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媒介文化语境下的网络恶搞及其双向归置 被引量:9
作者 鲍海波 王蓓蓓 《陕西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期78-86,共9页
以媒介及其表征系统为核心的媒介文化作为当下时代的轴心势力,深刻影响着当代人日常生活的各个方面。在媒介文化生产以及众多产品中,网络恶搞及其作品作为青年亚文化的重要表征引发了广泛的关注。将网络恶搞这一青年亚文化的重要表征置... 以媒介及其表征系统为核心的媒介文化作为当下时代的轴心势力,深刻影响着当代人日常生活的各个方面。在媒介文化生产以及众多产品中,网络恶搞及其作品作为青年亚文化的重要表征引发了广泛的关注。将网络恶搞这一青年亚文化的重要表征置于媒介文化的语境之下予以讨论,在探讨其源起、表达方式的同时也分析其被意识形态与商业利益的双向归置,对其进行多维反思,别具深意。 展开更多
关键词 媒介文化 网络恶搞 仪式 娱乐狂欢 双向归置
过刊密集架归置工作的实现过程及意义 被引量:1
作者 杨丽兵 杨华 《农业网络信息》 2018年第3期33-36,共4页
过刊在今后很长一段时间内仍然具有重要价值,妥善保存过刊具有重要意义。当图书馆空间紧张或过刊利用率降低时,图书馆会考虑将过刊下架,存放到指定的密集架内。目前,过刊密集架的归置工作面临以下两大难题:一是同种期刊较难集中存放;二... 过刊在今后很长一段时间内仍然具有重要价值,妥善保存过刊具有重要意义。当图书馆空间紧张或过刊利用率降低时,图书馆会考虑将过刊下架,存放到指定的密集架内。目前,过刊密集架的归置工作面临以下两大难题:一是同种期刊较难集中存放;二是部分过刊因无明显类别标识,而无法归置到合适的类目下。依据《中图法》、山西农业大学图书馆服务对象特点与馆藏特色等原则,文章给出了过刊密集架归置工作较为科学的实现过程,破解了这一工作面临的两大难题,为图书馆此项工作的开展提出了可参考借鉴的方法,丰富了图书馆期刊管理理论。 展开更多
关键词 过刊 密集架 归置 难题 实现过程 意义
我国民族传统器乐艺术法律保护的内容归置与体系构建 被引量:1
作者 王小龙 《原生态民族文化学刊》 2011年第1期126-129,133,共5页
关键词 民族传统器乐艺术 法律保护 内容归置 体系构建
欲望归置、群体想象与公共话语的空间询唤——论电视节目《非诚勿扰》的意识形态隐性表达 被引量:2
作者 叶凯 《东南传播》 2013年第1期81-82,共2页
关键词 《非诚勿扰》 意识形态 欲望归置 群体想象 公共话语 空间询唤
基于正则表达式的文件服务器电子文档归置辅助系统设计 被引量:1
作者 林侠 魏树权 《科技广场》 2015年第12期245-248,共4页
本文描述了一个基于文件服务器电子文档归置处理应用系统的设计与实现,详细介绍了电子文档的归置原则,实现了对电子文档进行自动归置与手动归置的功能。系统采用C#编程,应用了正则表达式强大的字符匹配功能,系统还可根据不同的应用需求... 本文描述了一个基于文件服务器电子文档归置处理应用系统的设计与实现,详细介绍了电子文档的归置原则,实现了对电子文档进行自动归置与手动归置的功能。系统采用C#编程,应用了正则表达式强大的字符匹配功能,系统还可根据不同的应用需求进行功能微调,能为电子文档的良好归置提供有效支持。 展开更多
关键词 文件服务器 电子文档归置 正则表达式
作者 吕卓文 《山西省政法管理干部学院学报》 2018年第1期97-99,共3页
禁毒工作的开展是保障国泰民安,保证社会治安的重要工作。目前,它的主要目标是随着社会变迁式的禁毒工作开展,逐步达到以社区矫正为本的禁毒工作整合的效果,通过社区无差别的整合和行为习惯的整合,使学员达到归置自我、生成本我,进而归... 禁毒工作的开展是保障国泰民安,保证社会治安的重要工作。目前,它的主要目标是随着社会变迁式的禁毒工作开展,逐步达到以社区矫正为本的禁毒工作整合的效果,通过社区无差别的整合和行为习惯的整合,使学员达到归置自我、生成本我,进而归置家庭回归社会,使无法回归社区和家庭的矫正对象得以归置。 展开更多
关键词 社区矫正 禁毒社工 整合 归置
作者 黄小锦 《现代商贸工业》 2018年第11期82-83,共2页
智慧居家养老是随着科学技术的进步应运而生的一种新型养老模式,它让老人足不出户便能享受到高品质的养老服务。但是这种养老模式在隐私保护上存在不完善的地方,通过信息服务平台,老人的信息极易泄露出去;家庭安装的感应设备、监控等,... 智慧居家养老是随着科学技术的进步应运而生的一种新型养老模式,它让老人足不出户便能享受到高品质的养老服务。但是这种养老模式在隐私保护上存在不完善的地方,通过信息服务平台,老人的信息极易泄露出去;家庭安装的感应设备、监控等,也让家变成没有隐私的"公共场所";在居家智能机器人面前,人类毫无秘密隐私可言,等等问题。通过制定明确的信息访问权限,转变观念正确使用感应监控设备,同时建立新型和谐"人机"关系,从而为智慧居家养老中个人隐私提供一个安全的归置环境。 展开更多
关键词 技术哲学 智慧居家养老 隐私归置
作者 刘晓旋 郝炜 《国家税务总局税务干部学院学报》 2024年第5期39-48,共10页
人工智能自动化技术与行政执法场景深度融合,税务行政机关运用自动化技术进行行政活动的现象较为普遍,由此形成自动化税务行政执法场景。通过类型化方法,自动化税务执法场景大致可分为三类:给付税务行政执法类型、干预税务行政执法类型... 人工智能自动化技术与行政执法场景深度融合,税务行政机关运用自动化技术进行行政活动的现象较为普遍,由此形成自动化税务行政执法场景。通过类型化方法,自动化税务执法场景大致可分为三类:给付税务行政执法类型、干预税务行政执法类型、税务行政检查执法类型。税务行政机关技术化程度不断提高,由此引发一系列法律风险,具体包括数据风险、算法风险和程序风险。针对上述法律风险,需要具体结合自动化税务行政执法场景,根据依法律执行与依政策执行逻辑思路予以规制。 展开更多
关键词 自动化税务行政执法 类型归置 数据 算法 程序
作者 冯蓓蓓 《四川戏剧》 北大核心 2018年第6期89-92,共4页
本文分别从视觉流程的线性应用特点、感官强弱特点和反复运动特点三方面论述视觉流程在电影海报版面编排中的形式特点。在电影海报的版面编排设计中,要调动画面、构图、形式等众多因素,使电影海报在成功宣传电影的同时,又扩大影片的声... 本文分别从视觉流程的线性应用特点、感官强弱特点和反复运动特点三方面论述视觉流程在电影海报版面编排中的形式特点。在电影海报的版面编排设计中,要调动画面、构图、形式等众多因素,使电影海报在成功宣传电影的同时,又扩大影片的声势和影响,促进影片的宣传效果。 展开更多
关键词 电影海报 视觉流程 版面归置
一种新型安瓿瓶归置盒的设计与应用 被引量:1
作者 段恒 冯清波 +1 位作者 刘朋 姚捷 《中华危重病急救医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第8期1018-1019,共2页
