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消费者知情权法律保护现状与对策 被引量:1
作者 姜明 《魅力中国》 2014年第10期308-308,共1页
近年来,随着社会经济的不断发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,消费者对其权益的法律保护意识也在不断地增强,并逐渐成为一焦点问题。虽然《消费者权益保护法》中明确了消费者的知情权、安全权、选择权、求偿权、公平交易权、结社权、受... 近年来,随着社会经济的不断发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,消费者对其权益的法律保护意识也在不断地增强,并逐渐成为一焦点问题。虽然《消费者权益保护法》中明确了消费者的知情权、安全权、选择权、求偿权、公平交易权、结社权、受尊重权知识权以及监督权九项权利,但真正落实起来却存在着很大困难与桎梏。本文将对当前我国消费者知情权的现状及存在的主要问题进行研究,并在此基础上提出一些行之有效的法律保护策略,以供参考。 展开更多
关键词 消费者 知情权法律保护
关于我国个人信息权法律保护的思考 被引量:4
作者 杜志萍 《山西煤炭管理干部学院学报》 2014年第1期177-178,共2页
目前,我国个人信息权意识薄弱,个人信息权保护立法不健全,个人信息保护的执法活动不规范,个人信息的司法保护力度不够。因此,在建设社会主义法治进程中,必须增强个人信息的权利意识,加快制定个人信息保护法,制定和完善个人信息法律保护... 目前,我国个人信息权意识薄弱,个人信息权保护立法不健全,个人信息保护的执法活动不规范,个人信息的司法保护力度不够。因此,在建设社会主义法治进程中,必须增强个人信息的权利意识,加快制定个人信息保护法,制定和完善个人信息法律保护的行政法规和规章,规范个人信息权法律保护的执法活动。 展开更多
关键词 个人信息权法律保护行业自律
论商号权的法律保护 被引量:5
作者 张今臣 《河南省政法管理干部学院学报》 2004年第4期88-91,共4页
目前 ,我国还没有建立起专门的商号权法律保护制度。在现行反不正当竞争法的框架下切实保护商号权 ,不仅要正确认识商号权的概念、性质、法律特征及内容 ,而且还要了解我国商号权法律保护的现状 ,掌握解决商号权与商标权冲突的原则。
关键词 知识产 商号 商号法律保护
网络环境下人格权保护的困境及对策 被引量:2
作者 林伟 《嘉应学院学报》 2018年第10期55-60,共6页
网络的快速普及也对人格权的法律保护提出新的要求,从探讨网络环境下人格权的特殊性及网络人格权的保护现状来阐述网络环境下人格权所面临的司法实践和现行法中的双重困境,从理论和实际出发阐述关于网络环境下人格权保护的建议,即构建... 网络的快速普及也对人格权的法律保护提出新的要求,从探讨网络环境下人格权的特殊性及网络人格权的保护现状来阐述网络环境下人格权所面临的司法实践和现行法中的双重困境,从理论和实际出发阐述关于网络环境下人格权保护的建议,即构建一个相对完善的法律体系来实现对网络人格权的有效保护:明确网络人格权的相关法律事实的认定、明确人格权侵权的具体归责原则以及侵权责任承担方式的多样化,从这三个部分的内容来实现对网络人格权的保护。 展开更多
关键词 网络环境 人格 人格权法律保护制度
责任保险被保险人请求权之结构、性质及功能——兼论我国《保险法》第65条、66条规定之缺失 被引量:2
作者 刘玉林 《广西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2015年第6期79-85,共7页
责任保险属广义财产保险范畴。依"损失补偿原则",早期责任保险的功能在于填补被保险人因实际承担赔偿责任后金钱减少之损失,被保险人对保险人仅享有"保险金给付请求权"。现代责任保险为诉讼保险,其具有权利保护功能... 责任保险属广义财产保险范畴。依"损失补偿原则",早期责任保险的功能在于填补被保险人因实际承担赔偿责任后金钱减少之损失,被保险人对保险人仅享有"保险金给付请求权"。现代责任保险为诉讼保险,其具有权利保护功能,保险人要为被保险人排除因受害第三人行使损害赔偿请求权所形成的"消极不利益状态",该不利状态即为被保险人的损失。此时,被保险人对保险人享有的请求权为"法律保护请求权",其内涵一为请求补偿被保险人赔偿责任之"免责请求权",一为请求协助防御第三人损害赔偿请求之"防御请求权"。"法律保护请求权"理论是我国责任保险被保险人请求权理论未来构建的必然选择。 展开更多
