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《世界建筑导报》 1994年第4期18-19,共2页
建筑师:巴马丹拿建筑师与工程师有限公司 地点:香港宝马山道校园径1号 种类:教育 汉基国际书院提供了中、英双语、双文化的教育课程,书院的建筑设计希望反映其东西融合的双重文化根基。宝马山道的用地长而狭,所以设计以一纵长的圆脊... 建筑师:巴马丹拿建筑师与工程师有限公司 地点:香港宝马山道校园径1号 种类:教育 汉基国际书院提供了中、英双语、双文化的教育课程,书院的建筑设计希望反映其东西融合的双重文化根基。宝马山道的用地长而狭,所以设计以一纵长的圆脊为基础,发展成三个半圆大院。中、小学各有自已的独立地区,但被位於中央的行政地区所连贯。为了实现此一设计,建筑师和工程师负责邀请学生、教师及家长共同参予设计过程。 展开更多
关键词 汉基 建筑设计 双文化 设计过程 三个半 巴马 文化根基 秦西 了中
“以人为本,诚信为先”——访北京益恩益商贸有限公司总经理 姜汉基
《供热制冷》 2007年第6X期56-57,共2页
走进益恩益位于北京朝阳区建外SOHO10层的办公室,一张大幅中国地图顿时印入我的眼帘。地图旁边是摆放整齐的办公桌和资料架,韩国人的严谨与务实可见一斑。初见姜汉基,感觉是很温和的,他与我握手的力度也很好的诠释了这一点。"你好!... 走进益恩益位于北京朝阳区建外SOHO10层的办公室,一张大幅中国地图顿时印入我的眼帘。地图旁边是摆放整齐的办公桌和资料架,韩国人的严谨与务实可见一斑。初见姜汉基,感觉是很温和的,他与我握手的力度也很好的诠释了这一点。"你好!"姜汉基用仅有的汉语基础向我问好,一下就拉近了我们之间的距离,亲切之感油然而生。我们的谈话也在轻松中开始。 展开更多
关键词 汉基 北京朝阳区 汉语基础 中国地图 冰蓄冷技术 SOHO 冰蓄冷系统 水蓄冷 蓄冰 电力供需矛盾
作者 张振营 《青岛建筑工程学院学报》 1999年第1期30-33,共4页
关键词 Coulomb材料 滑移线 汉基定律
绍兴印山汉墓出土的器物 被引量:3
作者 过伟明 黎毓馨 《东南文化》 2001年第11期31-36,共6页
关键词 绍兴 印山 汉基
徐堌堆汉墓群 被引量:1
作者 可亭 建民 《商丘师范学院学报》 CAS 2016年第7期2-,共1页
徐堌堆汉墓群是西汉时期的古墓葬群,位于河南省商丘市梁园区境内,2013年5月被国务院公布为第七批全国重点文物保护单位。徐堌堆汉墓群由徐堌堆汉基、沈堌堆汉墓、朱堌堆汉基、胡堌堆汉基等组成。其中徐堌堆、沈堌堆、朱堌堆汉墓分别位... 徐堌堆汉墓群是西汉时期的古墓葬群,位于河南省商丘市梁园区境内,2013年5月被国务院公布为第七批全国重点文物保护单位。徐堌堆汉墓群由徐堌堆汉基、沈堌堆汉墓、朱堌堆汉基、胡堌堆汉基等组成。其中徐堌堆、沈堌堆、朱堌堆汉墓分别位于商丘市梁园区水池铺乡的徐庄、沈庄、朱庄。胡堌堆位于王楼乡叶庄汉墓群相对集中分布在商丘古城西北十几平方公里内,有的仅隔300-500米。徐堌堆汉墓现高出地面7.6米,占地面积8401.8平方米,呈台阶状,两端高峰,中间平缓, 展开更多
关键词 墓群 商丘市梁园区 商丘古城 水池铺乡 汉墓 汉基 墓葬群 王楼乡 台阶状 沈庄
从《兵谈》篇看尉缭子“谈兵” 被引量:1
作者 徐勇 《吉林师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 1989年第2期23-24,共2页
《尉缭子》是我国先秦时代流传下来的一部著名兵书,但因多年来人们对它的真伪有争议而不被重视。1972年在山东沂县银雀山一号汉基中与其他先秦兵书一起出土了《尉缭子》竹筒的残卷,其内容与今本《尉缭子》大体相同。这就证明了《尉缭子... 《尉缭子》是我国先秦时代流传下来的一部著名兵书,但因多年来人们对它的真伪有争议而不被重视。1972年在山东沂县银雀山一号汉基中与其他先秦兵书一起出土了《尉缭子》竹筒的残卷,其内容与今本《尉缭子》大体相同。这就证明了《尉缭子》一书的真实性,此后学术界对它的研究逐渐加强,有不少成果问世。但对于尉缭子军事思想的论述似尚嫌薄弱,本文拟从《兵谈》一篇入手,进行一些粗浅的探讨,以就正于方家。 展开更多
关键词 尉缭子 军事思想 银雀山 汉基 治军思想 先秦时代 寓兵于农 不战而屈人之兵 禁舍开塞 军事与经济
作者 王国建 《西南国防医药》 CAS 1993年第1期51-51,共1页
全军医学编辑学术研讨会于1992年11月2日至5日在武汉召开,来自全军及武警的670位代表参加了会议.总后卫生部部长张立平少将专程到会并作了重要讲话;总后武汉基指司令员芦光祖中将、付司令员李少白少将等领导先后到会并讲了话.会上,张立... 全军医学编辑学术研讨会于1992年11月2日至5日在武汉召开,来自全军及武警的670位代表参加了会议.总后卫生部部长张立平少将专程到会并作了重要讲话;总后武汉基指司令员芦光祖中将、付司令员李少白少将等领导先后到会并讲了话.会上,张立平部长公布了经总后卫生部批准,由人民军医出版社李晨社长任主任委员的全军第二届医学编辑学术委员会组成名单;同时宣布了1991年全军医学期刊质量评审结果。 展开更多
关键词 医学编辑 医学期刊 人民军医出版社 评审结果 李少白 学术委员会 汉基 学术活动 李晨 日至
作者 谊文 《国际研究参考》 1988年第1期11-12,共2页
日本:1987年11月6日,竹下登出任首相,接替期满卸任的中曾根康弘。南朝鲜:1987年5月26日,李汉基出任总理,接替辞职的卢信永。1987年12月16日,卢泰愚当选总统,接替全斗焕(按规定1988年2月25日就任)。越南:1987年6月,武志公接替长征任越南... 日本:1987年11月6日,竹下登出任首相,接替期满卸任的中曾根康弘。南朝鲜:1987年5月26日,李汉基出任总理,接替辞职的卢信永。1987年12月16日,卢泰愚当选总统,接替全斗焕(按规定1988年2月25日就任)。越南:1987年6月,武志公接替长征任越南民主共和国国务委员会主席。1987年6月,范雄接替范文同任越南民主共和国部长会议主席。印度:1987年7月,拉·文卡塔拉曼当选为总统,接任期满卸职的宰尔·辛格。黎巴嫩:1987年6月20日,萨利姆·胡斯任代总理,接替遇刺身亡的拉希德·卡拉米。 展开更多
关键词 越南民主共和国 部长会议主席 中曾根康弘 国务委员会 拉希德 全斗焕 萨利姆 汉基 辛格 胡斯
Differential Expression of Immune Genes between Body Side Skin and Groin Skin of Aohan Fine Wool Sheep
作者 赵金山 李和刚 +2 位作者 刘开东 柳楠 李金泉 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第12期2475-2479,共5页
