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《工业水处理》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期62-62,共1页
据住房和城乡建设部近日出台的《城市湿地公园管理办法》,城市湿地应纳入城市绿线划定范围,严禁破坏城市湿地水体水系资源。城市湿地被称为"城市之肾",对城市生态环境保护有重要意义。办法指出,城市湿地保护是生态公益事业,应遵循全... 据住房和城乡建设部近日出台的《城市湿地公园管理办法》,城市湿地应纳入城市绿线划定范围,严禁破坏城市湿地水体水系资源。城市湿地被称为"城市之肾",对城市生态环境保护有重要意义。办法指出,城市湿地保护是生态公益事业,应遵循全面保护、生态优先、合理利用、良性发展的基本原则。根据办法, 展开更多
关键词 城市湿地 水系资源 城市湿地公园
由长江黄河两大水系资源的优化配置谈促进四川水电事业的快速发展 被引量:1
作者 刘俊峰 王克明 《四川水力发电》 1999年第B12期9-11,共3页
关键词 水系资源 优化配置 四川 水电 发展
资源型排水系统的探索与工程实践 被引量:7
作者 张健 章菁 +1 位作者 高世宝 梁伟 《给水排水》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第11期155-159,共5页
传统排水模式历经一个多世纪的不断机械叠加而形成,存在高耗水耗能和资源流失的弊端;资源型排水模式沿用清洁生产理念进行源头分离,分别收集高浓度的粪尿和污染负荷低的生活杂排水,并分别对其进行集中或分散处理,实现其资源化。通过部... 传统排水模式历经一个多世纪的不断机械叠加而形成,存在高耗水耗能和资源流失的弊端;资源型排水模式沿用清洁生产理念进行源头分离,分别收集高浓度的粪尿和污染负荷低的生活杂排水,并分别对其进行集中或分散处理,实现其资源化。通过部分案例介绍资源型排水模式实施的不同方式。 展开更多
关键词 资源型排水系 源分离 真空收集 真空排水
长白山鱼类资源 被引量:2
作者 朴正吉 郑仁玖 +2 位作者 邱宝鸿 张兴录 杨伯然 《长白山自然保护》 2002年第1期28-31,共4页
长白山位于我国东北部,是松花江、鸭绿江、图们江三江发源地。该处水系纵横,水资源丰富,是鱼类极好的生存地。多年来,有关长白山保护区的鱼类资源,尚无专题资料报道。为更好地保护、利用鱼类资源和开展人工增殖提供参考资料,我们... 长白山位于我国东北部,是松花江、鸭绿江、图们江三江发源地。该处水系纵横,水资源丰富,是鱼类极好的生存地。多年来,有关长白山保护区的鱼类资源,尚无专题资料报道。为更好地保护、利用鱼类资源和开展人工增殖提供参考资料,我们于1993~1994年夏季,对长白山保护区主要水系的鱼类资源进行了调查研究。现将考察结果报告如下: 展开更多
关键词 长白山 鱼类资源 人工增殖 资源调查 水系资源 经济鱼类
关于城市河道水环境生态治理的策略探析 被引量:15
作者 吴赛霞 《资源节约与环保》 2021年第3期40-41,共2页
以往为了满足人类对水资源的需求过度开发河流,导致河流生态系统遭受极大的冲击,当下河流生态系统处于失衡的状态,河道内部污染物质淤积情况日益严重,影响到河道流域附近居民生活的安全性与舒适性。随着我国社会的高速发展大众对自然与... 以往为了满足人类对水资源的需求过度开发河流,导致河流生态系统遭受极大的冲击,当下河流生态系统处于失衡的状态,河道内部污染物质淤积情况日益严重,影响到河道流域附近居民生活的安全性与舒适性。随着我国社会的高速发展大众对自然与人的关系有了深刻的认知,在此背景下河道修防整治观念得以体现,河流环境的修复与保护工作得到了大众的关注。文章将指出目前河道水环境生态治理存在的问题,引出治理原则,在此基础上给出开展河道水环境生态治理的策略。 展开更多
关键词 城市发展 河流生态 水系资源 策略
在生态文明建设上展现新作为——学习习近平总书记考察湖南重要讲话指示精神 被引量:1
作者 刘晓 《新湘评论》 2021年第3期28-29,共2页
2020年9月,习近平总书记在湖南考察时强调,要牢固树立“绿水青山就是金山银山”理念,在生态文明建设上展现新作为。习近平总书记对湖南生态文明建设始终高度关注、寄予厚望。2013年11月在湖南考察时指出“湖南名山大川多,水系资源丰富,... 2020年9月,习近平总书记在湖南考察时强调,要牢固树立“绿水青山就是金山银山”理念,在生态文明建设上展现新作为。习近平总书记对湖南生态文明建设始终高度关注、寄予厚望。2013年11月在湖南考察时指出“湖南名山大川多,水系资源丰富,自然风光秀丽,要真正把生态系统的一山一水、一草一木保护好”;2018年4月到长江岳阳段考察时,嘱托湖南“守护好一江碧水”。这一系列指示要求为我们打好污染防治攻坚战,奋力开创新时代湖南生态文明建设新局面提供了科学指引和重要遵循。 展开更多
关键词 生态文明建设 污染防治 生态系统 创新时代 水系资源 习近平总书记 攻坚战
作者 沈树森 《西部大开发》 2003年第11期36-37,共2页
渭河水系资源无以为继,引黄入渭是陕西人民渴求的水利工程,近百年来不少专家学者为之奔走呼号。于今令人鼓舞的是,国家南水北调西线工程后期将实现从长江上游流域,截引通天河、雅砻江和大渡河三水,每年向黄河调入多达195亿立方米水量。... 渭河水系资源无以为继,引黄入渭是陕西人民渴求的水利工程,近百年来不少专家学者为之奔走呼号。于今令人鼓舞的是,国家南水北调西线工程后期将实现从长江上游流域,截引通天河、雅砻江和大渡河三水,每年向黄河调入多达195亿立方米水量。为了有效和充分利用这些调水,陕西省应当紧紧抓住这一历史性机遇,及早建设与南水北调西线工程配套的引黄入渭工程。 展开更多
关键词 渭河水系资源 水利工程 引黄入渭工程 南水北调工程 中国
作者 张学军 《四川财政》 1995年第7期54-54,共1页
荒山上栽出摇钱树平昌县得胜乡山高坡陡,交通闭塞.素有“平昌的北大荒”之称。为了改变经济落后、财政困难的状况,乡党委、政府决定开发万亩荒山,建成大凉山茶场.努力发展茶叶生产富乡裕民。通过广泛宣传、发动,形成了全乡干部群... 荒山上栽出摇钱树平昌县得胜乡山高坡陡,交通闭塞.素有“平昌的北大荒”之称。为了改变经济落后、财政困难的状况,乡党委、政府决定开发万亩荒山,建成大凉山茶场.努力发展茶叶生产富乡裕民。通过广泛宣传、发动,形成了全乡干部群众、男女老少踊跃投劳集资,挥锄鏖战... 展开更多
关键词 大凉山 平昌县 规范化 县乡财政 茶叶生产 优质茶 水系资源 土壤酸碱度 强化管理 投产茶园
Rangeland Privatization and Its Impacts on the Zoige Wetlands on the Eastern Tibetan Plateau 被引量:6
作者 YAN Zhaoli WU Ning 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2005年第2期105-115,共11页
The high Zoige Basin (Ruoergai Plateau) on the eastern Tibetan Plateau is a fault depression formed during intensive uplifting of the Tibetan Plateau. The wetland is globally important in biodiversity and is compose... The high Zoige Basin (Ruoergai Plateau) on the eastern Tibetan Plateau is a fault depression formed during intensive uplifting of the Tibetan Plateau. The wetland is globally important in biodiversity and is composed of marshes, bogs, fens, wet meadows and shallow water interspersed with low hills and sub-alpine meadows. Most of the Zoige wetlands have long been one of the most important grazing lands in China. Recent rangeland policy has allowed grazing, and usable wetland areas have been being legally allocated to individuals or groups of households on a long-term lease basis. Privatizafion of the wetland has impacted the Zoige wetlands in aspects of hydrologic condition, landscape and biodiversity. The uneven spatial distribution of water resources onprivatelands has led to the practice of extracting ground water, which has decreased the perched water table in Zoige. Fencing off the rangelands and grazing on expanding sand dunes have affected landscapes. Variation in the water table has led to the changes in vegetation diversity, resulting in the changes in wildlife and aquatic diversities and ecosystem processes. Making use all year round of the pasture that was previously grazed only in summer has shrunk the daily activity space of wildlife, and the newly erected fences blocked the movement of wild animals looking for food in the snow to lower and open areas. To maintain the favorable conditions of the Zoige wetland ecosystem, the author suggests that, in addition to biophysical research and implementation of conservation practices, there is an immediate need to initiate an integrated management program, increase public awareness of wetland functions and provide better training for the local conservation staff. 展开更多
