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新疆奇台的理教和理门公所 被引量:2
作者 夏雷鸣 《新疆大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2007年第6期60-66,共7页
1876年(清光绪二年),左宗棠率兵入疆,天津"赶大营"的队伍也随军而至。很多天津杨柳青人落户奇台。奇台为当时经济繁荣的"旱码头",继赶大营之后天津人纷至沓来。天津人将理教带到了奇台,奇台于民国二年建立了理门公... 1876年(清光绪二年),左宗棠率兵入疆,天津"赶大营"的队伍也随军而至。很多天津杨柳青人落户奇台。奇台为当时经济繁荣的"旱码头",继赶大营之后天津人纷至沓来。天津人将理教带到了奇台,奇台于民国二年建立了理门公所和二众公所。理教教义偏重儒家的伦理道德,其修正注重道教的性命双修,尊观世音菩萨为唯一偶像。文章使用了大量田野调查和人物访谈的第一手资料,对奇台理教从渊源、教义、戒律、宗教活动等方面进行了全面地解剖,奇台的理教具有强烈的世俗化特征,也有地域和时代特色。 展开更多
关键词 新疆奇台 理门公所
指纹识别的身份认证在手术室门控管理中的应用 被引量:3
作者 彭英姿 任霞 《护理管理杂志》 2014年第8期603-604,共2页
目的探讨指纹识别技术在手术室门控管理中的应用方法与效果。方法在手术室工作人员通道门口安装指纹门禁系统,需出入手术室的工作人员进行指纹注册,凭指纹识别的身份认证进入手术室。结果减少了手术室的人员流动人次,降低了手术切口感染... 目的探讨指纹识别技术在手术室门控管理中的应用方法与效果。方法在手术室工作人员通道门口安装指纹门禁系统,需出入手术室的工作人员进行指纹注册,凭指纹识别的身份认证进入手术室。结果减少了手术室的人员流动人次,降低了手术切口感染率;节省了人力;保障了手术室安全。结论指纹识别的身份认证在手术室门控管理的应用,是安全、简便、智能化进行手术室门控管理的有效措施。 展开更多
关键词 指纹识别 身份认证 手术室 控管
作者 兰坤泉 杨荣先 《内江师范学院学报》 1991年第2期43-45,共3页
关键词 不动点定 MATCHING 凸子集 非空有限子集 拓扑向量空间 HAUSDORFF 紧凸集 主要定 理门 一灯
作者 陈桂强 冯酉鹏 +1 位作者 郭富东 刘洪瑞 《中国西部科技》 2015年第1期7-8,共2页
本文提出一款新型的能实现n个拥有私有密码的成员中的任意t个成员才能打开的电子密码共享锁,尤其,每个成员都可以随意更改自己的密码、任意t个成员都可以方便增减成员、同时该电子密码锁具备每个成员如果输入密码错误超过三次有自动报... 本文提出一款新型的能实现n个拥有私有密码的成员中的任意t个成员才能打开的电子密码共享锁,尤其,每个成员都可以随意更改自己的密码、任意t个成员都可以方便增减成员、同时该电子密码锁具备每个成员如果输入密码错误超过三次有自动报警等功能。 展开更多
关键词 电子密码 共享锁 (t n)限定 自动报警
基于RFID与IC的手术智能辅助区的建立 被引量:6
作者 卫锦薇 黄健 黄慧勇 《中国数字医学》 2016年第9期58-60,共3页
通过研究和开发基于RFID技术与IC卡相结合的数字化管理的智能手术辅助区管理系统,解决手术室医生身份识别、手术衣管理、更衣、鞋柜管理、门禁管理、考勤管理、就餐管理等,将整个手术室工作流程自动化、智能化。从而进一步完善手术室安... 通过研究和开发基于RFID技术与IC卡相结合的数字化管理的智能手术辅助区管理系统,解决手术室医生身份识别、手术衣管理、更衣、鞋柜管理、门禁管理、考勤管理、就餐管理等,将整个手术室工作流程自动化、智能化。从而进一步完善手术室安全管理,有效控制手术感染,管控医务人员的行为规范,提高手术室工作效率和管理效能,实现从传统的管理模式向现代化科技化的转变,推动手术室工作有序化、规范化。 展开更多
关键词 RFID技术 IC卡 手术智能辅助区 人员管 手术衣管 控管
作者 周国富 《数学教学通讯(教师阅读)》 1989年第5期26-27,共2页
在中学数学中,我们常遇到“已知三数成等差(比)数列,求证与其有关的另三个数成等差(比)数列”的一类题目。做这类题,通常是从定义或等差等比中项的特征出发,往往转弯太多,尤其涉及三角函数时,一些学生常因思路不清而无从下手。是否有一... 在中学数学中,我们常遇到“已知三数成等差(比)数列,求证与其有关的另三个数成等差(比)数列”的一类题目。做这类题,通常是从定义或等差等比中项的特征出发,往往转弯太多,尤其涉及三角函数时,一些学生常因思路不清而无从下手。是否有一个基本统一的且思路自然的方法呢?回答是肯定的!这里行列式充当了关键性的角色。一、已知三数成等差数列,欲证另三数成等差数列 [定理1] 若a、b、c成等差数列,且公差d≠0,则x、y。 展开更多
关键词 中学数学 教成 中项 常因 比数 理门 三略 口刁 可由 己知
作者 熊莉芸 《水利水电科技进展》 CSCD 1989年第4期121-131,共11页
关键词 抽水蓄能电站 弓口 卜夕 口刁 弓月 子壬 兰属 理门 兮甲 吕州
作者 徐毓根 《老区建设》 1993年第5期21-21,共1页
关键词 减轻农民负担 上饶县 农村经济 向事 项国 命龟 理门 卓府 良筹 政经
作者 李再湘 《玉溪师范学院学报》 1992年第2期135-139,共5页
引 言 在代数中,众所周知有如下命题成立:[原命题]:若 ab=1(a≠-1,b≠-1),则: 1/(1+a)+1/(1+b)=1 (1) a/(1+a)+b/(1+b)=1 (2) 文[1]笔者给出原命题的推广结论:[推广Ⅰ]:若multiply from k=1 to n(x<sub>k</sub&... 引 言 在代数中,众所周知有如下命题成立:[原命题]:若 ab=1(a≠-1,b≠-1),则: 1/(1+a)+1/(1+b)=1 (1) a/(1+a)+b/(1+b)=1 (2) 文[1]笔者给出原命题的推广结论:[推广Ⅰ]:若multiply from k=1 to n(x<sub>k</sub>)=1,且f(k)=1+x<sub>k</sub>+x<sub>k</sub>x<sub>k+1</sub>+…x<sub>k</sub>x<sub>k+1</sub>…x<sub>n</sub>x<sub>1</sub>x<sub>2</sub>…x<sub>k-2</sub>,(f(k)≠0),并设f<sub>v</sub>(k)为多项式 f(k)的第i项,则: 展开更多
关键词 原命题 拓广 multiply 不等式问题 条件不等式 当且仅当 士一 理门 已知条件 二土
作者 无缺 《当代体育(扣篮)》 2007年第19期18-19,共2页
德罗巴Didier Drogba效力球双:切尔西德罗巴熬过了登陆英超头两个赛季的适应期,进入了他最为高产的时刻。德罗巴进球的分布平均,方式五花八门,尤其是几个比赛尾声奠定乾坤的进球,为切尔西联赛拿到6分,冠军杯压倒巴萨出线,联赛杯反超捧杯... 德罗巴Didier Drogba效力球双:切尔西德罗巴熬过了登陆英超头两个赛季的适应期,进入了他最为高产的时刻。德罗巴进球的分布平均,方式五花八门,尤其是几个比赛尾声奠定乾坤的进球,为切尔西联赛拿到6分,冠军杯压倒巴萨出线,联赛杯反超捧杯,着实让人见识了他“魔兽”的本色,无数后卫一听要防他便谈虎色变。30个进球,德罗巴毫无疑问是本赛季英超最好的前锋,他已经完全适应英超速度,如果没有他,切尔西恐怕无力追赶复兴的曼联。事实上,他也是仅次于C·罗的最佳球员第二热门人选。 展开更多
关键词 曼联 巴萨 徐益 理门 书楼 戴里 可州 会州 时举 毛田
作者 熊鹏 关响声 《数学教学通讯(教师阅读)》 1989年第4期10-10,共1页
