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“洛中”考析 被引量:1
作者 邢永川 《广西大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2006年第z1期183-185,共3页
关键词 洛中 洛阳 择中论
罗赛洛中国(Rousselot China)CEO连任亚太明胶协会主席职务
《明胶科学与技术》 CAS 2016年第2期108-108,共1页
2016年6月3日,在韩国釜山举行的亚太明胶协会的年会上,罗赛洛中国区首席执行官刘刚先生再次当选为亚太明胶协会(GMAP)主席。刘刚先生此次已是第二次连任这个职务,这个职务的最长任期是两届,每届任期两年。GMAP是明胶行业在亚太地区发展... 2016年6月3日,在韩国釜山举行的亚太明胶协会的年会上,罗赛洛中国区首席执行官刘刚先生再次当选为亚太明胶协会(GMAP)主席。刘刚先生此次已是第二次连任这个职务,这个职务的最长任期是两届,每届任期两年。GMAP是明胶行业在亚太地区发展的一个重要组织,罗赛洛很自豪地看到其中国区CEO再次连任GMAP主席一职。 展开更多
关键词 洛中 明胶 分散剂 Rousselot China)CEO 职务
作者 周春荔 《中等数学》 北大核心 1992年第4期18-20,共3页
关键词 数学竞赛 平分线 题设 首都师范大学 说明理由 填数 上九 洛中 下角 了万
泰珂洛:扬帆起航 开启倍速加工新时代--泰珂洛史上规模最大的新品发布会在沪举行
作者 乔印凯 曹雪雷 《金属加工(冷加工)》 2017年第1期40-41,共2页
2016年11月15日,泰珂洛公司87年历史上规模最大的一次新产品发布会——泰珂洛TUNGFORCE产品全球发布会在上海盛大召开。IMC集团总裁Jacob Harpaz、泰珂洛中国总经理田丹以及来自全国各地的泰珂洛客户共计600余人参加了发布会。
关键词 倍速 田丹 扬帆起航 新产品发布会 上海盛大 切槽 刀具设计 正角 洛中 刀具材料
作者 徐志芳 《农业知识》 2002年第24期13-13,共1页
关键词 松本锦 发展潜力 果肉黄白色 早熟品种 验收鉴定 平均单果重 肉质松脆 木一 技术措施 洛中
作者 暴侠 《北方音乐》 1982年第5期14-15,共2页
关键词 镜泊 女声独唱 玉湖 洛中 邵洲 一曰 上丁 迎喜 乌丝 三里
作者 魏赫博 《基础教育参考》 2017年第7期18-19,共2页
关键词 洛杉矶地区 大学专业 学生作品 课堂参与 可执行性 官方报告 学术指导 英文首字母 颜色搭配 洛中
《湖北教育(综合资讯)》 2015年第10期46-46,共1页
留守儿童收看阅兵9月3日上午,十堰市郧阳区鲍峡镇中心小学三(2)班的贺湘婷等少先队员在家里聚精会神地收看纪念抗战胜利70周年的阅兵盛况,接受爱罔主义教育。该校六(3)班的蔡本梁同学看完阅兵实况后激动地对爷爷说:"我一定好好学习... 留守儿童收看阅兵9月3日上午,十堰市郧阳区鲍峡镇中心小学三(2)班的贺湘婷等少先队员在家里聚精会神地收看纪念抗战胜利70周年的阅兵盛况,接受爱罔主义教育。该校六(3)班的蔡本梁同学看完阅兵实况后激动地对爷爷说:"我一定好好学习,将来考上军校,实现自己的梦想。" 展开更多
关键词 中心小学 第一课 中国抗战 美术活动 鲍军 周该 云梦 张自明 朗诵会 洛中
《西部金融》 2009年第4期89-90,共2页
关键词 假币 行商 洛中 货币 银行业金融机构 反假货币 图片新闻
《当代体育(扣篮)》 2005年第14期47-47,共1页
魔幻之星鞋面采用DURABUCK(人造合成皮)具有良好的耐磨和撑托能力,鞋帮处的立体CONVERSELOGO五星采用透明硬塑料材科,更加醒目。前后掌开窗ZOOMAIR气垫。大部分采用轻质的DRCCOURT材料更加耐磨,这一款外形设计前卫与众不同的篮球鞋,专... 魔幻之星鞋面采用DURABUCK(人造合成皮)具有良好的耐磨和撑托能力,鞋帮处的立体CONVERSELOGO五星采用透明硬塑料材科,更加醒目。前后掌开窗ZOOMAIR气垫。大部分采用轻质的DRCCOURT材料更加耐磨,这一款外形设计前卫与众不同的篮球鞋,专为速度飞快的球员设计。 展开更多
关键词 篮球鞋 甘洛县 洛中 开窗 四川省凉山州 二止 三兰
《当代体育(扣篮)》 2004年第46期50-51,共2页
风能战士①全新风能旋转LOGO系统设计(a为①内置风车)②后跟气垫③前掌气垫④特殊鞋带孔设计⑤后掌支撑条⑥⑦⑧⑨透气孔⑩外底凸起处采用强力耐磨橡胶。四川省凉山州甘洛县甘洛中学高中2006级5班 易浩
关键词 洛中 甘洛县 透气孔 耐磨橡胶 外底 四川省凉山州 减震效果 黔囊 北沙 刃脚
《当代体育(扣篮)》 2006年第34期53-53,共1页
关键词 赤峰市巴林左旗 伊春区 甘洛县 云南省曲靖市 纺织行业协会 当涂 保亭县 班杨 洛中 钦北区
《基础教育论坛》 2013年第9X期78-78,共1页
今年5月,教育部会同有关中央新闻媒体开展全国教书育人楷模推选活动。31个省(区、市)和新疆生产建设兵团共推荐64名候选人,涵盖基础教育、职业教育、高等教育、特殊教育、学前教育等各方面。经过严格推选和公众投票,2013年度全国教书育... 今年5月,教育部会同有关中央新闻媒体开展全国教书育人楷模推选活动。31个省(区、市)和新疆生产建设兵团共推荐64名候选人,涵盖基础教育、职业教育、高等教育、特殊教育、学前教育等各方面。经过严格推选和公众投票,2013年度全国教书育人楷模评选结果 9月3日在京揭晓。河北省张家口市职教中心汪秀丽,上海市辛灵中学、风帆初级职业学校谢小双,浙江省乐清育英学校小学分校俞国平,湖北省武汉市第一聋哑学校杨小玲,湖南大学文学院胡遂,重庆警察学院刘开吉,陕西省商洛中学刘占良, 展开更多
关键词 中央新闻媒体 职教中心 公众投票 谢小双 河北省张家口市 湖北省武汉市 胡遂 警察学院 育英 洛中
作者 姚天镇 《中亚信息》 1994年第1期27-27,共1页
为了在财务报告总结期间(第1季度、半年、9个月、全年)处理好关于财产税总税款的附加额在商业银行会计核算中反映程序的一系列问题,同时也为了处理好对1992年财产税总税款重新核算的结果,俄罗斯联邦国家税务局和俄罗斯联邦中央银行做了... 为了在财务报告总结期间(第1季度、半年、9个月、全年)处理好关于财产税总税款的附加额在商业银行会计核算中反映程序的一系列问题,同时也为了处理好对1992年财产税总税款重新核算的结果,俄罗斯联邦国家税务局和俄罗斯联邦中央银行做了明确的解释.在当年的财务报告总结期间内,按规定的程序计算出的财产税总税款,要反映出商业银行在下列财务报告总结期间内的会计核算:即按970号帐户《业务支出和杂项开支》中的借方,按《其它的开支》 展开更多
关键词 银行会计核算 国家税务局 中央银行 财务报告 应付款项 年度计算 税务机关 国家税务总局 洛中 企业财产
作者 鄢志勇 李超 《湖北教育(综合资讯)》 2016年第9期22-23,共2页
她19岁在云梦县伍洛中学走上三尺讲台,22年来不曾放下手中的'教鞭';有无数次到大城市的机会,可她却始终坚守在人口不足5万的小镇。她就是云梦县伍洛镇中心小学校长陈格华。她有许多亮眼的身份:'名师''名校长'&#... 她19岁在云梦县伍洛中学走上三尺讲台,22年来不曾放下手中的'教鞭';有无数次到大城市的机会,可她却始终坚守在人口不足5万的小镇。她就是云梦县伍洛镇中心小学校长陈格华。她有许多亮眼的身份:'名师''名校长''十大杰出青年''优秀人大代表''三八红旗手''师德先进个人''湖北省农村优秀教育工作者'。 展开更多
关键词 云梦 中心小学 师德先进个人 优秀教育工作者 三尺讲台 人口不足 “三八红旗手” 洛中 大城市 中心幼儿园
固本强元练内功 精心履职促建设 倾力支持果洛地区经济建设科学发展 中国人民银行果洛州中心支行
《青海政报》 2008年第12期49-49,共1页
关键词 地区经济建设 果洛州 银行职能 洛中 货币政策 履职能力 工作思路 务实型 服务工作质量 干部职工队
Formation of Los Angeles's low density and high car dependence 被引量:1