安瓿瓶是一种用于盛装药液的小型玻璃容器,容量一般为1~20 mL,常用于各类注射用药液、疫苗等的盛装.医用安瓿瓶涉及到临床工作的方方面面,但在操作过程中,常将打开后的安瓿瓶直接放置于操作台面上,存在许多的缺点和不足,如安瓿瓶容易被... 安瓿瓶是一种用于盛装药液的小型玻璃容器,容量一般为1~20 mL,常用于各类注射用药液、疫苗等的盛装.医用安瓿瓶涉及到临床工作的方方面面,但在操作过程中,常将打开后的安瓿瓶直接放置于操作台面上,存在许多的缺点和不足,如安瓿瓶容易被打翻、造成环境污染、剩余药品污染、安瓿瓶的尖锐突起易造成医务人员暴露损伤等.为此,江苏省苏北人民医院医务人员设计了一种用于安瓿瓶放置的归置盒并获得了国家实用新型专利,该新型安瓿瓶归置盒结构简单、使用方便,在使用过程中安全卫生,可对已打开的安瓿瓶进行隔挡,减少药液浪费及药物污染,对安瓿瓶形成有效的保护及避免医护人员受到伤害,值得在临床工作中推广使用. 展开更多
关键词 安瓿瓶 归置 应用
作者 陈可抒 《中学生百科》 2020年第2期14-14,共1页
倾晖速短炬,走海无停川。冀餐圆丘草,欲以还颓年。此事不可得,微生若浮烟。骏发跨名驹,雕弓控鸣弦。鹰豪鲁草白,狐兔多肥鲜。邀遮相驰逐,遂出城东田。一扫四野空,喧呼鞍马前。归来献所获,炮炙宜霜天。出舞两美人,飘飖若云仙。留欢不知疲... 倾晖速短炬,走海无停川。冀餐圆丘草,欲以还颓年。此事不可得,微生若浮烟。骏发跨名驹,雕弓控鸣弦。鹰豪鲁草白,狐兔多肥鲜。邀遮相驰逐,遂出城东田。一扫四野空,喧呼鞍马前。归来献所获,炮炙宜霜天。出舞两美人,飘飖若云仙。留欢不知疲,清晓方来旋。"鹰豪鲁草白,狐兔多肥鲜!"门一被推开,便传来李白大声的吟诵。然后是高适爽朗的笑声:"吾爱鹰隼,更爱狐兔。"李凝则适时地接言道:"狐肥兔鲜,人间美味!"众人哈哈大笑,直上二楼。 展开更多
关键词 秋猎孟诸夜归置酒单父东楼观妓
农村闲置校产何去何从——以湖北省X市为例 被引量:2
作者 彭华 《调研世界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期43-44,共2页
农村人口向城市转移及计划生育工作的效应在农村呈现并不断放大,农村新生人口减少,小学生源大幅减少。在优化教育资源配置原则下,农村义务教育学校布局予以调整。布局调整后闲置的校产本应属于农民集体所有,但其权益面临剥夺,弱势农民... 农村人口向城市转移及计划生育工作的效应在农村呈现并不断放大,农村新生人口减少,小学生源大幅减少。在优化教育资源配置原则下,农村义务教育学校布局予以调整。布局调整后闲置的校产本应属于农民集体所有,但其权益面临剥夺,弱势农民的话语权被政府部门的政策掩盖。 展开更多
关键词 农村校产 产权归置 权益归属 农民集体所有 《义务教育法》
非营利性民办医疗机构的公益产权管理分析 被引量:1
作者 涂开均 杨继瑞 《山东行政学院学报》 2018年第1期82-87,共6页
目前医改的一个重要方向是大力支持和鼓励社会资本兴办非营利性医疗机构。结合当前非营利性民办医疗机构经营管理的现状和非营利性组织的公益产权理论,将非营利性民办医疗机构的公益产权分为投资委托权、受托经营权以及营收分配权,对其... 目前医改的一个重要方向是大力支持和鼓励社会资本兴办非营利性医疗机构。结合当前非营利性民办医疗机构经营管理的现状和非营利性组织的公益产权理论,将非营利性民办医疗机构的公益产权分为投资委托权、受托经营权以及营收分配权,对其公益产权的管理问题进行分析。首先,根据理论分析和当前政策指导,分析民办公益医疗卫生机构在产权安排的应然逻辑。其次,结合当前公益性民办医疗机构的现状,总结其所存在的产权管理问题。再次,对公益性民办医疗机构产权失范问题进行原因探讨,深入挖掘其背后的利益驱动机制。最后,通过对问题描述和原因探讨,尝试提出具有参考性的政策建议,以规范当前公益性民办医疗机构的各产权主体行为。 展开更多
关键词 非营利性民办医疗机构 公益产权 主体归置
A pre-warning system of abnormal energy consumption in lead smelting based on LSSVR-RP-CI 被引量:2
作者 WANG Hong-cai FANG Hong-ru +1 位作者 MENG Lei XU Feng-xiang 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第8期2175-2184,共10页
The pre-warning of abnormal energy consumption is important for energy conservation of industrial engineering. However, related studies on the lead smelting industries which usually have a huge energy consumption are ... The pre-warning of abnormal energy consumption is important for energy conservation of industrial engineering. However, related studies on the lead smelting industries which usually have a huge energy consumption are rarely reported. Therefore, a pre-warning system was established in this study based on the intelligent prediction of energy consumption and the identification of abnormal energy consumption. A least square support vector regression (LSSVR) model optimized by the adaptive genetic algorithm was developed to predict the energy consumption in the process of lead smelting. A recurrence plots (RP) analysis and a confidence intervals (CI) analysis were conducted to quantitatively confirm the stationary degree of energy consumption and the normal range of energy consumption, respectively, to realize the identification of abnormal energy consumption. It is found the prediction accuracy of LSSVR model can exceed 90% based on the comparison between the actual and predicted data. The energy consumption is considered to be non-stationary if the correlation coefficient between the time series of periodicity and energy consumption is larger than that between the time series of periodicity and Lorenz. Additionally, the lower limit and upper limit of normal energy consumption are obtained. 展开更多
