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作者 段丽萍 《当代青年研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1994年第3期45-47,共3页
美国的少年犯审判[美国]艾拉·M·施瓦茨段丽萍译引言美国的少年犯审判制度正处于不断变动的过程中。本文考察了正在进行着的一些变化,并思考它对未来的影响。少年法庭少年法庭的历史根源要追溯到本世纪初的儿童救助者运动... 美国的少年犯审判[美国]艾拉·M·施瓦茨段丽萍译引言美国的少年犯审判制度正处于不断变动的过程中。本文考察了正在进行着的一些变化,并思考它对未来的影响。少年法庭少年法庭的历史根源要追溯到本世纪初的儿童救助者运动。那一时期的社会改革家深为少年犯由成人刑事... 展开更多
关键词 少年犯罪率 少年法庭 教养所 拘留中心 侵犯人身罪 监护模式 犯法行为 审判制度 联邦最高法院 诉讼程序
作者 路阔 《人民论坛》 1996年第12期51-51,共1页
关键词 丑恶心态 江西省 明码标价 权力腐败 市委书记 县委书记 反腐倡廉 物资局 犯法行为 真实姓名
作者 郭焕阁 《河北民族师范学院学报》 1993年第S1期55-57,共3页
早期生活—难忘的讲道—神父的责任心—决心进入教堂—神秘的景象—去中国 的命令—动身去罗马—寄居在教会学院 1700年,有一天正当我为寻找乐趣而在大街上漫步时,我来到了副王宫前的广场上,就在这时,一个方济各会的男修士站在板凳上... 早期生活—难忘的讲道—神父的责任心—决心进入教堂—神秘的景象—去中国 的命令—动身去罗马—寄居在教会学院 1700年,有一天正当我为寻找乐趣而在大街上漫步时,我来到了副王宫前的广场上,就在这时,一个方济各会的男修士站在板凳上开始向人们讲话。我只有18岁,尽管我很年轻,可我却过着一种为了不让读者吃惊而不予描述的生活。在我所有的坏习惯中,幸运的是我经常乐于听一些宗教的讲道,实际上不是出于想从中获益或得到启示,而纯粹是为了好奇。传教士用阿摩司先知的话作为他的引语,“对于大马士革的三种犯法行为以及四种,我将不会回避由此而来的惩罚的。”他证明有一定数量的罪行上帝会原谅的,但超出了那个数目,任何人都是没有救的。从他给宗教教义的道德例证来看,他给了我们一个关于天平的精彩的描绘,当天平平衡时,稍加一点就可能造成倾斜。“因此”,这个可尊敬的神父说:“如果我们的过失已经达到平衡时,我们多犯一个过失,负荷我们命运的秤杆将转向并固定我们永远的灭亡。又因为我们不知道天平什么时候平衡,如果我们冒着被惩罚的危险而犯错的话,我们就罪有应得”。 展开更多
关键词 居留 劳动者 入教 上帝 罗马 天平 阿摩司 犯法行为 早期生活 传教士
作者 周克明 易庆明 《党政论坛》 北大核心 1995年第1期49-49,共1页
关键词 精神文明建设 思想教育 违法犯罪 违章违纪 经济处罚 村规民约 取代法 包庇罪犯 犯法行为 处罚方式
《中外房地产导报》 1994年第15期52-52,共1页
关键词 法律 犯法行为 福特汽车 包括在内 英格兰 星期日 律师 圣诞节 英国 法庭
作者 晓乙 《中国中小企业》 1997年第1期34-34,共1页
关键词 人民币流通 钞票 守法经营 纸币 小有名气 硬币 犯法行为 电影戏剧 贵重金属 变形金刚
《中学政治教学参考》 1996年第9期48-48,共1页
奇特的学校乞丐学校在美国纽约有一所乞丐学校。学校的创办人兼教员乌默尔根据他多年积累下来当乞丐的经验,杜撰了60多个不同类型的悲惨身世的故事,并根据故事的内容,配以一定的哀求怜悯的动作,教学生如何博取人们的同情以获得他... 奇特的学校乞丐学校在美国纽约有一所乞丐学校。学校的创办人兼教员乌默尔根据他多年积累下来当乞丐的经验,杜撰了60多个不同类型的悲惨身世的故事,并根据故事的内容,配以一定的哀求怜悯的动作,教学生如何博取人们的同情以获得他们的施舍。这个学校要对学员从理论到... 展开更多
关键词 职业学校 赌场 大学毕业生 合法化 山东淄博市 经济衰退 从理论到实践 犯法行为 从业人员 招生广告
作者 刘福义 《农电管理》 1994年第1期40-40,共1页
给你提个醒春节到,放鞭炮;会朋友,要有酒;家人全,吃年饭;一见面,先拜年。朋友,先给您拜个年。忙碌了一年,要轻松一下,孩子们穿上新衣,要压岁钱。这些传统的过年风俗,弥漫东西,飘荡南北。各位好朋友,在给您拜年之余,也给... 给你提个醒春节到,放鞭炮;会朋友,要有酒;家人全,吃年饭;一见面,先拜年。朋友,先给您拜个年。忙碌了一年,要轻松一下,孩子们穿上新衣,要压岁钱。这些传统的过年风俗,弥漫东西,飘荡南北。各位好朋友,在给您拜年之余,也给您提个醒,是真心话。——注意电气安... 展开更多
关键词 电气安全 心脏病 巡线人员 高血压 犯法行为 电力设施 易出事故 使用率 冠心病 身体健康
Hate Crimes Methodological, Theoretical & Empirical Difficulties A Pragmatic & Legal Overview
作者 Gadi Hitman Dror Harel 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2016年第1期1-13,共13页
Hate crimes are a culture phenomenon which is perceived by most as an occurrence that should be uprooted from the society. Yet, to date, we have been unable to do so. Hate crimes are the subject of research and commen... Hate crimes are a culture phenomenon which is perceived by most as an occurrence that should be uprooted from the society. Yet, to date, we have been unable to do so. Hate crimes are the subject of research and comments by experts in various fields. In this regard, most scholars agree that a hate based crime is distinguished from a "regular" criminal offence by the motive--the attack is aimed at a victim who is part of a differentiated minority group. However, when reading