作者 戴特奇 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2009年第1期25-31,共7页
As a typical car-dependent city, Los Angeles (LA) is extensively used as an example in research to illustrate car influences on city form. Focusing on the features of LA's geologic conditions and civil circumstance... As a typical car-dependent city, Los Angeles (LA) is extensively used as an example in research to illustrate car influences on city form. Focusing on the features of LA's geologic conditions and civil circumstances, we argued that the relationship between LA's low-density pattern and car dependence is more involved than previously deemed simple causality. The low density should be primarily credited to the spacious requirement of the mining industry, frequent earthquakes and multiethnic population of the city. Off reserves in LA fueled its economic boom and fast urbanization that coincided with the start of mass production of cheap cars, and cars became medium-priced consumables for average families. Politicians preference for short constrnction-period projects enabled fast establishment of LA's highway infrastructure. The popularity of car use in return faciliatated further development of the low-density pattern of the city. The low-density urban form and car dependence created environmental and social problems for LA. Looking at P. R. China's motorization and urban development, we found that the trajectory of Beijing's motorization between 197g and 2003 coincides with that of the U.S. in the 1910s and 1920s. Lessons from LA's urban and transportation development should be suggestive to China's urban and transportation planning. 展开更多
关键词 Los Angeles MOTORIZATION transprotation planning automobile dependence
Do Relationships Matter in Export Performance Enhancement? Evidences From Moroccan SMEs
作者 SaifAllah Allouani Houcine Berbou 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第4期383-393,共11页
This article addresses the concern of export performance among Moroccan SMEs through the paradigmatic lens of the resource based view (RBV) and international relationship marketing. Limited research exists on relati... This article addresses the concern of export performance among Moroccan SMEs through the paradigmatic lens of the resource based view (RBV) and international relationship marketing. Limited research exists on relational determinants of export performance, especially in developing countries. Furthermore, literature has been dominated during the last decade by the economic perspective. Yet, an increased attention has turned to the RBV as well as the relational perspective. Highlighting this gap, the study aims two objectives: First, to understand the scope and the nature of relational determinants, deemed as key resources, of export performance. Second, to examine which other internal and market factors are intervening as significant antecedents of the relational factors Drawing from a literature review outcomes and an in-depth interview endeavor conducted among 20 exporting firms' managers, a conceptual framework has been proposed. It's argued that exporting finns would reach great export performance by fostering successful cross-border inter-firm relationships. More specifically, the study highlight three main relational constructs, namely contractual governance, relational governance, and relationship performance. Linguistic abilities, attitude toward risk and export experience are suggested as managerial antecedents. While competitive intensity and market uncertainty are supposed to intervene as external antecedents Several hypotheses are suggested. The unit of analysis is a selected export venture. A further inquiry of the overall study is to offer hypotheses test throughout quantitative survey 展开更多