关键词 责任保险 保险金给付请求 免责请求 法律保护请求
作者 李晓娇 《大观周刊》 2012年第43期75-75,共1页
就业平等是社会和谐的基础。目前就业歧视泛滥也已成为不争的事实,另一方面,我国针对就业平等权的立法还存在空白,一些用人单位借口“法不禁止即为自由”有恃无恐地设置种种歧视条款,随意扩大用人自主权,侵害了就业平等权,这不仅... 就业平等是社会和谐的基础。目前就业歧视泛滥也已成为不争的事实,另一方面,我国针对就业平等权的立法还存在空白,一些用人单位借口“法不禁止即为自由”有恃无恐地设置种种歧视条款,随意扩大用人自主权,侵害了就业平等权,这不仅使就业者的平等就业权得不到有效保障,也对和谐社会的构建产生了很大的不良影响,因此,我们在探究我国法律对就业平等权保护的不足之处的基础上,对就业平等权的法律保护提出相关建议。 展开更多
关键词 就业歧视 反就业歧视 平等就业 权法律保护
作者 任重 《民事程序法研究》 2016年第2期97-112,共16页
赫尔维格被誉为'德国民事诉讼法学之父',但我国尚欠缺对其学说的全面引介和深入研究。本文以赫氏法律保护请求权论为中心,在对赫氏其人略作铺陈之后,集中介绍和讨论赫氏法律保护请求权论的概念、学说缘起和基本主张。此外亦有... 赫尔维格被誉为'德国民事诉讼法学之父',但我国尚欠缺对其学说的全面引介和深入研究。本文以赫氏法律保护请求权论为中心,在对赫氏其人略作铺陈之后,集中介绍和讨论赫氏法律保护请求权论的概念、学说缘起和基本主张。此外亦有论及赫氏与彪罗、瓦赫和科勒的诉权论战,并对赫氏之于德国民事诉讼法学的独立性、科学性和体系性的重要贡献略作个别考察。最后,本文还初步总结了法律保护请求权论对我国民事诉讼法学可能的启示。 展开更多
关键词 赫尔维格 法律保护请求 诉讼法律关系 诉讼要件 诉的前提条件
The Nomocracy Pursuit of "the Maritime Silk Road"--On Legal Guarantee of State's Marine Rights and Interests
作者 Pei Zhaobin Wang Lili 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2016年第2期123-128,共6页
"The Maritime Silk Road", part of China's maritime power strategy, will safeguard the realization of "Chinese Dream". "The Maritime Silk Road" needs desperately legal guarantee of State's marine rights and int... "The Maritime Silk Road", part of China's maritime power strategy, will safeguard the realization of "Chinese Dream". "The Maritime Silk Road" needs desperately legal guarantee of State's marine rights and interest. The primary target of this paper is to put forward several suggestions on the legal guarantee of maritime rights protection based on analyzing the present situation of China legal system. 展开更多
关键词 The Maritime Silk Road marine rights and interests legal guarantee.