[定理1] 设函数f(x)(x∈R)以w为最小正周期,它的图象有对称轴x=c,则存在实数a、b∈(0,w],a≠b,使得x=a,x=b也是它的图象的对称轴。证:对实数c和正数w,总可以找到一个整数k,使得kw【0≤(k+1)w,令a=-kw+c,则有a∈(0,w]。∵x=c是对称轴,∴... [定理1] 设函数f(x)(x∈R)以w为最小正周期,它的图象有对称轴x=c,则存在实数a、b∈(0,w],a≠b,使得x=a,x=b也是它的图象的对称轴。证:对实数c和正数w,总可以找到一个整数k,使得kw【0≤(k+1)w,令a=-kw+c,则有a∈(0,w]。∵x=c是对称轴,∴对任意x∈R,有f(c+x)≡f(c-x),又w是周期,∴f(kw+x)≡f(x)(k∈Z)。从而对任意x∈R,f(a+x)=f(-kw+c+x)=f(c+x)=f(c-x)=f(kw+a-x)=f(a-x)。 展开更多
关键词 最小正周期 闭区间 理门 传一 二六
作者 巫白慧 《佛教文化》 1990年第2期2-7,共6页
为启迪智慧、净化人心、弘扬佛教文化之精华,中国佛教文化研究所根据赵朴初会长指示精神,于今春发起举办“佛教与精神文明”学术笔谈会,得到佛教界与学术界人士的赞同和支持,不少专家学者、知名人士纷纷赐稿,从不同学科、不同角度发表... 为启迪智慧、净化人心、弘扬佛教文化之精华,中国佛教文化研究所根据赵朴初会长指示精神,于今春发起举办“佛教与精神文明”学术笔谈会,得到佛教界与学术界人士的赞同和支持,不少专家学者、知名人士纷纷赐稿,从不同学科、不同角度发表自己的见解,其中不乏经过深思的真知灼见。本刊选择若干篇先予刊载,研究所将把笔谈会成果选编成专集,广为流通,以引起教内外人士对这一既具学术性又含现实性的重要问题之重视和研究,促使中国佛教在新的历史条件下发扬优良传统,对精神文明建设作出自己的贡献。 展开更多
关键词 佛教哲学 中国佛教文化 印度逻辑 因明学 赵朴初 龙树 陈那 理门 法称 三千大千世界
《农业知识》 2002年第18期17-17,共1页
关键词 农产品交易 水产品市场 果品市场 钟振振 晋化 大左 农业信息中心 理门 寺庄 大林
Roles of Helicobacter pylori BabA in gastroduodenal pathogenesis 被引量:16
作者 Yoshio Yamaoka 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第27期4265-4272,共8页
Interactions between BabA and Lewis b (Leb) related antigens are the best characterized adhesin-receptor interactions in Helicobacter pylori (H pylori). Several mechanisms for the regulation of BabA expression are pre... Interactions between BabA and Lewis b (Leb) related antigens are the best characterized adhesin-receptor interactions in Helicobacter pylori (H pylori). Several mechanisms for the regulation of BabA expression are predicted, including at both transcriptional and translational levels. The formation of chimeric proteins (babA /B or babB /A chimeras) seems to play an especially important role in translational regulation. Chimeric BabB/A protein had the potential to bind Leb; however, protein production was subject to phase variation through slipped strand mispairing. The babA gene was cloned initially from strain CCUG17875, which contains a silent babA1 gene and an expressed babA2 gene. The sequence of these two genes differs only by the presence of a 10 bp deletion in the signal peptide sequence of babA1 that eliminates its translational initiation codon. However, the babA1 type deletion was found only in strain CCUG17875. A few studies evaluated BabA status by immunoblot and confirmed that BabA-positive status in Western strains was closely associated with severe clinical outcomes. BabA-positive status also was associated with the presence of other virulence factors (e.g. cagA-positive status and vacA s1 genotype). A small class of strains produced low levels of the BabA protein and lacked Leb binding activity. These were more likely to be associated with increased mucosal inflammation and severe clinical outcomes than BabA-positive strains that exhibited Leb binding activity. The underlying mechanism is unclear, and further studies will be necessary to investigate how the complex BabA-receptor network is functionally coordinated during the interaction of H pylori with the gastric mucosa. 展开更多
关键词 Helicobacter pylori BabA PATHOGENESIS Lewis antigens
Evaluation and management of patients with refractory ascites 被引量:14
作者 Bahaa Eldeen Senousy Peter V Draganov 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第1期67-80,共14页