关键词 Tibetan Plateau RANGELAND PRIVATIZATION Zoige (Ruoergai) WETLAND ecosystem integrity landscape BIODIVERSITY
Study on the Multi-dimension Evaluation Index System of Agricultural Water Resources in Liaoning Province 被引量:2
作者 陈金良 石丽忠 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第5期780-782,共3页
[Objective] This study aimed to establish the multi-dimensional evaluation index system of agricultural water resources in Liaoning Province. [Method] Delphi method in conjunction with AHP method was adopted to establ... [Objective] This study aimed to establish the multi-dimensional evaluation index system of agricultural water resources in Liaoning Province. [Method] Delphi method in conjunction with AHP method was adopted to establish the multi-dimensional evaluation index system of agricultural water resources in Liaoning Province, and all the indexes in each hierarchy were ranked overall according to their weights. [Result] There were three hierarchies in this index system, totally including 21 indexes, among which water resource exploitation and utilization rate, sewage treatment rate and utilization of available water resources were the three crucial factors influencing the sustainable development. [Conclusion] This evaluation index system can reflect the true sustainable situation of the agricultural water resources in Liaoning Province. 展开更多
关键词 Delphi method Analytic hierarchy process(AHP) method Agricultural water resources Index system
Integrated assessment model of water resources constraint intensity on urbanization in arid area 被引量:5
作者 鲍超 方创琳 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第3期273-286,共14页
Water has become a key restricting factor of the urbanization process in developing arid areas.Based on qualitative and quantitative methods,we constructed an integrated in-dicator system to assess the status of water... Water has become a key restricting factor of the urbanization process in developing arid areas.Based on qualitative and quantitative methods,we constructed an integrated in-dicator system to assess the status of water resources and urbanization system in arid area,and established an AHP model reformed by entropy technology to evaluate the temporal and spatial variations of water resources constraint intensity on urbanization.This model is ap-plied to the Hexi Corridor,a typical arid area in NW China.Results show that,water resources constraint intensity on urbanization in the Hexi Corridor is bigger in the east and smaller in the west.It has changed from the less strong constraint type into the strong constraint type from 1985 to 2005,yet it decreased appreciably in recent years.At present,most areas in the Hexi Corridor belong to the less strong or strong constraint type.Through rational adjustment of water resources and urbanization system,the Hexi Corridor can still promote water resources sustainable utilization and accelerate the urbanization process.This study suggests that the integrated assessment model of water resources constraint intensity on urbanization is an effective method to analyze the conflicts between water resources and urbanization system in arid area. 展开更多
关键词 water resources constraint intensity (WRCI) URBANIZATION AHP model temporal and spatial variation Hexi Corridor
Vulnerability assessment of water resources to climate change in Chinese cities 被引量:6
作者 ZHOU Jing-bo ZOU Ji 《Ecological Economy》 2010年第2期106-114,共9页