关键词 lead smelting energy consumption least square support vector regression (LSSVR) recurrence plots (RP) confidence intervals (CI)
Noninfectious Fever Following Aortic Surgery:Incidence,Risk Factors,and Outcomes 被引量:1
作者 Yun-tai Yao Li-huan Li Qian Lei Lei Chen Wei-peng Wang Wei-ping Chen 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2009年第4期213-219,共7页
Objective To determine the incidence, course, potential risk factors, and outcomes of noninfectious fever developed in patients after aortic surgery. Methods Patients who received operation for aortic aneurysm or dis... Objective To determine the incidence, course, potential risk factors, and outcomes of noninfectious fever developed in patients after aortic surgery. Methods Patients who received operation for aortic aneurysm or dissection in our center from January 2006 to January 2008 were reviewed. Patients who met one of the following criteria were excluded: having a known source of infection during hospitalization; having a preoperative oral temperature greater than or equal to 38.0℃; undertaking emergency surgery; having incomplete data. Univariate analysis was performed in patients with noninfectious postoperative fever and those without, with respect to demographics, intraoperative data, etc. Risk factors for postoperative fever were considered for the muhivariate logistic regression model if they had a P value less than 0.10 in the univariate analysis. Results Totally 463 patients undergoing aortic surgery were enrolled for full review. Among them, 345 (74.5%) patients had noninfectious postoperative fever, the other 118 (25.5%) patients didn't develop postoperative fever. Univariate analysis demonstrated that several risk factors were associated with the development of noninfectious postoperative fever, including weight, surgical procedure, minimum intraoperative bladder temperature, temperature upon intensive care unit (ICU) admission, discharge, and during ICU stay, as well as blood transfusion. In a further multivariate analysis, surgical site of thoracic and thoracoabdominal aorta (odds ratio: 4.861; 95% confidence interval: 3.029-5.801; P=0.004), lower minimum intraoperative bladder temperature (odds ratio: 1.117; 95% confidence interval: 1.01-1.24; P=0.04), and higher temperature on admission to the ICU (odds ratio: 2.57; 95% confidence interval: 1.28-5.18; P=0.008) were found to be significant predictors for noninfectious postoperative fever. No difference was found between the febrile and afebrile patients with regard to postoperative hospitalization duration (P=0.558) or total medical costs (P=0.896). Conclusion Noninfectious postoperative fever following aortic surgery is very common and closely related with perioperative interventions. 展开更多
关键词 FEVER noninfectious aortic surgery
