tertiary industries, invested capital, invested labor jorces and the land market-jeatured management of the above-mentioned regions during the period of 1999-2005. and examines the positive influence of the above- mentioned factors on regional economic output, This study concludes that urban economic output is positively related with the level of urban land resources market-featured management, since the rate of economic growth of those regions approximates 14. 7% under the condition of urban land market running during the period of 1999-2005. 展开更多
关键词 Land market Economic growth Panel data Regional difference
Is the Chinese Renminbi Undervalued? An Examination of the B-S Effect Using Diverse Datasets 被引量:2
作者 周克 《China Economist》 2011年第6期102-111,共10页
In 2010, the debate over valuation of the Renminbi is again heating up and the Chinese currency has returned to appreciating against the dollar But is the Renminbi undervalued? Drawing on the Balassa-Samuelson (B-S... In 2010, the debate over valuation of the Renminbi is again heating up and the Chinese currency has returned to appreciating against the dollar But is the Renminbi undervalued? Drawing on the Balassa-Samuelson (B-S) effect on purchasing power parity, we conduct theoretical and empirical analyses of this issue. Theoretical analysis proves that a country's real exchange rate will appreciate with rising income, but the currencies of low-income countries tend to be undervalued. In order to avoid biased conclusions resulting from a single dataset or sampling method, we draw on three major publicly-available datasets to examine the B-S effect across 144 economies. Our results indicate that the degree of Renminbi misvaluation is highly dependent on the data source. Synthesizing analyses of diverse datasets, we estimate that the Renminbi was only undervalued by less than 8per cent in 2009. We conclude that China's external imbalance most probably results from deep-seated structural imbalances rather than Renminbi undervaluation. 展开更多
关键词 RENMINBI purchasing powerparity Balassa-Samuelson Effect misalisznment
The Empirical Analysis of the Impacts of Income Distribution Gap on Consumption Demand:Based on the Statistic Data of Chinese Urban Residents in 2000-2010
作者 Qian Long Zhao Yong Zhong Sheng 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2012年第4期116-120,共5页
This paper analyzes the impact of income distribution gap on consumption demand from a theoretical view,and draws the conclusion that there is an inverse relationship between income distribution gap and consumption de... This paper analyzes the impact of income distribution gap on consumption demand from a theoretical view,and draws the conclusion that there is an inverse relationship between income distribution gap and consumption demand.Then,the paper finds that the existing widening income distribution gap in China has a negative impact on consumption demand,but this is not the key factor for the insufficient consumption demand because of the low level of per capital income.At last,it suggests that governments should improve the income level of entire residents and adjust income distribution structure simultaneously. 展开更多
关键词 income distribution gap consumption demand elas- ticity coefficient substitution effects
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