On Sustainable Civil Rights
作者 Fandi, Guo 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第4期4-5,共2页
The tide of reform and opening up promotes the rapid development of science and technology in our society, and citizens have not only wimessed great improvement in basic material living conditions, but also have lived... The tide of reform and opening up promotes the rapid development of science and technology in our society, and citizens have not only wimessed great improvement in basic material living conditions, but also have lived a fulfilled spiritual life. Material wealth stimulates self- awareness of rights protection of the citizens, and that's the issue of civil rights that we need to carry out in-depth studies on. As important rights of citizens, how can civil rights gain effective legal protection and how citizens themselves fully and effectively exercise the rights are problems asking for attention in the study of civil rights. Civil rights are not only the issue of inherence and existence, and we should also pay attention to its development or whether there is sustainable development. Moreover, how long this sustainability could last is also the issue of sustainable civil rights this thesis is going to discuss. 展开更多
关键词 CITIZEN RIGHTS Sustainable development.
On the protection of the right of privacy of patients by the civil law
作者 Liu Lina 《International English Education Research》 2015年第8期53-54,共2页
The development of China's medical industry is very fast, which has provided a great help for people, but in the process, there are also a lot of problems violating the privacy of the patients. Based on these circums... The development of China's medical industry is very fast, which has provided a great help for people, but in the process, there are also a lot of problems violating the privacy of the patients. Based on these circumstances, we must offer the maximum protection of the privacy of the patients. From the point of view of the civil law, the medical institutions or the medical professionals must respect the patients, and protect the patients' privacy, so as to build a more harmonious relationship between the doctors and the patients. 展开更多
关键词 PATIENTS right of privacy civil law PROTECTION
The Current Analysis of Protection Path of Farmers' Rights and Causes
作者 Xinjie YANG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第11期121-123,共3页
The problem of Chinese peasant in society is a very important issue in the process of China' s legal system; the farmer is very worthy subject of rights concern. The author believes that China has the right to protec... The problem of Chinese peasant in society is a very important issue in the process of China' s legal system; the farmer is very worthy subject of rights concern. The author believes that China has the right to protect their farmers in three main ways: private relief, public relief and gray channels, which play a major role in the private relief for farmers. For these channels, they are a unique reason; the rule of law should be the vision and balance for them to choose their own presence in China. 展开更多
关键词 Farmers' Rights PROTECTION RELIEF
A Research on the Legal Designation and Conception of Consumer Cooling-off Period System
作者 Xia Longyang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第2期94-99,共6页
Along with the rapid development of modem China economy, some new business modes and sale areas continuously emerge in markets. For example with the continuous popularity of consumer online shopping, rapid development... Along with the rapid development of modem China economy, some new business modes and sale areas continuously emerge in markets. For example with the continuous popularity of consumer online shopping, rapid development of TV shopping industry, compared with traditional store sales, in these special sale areas consumers' rights and interests are more likely to get harmed. From March 15, 2014, the newly revised "China consumer protection law" will formally implement cooling-off period legal system in special sale areas.2 Because it is a new system different from "obligatory compact principle" in traditional civil law, the scholars' theoretical research on cooling-off period system is still not mature enough. This paper discusses cooling-off period system from the theoretical level, puts forward the designation problem of cooling-off period system, discusses complete concepts of cooling-off period system, and puts forward its legal characteristics as a new consumer rights. 展开更多
关键词 cooling-offperiod consumers' rights operator CONSUMER
Brief Analysis on the Right of Privacy in a Perspective of Law and Economic
作者 XUE Yang 《Review of Global Academics》 2015年第2期528-531,共4页