Dverview and Main Advances in Permutation Tests for Linear Regression Models 被引量:1
作者 Massimiliano Giacalone Angela Alibrandi 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2015年第2期53-59,共7页
When the population, from which the samples are extracted, is not normally distributed, or if the sample size is particularly reduced, become preferable the use of not parametric statistic test. An alternative to the ... When the population, from which the samples are extracted, is not normally distributed, or if the sample size is particularly reduced, become preferable the use of not parametric statistic test. An alternative to the normal model is the permutation or randomization model. The permutation model is nonparametric because no formal assumptions are made about the population parameters of the reference distribution, i.e., the distribution to which an obtained result is compared to determine its probability when the null hypothesis is true. Typically the reference distribution is a sampling distribution for parametric tests and a permutation distribution for many nonparametric tests. Within the regression models, it is possible to use the permutation tests, considering their ownerships of optimality, especially in the multivariate context and the normal distribution of the response variables is not guaranteed. In the literature there are numerous permutation tests applicable to the estimation of the regression models. The purpose of this study is to examine different kinds of permutation tests applied to linear models, focused our attention on the specific test statistic on which they are based. In this paper we focused our attention on permutation test of the independent variables, proposed by Oja, and other methods to effect the inference in non parametric way, in a regression model. Moreover, we show the recent advances in this context and try to compare them. 展开更多
关键词 Permutation Tests Linear Regression Models Non Parametric Approach.
Biomarkers and potential pathogenesis of colorectal cancer-related ischemic stroke 被引量:6
作者 Qi-Xiong Qin Xue-Min Cheng +8 位作者 Li-Zhi Lu Yun-Fei Wei Da-Cheng Wang Hai-Hua Li Guo-Hui Li Hong-Bin Liang Sheng-Yu Li Li Chen Zhi-Jian Liang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2018年第43期4950-4958,共9页
AIM To investigate the specific biomarkers and potential pathogenesis of colorectal cancer-related ischemic stroke(CRCIS).METHODS A retrospective study was conducted on CRCIS patients(colorectal cancer patients with i... AIM To investigate the specific biomarkers and potential pathogenesis of colorectal cancer-related ischemic stroke(CRCIS).METHODS A retrospective study was conducted on CRCIS patients(colorectal cancer patients with ischemic stroke without conventional stroke risk factors) registered at seven centers between January 2007 and December 2017. Clinical data and laboratory and imaging findings were compared with age-and sex-matched patients with colorectal cancer(CRC) without ischemic stroke that were admitted to the same hospital during the same period. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to analyze the independent risk factors for CRCIS. A receiver operator characteristic curve was configured to calculate the optimal cut-off value of the products of the independent risk factors for CRCIS. RESULTS A total of 114 CRCIS patients and 114 CRC patients were included. Multiple lesions in multiple vascular territories were common in CRCIS patients(71, 62.28%). The levels of plasma D-dimer, carcinoembryonic antigen(CEA), cancer antigen 125, and neutrophil count were significantly higher in CRCIS patients than in CRC patients. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that plasma D-dimer levels [odds ratio(OR) = 1.002, 95% confidence interval(CI): 1.001-1.003, P < 0.001], CEA levels(OR = 1.011, 95%CI: 1.006-1.015, P < 0.001), and neutrophil count levels(OR = 1.626, 95%CI: 1.268-2.087, P < 0.001) were independent risk factors for CRCIS. In addition, receiver operator characteristic curve revealed that the area under curve for the products of plasma D-dimer, CEA, and neutrophil count was 0.889 ± 0.022(95%CI: 0.847-0.932, P < 0.001), and the optimal cut-off value for the product was 252.06, which was called the CRCIS Index, with a sensitivity of 86.0% and specificity of 79.8%.CONCLUSION Hypercoagulability induced by elevated CEA and neutrophils may be an important cause of CRCIS. The CRCIS index, which serves as a biomarker of CRCIS, needs further study. 展开更多
关键词 Colorectal cancer Ischemic stroke BIOMARKER PATHOGENESIS
Modeling of Spatial Distributions of Farmland Density and Its Temporal Change Using Geographically Weighted Regression Model 被引量:2
作者 ZHANG Haitao GUO Long +3 位作者 CHEN Jiaying FU Peihong GU Jianli LIAO Guangyu 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第2期191-204,共14页
This study used spatial autoregression(SAR)model and geographically weighted regression(GWR)model to model the spatial patterns of farmland density and its temporal change in Gucheng County,Hubei Province,China in 199... This study used spatial autoregression(SAR)model and geographically weighted regression(GWR)model to model the spatial patterns of farmland density and its temporal change in Gucheng County,Hubei Province,China in 1999 and 2009,and discussed the difference between global and local spatial autocorrelations in terms of spatial heterogeneity and non-stationarity.Results showed that strong spatial positive correlations existed in the spatial distributions of farmland density,its temporal change and the driving factors,and the coefficients of spatial autocorrelations decreased as the spatial lag distance increased.SAR models revealed the global spatial relations between dependent and independent variables,while the GWR model showed the spatially varying fitting degree and local weighting coefficients of driving factors and farmland indices(i.e.,farmland density and temporal change).The GWR model has smooth process when constructing the farmland spatial model.The coefficients of GWR model can show the accurate influence degrees of different driving factors on the farmland at different geographical locations.The performance indices of GWR model showed that GWR model produced more accurate simulation results than other models at different times,and the improvement precision of GWR model was obvious.The global and local farmland models used in this study showed different characteristics in the spatial distributions of farmland indices at different scales,which may provide the theoretical basis for farmland protection from the influence of different driving factors. 展开更多
