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作者 宋曰家 《东岳论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 1996年第1期106-108,共3页
孙国章的第三本诗集《无鱼之河》(济南出版社1995年1月出版)篇篇都是短小精致的短章。最短的,如《流云》“栖落在荷塘上/卧听蛙声”,只有十个字;像《海边》“月亮织网/捞鱼的梦”,仅有八个字;而《寻梅》“独对/寒天/喊雪”,才六个字。... 孙国章的第三本诗集《无鱼之河》(济南出版社1995年1月出版)篇篇都是短小精致的短章。最短的,如《流云》“栖落在荷塘上/卧听蛙声”,只有十个字;像《海边》“月亮织网/捞鱼的梦”,仅有八个字;而《寻梅》“独对/寒天/喊雪”,才六个字。这比古诗中的绝句还要短小得多。当然,单是短小,并不值得称道。关键是看有没有属于自己创造的艺术意象,有没有包孕着丰富的耐人咀嚼的诗情韵味,有便是好诗。在国章的这本诗集中,他为我们提供了不少全新的意象。比如,他表达见到了盼望中的对象时的欢快心情,用了“虚掩着的心/飞出一只鸟” (《见到你的时候》);写苦苦等待情人的心情,用了“心在风前/站成一棵树” 展开更多
关键词 山水诗 艺术意象 传统艺术精神 特定景观 中国古典诗歌 现代白话 无鱼 望夫石 探索精神 古典艺术精神
作者 陈鸿斌 《国际展望》 1998年第8期2-4,共3页
在靠近东京的旅游胜地川奈举行了两轮非正式会谈以后,俄罗斯总统叶利钦已离开东京返回莫斯科。这是日俄两国首脑之间在半年内的第二次会晤,也是叶利钦自1993年以来的首次访日。 这也是继去年大国首脑外交引起全球瞩目之后,今年大国首脑... 在靠近东京的旅游胜地川奈举行了两轮非正式会谈以后,俄罗斯总统叶利钦已离开东京返回莫斯科。这是日俄两国首脑之间在半年内的第二次会晤,也是叶利钦自1993年以来的首次访日。 这也是继去年大国首脑外交引起全球瞩目之后,今年大国首脑外交的第一波。接下来将是克林顿访华。 展开更多
关键词 领土问题 日俄 叶利钦 无鱼 俄罗斯 非正式 北方四岛 和平条约 日本 两国关系
长江恐面临无鱼窘境 力争于2020年实现全面禁渔
《渔业致富指南》 2019年第11期10-11,共2页
为什么要向长江放流人工培养的鱼苗?今天上午,武汉市农业综合执法督察总队有关人士出语惊人:长江恐面临'无鱼'的窘境。尽管10多年来,长江沿线人工放流规模越来越大,但对恢复万里长江水域生态环境这个大课题来说,还远远不够。200... 为什么要向长江放流人工培养的鱼苗?今天上午,武汉市农业综合执法督察总队有关人士出语惊人:长江恐面临'无鱼'的窘境。尽管10多年来,长江沿线人工放流规模越来越大,但对恢复万里长江水域生态环境这个大课题来说,还远远不够。2003年,国务院批准正式实施长江每年三个月的禁渔制度,禁渔范围涉及沿江云南、贵州、四川、重庆、湖北、湖南、江西、安徽、江苏、上海等10个省(市),但收效甚微。 展开更多
关键词 窘境 人工 综合执法 长江 总队 无鱼
《技术与市场》 2001年第7期26-26,共1页
关键词 无鱼 临晋镇 渔民
作者 蔡雪强 《语文知识》 2006年第7期15-15,共1页
关键词 《冯谖客孟尝君》 冯谖 “食无鱼 单歌 中学 语文 背景知识 备课参考
作者 沈峰 《农村天地》 2001年第1期20-20,共1页
山西临猗县临晋镇缺水,也从来不养鱼,但是却有20多家企业上千人围绕渔业做生意。他们生产的用于防治鱼类疾病和清洁鱼塘水质的鱼药及销售网点遍布全国25个省、市,其销售收入高达2亿元。鱼药产业在临晋镇成为一柱擎天的同时,与其相关的... 山西临猗县临晋镇缺水,也从来不养鱼,但是却有20多家企业上千人围绕渔业做生意。他们生产的用于防治鱼类疾病和清洁鱼塘水质的鱼药及销售网点遍布全国25个省、市,其销售收入高达2亿元。鱼药产业在临晋镇成为一柱擎天的同时,与其相关的彩印、包装、运输等产业也如雨后春笋般争相出现。 展开更多
关键词 卫生消毒剂 启示 无鱼 类疾病 销售网点 微量生产 山西临猗县 肠炎病 塘水
作者 毛叔良 《农村百事通》 1999年第13期35-35,共1页
生产实践证明,鱼塘管理是养鱼产量高低和成败的关键。养鱼的管理工作要求细致深入,坚持不懈。其技术措施是: 1.勤巡塘,防浮头 每天要巡塘2~3次,黎明前后看有无鱼浮头;午后察看鱼的摄食情况;日落检查鱼的全天吃食状况,有无浮头预兆。在... 生产实践证明,鱼塘管理是养鱼产量高低和成败的关键。养鱼的管理工作要求细致深入,坚持不懈。其技术措施是: 1.勤巡塘,防浮头 每天要巡塘2~3次,黎明前后看有无鱼浮头;午后察看鱼的摄食情况;日落检查鱼的全天吃食状况,有无浮头预兆。在春夏之交,天气多变,或盛暑酷热,天气突变时。 展开更多
关键词 塘管理 盛夏季节 巡塘 天气突变 产量 无鱼 塘水 预兆 尾数
作者 于洁 《中国钓鱼》 1998年第8期12-12,共1页
关键词 障碍物 无鱼 生活习性 深浅层次 小型 诱饵 上钩率 自然水域 耐心等待 来回走动
作者 张源 《中国钓鱼》 1999年第3期46-46,共1页
关键词 无鱼 足球赛 总结经验 最终目的 血汗钱 篮球场 真正意义 水情
作者 戴广增 《中国钓鱼》 1998年第5期41-41,共1页
关键词 无鱼 类资源 偶然碰见 轻轻松松 总觉得 津浦铁路 保护意识 观察判断 声干扰 周围居民
作者 许柏林 《作文与考试(高中版)》 2010年第1期89-90,共2页
关键词 高中 课外阅读 阅读材料 《水至浑也无鱼
作者 马洪胜 《中国钓鱼》 2004年第8期11-11,共1页