Climate change is an inevitable trend,which challenges security of water resources in China,especially in cities.Assessing vulnerability of water resource to climate change in cities has important role for policy make... Climate change is an inevitable trend,which challenges security of water resources in China,especially in cities.Assessing vulnerability of water resource to climate change in cities has important role for policy makers. The paper constructs a vulnerability function,including exposure,sensitivity and adaptive capacity,according to the vulnerability concept proposed by IPCC,establishes an assessment indicators system of water resources to climate change in cities,and analyzes vulnerability features of Chinese cites based on 655 cities'data in 2006.The vulnerability assessment results show that there are distinctive differences among all the cities,between east,central and west cities,between ordinary,big and mega cities,while there is no statistical significant difference between north and south cities.Based on the research,the paper suggests that strategic emphasis should focus on the central cities and ordinary cities 展开更多
关键词 CITY Water resources Climate change ASSESSMENT VULNERABILITY Adaptive Capacity
A Floating Island Treatment System for the Removal of Phosphorus from Surface Waters 被引量:4
作者 Mark T. Brown Treavor Boyer +3 位作者 R.J. Sindelar Sam Arden Amar Persaud Sherry Brandt-Williams 《Engineering》 2018年第5期597-609,共13页
The goal of this project was to design, build, and test a pilot-scale floating modular treatment system for total phosphorus (TP) removal from nutrient-impaired lakes in central Florida, USA. The treatment sys-tem c... The goal of this project was to design, build, and test a pilot-scale floating modular treatment system for total phosphorus (TP) removal from nutrient-impaired lakes in central Florida, USA. The treatment sys-tem consisted of biological and physical-chemical treatment modules. First, investigations of prospective biological and physical-chemical treatment processes in mesocosms and in bench-scale experiments were conducted. Thirteen different mesocosms were constructed with a variety of substrates and combi-nations of macrophytes and tested for TP and orthophosphate (PO4-^3) removal efficiencies and potential areal removal rates. Bench-scale jar tests and column tests of seven types of absorptive media in addition to three commercial resins were conducted in order to test absorptive capacity. Once isolated process testing was complete, a floating island treatment system (FITS) was designed and deployed for eight months in a lake in central Florida. Phosphorus removal efficiencies of the mesocosm systems averaged about 40%-50%, providing an average uptake of 5.0 g.m ^2.a ^1 across all mesocosms. The best-performing mesocosms were a submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) mesocosm and an algae scrubber (AGS), which removed 20 and 50 mg.m ^2.d ^1, respectively, for an average removal of 5.5 and 12.0 g.m ^2.a ^1 for the SAV and AGS systems, Of the absorptive media, the best performance was alum residual (AR), which reduced PO4-^3 concentrations by about 75% after 5 min of contact time. Of the commercial resins tested, the PhosX resin was superior to the others, removing about 40% of phosphorus after 30 rain and 60% after 60min. Under baseline operation conditions during deployment, the FITS exhibited mean PO4-^3 removal efficiencies of 53%; using the 50th and 90th percentile of PO4-^3 removal during deployment, and the footprint of the FITS system, yielded efficiencies for the combined FITS system of 56% and 86%, respectively, and areal phosphorus removal rates between 8.9 and 16.5 g.m ^2.a ^1 展开更多
关键词 Phosphorus removal Lake ecosystem Floating island treatment
Application of WEAP Simulation Model to Hengshui City Water Planning 被引量:3
作者 OJEKUNLE Z O 赵林 +2 位作者 李满洲 杨真 谭欣 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2007年第2期142-146,共5页
Like many river basins in China, water resources in the Fudong Pai River are almost fully allocated. This paper seeks to assess and evaluate water resource problems using water evaluation and planning (WEAP) model via... Like many river basins in China, water resources in the Fudong Pai River are almost fully allocated. This paper seeks to assess and evaluate water resource problems using water evaluation and planning (WEAP) model via its application to Hengshui Basin of Fudong Pai River. This model allows the simulation and analysis of various water allocation scenarios and, above all, scenarios of users' behavior. Water demand management is one of the options discussed in detail. Simulations are proposed for diverse climatic situations from dry years to normal years and results are discussed. Within the limits of data availability, it appears that most water users are not able to meet all their requirements from the river, and that even the ecological reserve will not be fully met during certain years. But the adoption of water demand management procedures offers opportunities for remedying this situation during normal hydrological years. However, it appears that demand management alone will not suffice during dry years. Nevertheless, the ease of use of the model and its user-friendly interfaces make it particularly useful for discussions and dialogue on water resources management among stakeholders. 展开更多