[Objective] To get major genes for wool traits regulation from immune genes. [Methods] Microarray technology was used to detect differentially expressed immune genes between body side skin (more wool growing) and gr... [Objective] To get major genes for wool traits regulation from immune genes. [Methods] Microarray technology was used to detect differentially expressed immune genes between body side skin (more wool growing) and groin skin (no wool growing) of Aohan fine wool sheep. [Results] 46 immune genes (fold change 〉2.0) were identified and classified, and then 6 of which were selected for QPCR confir- mation. The degree of consistency of the QPCR and microarray results was 66.67%, [Conclusion] Immune privilege may participate in wool growth regulation. 展开更多
关键词 Hair follicle Immune gene Differential expression Aohan fine wool sheep
昔日殷先人有册有典 今日古砖瓦蔚为大观——写在《陕西古代砖瓦图典》出版之后
作者 贾云 《中国书画》 2004年第11期188-189,共2页
秦砖汉瓦素为人们津津乐道,常常挂在嘴边,一是言其数量多,二是言其名气大。大约从北宋起,就有人关注秦砖汉瓦,王辟之的《渑水燕谭录》记载:元祐六年(1090年)宝鸡县权氏曾出土带有"羽阳千岁"几个字的筒瓦。此后历代不乏其人。... 秦砖汉瓦素为人们津津乐道,常常挂在嘴边,一是言其数量多,二是言其名气大。大约从北宋起,就有人关注秦砖汉瓦,王辟之的《渑水燕谭录》记载:元祐六年(1090年)宝鸡县权氏曾出土带有"羽阳千岁"几个字的筒瓦。此后历代不乏其人。延至当代,陕西研究砖瓦的有宋云石、陈直、刘汉基、何正璜、徐锡台、焦南峰、韩钊、赵力光、傅嘉仪、陈根远、赵丛苍、刘怀君等,还有一位砖痴瓦迷者。 展开更多
关键词 何正璜 王辟之 渑水 陈根 汉基 赵力 千秋万岁 秦砖 制陶业 召陈
冰品市场火热 未来几年将诞生寡头
作者 陈琼 《中国食品》 2016年第17期102-103,共2页
在经历了数年的不温不火后,冰品市场在近两年迎来爆发,主流价格区间已经从2元跃升至4元。业内人士指出,从2014年起中国冰品市场就已非常活跃,从厂家投入、渠道热捧、资本青睐、消费者热购来看,冰品市场的风口已经开启。冰品主流价格跃升... 在经历了数年的不温不火后,冰品市场在近两年迎来爆发,主流价格区间已经从2元跃升至4元。业内人士指出,从2014年起中国冰品市场就已非常活跃,从厂家投入、渠道热捧、资本青睐、消费者热购来看,冰品市场的风口已经开启。冰品主流价格跃升至4元"中国有着非常复杂的市场动态环境,不光是冰淇淋行业,很多行业环境都在发生变化。 展开更多
关键词 冰品 主流价格 雀巢 行业环境 进口奶粉 人均消费量 中高端产品 哈根达斯 汉基 情感共鸣
章丘 一座现代化山水园林城市
《济南市人民政府公报》 2011年第12期34-34,共1页
章丘地处齐鲁腹地,南依泰山,北临黄河,总面积1855平方公里,辖20个乡镇(街道),908个行政村(居)总人口101万。章丘历史悠久,人杰地灵,是龙山文化的发现地和命名地,境内有龙山文化遗址、洛庄汉墓、危山彩绘兵马俑等历史遗迹,是"一代词... 章丘地处齐鲁腹地,南依泰山,北临黄河,总面积1855平方公里,辖20个乡镇(街道),908个行政村(居)总人口101万。章丘历史悠久,人杰地灵,是龙山文化的发现地和命名地,境内有龙山文化遗址、洛庄汉墓、危山彩绘兵马俑等历史遗迹,是"一代词宗"李清照、"唐代名相"房玄龄、"东方商人"孟洛川的故乡。章丘风景秀丽,生态优美,尤以泉水众多闻名,素有"小泉城"之称。章丘围绕建设现代化山水园林城市,突出济南东部新城的功能定位,依托深厚的文化底蕴和集山、泉、河、湖、城融为一体的自然禀赋。 展开更多
关键词 山水园林城市 章丘 功能定位 汉墓 新城开发 东部新城 危山 洛川 自然禀赋 汉基
Occurrence and distribution of hydroxylated isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers(OH-GDGTs) in the Han River system, South Korea 被引量:4
作者 Sujin Kang Kyoung-Hoon Shin Jung-Hyun Kim 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期367-369,共3页
We investigated the occurrence and distribution of terrestrial-derived hydroxylated isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers(OH-GDGTs) in the Han River system and their potential impact on the application of t... We investigated the occurrence and distribution of terrestrial-derived hydroxylated isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers(OH-GDGTs) in the Han River system and their potential impact on the application of the ring index of OH-GDGTs(RI-OH) as a sea surface temperature(SST) proxy in the eastern Yellow Sea. Thereby, we analyzed various samples collected along the Han River and from its surrounding areas(South Korea, n = 34). The OHGDGTs were found in all samples investigated. OH-GDGT-0 was the dominant OH-GDGT component in the estuary and marine samples while OH-GDGT-2 was generally dominant in the soils, the lake sediments and the river suspended particulate matter(SPM). Our results thus suggests a possible warm bias of the RI-OH-derived summer SSTs in the coastal zone to which a large amount of terrestrial organic matter is being supplied. Further studies are necessary to better assess the applicability of the RI-OH proxy in the eastern Yellow Sea. 展开更多