the relevant documents in the area, it seems that the differences between the experts start at the most basic point--what constitutes hate crimes? This article analyses the concept of "hate crimes" via an interdisciplinary approach aimed at flashing out the fundamental gaps in the research. We have found that the problems include, inter alia, discrepancies in the definition of hate crimes, methodological difficulties regarding validity and legitimacy (mainly due to the absence of information based on the attacker's point of view) and the lack of agreement on the appropriate legal methods required to deal with the ramifications of hate crimes. While part I of this paper revolves around the theoretical aspects of the questions put forth at the centre of this article, part II looks at the same questions from a legal viewpoint. The correlation between the two chapters shows the impact the methodological difficulties have on enforcement endeavors. This relation is further advanced through the examination of test cases from different countries, among them--lsrael. Finally, the article concludes by suggesting a few thoughts on the way to overcome the theoretical problems and making the enforcement efforts more efficient. 展开更多
关键词 hate crimes methodological problems legal enforcement
Preservation of the Crime Scene
作者 Besim Arifi 《Sociology Study》 2015年第8期628-632,共5页
Crime scene is any given place where it committed a criminal offense, in which the investigation should be done to find the causes and mechanisms of occurrence and on these to be investigated, for tracking and apprehe... Crime scene is any given place where it committed a criminal offense, in which the investigation should be done to find the causes and mechanisms of occurrence and on these to be investigated, for tracking and apprehension of perpetrators. Preservation of the scene is a very important action regarding the investigation and prosecution of the event that has happened, where law enforcement agencies or units that conduct surveillance of the scene make it. To preserve a scene means: to preserve the land in that state who has left the presidency. Preservation of the scene of that condition that has left the perpetrator is of particular importance to the inspection teams for tracks and material evidence found there are untouched and proceeding or their expertise will help prosecute perpetrators respectively capture of that work. Tracks and material evidence found in the scene should be retained together with all the space where the event happened because a possible carelessness during the examination as well as during the process of storage and security will bring us to a situation in which we will have our doubts concerning the tracks and material evidence found in that place. Also, preservation of the crime scene needs to be done because of the all action who have to take the searching unit, they need to be sure and security from everything that comes from outside. 展开更多