关键词 water allocation WEAP model water demand management river basin management water resources management water demand coverage unmet water demand Fudong Pai River
Assessment of Man-made and Natural Hazards in the Surroundings of Hydropower Projects under Construction in the Beas Valley of Northwestern Himalaya 被引量:2
作者 Sanjeev Sharma Jagdish C. Kuniyal J. C. Sharma 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第3期221-236,共16页
Mountain ecosystem, on the earth, has plenty of natural resources. In Himachal Pradesh all the rivers are snowfed and therefore rich in water resources. These resources have been supporting enough for the generation o... Mountain ecosystem, on the earth, has plenty of natural resources. In Himachal Pradesh all the rivers are snowfed and therefore rich in water resources. These resources have been supporting enough for the generation of electricity through introducing hydropower projects since the last decade However, every developmental activity has its own negative impacts on the surrounding environment. Due to the fragile nature of topography and delicacy of ecology of the Himalaya, it results in lot of disturbances because of high degree of human interferences like construction of major hydropower projects. The increased extent of geological hazards, such as landslides, rock fall and soil erosion, have mainly due to alike developmental interventions in the natural ecosystem. So understanding and analysing such impacts of the hydropower projects have mainly been on the environment in various forms but natural hazards have been frequent ones. The present study, therefore, focuses mainly on the Parbati Stage II (800 MW) and the Parbati Stage III (520 MW) hydropower projects; both of which fall within the Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh. Based on the perception survey of the local communities, the existing land use pattern, status of total acquired land of the residents by hydropower projects, frequent natural hazards and resultant loss to the local communities due to upcoming construction of hydropower projects surrounding to the Parbati Stage II and III have been analysed in the paper. Also, the preventive measures to mitigate these adverse impacts have been suggested to strengthen these projects in eco-friendly manner in the mountain context. 展开更多
关键词 Hydropower project under construction local community HAZARD preventive measure environment northwestern Indian Himalaya
Rural Impact Assessment of Agriculture Water Systems in a Climate Change Context
作者 Olivia Muza 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第12期1373-1385,共13页
This study is a rapid appraisal procedure (RAP) of two forms of agriculture water delivery systems comprising two canal irrigation schemes and 26 Zimbabwean bush pumps in the Midlands and Masvingo Provinces. A longi... This study is a rapid appraisal procedure (RAP) of two forms of agriculture water delivery systems comprising two canal irrigation schemes and 26 Zimbabwean bush pumps in the Midlands and Masvingo Provinces. A longitudinal multiple data collection technique employed involved various primary and secondary sources including site visits, literature review, observation, interviews with key personnel and group discussions. General findings of this study indicate: (1) the available coping mechanisms in smallholder farming in a climate change context and (2) the challenges faced in the actual delivery of water in terms of design, management, physical and institutional factors. The study provides pragmatic recommendations for overall improvement and performance in a local, technical and socio-economic context through evaluation of the current situation, practices and processes. An integrated approach to addressing climate change impacts should include water management, rehabilitation, complete overhaul and introduction of other relevant water systems and water saving farming techniques. Yet, ownership of these technologies by communities remains instrumental. Rural development and agricultural policies that ensure maximum and full capacity utilisation of water systems to improve rural livelihoods, mitigation and adaptation to climate change are recommended. 展开更多