关键词 Hydroxylated isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers(OH-GDGTs) Sea surface temperature(SST) Han river Yellow Sea
Association of fucosyltransferase 2 gene variants with ulcerative colitis in Han and Uyghur patients in China 被引量:9
作者 Ayinuer Aheman He-Sheng Luo Feng Gao 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第34期4758-4764,共7页
AIM:To investigate the contribution of fucosyltransferase 2 (FUT2) variants to the genetic susceptibility and clinical heterogeneity of ulcerative colitis (UC) between Han and Uyghur patients in Xinjiang, China. METHO... AIM:To investigate the contribution of fucosyltransferase 2 (FUT2) variants to the genetic susceptibility and clinical heterogeneity of ulcerative colitis (UC) between Han and Uyghur patients in Xinjiang, China. METHODS:A total of 102 UC patients (53 Han patients including 22 men and 31 women, and 49 Uyghur patients including 25 men and 24 women; aged 48 ± 16 years) and 310 age-and sex-matched healthy controls were enrolled from January 2010 to May 2011 in Xinjiang People's Hospital of China. UC was diagnosed based on the clinical, endoscopic and histological findings following Lennard-Jones criteria. Blood samples were collected and genomic DNA was extracted by the routine laboratory methods. Polymerase chain reaction-sequence-based typing method was used to identify FUT2 variants rs281377, rs1047781, rs601338 and rs602662. Genotypic and allelic frequencies were documented and compared between the UC patients and the healthy controls. Genotypic frequencies were also compared between Han and Uyghur patients. Potential association of genetic variation and UC between Han and Uyghur patients was examined. RESULTS: rs281377 was found significantly associated with UC in the Han population as compared with the controls (P = 0.011) while rs281377 was not associated with UC in the Uyghur population (P = 0.06). TT homozygous rs281377 frequencies were higher in the UC groups than in the controls (88.7% vs 68.7% and 55.1% vs 50.3%). rs1047781 was specifically associated with UC in the Uyghur population (P = 0.001), but not associated with UC in the Han population (P = 0.13). TT homozygous rs1047781 frequencies were lower in the UC groups than in the controls (9.5% vs 11.8% and 4.0% vs 6.7%). rs601338 was statistically related to UC in both populations (Han, P = 0.025; Uyghur, P = 8.33 × 10 -5 ). AA homozygous rs601338 frequencies were lower in the UC groups than in the controls (0% vs 1.8% and 12.2% vs 13.4%). No association was found between rs602662 and UC in both Han and the Uyghur populations. Allelic analysis showed that rs281377 allele was significantly associated with UC in the Han population as compared with the controls [P = 0.001, odd ratio (OR) = 0.26], however, it was not associated with UC in the Uyghur population (P = 0.603, OR = 1.14), and rs1047781 allele was associated with UC in the Uyghur population (P = 0.001, OR = 0.029) while it was not associated with UC in the Han population (P = 0.074, OR = 0.62). Moreover, rs601338 was associated with UC in both Han (P = 0.005, OR = 0.1) and Uyghur pop- ulations (P = 0.002, OR = 0.43). Meta analysis showed that rs1047781 and rs601338 conferred risk of UC as compared with the controls [P = 0.005, OR = 0.47; P = 0.0003, OR = 0.35; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.31-0.72 and 0.21-0.58], but rs281377 and rs602662 showed no statistically significant differences betweenpatients with UC and controls (P = 0.10, OR = 0.71; P = 0.68, OR = 0.09; 95% CI = 0.47-1.07 and 0.56-1.47). CONCLUSION:Functionally relevant FUT2 gene variants are associated with UC, suggesting that they play a potential role in the pathogenesis of UC and may contribute to the clinical heterogeneity of UC between Han and Uyghur patients. 展开更多
关键词 Ulcerative colitis Fucosyltransferase 2 Genepolymorphisms HAN UYGHUR
LBP and CD14 polymorphisms correlate with increased colorectal carcinoma risk in Han Chinese 被引量:8
作者 Rui Chen Fu-Kang Luo +2 位作者 Ya-Li Wang Jin-Liang Tang You-Sheng Liu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第18期2326-2331,共6页
AIM: To explore the associations of polymorphisms of lipopolysaccharide binding protein (LBP), cluster of differentiation 14 (CD14), toll-like receptor 4 (TLR-4), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor α (TNF... AIM: To explore the associations of polymorphisms of lipopolysaccharide binding protein (LBP), cluster of differentiation 14 (CD14), toll-like receptor 4 (TLR-4), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) with the colorectal carcinoma (CRC) risk in Han Chinese. METHODS: Polymorphisms of LBP (rs1739654, rs223 2596, rs2232618), CD14 (rs77083413, rs4914), TLR-4 (rs5030719), IL-6 (rs13306435) and TNF-α (rs35131721) were genotyped in 479 cases of sporadic colorectal carcinoma and 486 healthy controls of Han Chinese in a case-control study. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) between cases and controls were analyzed by unconditional logistic regression. RESULTS: GA and GG genotypes of LBP rs2232596 were associated with a significantly increased risk ofCRC [odds ratio (OR) = 1.51, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.15-1.99, P = 0.003; OR = 2.49, 95% CI 1.16-5.38, P = 0.016, respectively]. A similar association was also observed for the CG genotype of CD14 rs4914 (OR= 1.69, 95% CI 1.20-2.36, P = 0.002). In addition, a combination of polymorphisms in LBP rs2232596 and CD14 rs4914 led to a 3.4-fold increased risk of CRC (OR = 3.44, 95% CI 1.94-6.10, P = 0.000). CONCLUSION: This study highlights the LBP rs2232596 and CD14 rs4914 polymorphisms as biomarkers for elevated CRC susceptibility in the Chinese Han population. 展开更多
关键词 Colorectal carcinoma Cluster of differentiation 14 Lipopolysaccharide binding protein Single-nucleotide polymorphisms
Relationship between β3-AR Gene and Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, Insulin Resistance in Chinese Han Population
作者 HEWei MAXiang-hua SHENJie 《Journal of Nanjing Medical University》 2004年第4期211-214,共4页