关键词 spatial lag model spatial error model geographically weighted regression model global spatial autocorrelation local spatial aurocorrelation
A Novel Systematic Method of Quality Monitoring and Prediction Based on FDA and Kernel Regression 被引量:2
作者 张曦 马思乐 +2 位作者 阎威武 赵旭 邵惠鹤 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第3期427-436,共10页
A novel systematic quality monitoring and prediction method based on Fisher discriminant analysis (FDA) and kernel regression is proposed. The FDA method is first used for quality monitoring. If the process is un-der ... A novel systematic quality monitoring and prediction method based on Fisher discriminant analysis (FDA) and kernel regression is proposed. The FDA method is first used for quality monitoring. If the process is un-der normal condition, then kernel regression is further used for quality prediction and estimation. If faults have oc-curred, the contribution plot in the fault feature direction is used for fault diagnosis. The proposed method can ef-fectively detect the fault and has better ability to predict the response variables than principle component regression (PCR) and partial least squares (PLS). Application results to the industrial fluid catalytic cracking unit (FCCU) show the effectiveness of the proposed method. 展开更多
关键词 quality monitori-ng -quality prediction Fisher discriminant analysis kernel regression fluid catalyticcracking unit
Goal-Setting in the Information-Generating Environment of the Universe
作者 Igor Bazhin 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2013年第9期538-544,共7页
Problem of goal-setting is related to the fundamental principles of informationology and general, rather than specific, aproaches, which enable a more adequate appraisal of certain managerial decisions in terms of the... Problem of goal-setting is related to the fundamental principles of informationology and general, rather than specific, aproaches, which enable a more adequate appraisal of certain managerial decisions in terms of their efficiency. In article this problem is considered and from positions of informationology is formulated and on the basis of a method of full mathematical induction the Law of positive dynamics of the Universe is proved. This law establishes preference of the positive purposes in all processes happening in the Universe. Thus, the goal-setting which is carried out from positions of the described Law is the important world outlook prerequisite searching, identification and development of strategic alternatives of purposeful social innovations. 展开更多
关键词 GOAL-SETTING informationology law of positive dynamics of the Universe.
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