Some patients with ascites due to liver cirrhosis become no longer responsive to diuretics. Once other causes of ascites such as portal vein thrombosis, malignancy or infection and non-compliance with medications and ... Some patients with ascites due to liver cirrhosis become no longer responsive to diuretics. Once other causes of ascites such as portal vein thrombosis, malignancy or infection and non-compliance with medications and low sodium diet have been excluded, the diagnosis of refractory ascites can be made based on strict criteria. Patients with refractory ascites have very poor prognosis and therefore referral for consideration for liver transplantation should be initiated. Search for reversible components of the underlying liver pathology should be undertaken and targeted therapy, when available, should be considered. Currently, serial large volume paracentesis (LVP) and transjugular intrahepatic portasystemic stent-shunt (TIPS) are the two mainstay treatment options for refractory ascites. Other treatment options are available but not widely used either because they carry high morlJidity and mortality (most surgical options) rates, or are new interventions that have shown promise but still need further evaluation. In this comprehensive review, we describe the evaluation and management of patients with refractory ascites from the prospective of the practicing physician. 展开更多
关键词 Refractory ascites Aquaretics Albumininfusion Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stentshunt Large volume paracentesis
Emerging role of IL-23/IL-17 axis in H pylori-associated pathology 被引量:20
作者 Roberta Caruso Francesco Pallone Giovanni Monteleone 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第42期5547-5551,共5页
Colonization of stomach by H pylori is followed by a marked infiltration of the mucosa with polymorphonuclear leukocytes, macrophages, and lymphocytes that very often remains asymptomatic, but in some circumstances ca... Colonization of stomach by H pylori is followed by a marked infiltration of the mucosa with polymorphonuclear leukocytes, macrophages, and lymphocytes that very often remains asymptomatic, but in some circumstances can lead to the development of gastroduodenal ulceration, gastric carcinoma, and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma. The molecular mechanisms by which H pylori triggers and maintains the local immune response are complex, but there is evidence that cytokines produced by both immune and non-immune cells contribute to amplify the ongoing inflammation. H pylori infection is associated with a marked mucosal induction of T helper (Th) type 1 and Th17-type cytokines that is governed by specific antigen-presenting cell-derived molecules, such as interleukin (IL)-12 and IL-23. In this paper, we will review the available data on the expression and role of IL-23 and IL-17 in H pylori- related gastritis. 展开更多
关键词 IL-23 IL-17 HPYLORI
Hepatic portal venous gas: Physiopathology, etiology, prognosis and treatment 被引量:32
作者 Bassam Abboud Jad El Hachem +1 位作者 Thierry Yazbeck Corinne Doumit 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第29期3585-3590,共6页