Objective: To explore the relationship between the β 3-adrenergic receptor(β 3-AR)gene and obesity, T2DM, insulin resistance in Chinese Han population. Methods: Fifty-three healthy subjects, 105 subjects with simp... Objective: To explore the relationship between the β 3-adrenergic receptor(β 3-AR)gene and obesity, T2DM, insulin resistance in Chinese Han population. Methods: Fifty-three healthy subjects, 105 subjects with simple obesity, 63 type 2 diabetic patients without obesity, and 114 type 2 diabetic patients with obesity were studied with the technique of PCR-RFLP in codon 64 of the exon region of β 3-AR gene representing the variation Trp/Arg. Results: Compared with the subjects of Trp homozygous group, the individuals with Arg allele were more elevated in WHR,MBP,SBP,DBP,FBS,PBS,FINS,PINS,FCP,PCP and lower in ISI. Frequency of Arg allele was higher in HINS subgroup without T2DM. Conclusion: The results indicate that the Trp/Arg variation might lead to insulin resistance, obesity and T2DM.β 3-AR gene is supposed to be the candidate gene of insulin resistance, obesity and T2DM in Chinese Han population. 展开更多
关键词 adrenergic receptor gene OBESITY type 2 diabetes mellitus insulin resistance
Associations between interleukin-1 polymorphisms and gastric cancers among three ethnicities 被引量:6
作者 Jiu-Da Zhao Pai-Li Geng +10 位作者 Zhan-Quan Li Sen Cui Jun-Hui Zhao Li-Juan Wang Jin-Zhang Li Fa-Xiang Ji Guo-Yuan Li Guo-Shuang Shen Ming-Zhe Lin Cun-Fang Shen Cheng-Zhu Cao 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第47期7093-7099,共7页
AIM:To investigate the associations between interleukin(IL)-1B and IL-1RN polymorphisms and gastric cancers among the Tibet,Hui and Han ethnicities.METHODS:Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood of 210,205,an... AIM:To investigate the associations between interleukin(IL)-1B and IL-1RN polymorphisms and gastric cancers among the Tibet,Hui and Han ethnicities.METHODS:Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood of 210,205,and 202 healthy volunteers and from 155,158,and 197 gastric cancer patients from the Tibet,Hui,and Han populations,respectively.Polymorphisms in IL-1B and IL-1RN were analyzed by denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography.RESULTS:Carriers of the IL-1B-31 CC genotype had an increased risk of intestinal type gastric cancer [odds ratio(OR) = 2.17,P = 0.037] in the Tibet ethnicity.Carriers of the IL-1B 2/L genotype had an increased risk of both intestinal and diffuse types of gastric cancer(OR = 2.08,2.31,P = 0.007,0.016,respectively) in the Hui ethnicity.In the Han population,carriers of the IL-1B-31 CC,IL-1B-511CT,TT genotypes had increased risk of intestinal type gastric cancer(OR = 2.51,2.74,5.66,P = 0.005,0.002,0.000,respectively).CONCLUSION:IL-1B and IL-RN genotypes may differentially contribute to gastric cancer among the Tibet,Hui,and Han ethnicities in the Qinghai area of China. 展开更多
关键词 Gastric cancer INTERLEUKIN-1B Interleukin1RN POLYMORPHISM Risk of gastric cancer
Viral Metagenomics Analysis of Planktonic Viruses in East Lake,Wuhan,China 被引量:8
作者 Xingyi Ge Yongquan Wu +5 位作者 Meiniang Wang Jun Wang Lijun Wu Xinglou Yang Yuji Zhang Zhengli Shi 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第5期280-290,共11页