关键词 无鱼
作者 胥锡才 《人民论坛》 1995年第5期37-37,共1页
据史料介绍,明朝开国之君朱元璋,当他看到达官贵人在全国遭受天灾百姓生活困难时,仍然毫不体恤民情、花天酒地,很是气愤。他独具匠心地利用皇后的寿宴进行了一次倡廉活动。 他示意皇后的寿宴,无鱼无肉,更无山珍海味,而是“四菜一汤”的... 据史料介绍,明朝开国之君朱元璋,当他看到达官贵人在全国遭受天灾百姓生活困难时,仍然毫不体恤民情、花天酒地,很是气愤。他独具匠心地利用皇后的寿宴进行了一次倡廉活动。 他示意皇后的寿宴,无鱼无肉,更无山珍海味,而是“四菜一汤”的便宴。他边吃边劝群臣:一劝吃萝卜,“萝卜如百药,吃了防病治病,不忘艰苦”;二劝吃韭菜,“韭菜青又长,吃了地久天长得人心”;三劝吃青菜,“青菜两碗一样香,两袖清风好臣相”;四劝喝葱花豆腐汤,“ 展开更多
关键词 朱元璋 青菜 史料介绍 韭菜 花豆 无鱼 群臣 百姓生活 天灾 萝卜
作者 泥沙 《天风》 北大核心 2000年第2期1-1,共1页
通常情况下,会打鱼的渔夫,除了辛勤劳作之外,还须具备掌握鱼场的方位及鱼群活动规律的技能,将船开至有鱼之处,下网打鱼,否则将事倍功半。 为何彼得劳作了一个晚上,却无鱼而获呢?究其原因,乃与彼得未能及时掌握不断变化着的鱼群新情况有... 通常情况下,会打鱼的渔夫,除了辛勤劳作之外,还须具备掌握鱼场的方位及鱼群活动规律的技能,将船开至有鱼之处,下网打鱼,否则将事倍功半。 为何彼得劳作了一个晚上,却无鱼而获呢?究其原因,乃与彼得未能及时掌握不断变化着的鱼群新情况有关,下网目标不清,自然无功而返。由此却让我们看到新的亮光。 展开更多
关键词 国教会 自然无功 中国民众 无鱼 活动规律 网目 船深 传福音 偿失
作者 尹建佳 杨冠华 《绥化学院学报》 1997年第4期215-217,共3页
关键词 趣味教学 心理描写 《阿Q正传》 《张衡传》 学习兴趣 内容与形式 教师 名词活用 流行音乐 无鱼
也谈“無”、“毋” 被引量:7
作者 徐丹 《语言科学》 2007年第3期42-49,共8页
文章讨论了"無"、"毋"在公元前4世纪至2世纪左右的文献相通或混用的现象。"無"、"毋"相通只表明它们在历史上曾同时存在过一个时期,反映出古汉语后期"鱼部"和"侯部"某些... 文章讨论了"無"、"毋"在公元前4世纪至2世纪左右的文献相通或混用的现象。"無"、"毋"相通只表明它们在历史上曾同时存在过一个时期,反映出古汉语后期"鱼部"和"侯部"某些字合韵的情况。"無"、"毋"的语法分工是合韵以后的事情。"毋"当从"母",由"母"得声的字在传世文献《诗经》及不同出土文献里都反映出两读现象,即又与"侯"部相关,又与"之"部相连。 展开更多
关键词 出土文献 否定词 毋/燕混用 /侯合韵
Influence of Three Protein Sources on Performance of Grasscutters (Thryonomys swinderianus) Fed Diets with or without Fishmeal
作者 Victoria Attoh-Kotoku Dagbui Kofi Emmanuel +2 位作者 Donkoh Armstrong Atuahene Comfort Charity Akpadie Winfred 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2015年第7期621-625,共5页
An 8-week feeding trial was conducted to assess the effect of soybean meal (SBM), groundnut meal (GNM) and blood meal (BM) addition in diets with or without (1%) fishmeal on the performance, N-digestibility an... An 8-week feeding trial was conducted to assess the effect of soybean meal (SBM), groundnut meal (GNM) and blood meal (BM) addition in diets with or without (1%) fishmeal on the performance, N-digestibility and cost of production of growing grasscutters. Fifty-four grasscutters (9-week-old) of mixed sexes were randomly assigned to six dietary treatments, using a completely randomized design (CRD) in a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement, with three grasscutters per treatment and three replicates each. Treatments 1-3 (TI-T3) contained no fishmeal, whilst treatments 4-6 (T4-T6) had 1% fishmeal added. The diets were formulated to be isocaloric and isonitrogenous. N-digestibility