Hepatic portal venous gas (HPVG), an ominous radiologic sign, is associated in some cases with a severe underlying abdominal disease requiring urgent operative intervention. HPVG has been reported with increasing freq... Hepatic portal venous gas (HPVG), an ominous radiologic sign, is associated in some cases with a severe underlying abdominal disease requiring urgent operative intervention. HPVG has been reported with increasing frequency in medical literature and usually accompanies severe or lethal conditions. The diagnosis of HPVG is usually made by plain abdominal radiography, sonography, color Doppler flow imaging or computed tomography (CT) scan. Currently, the increased use of CT scan and ultrasound in the inpatient setting allows early and highly sensitive detection of such severe illnesses and also the recognition of an increasing number of benign and non-life threatening causes of HPVG. HPVG is not by itself a surgical indication and the treatment depends mainly on the underlying disease. The prognosis is related to the pathology itself and is not influenced by the presence of HPVG. Based on a review of the literature, we discuss in this paper the pathophysiology, risk factors, radiographic findings, management, and prognosis of pathologies associated with HPVG. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatic portal venous gas Bowel ischemia/necrosis DIVERTICULITIS Gastric pathologies Ulcerativecolitis Abdominal computed tomography scan Crohn'sdisease Liver transplantation Chemotherapy
Importance of gastrin in the pathogenesis and treatment of gastric tumors 被引量:37
作者 Michael D Burkitt Andrea Varro D Mark Pritchard 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第1期1-16,共16页
In addition to regulating acid secretion, the gastric antral hormone gastrin regulates several important cellular processes in the gastric epithelium including proliferation, apoptosis, migration, invasion, tissue rem... In addition to regulating acid secretion, the gastric antral hormone gastrin regulates several important cellular processes in the gastric epithelium including proliferation, apoptosis, migration, invasion, tissue remodelling and angiogenesis. Elevated serum concentrations of this hormone are caused by many conditions, particularly hypochlorhydria (as a result of autoimmune or Helicobacter pylori (H pylori)-induced chronic atrophic gastritis or acid suppressing drugs) and gastrin producing tumors (gastrinomas). There is now accumulating evidence that altered local and plasma concentrations of gastrin may play a role during the development of various gastric tumors. In the absence of H pylori infection, marked hypergastrinemia frequently results in the development of gastric enterochromaffi n cell-like neuroendocrine tumors and surgery to remove the cause of hypergastrinemia may lead to tumor resolution in this condition. In animal models such as transgenic INS-GAS mice, hypergastrinemia has also been shown to act as a cofactor with Helicobacter infection during gastric adenocarcinoma development. However, it is currently unclear as to what extent gastrin also modulates human gastric adenocarcinoma development. Therapeutic approaches targeting hypergastrinemia,such as immunization with G17DT, have been evaluated for the treatment of gastric adenocarcinoma, with some promising results. Although the mild hypergastrinemia associated with proton pump inhibitor drug use has been shown to cause ECL-cell hyperplasia and to increase H pylori-induced gastric atrophy, there is currently no convincing evidence that this class of agents contributes towards the development of gastric neuroendocrine tumors or gastric adenocarcinomas in human subjects. 展开更多