关键词 SME export performance RBV inter-organizational relationships relationship governance
Concentration Analysis of the Hungarian Mangalica Pig Stock
作者 Krisztina Pocsai Peter Szabo Peter Balogh 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第3期274-282,共9页
In the animal raising sector of Hungary, the indigenious and special Hungarian product called Mangalica pig has a special significance. Some descriptions were made about the species but the concentration of this segme... In the animal raising sector of Hungary, the indigenious and special Hungarian product called Mangalica pig has a special significance. Some descriptions were made about the species but the concentration of this segment has not been examined, that is why the aim of the researchers is to analyse the concentration of the Mangalica population on the basis of various statistical methods in the last 10 years. The certain concentration indexes were the following the concentration ratio, the Lorenz-curve, the Gini-coefficient, the Herfindahl-index and the redundancy index. Through the analysis we realised that from 2000 a kind of concentration started, which in case of the concentration ratio, the Lorenz-curve and the Gini-coefficient were in 2001 and 2003 of the highest ratio. The Herfindal-index and redundancy index showed that the years of 2000 and 2002 were the most significant, because of a number of large-scale producers started their activities or developed their stocks in these years. On the basis of the results, it can be stated that in the years before the application and after the recession the concentration of the stock was instable, while at the beginning of the supporting period until the crisis the appearance of large-scale firms became equal but basically according to every index the concentration in the examined years was approximately average. 展开更多
关键词 concentration indexes Mangalica pig stock concentration Lorenz-curve
Segmentation of electricity market for households in Slovenia
作者 Stefan Bojnec Drago Papler 《Chinese Business Review》 2010年第7期1-10,共10页
This paper investigates the electricity market for households in Slovenia. The focus is on the investigation of some empirical facts in the Slovenian electricity market for households focusing on market segmentation, ... This paper investigates the electricity market for households in Slovenia. The focus is on the investigation of some empirical facts in the Slovenian electricity market for households focusing on market segmentation, market concentration measures, real electricity price developments, and their implications for electrical energy consumption and consumer welfare. The authors apply descriptive statistics, Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient of concentration, and demand function using regression framework on time-series data. The authors found that the market liberalization and entry of new competitors have slightly caused variations in the patterns in real electricity price developments. Households' real income and real electricity prices for households are found as the crucial determinants for the electrical energy demands by households. 展开更多
关键词 electricity market market segmentation market concentration demand function Slovenia
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