was significantly high for SBM diets with or without fishmeal, 83.91% and 82.19%, respectively, followed by BM diets. Average daily gain (ADG) was significantly (P 〈 0.05) high (12.95 g) for BM diet without fishmeal. Feed cost per kg diet was the lowest (US$0.195) for the same BM diet. The results indicated that the inclusion of SBM and BM in the diet of grasscutters with or without 1% fishmeal could improve performance and it may be the most economical for feeding BM in the diet without fishmeal. 展开更多
关键词 Alternative feed DIGESTIBILITY economic viability FISHMEAL greater cane rat protein sources.
Use of High Content Fish Silage Wet Food in Final Growth out of PacQ (Piaractus mesopotamicus, Holmberg 1887)in Northeast Argentina
作者 Gustavo Wicki Oscar Galli Merino Pablo Calo Facundo Sal 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第3期307-311,共5页
The effect of two diets containing fish acid silage were studied, the first one offered as dry diet and the second one as a wet diet, in final culture cycle of PactS. Previous experiences showed that diets without fis... The effect of two diets containing fish acid silage were studied, the first one offered as dry diet and the second one as a wet diet, in final culture cycle of PactS. Previous experiences showed that diets without fishmeal maintain same growth rate in semi intensive system, compared to diets containing 8% and 20% fish meal. Feeding trials were carried out in CENADAC (27°32′ S, 58030' W) in a semi intensive pond culture system for 122 days. Two experimental feed including fish silage, a liquid product obtained of fish residues treated by enzymes action, were formulated. Fish silage was prepared by mincing and blending fish viscera with sufficient formic acid (2.11% v/w) to attain a stable pH of 3.5. Fish were daily fed initially with the dry ration at 1.3% bw/d and at a rate of 0.55 g of protein/100 g of fish with the wet ration. At the end of the experience the average weight observed for dry fed fish was 1,513.5 g and 1,560.3 g for those wet fed. The daily growth was 3.69 g/d for the first group and 3.9 g/d for the second one. The final FCR was 2.72 and 3.01 for each group without significant differences. These results showed that it is possible to grow out paco with wet self made feed without fish meal and with similar growth that those fed dry diet. 展开更多
关键词 Piaractus mesopotamicus FEED fish acid silage.