East Lake(Lake Donghu),located in Wuhan,China,is a typical city freshwater lake that has been experiencing eutrophic conditions and algal blooming during recent years.Marine and fresh water are considered to contain a... East Lake(Lake Donghu),located in Wuhan,China,is a typical city freshwater lake that has been experiencing eutrophic conditions and algal blooming during recent years.Marine and fresh water are considered to contain a large number of viruses.However,little is known about their genetic diversity because of the limited techniques for culturing viruses.In this study,we conducted a viral metagenomic analysis using a high-throughput sequencing technique with samples collected from East Lake in Spring,Summer,Autumn,and Winter.The libraries from four samples each generated 234,669,71,837,12,820,and 34,236 contigs(>90 bp each),respectively.The genetic structure of the viral community revealed a high genetic diversity covering 23 viral families,with the majority of contigs homologous to DNA viruses,including members of Myoviridae,Podoviridae,Siphoviridae,Phycodnaviridae,and Microviridae,which infect bacteria or algae,and members of Circoviridae,which infect invertebrates and vertebrates.The highest viral genetic diversity occurred in samples collected in August,then December and June,and the least diversity in March.Most contigs have low-sequence identities with known viruses.PCR detection targeting the conserved sequences of genes(g20,psbA,psbD,and DNApol)of cyanophages further confirmed that there are novel cyanophages in the East Lake.Our viral metagenomic data provide the first preliminary understanding of the virome in one freshwater lake in China and would be helpful for novel virus discovery and the control of algal blooming in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Viral metagenomics East Lake Solexa high-throughput sequencing High-throughput sequencing (HTS) CYANOPHAGE
G-protein beta 3 subunit polymorphisms and essential hypertension: a case-control association study in northern Han Chinese 被引量:4
作者 Mei LI Bei ZHANG Chuang LI Jie-Lin LIU Li-Juan WANG Ya LIU Zuo-Guang WANG Shao-Jun WEN 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第2期127-134,共8页
Objective To explore the association between the three polymorphisms [ C825T, C1429T and G(-350)A] of the gene encoding the G protein beta 3 subunit (GNB3) and hypertension by performing a case-control study in th... Objective To explore the association between the three polymorphisms [ C825T, C1429T and G(-350)A] of the gene encoding the G protein beta 3 subunit (GNB3) and hypertension by performing a case-control study in the northern Han Chinese population. Methods We recnaited 731 hypertensive patients and 673 control subjects (the calculated power value was 〉 0.8). Genotyping was performed to identify C825T, C1429T and G(-350)A polymorphisms using the TaqMan assay. Comparisons of allelic and genotypic frequencies between cases and controls were made by using the chi-square test. Logistic regression analyses were performed to investigate the relationships between the three polymorphisms of GNB3 gene under different genetic models (additive, dominant and recessive models). Results The genotype dis- tribution and allele frequencies of C825T, C1429T and G(-350)A polymorphisms did not differ significantly between hypertensive patients and control