关键词 Helicobacter py/ori HYPERGASTRINEMIA NEUROENDOCRINE Gastric carcinoma Proton pumpinhibitor
Alteration of sister chromatid exchange frequencies in gastric cancer and chronic atrophic gastritis patients with and without H pylori infection 被引量:1
作者 Ali Karaman Dogan Nasir Binici +2 位作者 Mehmet Esref Kabalar Hakan Dursun Ali Kurt 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第16期2534-2539,共6页
AIM: To determine, by counting sister chromatid exchange (SCE) frequencies, whether genetic impairment and DNA damage have an effect on the pathogenesis of gastric cancer (GC). METHODS: Analysis of SCE is a cytogeneti... AIM: To determine, by counting sister chromatid exchange (SCE) frequencies, whether genetic impairment and DNA damage have an effect on the pathogenesis of gastric cancer (GC). METHODS: Analysis of SCE is a cytogenetic technique used to show DNA damage as a result of an exchange of DNA fragments between sister chromatids. We analyzed SCE frequency in 24 patients with GC, 26 patients with chronic atrophic gastritis (CAG), and 15 normal controls. The presence of H pylori was confirmed by urease test, toluidine-blue stain and hematoxylin-eosin stain. RESULTS: SCE was significantly increased in H pylori- negative GC patients, and in H pylori-negative CAG patients compared with controls (7.41 ± 1.36 and 6.92 ± 1.20, respectively, vs 5.54 ± 0.8, P < 0.001). There was no difference in the SCE frequency between H pylori- negative GC patients and H pylori-negative CAG patients (P > 0.05). On other hand, the SCE frequencies in H pylori-positive GC patients were higher than those in H pylori-positive CAG patients (9.20 ± 0.94 vs 7.93 ± 0.81, P < 0.01). Furthermore, H pylori-positive GC patients had a higher SCE frequency than H pylori- negative GC patients (9.20 ± 0.94 vs 7.41 ± 1.36, P < 0.001). Similarly, a significant difference was detected between H pylori-positive CAG patients and H pylori-negative CAG patients (7.93 ± 0.81 vs 6.92 ± 1.20, P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: We suggest the increased SCE in patients reflects a genomic instability that may be operative in gastric carcinogenesis. 展开更多
关键词 Gastric carcinoma Chronic atrophic gastritis PATHOGENESIS Helicobacter pylori infection Sisterchromatid exchange
Research on psychological factors which influence Doctor-Patient communications among outpatients 被引量:1
作者 ZHAO Lingyan WANG Jun 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2013年第1期20-28,共9页
An Outpatient Department is the first point of contact with the hospital, and good Doctor-Patient communication would improve the service quality of the hospital, so it is important to construct a harmonious Doctor-Pa... An Outpatient Department is the first point of contact with the hospital, and good Doctor-Patient communication would improve the service quality of the hospital, so it is important to construct a harmonious Doctor-Patient relationship. This article, from the perspective of psychology, investigates into the common psychological factors which affect the Doctor-Patient communication, the appearance of the communication problem, and make suggestions on possible solutions accordingly. 展开更多
关键词 OUTPATIENT Doctor-Patient communication Psychological factors
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