关键词 Canal irrigation climate change rapid appraisal procedure rural impact assessment Zimbabwean bush pump.
Evaluation and Analysis of Provincial Differences in Resources and Environment Carrying Capacity in China 被引量:15
作者 CHENG Jingyao ZHOU Kan +1 位作者 CHEN Dong FAN Jie 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第4期539-549,共11页
Resources and environment carrying capacity is central to not only regional sustainable development but also major function-oriented zoning. This paper presents an evaluation index system for resources and environment... Resources and environment carrying capacity is central to not only regional sustainable development but also major function-oriented zoning. This paper presents an evaluation index system for resources and environment carrying capacity based on four aspects of carrying capacity(i.e., water resources, land resources, the environment, and ecosystems) by using a square deviation decision-making method, and on the basis of above effort evaluates the resources and environment carrying capacity across 31 provincial regions in China(not including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions of China). In addition, this paper evaluates the current state of socio-economic development, and analyzes the spatial distribution of resources and environment pressure. The results showed that distinct spatial differences in resources and environment carrying capacity and pressure across provincial regions. Resources and environment pressure is affected by both comprehensive resources and environment carrying capacity and socio-economic development. Regions subjected to lower degrees of resources and environment pressure will be restricted by resources and environmental problems through future courses of development owing to excessively low carrying capacities. By contrast, regions with higher comprehensive resources and environment carrying capacity will be subjected to excessively high levels of resources and environment pressure because of rapid socio-economic development. Both of resources and environment carrying capacity and pressure must therefore be considered in the allocation of country-binding targets to provincial regions. 展开更多
关键词 carrying capacity square deviation decision-making method evaluation index system China
Eutrophication of Aquatic Ecosystems: A Viewpoint on the Environmental Impact of Climate Change
作者 Karim Morsy Amr Morsy +1 位作者 Mohamed Morsy Hoda Thakeb 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2017年第10期506-514,共9页
Environmental concerns associated with nutrient-oriented eutrophication phenomenon have become a serious issue and a major cause of water quality deficiency nowadays. This necessitated eutrophication to occupy a front... Environmental concerns associated with nutrient-oriented eutrophication phenomenon have become a serious issue and a major cause of water quality deficiency nowadays. This necessitated eutrophication to occupy a front seat in research accompanied with climate change. Climate change has revealed to be a key player and a main contributor in the occurrence of such phenomenon. This paper discusses the ever-growing concern about eutrophication as a cause of climate change. Climate change affects storms intensity, changing the precipitation regime and increasing temperature. These effects increase the nutrient loading diffusion and cause excessive nutrients accompanied with storm water runoff, domestic wastewaters, and agricultural discharges to pour into water bodies. Eutrophication conversely contributes in the global wanning by releasing greenhouse gases from deoxygenated waters and sediments. Some control and mitigation measures are needed to fight climate change and achieve desired water quality goals. These measures include mitigation of climate change causes, enhancement of natural ecohydrological processes, application of proper integrated water resource management and participation of communities and governments. 展开更多
关键词 EUTROPHICATION climate change aquatic ecosystems ecohydrological approach.