subjects, either when the full sample was assessed, or when the sample was stratified by gender. No significant association was observed between C825T, C 1429T and G(-350)A polymorphisms and the risk of essential hypertension in any genetic model. Linkage dis- equilibrium was only detected between C825T and C 1429T polymorphisms. Haplotype analyses observed that none of the three estimated haplotypes significantly increased the risk of hypertension. Conclusions Our study suggested that the GNB3 gene polymorphisms [C825T, C 1429T and G(-350)A] were not significantly associated with essential hypertension in northern Han Chinese population. 展开更多
关键词 G protein beta 3 subunit gene HAPLOTYPE Hypertension POLYMORPHISM
Analysis of the HLA-A,-B allele polymorphism in 5844 umbilical cord blood samples taken from Han population of Shandong province
作者 YUN PENG DAI WEN YING YAN +3 位作者 BAI JUN SHEN LI JUN CHEN FEI GAO HONG MEI WANG 《Journal of Microbiology and Immunology》 2006年第1期71-75,共5页
To investigate the HLA-A, -B allele polymorphism in Han population of Shandong province and to explore the possibility to find out the HLA-A,-B-matehed cord blood donors for stem cell transplantation to be used in oth... To investigate the HLA-A, -B allele polymorphism in Han population of Shandong province and to explore the possibility to find out the HLA-A,-B-matehed cord blood donors for stem cell transplantation to be used in other area in China, 5844 umbilical cord blood samples were taken from Han population donors of Shandong province, and assayed with PCR-sequence-oligonucleotide (PCR-SSO) assay. In Shandong Hart donors, 20 alleles at HLA-A locus and 46 alleles at HLA-B locus could be detected as revealed in the present study. Among the 20 alleles at HLA-A locus, the most prevalent five alleles included A * 02(0.3041), A * 11(0. 1443), A * 24(0. 1434), A * 30(0.0975) and A 33(0.0859), while, the alleles with lower gene frequencies included A * 34(0.0006), A * 25 (0.0005), A * 66(0.0005), A * 74(0.0004) and A * (0.0001). Of the 46 HLA-B alleles detected, the most prevalent five alleles were B * 13(0.1348), B * 51(0.0713), B * 62(0.0712), B * 61 (0.0676) and B * 60(0.0642); while alleles with lower gene frequencies included B * 77(0.0001), B * 76(0.0002), B * 47(0.0003), B * 42(0.0003) and B * 72(0.0004). In comparison with those of the other Han population in China, the HLA-A, -B gene frequencies in the umbilical cord blood of Shandong province possess unique distribution features among the investigated populations from various regions of the same race origin, and the differences in various regions of the same race were less than those among the different race. It is evident that the HLA-A,-B alleles of the umbilical cord blood taken in Shangdong province show high degree of polymorphism, and it might be part of those of Northem Han population in China. So, it is reasonable for patients of Northern Chinese to receive HLA class Ⅰ -match transplant of cord blood stem ceils for tissue and organ transplantation from Shangdong umbilical cord blood bank. 展开更多
关键词 Umbilical cord blood Human leukocyte antigen Genetic polymorphism
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