The development of the technology of network had been of great convenience to get access to information. However, it was undeniable that a bad phenomenon had become even more and more serious that others' information... The development of the technology of network had been of great convenience to get access to information. However, it was undeniable that a bad phenomenon had become even more and more serious that others' information would be obtained by illegal means, and the research on the protection of privacy had increasingly aroused people's concern. The right of privacy not only had the usually outside personality characteristics, but also had a certain characteristics of property. This paper had attempted to study the right of privacy from the perspective of law and economics by interpreting the property in the right of privacy, in order to perfect the protection system of privacy in our country. 展开更多
关键词 Right of privacy Law and Economic Right of property Costs and benefits
A Study on the Legal Sources and Principles of Consumer Cooling-off Period System
作者 Xia Longyang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第1期90-94,共5页
In October 25, 2013, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress made a decision on revising the "consumer rights protection law" of PRC. The new revised "Chinese Consumer Protection Law" China consu... In October 25, 2013, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress made a decision on revising the "consumer rights protection law" of PRC. The new revised "Chinese Consumer Protection Law" China consumers will take consumer cooling-off period system as an important consumer right.2 Because it is a new system different from traditional civil law "principle of obeying compacts" , and the theoretical research on the calm period by scholars is still not mature enough. This paper discusses the consumer cooling off period from the theoretical perspective, and its legal origin, and puts forward and demonstrates legal principles and the legal basis the cooling off period system should follow. 展开更多
关键词 legal origin legal principle cooling-offperiod CONSUMER
The Research On Protecting of Criminal Victims ' Rights
作者 Yiqi Fan 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第8期38-40,共3页
In the scales of the human rights protection which is not only meant to protect the basic rights of suspects, but also included the rights of victims, both are very important. However, during the execution process, th... In the scales of the human rights protection which is not only meant to protect the basic rights of suspects, but also included the rights of victims, both are very important. However, during the execution process, the criminal legal relations are always simply to be defined as the relationship between the national authorities with the suspects except the victims. The victim' s benefits and aspirations are often ignored because they are viewed as a category of witnesses. Therefore, it is against the will of legals,which is better to give the victims the concerned parties to participants the processing, then their rights can be protected and got the coordinating compensation. 展开更多
Discuss on Damage of the Reputation Right and Legal Responsibility
作者 Ying Li Shiying Zhu Jichao Liu 《International English Education Research》 2014年第3期72-74,共3页
The reputation is within the scope of personal fights, and the reputation of civil subject is protected by law. Identification of acts of defamation must be based on facts and law. If the perpetrator with a non-legiti... The reputation is within the scope of personal fights, and the reputation of civil subject is protected by law. Identification of acts of defamation must be based on facts and law. If the perpetrator with a non-legitimate means damages the reputation of the civil subject, with some impact, the actor should bear civil liability. Meanwhile, there are problems in right identifying defamation, such defenses, an identification of violation of corporate reputation, the reputation of the deceased identified violations and fi'eedom of the press, public opinion against the reputation of the finds, etc., whose solving is significant for practical guidance. 展开更多
关键词 Right Reputation Identification Key Component
作者 段厚省 庄语滋 《河北法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第5期105-126,共22页
在离婚诉讼非法证据排除问题中,法益权衡的复杂性远远超出配偶权与隐私权之间如何取舍的范畴,还涉及取证困难方法律保护请求权的实现可能性,以及离婚自由、财产权、子女抚养权等法益。然而,此种复杂法益权衡并未得到充分关注与类型化研... 在离婚诉讼非法证据排除问题中,法益权衡的复杂性远远超出配偶权与隐私权之间如何取舍的范畴,还涉及取证困难方法律保护请求权的实现可能性,以及离婚自由、财产权、子女抚养权等法益。然而,此种复杂法益权衡并未得到充分关注与类型化研究,未与法律保护请求权相衔接。离婚诉讼中用于证明配偶存在出轨、家暴等过错的证据往往都发生在当事人最为私密的场所,而宪法对“通信秘密”的保护不允许法院调取民事诉讼当事人的通信内容、聊天记录,因此很难通过申请法院调查取证、证据保全取得具有强证明力的证据。与刑事非法证据排除不同,限制民事诉讼非法证据排除并不会减损诉讼的事实发现功能与受害方的权利救济,被非法取证的受害方仍可通过提起侵权诉讼的方式获得救济。 展开更多
关键词 非法证据排除 离婚诉讼 法律保护请求 通信秘密
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