The importance of terrestrial carbon in supporting molluscs in the wetlands of Poyang Lake
作者 张欢 于秀波 +1 位作者 王玉玉 徐军 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第4期825-832,共8页
Allochthonous organic matter plays an important role in nutrient cycling and energy mobilization in freshwater ecosystems. However, the subsidies of this carbon source in floodplain ecosystems have not yet well unders... Allochthonous organic matter plays an important role in nutrient cycling and energy mobilization in freshwater ecosystems. However, the subsidies of this carbon source in floodplain ecosystems have not yet well understood. We used a Bayesian mixing model and stable isotopes (613C and 815N) of primary food resources and dominant molluscs species, to estimate the relative importance of allochthonous carbon sources for consumers in a representative sub-lake of Poyang Lake during a prolonged dry season. Our study inferred that terrestrial-derived carbon from Carex spp. could be the primary contributor to snails and mussels in Dahuchi Lake. The mean percentage of allochthonous food resources accounted for 35%- 50% of the C incorporated by these consumers. Seston was another important energy sources for benthic consumers. However, during the winter and low water-level period, benthic algae and submerged vegetation contributed less carbon to benthic consumers. Our data highlighted the importance of terrestrial organic carbon to benthic consumers in the wetlands of Poyang Lake during the prolonged dry period. Further, our results provided a perspective that linkages between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems might be facilitated by wintering geese via their droppings. 展开更多
关键词 ALLOCHTHONOUS Carex spp. molluscs floodplain wetland stable isotope analysis Poyang Lake
Nitrogen Fertilizer Optimization and Cultivar Selection for Rice Grown near Mountainous Slopes in Orissa,India—A Field Experiment and Simulation Model Study
作者 D. K. Swain S. Herath +1 位作者 A. Pathirana R. N. Dash 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2005年第4期329-335,共7页
Degradation of the natural resource base has led to decline in crop yields or stagnation that caused food shortages at varying degrees among mountain families. Rice, the major staple food in Asia, is suffering from la... Degradation of the natural resource base has led to decline in crop yields or stagnation that caused food shortages at varying degrees among mountain families. Rice, the major staple food in Asia, is suffering from lack of suitable cultivar and N fertilizer management, when grown near mountainous slopes under rain-fed agro-ecosystem. An investigation through a field experiment and simulation study was conducted at United Nations University, Tokyo to select suitable rice cultivars and N fertilizer level for the rice grown near mountainous slopes in Orissa, India. The field experiment was conducted during wet season (June to November) of 2001 at Kasiadihi village of Dhenkanal district, Orissa, India with eight popular rice cultivars of medium (120~130 d) and long duration (135~150 d) group and four N levels (0, 40, 80 and 120 kg·ha^-1). Highest grain yield of 5,680 kg·ha^-1 was obtained from cultivar Ranjit of long duration group followed by 4,730 kg·ha^-1 from cultivar Mahamaya of medium duration group, across N levels. CERES-Rice model was used to simulated grain yield of these two selected cultivars using historical weather data of the past 18 years (1983~2000). Long duration cultivar Ranjit registered higher yield with lower stability as compared medium duration cultivar Mahamaya over the past 18 years. An optimum N fertilizer level of 80 kg·ha^-1 was recommended for rice grown under rain-fed ecosystem near mountainous slopes in Orissa, India to attain optimum yield potential of cultivar. 展开更多
关键词 Rice grain yield CULTIVAR N level simulation model rain-fed ecosystem
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