Cloning and characterization of a FLORICAULA/LEAFY ortholog, PFL, in polygamous papaya 被引量:4
作者 Qingyi YU Paul H. MOORE +2 位作者 Henrik H. ALBERT Adrienne H.K. ROADER Ray MING 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第8期576-584,共9页
The homologous genes FLORICAULA (FLO) in Antirrhinum and LEAFY (LFY) in Arabidopsis are known to regu- late the initiation of flowering in these two distantly related plant species. These genes are necessary also for ... The homologous genes FLORICAULA (FLO) in Antirrhinum and LEAFY (LFY) in Arabidopsis are known to regu- late the initiation of flowering in these two distantly related plant species. These genes are necessary also for the expression of downstream genes that control floral organ identity. We used Arabidopsis LFY cDNA as a probe to clone and sequence a papaya ortholog of LFY, PFL. It encodes a protein that shares 61% identity with the Arabidopsis LFY gene and 71% identity with the LFY homologs of the two woody tree species: California sycamore (Platanus racemosa) and black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa). Despite the high sequence similarity within two conserved regions, the N-terminal proline-rich motif in papaya PFL differs from other members in the family. This difference may not affect the gene function of papaya PFL, since an equally divergent but a functional LFY ortholog NEEDLY of Pinus radiata has been reported. Genomic and BAC Southern analyses indicated that there is only one copy of PFL in the papaya genome. In situ hybridization experiments demonstrated that PFL is expressed at a relatively low level in leaf primordia, but it is expressed at a high level in the floral meristem. Quantitative PCR analyses revealed that PFL was expressed in flower buds of all three sex types - male, female, and hermaphrodite with marginal difference between hermaphrodite and unisexual flowers. These data suggest that PFL may play a similar role as LFY in flower development and has limited effect on sex differentiation in papaya. 展开更多
关键词 DIVERGENCE floral meristem identity gene flower development gene expression molecular phylogeny.
Persistence of malachite green and leucomalachite green in perch (Lateolabrax japonicus) 被引量:1
作者 谭志军 邢丽红 +4 位作者 郭萌萌 王洪艳 江艳华 李兆新 翟毓秀 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第3期647-655,共9页
The persistence of malachite green (MG), and its metabolite leucomalachite green (LMG), in fish tissues is still unclear, leading to many trade disputes. In this research, we established and evaluated an HPLC method t... The persistence of malachite green (MG), and its metabolite leucomalachite green (LMG), in fish tissues is still unclear, leading to many trade disputes. In this research, we established and evaluated an HPLC method that could detect MG and LMG simultaneously, and then investigated the persistence of these two toxins in the tissues of juvenile perch (Lateolabrax japonicus) post sub-chronic MG exposure at 1.0 mg/L. Exposure lasted for 2 h everyday and was repeated six times. The perch were then placed in MG-free seawater for 100 d to eliminate the toxins. Results show that MG accumulated in the tissues, including the gills, liver, muscle, blood and viscera, and then was metabolized rapidly to LMG. The concentrations of these two toxins increased significantly with the accumulation process. In general, the highest concentrations of MG and LMG in all tissue exceeded 1 000 μg/kg, except for MG in the muscle. The order of accumulation levels (highest to lowest) of MG was gill>blood>liver>viscera>muscle, while that of LMG was liver>blood>gill>viscera>muscle. High levels of MG or LMG could persist for several hours but decreased rapidly during the elimination process. The concentration of LMG was much higher than that of MG during the experiment, especially in the gill, liver and blood. Therefore, the three tissues play important roles in toxin accumulation, biotransformation, and elimination. Although the MG and LMG concentrations in muscle were much lower than in other tissues, the content still exceeded the European minimum required performance limit (MRPL), even after 2 400 h (100 d) of elimination. This demonstrates that it is extremely difficult to eliminate MG and LMG from tissues of perch, and therefore use of these toxins is of concern to public health. 展开更多
关键词 PERSISTENCE RESIDUES malachite green leucomalachite green PERCH
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