关键词 Crime scene PRESERVATION tracks and material evidence
清代前期的货币政策和物价波动 被引量:6
作者 张世福 张莉红 《中国钱币》 北大核心 1995年第3期11-17,81,共8页
关键词 清代前期 货币政策 兑换率 货币制度 铜钱 清朝前期 清政府 犯法行为 李约瑟研究所 复本位制
作者 史占旗 《新闻战线》 CSSCI 北大核心 1994年第5期28-29,共2页
走出法制报道的误区史占旗法制报道向为读者所关注,受众多,社会性强,且具有一定的可读性,因而成为社会新闻的主要热点之一。不过,法制宣传还有较强的政策性和导向性,编辑和记者应认真谨慎、正确把握,决不可马虎从事、随意为之。... 走出法制报道的误区史占旗法制报道向为读者所关注,受众多,社会性强,且具有一定的可读性,因而成为社会新闻的主要热点之一。不过,法制宣传还有较强的政策性和导向性,编辑和记者应认真谨慎、正确把握,决不可马虎从事、随意为之。然而,从一些法制类报纸和法制版面看... 展开更多
关键词 法制报道 法制宣传 案例报道 犯罪行为 误区 自然主义 法制教育 犯罪的动机 青少年读者 犯法行为
作者 荣升 《江西财税与会计》 北大核心 1999年第8期31-31,共1页
关键词 取得许可证 黄金 许可证管理 私有化 英国政府 英国电信公司 利益分配 犯法行为 电信业 投资者的利益
作者 郭刚 《思想工作论坛》 2004年第1期24-25,共2页
1967年5月,清华大学树起第一座毛主席塑像,此后树像风刮遍全国。“文革”初期,曾参加设计此座毛主席塑像的郭德奄讲述了当时的情景: 当时清华造反的学生带头破四旧凶得很,要砸掉有几十年历史的清华二校门。拆的时候,造反派故意把蒋南翔... 1967年5月,清华大学树起第一座毛主席塑像,此后树像风刮遍全国。“文革”初期,曾参加设计此座毛主席塑像的郭德奄讲述了当时的情景: 当时清华造反的学生带头破四旧凶得很,要砸掉有几十年历史的清华二校门。拆的时候,造反派故意把蒋南翔等校领导押到现场。 展开更多
关键词 毛主席塑像 秦始皇陵地宫 儿童犯法行为 混合所有制经济 目标性指标 健康素质
《安徽钱币》 2000年第2期7-10,共4页
关键词 《人民币管理条例》 宣传图解 第五套人民币 100元券 防伪特征 犯法行为 第三套人民币
Imitation and Transgression: Ge Fei's Creative Use of Jorge Luis Borges's Narrative Labyrinth
作者 Qingxin Lin 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2015年第4期649-669,共21页
This paper attempts to trace the influence of Jorge Luis Borges on Ge Fei. It shows that Ge Fei's stories share Borges's narrative form though they do not have the same philosophical premises as Borges's to support... This paper attempts to trace the influence of Jorge Luis Borges on Ge Fei. It shows that Ge Fei's stories share Borges's narrative form though they do not have the same philosophical premises as Borges's to support them. What underlies Borges's narrative complexity is his notion of the inaccessibility of reality or divinity and his understanding of the human intellectual history as epistemological metaphors. While Borges's creation of narrative gap coincides with his intention of demonstrating the impossibility of the pursuit of knowledge and order, Ge Fei borrows this narrative technique from Borges to facilitate the inclusion of multiple motives and subject matters in one single story, which denotes various possible directions in which history, as well as story, may go. Borges prefers the Jungian concept of archetypal human actions and deeds, whereas Ge Fei tends to use the Freudian psychoanalysis to explore the laws governing human behaviors. But there is a perceivable connection between Ge Fei's rejection of linear history and traditional storyline with Borges' explication of epistemological uncertainty, hence the former's tremendous debt to the latter. Both writers have found the conventional narrative mode, which emphasizes the telling of a coherent story having a beginning, a middle, and an end, inadequate to convey their respective ideational intents. 展开更多
关键词 Ge Fei - Jorge Luis Borges . Narrative gap . Narrative labyrinthFreudian psychoanalysis . Jungian archetypes
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